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    mornin all hows it going today then?hope we are good.had an early kip last night ..but another daft o clock up ..and its raining its a nice cup of tea to start off the day woth ....anyone else want that or are we on joe?its poets that means...yep its the without furthewr ado ..on with the show..

    Det mate...despite all thats happened you are still drinking?honestly..if we can help then let us,I dont really give a rats what strategy we use,if we can help you you to change your mind honest with yourself ,drop any may take time but you can do it believe in yourself ..face the challenge is the challenge of your life..

    hiya snoopster how re you ...yep it was good...what was interesting was all the previous times we had kids with us...the theme parks were hectic,but this time we didnt seem toi have that mad rush which was kids ...well thats debatable...the whole experience of staying at the animal kingdom lodge is well worth it the environment ,the food the authenticity ..even to the fact that the staff in the hotel are actually from Africa and parts of..

    hiya pauly hows you? I drank so much fizzy pop or soda as you call was starting to hurt I am in still drinks!!hows the temper testing two some at work doing? hopefully they aint on your case...have a good weekend..

    hi ppqp..hows you then ...glad its good news..yep Julies dad was at the docs yesterday..he has been referred to the memory clinic as well as everything actually makes you realise how valuable the national health is here..hope you have a good weekend .

    hiya are you today then? hope you are well...anything on the horizon for you?Im the opposite from you ...I prefer anything to Adams ale...(water) now to me that is a necessity to survive or some other purpose dietary..not a pleasure..if I drink its flavoured water of some description usually bread..I have learned to live without that...nothing better than a crusty loaf with butter..but that creases me so its a no no..hows daughter doing? mine seems to be getting her head together after the split up..

    hiya are you ...?yep guess Ive still got jet are you faring?I hope you are feeling better.

    hiya are you today then?hows the chicks doing?brew time ...tea or coffee? yes I have got to concur..the food over there is all mainly to go or be eaten in a that may be because I was in touristy does seem strange..Americans seem to zoom about all the time,and yet driving is so relaxed over there..its like two separate ends of the spectrum...anyone that has driven over here and over there will def notice the difference ..
    that is an observation please dont think Im generalising (for all americans)

    hi sf ...hows you then?glad some scheduling getting into your routine..I think working from home is ok...providing you can separate the two..

    right peeps ..hope we have a weekend...det get in here ..let us help you sort this out...

    Just my luck!! 😢😢 just to let you all know, I've been admitted to Hospital. I've just gone and poisoned myself. I ate what I thought was an onion but it was a Daffodil Bulb. They said I'll be out sometime in the Spring.

    I said to my wife, "lets go out to eat tonight." She came back with the classic, "I have nothing to wear" reply.
    So I said to her, "just wear what you had on the last time we went out, you looked beautiful."
    So there we were in the local steak house, me in jeans and a T shirt, and her in her wedding dress!

    When one door closes, another one opens.
    These IKEA wardrobes are sh.t!

    My son's class is having a pyjamas day tomorrow.
    Great to see the education system is getting them ready for unemployment!

    After clearing out the loft yesterday I gave an old Casio keyboard to the local youthcenter.
    Does this mean I'm an organ donor now?

    Kids today!
    My lad said earlier, "Can we go to McDonald's?"
    I said, "You can if you can spell it."
    He replied, "Feck it, can we go to KFC instead?"

    Famous last words of a postman: What a lovely dog you have!

    What is pointless?

    To tell a bald guy a hair-raising story.

    What is agony?
    You are a one-armed man hanging off a cliff. Suddenly your butt starts to itch.

    Why I don’t trust joggers? Well, they are usually the ones to find the dead bodies.

    Why won’t Mexicans be sad too long about Trump’s wall? They will get over it.

    My car horn now sounds like gunshots. People move out of the way much faster recently.

    A guy goes to the doctor: “Please help me doc. I have this horrible blinking in my right eye that I just can’t control.”

    Doctor: “Ah come on, it’s not so bad as you think.”

    Guy: “Oh, you think?! Every time I go to the pharmacy to get some painkillers, they give me condoms!”

    Reporter interviews a man: “Sir, you’ve lived next to this highway for 20 years, do you feel that it has somehow influenced you

    The man: “NOOooooo, NOOoooo, NOOooo…”

    A cannibal is invited to a teambuilding week in the mountains.
    The instructions say he can also bring one friend.
    But when he arrives, he brings ten people. The organizer is shocked: “Come on Alan, what the heck, the invitation said you can only bring one person!”
    Yeah, but it also said bring your own food, didn’t it?!”

    At a psychiatric ward: “Doctor, what should we do with the new guy in room 6? He believes he’s a wolf.”
    Doctor: “Whatever you do, don’t let his grandmother visit!”
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: friday

    Good morning,

    Mick, such great jokes, love them. I am going on a trip to California tomorrow, so will probably not be posting, but will be able to read on my phone. Mystery as to why I can't post from my phone, but I can't.

    Det, so sorry you drank, I know how scary it is and how sick you feel. Please get into treatment, you need more then doing it on your own, you have tried for so long to stay AF and need more than MWO. After the last time I drank I was so sick that I decided that if I drank again I had to reach out and get more help, my husband agreed, he was scared for me too. I knew that if I did not stop I would lose everything, my health, my job, my relationships, and think you are in the same place. Reach out and ask for help, please. People on this thread will do what they can to help you, you are a lovely man and deserve the best and to be AF. Let us help.


      Re: friday

      Mae everybody, yeah,why do joggers always find the dead bodies? Mick,I drive like a laid back nerd,I'm never in a rush to get anywhere but yet I still have road rage and yell at the people in front of myself of course,I ain't about to honk,flip anyone off,etc cuz I don't wanna get shot! Was watching this show called "Nightwatch" last night,its about EMT's the police on overnight duty and they responded to a call of this guy profusely throwing up blood...a lot of blood, when they got him into the ambulance he said he had it two months before and it was Varices? From alcohol abuse and he had to get surgery then and probably would again,his tummy was sooo poofy,while the rest of him was very thin,just scary how badly stupid alcohol can effect the poor body I've had blood in my puke before but just little globs,I'm sure those little globs would have gotten worse if I had kept on with the daily drinks,Det,anything at all we can do? I still think a doc visit is in the cards,what about Campral? Have you tried that before? I hear some say it works,some say it don't,hi Snoopstar,have fun and safe travels tomorrow, much love to all and I hope we all have a great AF Friday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: friday

        Well Saturday here already but Mick does such a good job of the thread start up that I will leave it to him! It will take a few days to get your sleep sorted Mick.
        Good to see everyone else.
        Det - I thought you were trying Baclofen? Did you get ant help from the EOMA people in dealing with Bac? It might be worth you going the meds route as well as face to face support. The AA people don't have to know about meds. You just can't do this alone.
        Busy weekend for me as I have some things to finish off. Job front is patience my dear.
        Sorry I haven't responded to you all individually but thought I better show my face.


          Re: friday

          MAE ALL....dang, could have sworn I'd posted this morning but apparently not. Probably because I had to be out early to take the car in. One tire giving me grief!

          Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. Like TT says it'll take a few days to sort out the sleep. Mind you are an early riser normally. I am grateful for our Alberta Health Care. Wouldn't be here if I had to pay out of pocket for everything. Hope they can do something for Julies Dad. Plans for the weekend are to pull the comforter over my head and not surface until Monday. It is FRIGGING cold out there. This week minus double digits, next week plus double digits!

          Snoop...aah the mysteries of the phone. Enjoy California.

 that was you driving in front of me! LOL Just had an incident here where a woman honked her horn at someone stopped in the street. That driver followed her home and broke both her arms. Probably would have shot her if we were allowed to carry guns here. That show on alcohol was an eye opener for me.

          TT...good to see you. Hope your busy weekend is a good one. Keep that patience in your pocket there will be a light at the end of this tunnel.

          Det...please keep in touch with us. We're on your side.

          Think it's a tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich dinner tonight. That's about all the energy I have left. Shout out to everyone else and have a peaceful evening.....:smile:PPQP


            Re: friday

            Greetings Abbers,

            Took my granddaughter back home late this afternoon, we had a fun visit.
            She was fussy as a baby & now is a happy & bubbly 6 year old with a sense of humor too

            Mick, lots o coffee & tea for me today, thanks!
            We had some snow, a fluffy inch or more then the sun came out & melted most of it, figures. Now the temp is below freezing so we will be dealing with ice this weekend. BUT, spring arrives in 10 days, yay! I hope it doesn't forget to show up, ha ha.
            We stopped for Chinese take out on the way home this evening, salty but good!

            SnoopStar wishing you a happy & safe trip to the left coast

            Pauly, I dealt with patients back in the 70's bleeding half to death with esophageal varices - frightening
            I couldn't understand why they let themselves get that way. Now I think I have a better idea, ugh. Keep yourself safe & get a handle on that road rage girl!!!

            TT, I hope you have a good weekend!

            PQ, I would kill for a grilled cheese sandwich, ha ha! I hope you enjoyed yours immensely!!!
            Wishing you some warmer weather very soon.

            Det, I sincerely hope you are OK. Please let us know how you are doing.

            Greetings to everyone else & wishing a peaceful night for all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: friday

              thank you everyone. sorry for delay internet was out. Day 2 1/2 AF and feeling slightly better thank goodness. I'm willing to try anything at this point. more tomorrow when less shaky thank you all again
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Re: friday

                Mick--it seems I am able to separate work/home better than when I worked a corporate job. It's nice because the dog barks when the kids come home and I close up shop for the day. I literally just put everything in a drawer. I needed to get my rhythm down and I have a pattern that works. Corporate job I always had all these reports to fill out once I got home.

                Det--we are all worried about you. But let's face it--there really is only so much we can do. I don't think the AA folks care very much if you take meds or not. At the very least go see a doctor. PPQ--insurance covers your medical expenses if you go to rehab. If people had to pay out of pocket for what those places charge--there would be no rehabs.

                No snow for us---but it's going to be in the 40's which is darn cold after it being 80! Sleep day for me.


                  Re: friday

                  Sun, thank you, I've contacted my doc and also have a line on a small mens group that isn't AA but guided by a professional therapist.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

