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    yo dudes n dudettes how are we all today then?good I hope.....well not doing much today...probably nip down to GCHQ for a bit of White House is that all about??its blowing a real storm here today..just seen 4 deer in the field at the back of us ..thats true..but it leaves it wide open for a joke.....they were raindeer......
    it was my friends mums funeral yesterday,so dont think we are out this weekend...his dad is not in the best of health...

    so its quick brew time....

    Pauly ...saw your posts on another thread ...what made your quit stick?well someone made a comment there ...that firstly you should be proud of...and secondly for me it would seriously be the kick in the ass I would need to motivate me not to drink....

    So . . . that is so much less than what you have done and will continue to do. You are such an inspiration to me! Come back here soon and take on your leadership/mentor role. We need you!

    In fact that whole thread is a inspiration that you should take time you feel like a drink go on there and post post post!!!!it will help you and also anyone else going thru the same...wildflowers has got some sound advice on there....

    hiya det ok buddy?you are doing just fine...have a good weekend with your on your guard is the answer

    hi ppqp...hows the cooking Klass going??ok what did you make? pains yesterday even with decaff....

    hi lav...yup we are on rain heres a brew the noo for I said not doing a to go to Warrington...just been need to get my going out head on ..

    be well folks ...short n sweet ..apologies

    Girl: Ick! Why does this sandwich have bacon on it?

    Friend: You ordered a BLT.

    Girl: Whaaaat? I thought the B stood for bread.

    My three-year-old daughter stuck out her hand and said, “Look at the fly I killed, Mommy.” Since she was eating a juicy pickle at the time, thrust her contaminated hands under the faucet and washed them with antibacterial soap.

    After sitting her down to finish her pickle, I asked, with a touch of awe, “How did you kill that fly all by yourself?”
    Between bites, she said, “I hit it with my pickle.”

    Probably the worst thing you can hear when you’re wearing a bikini is “Good for you!”
    Last edited by Mick; March 18, 2017, 11:11 AM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: sattiday

    morning all
    thanks for the brew Mick, just hope it's not bugged!
    been a hectic kind of week, been playing with some folks I hadn't played with your a couple years, fun to reconnect. Got a 4 hour St Patty's thingey this afternoon. Music brain should be fried by then.

    have a good one all
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Re: sattiday

      MAE ALL...

      Mick..."raindeer" :harhar: Love it. Would you mind keeping the rain for awhile, it's finally starting to dry up around here. As far as dinner last night, the winner was cheesburger/potato casserole, I'll be making that one again.

      Sam..."just hope it's not bugged!" :harhar: Didn't get that till I read it a second time. Enjoy your St Patty's thingey this afternoon.

      I'm copying you today Mick and not doing much. Need a break, wow can appreciate all that you and Julie went through. Might get out the nintendo and play some mindless mario brothers. Haven't done that in years! Shout out to the rest of the gang.....:smile:PPQP


        Re: sattiday

        Hi everyone. I haven't left yet just very busy preparing for my trip. Good to see you Mr Sam.
        Yes PQ you should put your feet up like that lazy bugger Mick. :hug:
        Pauly come back, we miss you, need you and want to support you.
        I think the daughter situation is OK.
        Hi there to everyone else.


          Re: sattiday

          oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!:hugesmile: Im reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly busy..glad alles im ordnung with daughter tt
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: sattiday

            TT...glad to hear things are ok with daughter. It'll make the trip easier to handle.

            Mick...I think you have way too much time on your hands today. LOL


              Re: sattiday

              Good evening Abbers,

              Mick, the rain hasn't gotten here yet but when it does it's going to be mud-city around here, ha ha!
              My little chicks have outgrown their starter contain so we had to go find a large cardboard box for them to live in during their toddler years. The furniture store up in town always has nice sized freebies. I got them set up in their new quarters & they had a ball running around & flapping their little wings

              Hi Sam. So you have Celtic brain this weekend with all the Irish tunes? Have fun!

              PQ, we had a Nintendo back in the 80's, ha ha! I hope you had a fun day catching up with Mario brothers

              TT, glad things are working out for you & your daughter!

              Det, how did your day of shooting go?
              We still have plenty of snow laying around but at least he ice seems to have melted off, yay

              Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a peaceful night!

              Pauly, check in please!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: sattiday

                Pauly hope you are ok. I know what seems like it should be an easy logical decision--well, it just isn't. It's called addiction for a reason.

                TT--safe travels. Hope that it is good trip.

                I'm enjoying "Lie to Me" on Netflix. Reminds me of all the lies I told while drinking and how the hell I got away with them. But I have heard it said more than once that addicts are the absolute best liars in the world. Like the time I emailed my boss in a blackout and said I wouldn't be into work because my mother had a terminal disease. And then when he called me in the morning with genuine concern--and I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about---I still pulled it off. And then continued the lie for months!

                Off on vacation for a couple of weeks to see my family up North. Hubby planned the trip--who the hell plans to go to PA and OH in March! I wanted to go in May, but there is an event that would not be available in May. So off I go to freeze my ass off☃️☃️☃️!


                  Re: sattiday

                  Huppy Satitty ABerooos!

                  Mick, thanks once again for teleporting us to AF land in style.

                  Had a lovely day shooting with a sober buddy today, just awesome. going out again tomorrow with more sober friends. Pass the coffee and load the ammo!

                  Fighting off that sore throat feeling again... desperately trying to NOT get sick but we'll see how goes. Beats a hangover on several fronts.

                  TTops, happy travels to you... when do you blast off?

                  Sun, lying is one of the very worst character traits that drinking offers me and i just hate myself for it. So many reasons to stay on main street.

                  PPQ, I haven't played a video game in ages either. hmmmm.

                  just watched the movie 'Arrival' and it was very good and unusual.

                  Pauly.... come on down

                  off to wind down and putz around a bit

                  be well loves
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

