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    well here we are ...into spring....and so I guess better get my skates on....went to the garden centre yesterday...they are already on with their toms,courgettes ,peppers etc.....sp propagator out of the loft this morning and get things on the move,,,,so how are we all then?good ?Julie is away on a senoir management seminar...was reading some of her notes last night...same crap I was doing 6 years ago ...same words different year.....things like ...: communication,visible management ,objective,value for money,transparent ,collaborative working,strategic,leadership ,corporate,action plan,ownership,taking responsibility and review....
    How to make strategy

    add contents to a large pot and mix words up well

    take 3 pinches of bullsh.t,and slowly add.Immediately stir furiously and bring to the boil so that it is noticeable

    Leave to simmer for 12 months,at quarterly intervals and bilateral meetings,check that all is well note at these times if things do not look too good ...add some more bs,excuses or woffle,

    Return to back of stove..

    As the ready by date approaches,assemble original members for aware copious amounts of bs woffle excuses and just complete detritus may spill over here..also the effects on original members,ie tears ,sulky sick,Im not spartacus and it wasnt me syndrome as well as no one

    Empty contents

    repeat all steps for the next 12 months...

    and that folks is how to make a non accountable government strategic plan......

    yoohoo ...brew time ...peppermint tea pour moi....

    hiya snoopster..hows you then?all good? as darkness lifted ...the two ducks came waddling across to the is pouring with rain...I now knock on the bedroom window and they cometo be fed...Pavlovs despite the rain ..the intrepid me goes out with corn,and various goodies for our feathered friends clad in shorts and t shirt in a blistering 2 degrees!!oh well you meet all kinds in life.....

    hiya ppqp...hows you then?all good Im glad things are getting a bit more the ground is frozen?aha a cunning plan...can you not plant frozen veg?

    hiya pauly ....welcome back ...glad to see for the n det should bounce off each other as support too...but youve got plenny here use it..:thumbsup:

    hi Lav ...tis I Msieur loudmouth....after I said that it was nice snowed...and now its raining!!I certainly got that one wrong!!so whats it for you t peppermint t ..or just coffee?

    hiya Gary garlic ...hows you then?glad the meeting went well for you cards??I recall must try harder...I always thought my teachers had a crush on me..kept getting things like see me later see me after and keeping me behind.....

    right good peeps have a good one

    Seeing a lot of my friends fb accounts have been hacked, if you see anything unusual on my wall like class, good taste and a complete lack of bad language, it isn't fcking me!

    This is Lexi, she’s an 8 week-old German Sheppard puppy, I bought Lexi as a surprise for my wife but it turns out she is allergic to dogs so I am now urgently looking to find her a new home.
    She is 50 years old, a goodand caring woman who drives, is a great cook, good with kids and keeps a clean house....



    Daddy is mowing the lawn when his young so comes running out of the house...

    daddy daddy ,whats sex?he asks

    the dad is dumbstruck,but nevertheless explains the intimate details to his son..
    as he is talking,his son is looking at him kind of oddly
    "why do you want to know?"Dad asks
    "well mummy said to tell you dinner will be ready in 2 secs

    Robin Hood was lying on his death bed, he called all his men together and said I want you to do one last thing for me. He called Will Scarlet bring me my trusty long bow then he called Little John pass me one of my trusty arrows then Robin said wheresoever this arrow lands I want you to bury me, so they buried him on top of the wardrobe.

    Three men are on a boat and they have four cigarettes. However, they have nothing to light them with.
    What do they do?

    They throw one cigarette overboard and the whole boat becomes a cigarette lighter.

    A smart guy approaches a dumb guy and says:
    - We'll ask each other questions and for each question you answer incorrectly you will give me a dollar. For each question I answer incorrectly I will give you 10 dollars because I am smart.
    -uh.. OK...
    -Great. What's the capital of Brazil?
    -uh I don't know, here's a dollar
    -How many colours are in a rainbow?
    -uh I don't know, here's a dollar
    -When was the battle of Waterloo fought?
    -uh I don't know, here's a dollar
    -OK, now it's your turn to ask a question...
    -uh OK...what is green...flies...and is smoking?
    -(thinks foor a bit) I don't know! Here's 10 dollars but tell me the answer.
    -uh I don't know, here's a dollar...


    In the greatest days of the British Empire, a new commanding officer was sent to a jungle outpost to relieve the retiring colonel.

    After welcoming his replacement and showing the courtesies (gin and tonic, cucumber sandwiches) that protocol decrees, the retiring colonel said, "You must meet Captain Smithers, my right-hand man, God, he's really the strength of this office. His talent is simply boundless."

    Smithers was summoned and introduced to the new CO, who was surprised to meet a toothless, hairless, scabbed and pockmarked specimen of humanity, a particularly unattractive man less than three foot tall

    "Smithers, old man, tell your new CO about yourself."

    "Well, sir, I graduated with honours from Sandhurst , joined the regiment and won the Military Cross and Bar after three expeditions behind enemy lines. I've represented Great Britain in equestrian events and won a Silver Medal in the middleweight division of the Olympics. I have researched the history of.."

    Here the colonel interrupted, "Yes, yes, never mind that Smithers, the CO can find all that in your file. Tell him about the day you told the witch doctor to get f.cked."

    A teacher one day asks her elementary class students to write an essay on an animal... The next day the children are back in class and it's Bobbo's turn to read his easy but because it is 10 pages long, the teacher asks him to only read the beginning and the end.
    -"The rider got on the horse."
    -"The rider got off the horse."
    -"Unfortunately we cannot understand much this way", says the teacher, "why don't you read something from the middle?"
    -"Clippity clop,clippity clop,clippity clop,clippity clop,clippity clop,clippity clop,clippity clop,clippity clop,
    clippity clop,clippity clop,clippity clop,clippity clop.."

    There are 2 lunatics and one of them is trying to drive a nail into the wall, but he is holding it the wrong way round...
    After some effort he gives up while saying: "Hmphffffff, this nail is broken, its 'head' is on the wrong end"...
    -"Don't be silly, the nail is fine, it's just that it's made for the wall opposite this one.."

    An artist, a lawyer and a programmer
    An artist, a lawyer and a programmer are discussing adultery.

    The artist says:
    "Can anything match the passion, the excitement, the intoxicating rush caused by the fear of discovery? It is a feeling I would not exchange for anything in this world!"
    The lawyer says:
    "I think it makes life difficult. Most times adultery leads to divorce and burdens the male which can eventually lead to bankruptcy. It can only cause problems."
    Then the programmer:
    "It is the best thing that ever happened to me. My wife thinks I am with my mistress, my mistress thinks that I am with my wife and this way I can spend all night on the computer."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: wenzdi......

    Mick, great jokes today, you have outdone yourself! It's fun to feed wildlife, we used to have a cute squirrel we would feed apple cores who would sit in a tree and stare at us while munching. No outside pets here though, our yard is really small. How fun to be able to have spring already and start planting. It is freezing cold here again today, that's March.

    Det, great to hear that your group is worthwhile, I like the idea of a report card, I wonder what else they will come up with.

    Porquoi, hope your Wednesday is productive and goes by as quickly as you want. I am super busy at work today, but that is good, my day goes by faster. Then half my work week will be over. Yay.

    Hello to Pauly and Lav.

    Have a good AF one.


      Re: wenzdi......

      MAE ALL... the analogy of the senior management seminar, how true that is. What!!! no pic of clad in shorts and t shirt in a blistering 2 degrees!! Interesting concept re planting frozen veggies.

      Snoop...busy day for me as well and hopefully productive.

      Tonight will be fasting in prep for Endoscopy tomorrow. I'm not expecting any problems but am feeling a little anxious. Got a call from the Dr. yesterday with the results of the Thyroid ultrasound. Apparently there's a suspicious nodule so am now awaiting a biopsy appointment. Story of my life....if it's not one thing it's another.

      Will check back with you all later, have a Wonderful AF Wednesday all....:smile:PPQP


        Re: wenzdi......

        good morning
        Agreed Snoopy, great jokes today Mick.

        I've been inundated with the Soil & Water job. I have to take gummit on line courses. They are long and boring and many. Then go Richmond for a 4 day class. Still feeding so haven't gotten that one figured out yet. I was hoping to do this next year so I could leisurely do the on line class thing but I feel like I'm back at school age again, I never did like school. But, get it over with and be done!

        Could be worse, no work, no pay etc.

        see y'all in the funny papers

        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Re: wenzdi......

          Mae everybody, supposed to rain here today after being in the 90's all week,this time of year I never know what to wear,PQ,I hope everything works out OK,everyone sounds good and busy, wishing us all a nice AF Wednesday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: wenzdi......

            Hidy ho ABerooooskies!

            Mick, you totally cracked me up this morn awesome

            Pauly, yep rain a comin' to you. we've been having it since yesterday morn. enjoy!

            Sam, soil and water sounds like mud to me......

            PPQ, they are putting a scope in your endo? hmmm. hope that goes better than it sounds.

            Snoopy, yep group is great and learning more about myself. Great to see folks in various stages of recovery and how they deal with things. I'm certainly not alone. None of us are.

            back to product packaging today. it's not my normal job and it's pretty tedious but we had a guy storm out on Monday out of the blue so I'm just filling in as needed. Good healthy tedious work. ack! my hands are very sore but getting strong for sure.

            stupid car alarm was going off last night which had me a bit riled-up but finally got some sleep.... more brew for me.

            be well loves
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Re: wenzdi......

              Good evening Abbers,

              well we had a sunny day today with seriously chilly wind gusts - yikes!!
              I am looking forward to a nice day Saturday of sun & 70 degrees, woo hoo

              Mick, sounds like your weather changes awfully fast, geez! Behave yourself while Julie is away.
              We are still filling the bird feeder & they empty the thing quickly. No bugs & worms out yet I guess, ha ha!
              Very sorry to hear the news coming out of London this afternoon. The damn terrorists pop up everywhere & anywhere these days no matter how prepared we are.

              Hi there Snoopstar, Pauly & Sam!
              Det, I made a chicken, broccoli, mushroom stir fry today with tons of garlic & ginger that you might like

              PQ, wishing you the best with your endoscopy. Think about us & laugh your way thru :hug:

              I guess tomorrow is going to be a work day for me but I shouldn't complain.
              Have a peaceful night everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: wenzdi......

                Lav, that meal sounds wonderful. Tonight I made burgers with no bun, scalloped taters and a red bell pepper, onion, asparagus, carrot and tons of garlic stir fry.
                Yep, terror can and will pop up anywhere. It's up to we the people to be prepared for the worst... just in case.

                Not many checkins tonight, hope all are good and well.

                Kicked butt at work today and now I'm sore and tired but mentally great.

                I'm sure Mick has 32 things on his handyman list for tomorrow as always

                be well loves
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

