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AF April Angels

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    Re: AF April Angels

    Good evening friends,

    It's almost 10:30 but here I am
    The dogs just left about an hour ago & it's funny but they really didn't want to go, ha ha! My son had a hard time getting them into the truck to go home.
    They were very well behaved & the only problem I encountered was the extreme jealous behavior of my smaller dog - oh well.

    Star, you will settle in soon enough. It is weird to suddenly have your whole day free to do what you want for a change.
    I went to Pinterest & searched freezer meals for new Moms
    Pinterest • The world’s catalog of ideas[]=freezer%20meals%20for%20new%20moms%7Cautocomplete %7Cundefined
    I'm sure you'll find some good ideas there!

    Cyn, sounds like your husband is doing wonderfully, congrats!
    I hope the septic system gets straightened out very soon, that's exhausting. I know for a fact that spring allergies kick my butt & make me feel tired & basically air-headed.
    The leaves are popping out on all the trees around here & that always gets me, every single year. Take good care of yourself & schedule in some rest!

    Pauly, why don't you & your daughter have a talk about getting out of the hair business??
    There is no reason why you two couldn't retrain for something else. Do you have a trade school or community college nearby? You both deserve a better more stable work environment, really. Think about it, please.

    Have a good night everyone, I am ready to end this day!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: AF April Angels


      Wednesday already, husband is off today and grandson and daughter are coming over we are going to the zoo! I love the zoo, it is wonderful to live close to a good one.

      Lav, thanks for the idea that I will get used to having freedom, I have this guilt like I should be doing something more, but right now I am taking this time for myself. Period. I don't miss work or the BS though. Spring weather is lovely, another beautiful day sunny and in the 80s. Love it. Funny that the dogs wanted to stay, but i bet they have lot of room to run around on your property, lots of smells, and as we know dogs love that environment. Thanks for the Pinterest link, will look at it this morning. You're the best.

      Cyn, wonderful what your husband is doing, hope you do get into the city. Fun. I think afternoon naps are in order, they have always helped me. Just 45 minutes or so. Hope you get a chance to get some rest in. It does seem like there is alot of yard work to do, I have a small yard and have all kinds of things on my list. Little by little.

      Pauly, why are some people such backbiting gossips? I hate that stuff. I don't think it is hair stylists, just that particular place. I mean, I have worked at all kinds of places and it depends on the management and what they will allow. I love my hair stylist, and the place I go is caring and supportive, you can tell by the way they help each other and speak to one another. Love that you take care of yourself and Kell too, but it is emotionally exhausting to put up with nastiness. Wishing you a great day.

      Let's all have a great AF Hump Day!


        Re: AF April Angels

        Morning friends, Lav thats adorable that the IT's didn't want to leave they must love grammas house too! Star,its just this particular shop,its always been like this because of the two I mentioned, they think they're queens and the rest of us are minions,I honestly don't care but I don't want them picking on Kell,I'm glad you're enjoying your free time,try and post some pics of the zoo on fb if you get a chance please Cyn,I see there was another event,such a beautiful building where it was at,how exciting to spend time in a cool but crazy city! I think I'm gonna cut my dairy, at first I thought I was OK with it but after a few days my stomach feels inflamed,my energy is down,tons of brain fog,etc it didn't show up on my sensitivity test but I read that 78% of people have a hard time digesting it as it is so meh, I can cut it out and see if that helps,I remember as a teenager lots of milk would make me moodier and heavy feeling so I guess its always been an issue,wishing us all a happy AF Wednesday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: AF April Angels

          Hi all! On the train home again. Kind of a revolving door here, but so worth it!

          Star, how great that you can be with daughter and all today! Enjoy the zoo!

          Pauly, so sorry about your work environment, sheesh. Maybe Lav's right, maybe it's time to get that dream board out and updated. Or maybe you and Kell should open your own place! Re:
          Milk -
          It has never shown up on any test for me, but it is a major inflammatory substance in my body - sounds good to go dairy free for awhile to check it out. Good luck!

          Lav, my guess is that the dogs appreciate you as a calm, centered leader. Dogs crave that, and they don't do well in an unstable environment... glad that they got a vacation! I hope that the trees leading out will not be a bother for you!

          Well, I think I am healing myself pretty well. I
          Am not as knocked out as I was on Sunday. and I found a place to buy good food at Grand Central-- now drinking my alkalizing 'Green earth blend' and ate my Strawberry superfood bowl. All delish!

          Wishing all well for a great Wednesday--


            Re: AF April Angels

            Good evening friends,

            It is hard to believe that Wednesday is over already. Time moves so fast it makes my head spin sometimes, geez!
            Well, I realized around 3 pm that I wasn't feeling so great. I checked my B/P & it was way up there - for absolutely no reason. This is after it being excellent since Saturday. WTH? I took the diuretic at that point & hope it kicks in soon. This is annoying because I feel like I am doing everything 'right'. Hmmm.

            Star, I hope you had fun at the zoo
            I love to go to the one nearby, it's small but still fun & it save that nasty trip to Philadelphia, Lol
            Keep focusing on yourself for a while, you deserve too!

            Pauly, when I chomped on the bit & decided to go dairy free years ago I had no idea that within a matter of days I would feel like a brand new person! It made such a huge difference for me. All you have to do is commit to a few days & see how you feel!
            I hope work is more tolerable for you & Kell this week.

            Cyn, I'm so happy to hear everything went well in NY, awesome!
            I think handling dogs is not all that much different from handling small humans. They all appreciate being fed on time & taken outside regularly, ha ha!
            Glad to hear you are feeling better with some delicious & healthy foods.

            Wishing everyone a peaceful night.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: AF April Angels

              Good morning...

              Well, the zoo was fun but it was HOT! and humid too. I love that zoo and had a nice time. My daughter swelled up, hope she is OK today. Next week she is not allowed to travel as they want her close to the hospital. I am so grateful to be here at this time. When she was pregnant last time we lived 4 hours away, so this is nice.

              Lav, thanks for the links, I sent her one of them, and she liked the recipes. I may go over next week and help her make some meals. That is so confusing about your blood pressure, I am glad you have the diuretic. It doesn't make sense.

              Cyn, great you have been able to heal yourself. It is true for me too that eating lots of fruits and veggies and staying away from processed foods makes a huge difference in how I feel. Good for you.

              Pauly, hope you feel better, and staying away from dairy is something you noticed before too. My son has been going gluten free, and mostly non-dairy and shared that he is feeling less brain fog and moodiness. But it is hard and he has to be focused. I am just trying to eat less and no processed carbs. I have always stayed away from milk, it immediately upsets my stomach.

              We are supposed to get storms this afternoon and then the temp is going to drop about 20 degrees for the near future. Have a great AF Thursday.


                Re: AF April Angels

                Morning friends, Star,glad you had fun at the zoo there's no zoo here anymore and even when there was it was awful,no cool animals just desert-y ones which were being neglected I guess cuz the county ended up shutting them down,the kids do take Lou too the Shark Reef at Mandalay bay though,I've never gone cuz they do stuff too late! Oh to be young again Cyn,how are you feeling today? I hope better Lav,scary about your bp going up after being normal,my coworker was going through hpb and her readings got to be like 210 over something else high in the e.r,I've never heard numbers like that before,luckily they found the right medication for her and now its normal,she also quit smoking which I'm sure helped too,I can feel mine rise after a CIG and fitbit shows it too not much else going on in my world except Louie has shots today,hope he doesn't get sick after,seems like the little ones always get sick after immunization shots, wishing us all a great AF Thursday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: AF April Angels

                  Morning all -

                  Lav! I hope the diuretic helped, what a strange thing that it shot up --- maybe you need a little more rest? Maybe you need YB to have a new project and stay out of your hair for a bit? Lol... whatever it is, I hope you can find some help. It really is no fun when you are already being so careful...

                  Pauly, good luck to you and Louie and the shots! Yes, do try to go off milk, nowadays there are so many great milk substitutes it shouldn't be too bad. Dairy really is so inflammatory - even my HB now will stop doing dairy when he gets stuffed up and a sinus thing coming in - and he sees the good effects of it right away... take care!

                  Star, glad to hear your son is doing better. Have you checked into the whole new theory about 'good fats' being crucial to brain clarity? Avocados, and particularly a part of coconut oil (MCT or something like - by the guy who started bullet-proof coffee) that is supposed to be a dramatic help. Check out Dr Perlmutter's website, he is a neurologist whose father died of Alzheimer's, and the doc is adamant about GF and healthy fats. Also maybe Dr. Amy Meyer's site - I think she talks about this too, right Lav? Also I take support like phosphtydal choline when I am struggling with brain fog - dr. Mark Hyman has a whole regimen of supps -- good luck! So glad you can be there for your daughter!!

                  Well, I am totally behind from being gone so much - trying not to feel totally overwhelmed. One thing at a time. At least I think yesterday we got to the bottom of the septic issue... yay! Wishing all a great AF Thursday --


                    Re: AF April Angels

                    Cyn,sometimes if I have bad brain fog I'll have a little coconut oil in coffee and it clears up
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: AF April Angels

                      Good evening friends,

                      I just had a call from my old friend who moved to Florida in November. We had a lot of catching up to do

                      Star, your weather is moving this way & pushing thunder storms in right now.
                      Glad you had a good zoo trip, fun stuff!
                      Sounds like your new grandbaby should be arriving soon, awesome!

                      Pauly, there is no obvious reason for my B/P to be spiking the way it is, it just is.....
                      I am sure it's due to the decreasing hormone levels & the disturbed sleep directly related to that. This has happened so many times over the years & it's the main reason I stayed on the hormones, ugh. It was better today but not as good as it had been for several days. The hormones also helped with the brain fog, ha ha!!

                      Cyn, nice to hear your septic system is recovering! I think I better call & have ours serviced this summer.
                      I have learned a lot from the TV/Internet docs - information that is current & not the same old stuff I learned in my college nutrition classes (which has now largely been disproved). Knowing full well that I had 4 grandparents with cardiovascular disease, my father & brother with severe peripheral vascular disease (in addition to cardiac problems) I just knew that I needed some current nutritional advice. I was sure that I wasn't going to end up like them, ha ha! I will stay on this for as long as it takes

                      Have a nice night everyone & pray for the people in Paris tonight. Once again terror has reared it's ugly head.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: AF April Angels

                        Good morning...

                        Up early, got to go out last night to a sports game and it was fun. Today, just exercise and figure out something good for dinner.

                        Lav, it has really cooled off here, good, it was so muggy. High today 60 and that is OK with me. It will be in the 70s by next week. How nice you were able to catch up with your friend who moved. I love a good phone call. My daughter is due in less than a month, so she is getting everything ready. Having two is alot different than one. Grateful I will have availability if she needs me.

                        Cyn, I looked up those doctors you mentioned and will forward them to my son. He has always been affected by food, from the time he was a little guy. I am too, and more as I get older. Hope they get your septic system figured out soon. Any plans this weekend?

                        Pauly, coconut oil helps brain fog? Interesting. How much do you put in a cup of coffee? Hope Louie has minimal effects from the shots. He is such a cute little guy.

                        Nothing else going on, just living life. Have a great AF Friday.


                          Re: AF April Angels

                          Morning friends, Star,I did see the pics of the game how fun I just put a tsp of coconut oil in my coffee if I'm foggy,supposed to be a tbsp but a tsp seems to help,how exciting to be getting a new grand baby! Lav,do you still do any of the hormones? I can't believe the human body can't sort more of this stuff out on its own,in a perfect world our bodies would kill cancer on its own,if we overate the body would know and just poop it out,hormones out ta whack it would solve itself but no you guys ever think of that stuff? Maybe I really am just an oddball haha,the kids took Lou and his cousin to a really cool indoor play place last night, it had slides,ball pits,climbing thingies,Kell said it was clear across town though,they looked like they were having a blast though so thats good,Cyn,I've read some about the GF good fats but I tell you,it does get confusing, I'll be eating thinking I'm doing OK then realize that I had bread or noodles not really thinking about it, I get soooooo tired of vegetables though,I love them but I get bored with them if that makes sense,I'm also weird cuz gluten did come up on my test yet here I am still eating it feeling rubbish! Ho him,not giving up on eating good though,it deco takes practice and research but at least its a distraction from al haha,wishing us all a happy AF Friday
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: AF April Angels

                            *spell check strikes again but hopefully you understand haha
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: AF April Angels

                              Evening all -

                              Great to hear how everybody's doing! All sounds good. Loooong day here today. Up at 5:15 AM with a puking dog (she ate grass yesterday at the park), then fed dogs at 6:00 and by 6:30 was in the car to drive to help SD with her move to a new apartment. Got back 8 hours later after rushing around, packing last minute things, making trips back to the apt, etc. I was really sleepy on the drive home - I'm missing my tea/coffee! Anyway, now I can check that obligation off the list...

                              I took a serious nap when i got home, but still feel jet-lagged tonight. Nothing much is going on in this foggy brain! of course, i didn't take my supps today...

                              Lav, I'm still on a low dose of hormones - I just won't put up with the hot flashes and not being able to sleep. But the more I read about how hard it is on the body to convert man-made chemicals into the right stuff for our bodies, I would like to get off of them. I'm thinking of doing progesterone cream again, maybe that would be enough to help. I also know that if I can really heal my gut, that most of the hormones are made there, so I'm hoping for that... plus fermented foods, which really increase the natural ability to make hormones. Who knows! Good luck with the BP stuff, sounds tough. If anyone can figure out a better way, it's you!

                              Pauly - GF is probably a big deal for your body; if you can wean yourself off, try to stick with it. Is there a Trader Joe's by you? I don't have one close, darn. But I did hear that they have ready-made frozen cauliflower 'rice' and some good substitutes like that. I've made cauliflower rice myself, and it's just as comforting as pasta! Good Luck! PS - if our culture promoted food as medicine instead of food as an emotional/physical drug, our bodies would be able to counter disease and tell us to stop eating! it's really hard to make that shift... (Check out those doctors that i sent to Star - they will explain what good fats are.)

                              Star - if your son has always had food issues, he is probably a poor methylator, like me (doesn't detox substances well). And his gut is probably full of inflammation, like mine. Remember that they call the gut the 'second brain' - it's really true - emotions, cognition, all have to do with the gut/brain connection. Who knew!?

                              Alright kids, thats all from me tonight. I'm wishing all a great AF Saturday, take care.


                                Re: AF April Angels

                                Good evening friends,

                                Changing weather here as well Star. Rain one moment then sun then back to rain. My hair looks like hell today, ha ha!
                                I remember being totally shocked when my son was born. I was assuming the workload doubled when your second child was born. I was wrong, it quadrupled for some strange reason. I hope your daughter has better luck, Lol

                                Pauly, I have been using Barilla GF pasta for a long while now (when I want to eat GF). It's good, it's made by an Italian company so they know what they are doing. I tried quite a few other brands that were not so hot.
                                My grandkids love those indoor bounce houses - they can go nuts & have a great time.
                                I am still on the HRT, just a lower dose. This weaning process takes a few years & most people don't have all this sh*t to deal with - I'm just lucky, ha ha! My B/P is in the acceptable range today so I guess I shouldn't complain.

                                Cyn, how are you today? Are you getting this rain too?
                                I hope everything is good at the old homestead

                                Have a nice night everyone.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

