Good evening friends,
It's almost 10:30 but here I am
The dogs just left about an hour ago & it's funny but they really didn't want to go, ha ha! My son had a hard time getting them into the truck to go home.
They were very well behaved & the only problem I encountered was the extreme jealous behavior of my smaller dog - oh well.
Star, you will settle in soon enough. It is weird to suddenly have your whole day free to do what you want for a change.
I went to Pinterest & searched freezer meals for new Moms
Pinterest • The world’s catalog of ideas[]=freezer%20meals%20for%20new%20moms%7Cautocomplete %7Cundefined
I'm sure you'll find some good ideas there!
Cyn, sounds like your husband is doing wonderfully, congrats!
I hope the septic system gets straightened out very soon, that's exhausting. I know for a fact that spring allergies kick my butt & make me feel tired & basically air-headed.
The leaves are popping out on all the trees around here & that always gets me, every single year. Take good care of yourself & schedule in some rest!
Pauly, why don't you & your daughter have a talk about getting out of the hair business??
There is no reason why you two couldn't retrain for something else. Do you have a trade school or community college nearby? You both deserve a better more stable work environment, really. Think about it, please.
Have a good night everyone, I am ready to end this day!