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AF April Angels

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    Re: AF April Angels

    Good morning...

    Cold and gloomy here so far, in the 40s feels like the 30s. Yikes, I may stay in till the afternoon.

    Cyn, hope you get some me time today. Nice of you to help your stepdaughter move, moving is always a big day.

    Lav, get ready for some colder weather, brrrrrr. But it won't last.

    Pauly, nothing planned for the weekend, just being outside tomorrow and cleaning up the yard some more. It is exciting to have another grandbaby, glad I live so close this time. And have time off to help when needed. Very grateful. I am still trying to figure out the food thing too, I do well for a time, then don't. Darn.

    Have a good AF Saturday.


      Re: AF April Angels

      Morning friends,off to work here in a bit..booo! Star,enjoy your laid back day gosh Louie was such a grump about his shots yesterday! Had a slight fever,irritable and wouldn't let me touch his arm OR look at it, at least he's done for awhile, Cyn,Lav enjoy your day too,wishing us all a very happy AF Saturday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: AF April Angels

        Afternoon check in for me!
        It's raining so there's not much I can do outside plus it's chilly again.

        We went out to a local place for a bite to eat last night. Not fast food but nit especially healthy either. We both have salt overload symptoms today & of course my B/P went right up again. I think I am doomed to cooking 7 days per week just to keep things healthy, geez.
        My daughter toom her girl scouts out for an Earth day activity, cleaning up in a local park. The pic of these little girls was so cute.

        Nothing much else happening with me. I hope you all have a decent day Star, Cyn & Pauly

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: AF April Angels

          Good morning...

          Well, I had a stay in kind of day, did only what was necessary, went out once as needed, spent the rest of the day relaxing, reading and watching cheesy Hallmark movies. It felt good. Needed a day to do not a whole lot, and took a day off from exercising too. My muscles are really stretched and sore, but that is all good. Today lots to do, family time again, and going out to eat. It will be fun. Also,the weather is going back into the 60s and sunny, so that will be great!

          Pauly, poor Louie, hope he feels better today. Any special plans today? Hope your Sunday is good.

          Lav, going out to eat is fun, but really, it is hard to get something that is healthy. Lots of times I stick with salad but at home I have control. I served a good dinner last night, roasted veggies and a roast that came out pretty good. It was enough and we were satisfied, not overfull. Today out to a Japanese restaurant for a birthday, I was already thinking of what would be best for me to order. Back to exercising today, one day of sloth was enough. How sweet that your granddaughter is a Daisy girl scout doing projects already! Love it.

          Hello to Cyn, hope things are going well.

          Have a great AF Sunday.


            Re: AF April Angels

            Hi all -

            Sounds life is chugging along for all. I was tired yesterday still from SDs move, but managed to get out into the land to work on invasive s for a couple of hours. I had my phone with me and set the timer so I would not overdo... there 's still so much to do, but you can't do it all in a day, right?

            I also had the phone in case HB was called once again to step in for his job, but not yesterday. That's the last of those possibilities for this year and that's OK - the stress of wondering what is going to happen is finally done, whew. I spent the rest of the day getting the house ready for HB's return. I'm driving down to the city and staying overnight so that we can pack everything up and bring it all back. I tried to put away all the excess I brought home from SD's move - stuff she needed store... I feel like I'm drowning! I really don't want to have to deal with inside stuff when there's so much to do outside!! Oh well, the beat goes on, right?

            Wishing all a great Sunday. After I last posted, I searched 'progesterone cream' and came across a great site - Dr. Lam. Check it out - great science on the how and why of issues with PMS, perimenopause, and menopausal symptoms. I am going to try to go off presecription HRT - so many of the things he describes have to do with overall health, and Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, my particular condition, also BP , Lav. It sounds like too much Estrogen is the culprit for me, and many others. Anyway, check it out.

            Uuugh off to get the house and dog food ready once again for an overnight.

            Wishing all a sweet Sunday, and send me good vibes for my drive!


              Re: AF April Angels

              Morning friends,Lav,what did you eat when you went out? I'm always curious Star,dont feel bad about the Hallmark movies I'm addicted to Lifetime haha,so predictable but fun to watch,have fun at the restaurant, I try and Google the menu ahead of time if I can and decide however sometimes I get there and something else sounds good haha,Cyn,I'm gonna have a look at that site too,in my late 20's I was taking Vitex and wild yam for my wacky hormones, yes they were messed up then too and now my girls have the same issues,LB has PCOS,Kell has all over the place timing,Michelle's is all wacky,ugh,none of us can tolerate birth control pills that the docs give to try and help thats why I try to go natural with anything first then do the meds if natural dont cut it,I tried wild yam again about a year ago though and it just seemed to rev my anxiety, who knows anymore,probably take Louie to the park today,work on my leg tan and feed the ducks wishing us all a happy,healthy AF Sunday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: AF April Angels

                Greetings friends,

                It was decent around here today so I got a bit of work done outside, not too much though. Geez, I guess my age is catching up with me, ha ha!
                A neighbor stopped by to tell us a coyote crossed the road in front of her car yesterday about a mile or less from here. I just hope coyotes don't like chicken

                Star, I hope the birthday celebration was nice. I haven't been to a Japanese restaurant in decades.
                Pace yourself & enjoy your free time!

                Cyn, I hope your trip is decent! You do so much for others, I hope you are appreciated.
                I tried just progesterone 30+ years ago & like Pauly, it made me feel like I was climbing the walls. The doc told me if it did that to just trash it, so I did. I think my family history of arteriosclerosis is the main cause of my unstable B/P. Keeping my weight down, reducing animal fats & salt & exercise are my best bets, I think.

                Pauly, when we ate out the other night there is only a few things I can eat at that place so I had a grilled chicken sandwich. Sounds pretty harmless but it was too salty. Did you know there is almost half a gram of sodium in those large white hamburger style buns? Ugh.
                Your park pics were cute today, Louie looked like he was having fun. Those peacocks make an awful noise, don't they? Ha ha!

                Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: AF April Angels

                  Good morning...

                  Up early for the start of another week off. I am getting used to it and into a routine. Will attend an exercise class, off to the bank, then home to work on paperwork, clean up, and rearranging a few things in the house. Cooking out tonight, and want to take a walk later in the afternoon. I believe it is supposed to be sunny and in the 70s, lovely spring day. We had alot of fun yesterday, lots of family time and the norm now is just to not have booze, period. It works great for all of us. Very grateful being AF.

                  Cyn, so now your HB is home for a while? Does he like yard work too? We have some things to do outside and I need help. Luckily my husband and I love to work outside together. Nice of you to have your SD extra things at your house. Moving is so disruptive for a time. I agree that good overall health contributes to hormones being level, but I wonder if there are just changes our bodies go through as we get older; and good health habits ease the effects. Also, I was thinking about how our bodies become more sensitive to all types of things as we age. Being aware and making changes has helped me, and the discussion and resources on this thread are very helpful. Thanks to all for that.

                  Lav, sounds like your day was peaceful, doing a little at a time is OK too. It was helpful for me to take a day off on Saturday and just chill, I really needed it.

                  Pauly, saw your pics on FB of the park day, looked wonderful. Lucky you. I love the Hallmark movies, they always have good endings and that is what I like! The Lifetime movies are good, but full of suspense. I get drawn into those too. Regarding female problems, I have always had them, my daughter has them, and they need to go away.

                  Let's set our intention for a great AF week. Time to start thinking of May names.


                    Re: AF April Angels

                    Morning friends,Star,I watched a good one on Lifetime yesterday about a lady working with prisoners who they seduce and she helps them escape, it was done really well for a lifetime movie I thought, the park was fun but so windy! We packed a lunch and had all those crazy birds surrounding us haha,the peacocks were all doing that spreading thing which i read is a mating thing but the females were in another Parr of the park just chillin, kind of like real life haha enjoy your day,Michelle called yesterday and they'll be back in 2 weeks,although I'm excited to see her she becomes a problem cuz she has no job,no car and a creepy boyfriend! I'm getting anxious just thinking about it, its really time for her to grow up and take care of herself but I can't write her off and leave her with nothing, ugh,....breathe! Star,what exercise class are you taking today? Cyn,hope you get the hormonal mess straightened out,Lav,when I eat a sandwich any kind of sandwich I always try and tear most of the bread off but dang that is a lot of sodium! Wishing us all a drama free,AF Monday,can't believe its time for May names already!,, Lav where's the M list haha
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: AF April Angels

                      Good evening friends!

                      Pauly - you asked so here it is
                      m adjective list - Bing
                      HA HA!!!!

                      Isn't it funny how peacocks are such beggars??
                      I remember them stealing peanut butter sandwiches & goldfish crackers from us a few years ago

                      Star, it sounds like you have found your comfort zone, good for you!!
                      Rome wasn't built in a day & we need to always remember that. Focus on being our best selves today & don't worry about the rest.

                      Cyn, I hope your day was decent!

                      We have clouds, light rain & wind moving in & it's chilly. Tomorrow is supposed to be a washout out with up to 2 inches of rain. Guess I'll just stay in & find something to do.
                      Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: AF April Angels

                        Morning all!

                        Good to hear about all the happy stuff going on. I hope all of us conquer our health challenges --- it's all easier AF, right!?

                        Yet another long day yesterday, but pretty much OK. It's like 2 more people moved into this house, between SDs excess (quite a bit, actually, ) and all of HB's stuff from living away since last September. I managed to put all the clothes away yesterday, now today is 'blending' the pantry items... we eat very different food! I woke up at 4 AM with the 'worry monster' gnawing at me, uuugh. I did the counted breathing thing and was about to go back to sleep, but then the dogs decided it was time to get up!

                        Star, HB is home until Thursday, then back to NYC for 2 nights. I will join him there on Friday evening and then we fly out of Kennedy at o-dark for a little getaway. We had unused flight tickets for JetBlue so we are using them now. It sounded like such a good idea 6 weeks ago when we planned it, but now I think I might want to stay home instead! The land is just at a tipping point of gaining control over some things - we'll see what I manage to get done in the next few days, amid work catch-up. Lav, I hope the coyotes stay away from the chickens! Pauly, sorry for you anxiety about Michelle, I get it, good luck - sometimes anticipation is worse than reality?... Star, sounds like you are getting into a good groove - keep up with the self-care!

                        I did so well on my drive up until the last minute - HB had suggested I park in a particular parking garage, but I realized that it wasn't going to work , I had too much packing stuff to drop off. So I exited the garage, but on the last turn going to the street I scraped the side of my car on a big metal thingy that was sticking out just at the turn. My poor car! When I pulled up to his apartment building and got out and looked at it, I burst into tears. Oh well, it will be in the shop while we're away, sigh.

                        OK, off to make some stuff happen here! Wishing all a happy, good AF Tuesday.


                          Re: AF April Angels

                          Good morning all...

                          Lav, sorry your weather is cold and rainy, send some of that rain my way. Hot and 70s again today, I bought seeds and plan on planting them, I am hoping no more frost. But, we need rain, it is dry. I think the sun has helped my mood, I was busy all day yesterday, never sat down. Thanks for the reminder to be in the moment and practice patience. Hope you have a good Tuesday.

                          Cyn, know you are busy, those restaurants looked so fun! Take care and fill us in when you can.

                          Pauly, I know what you mean about worry about Michelle, I am concerned for my son, he is just not making enough money or not managing well, and is gloomy, transferring that to his Dad and I who love him and want him happy or at least reasonably content. Geez, it never ends. I get it. Then he told us about some scary date and I was even more concerned, so I get it again. Exercise class is called Body Works Plus Abs and it is hard! But no jumping so I am OK. It is helping with my mood and I am building strength, I can feel it. Really working hard to get rid of office body.

                          Have a great AF Tuesday.


                            Re: AF April Angels

                            Morning friends,Cyn I do not think I'd have the energy for your schedule! Excellent that you have so much mojo,I can barely work my part-time job haha! Where are you two gonna get away too? Star"office body" cracked me up haha! I've lost a few doing myfitnesspal and watching foods but I realize that I need some more strength training, my thighs,butt and stomach are too soft for my liking, the only thing thats decent is my arms and calves,time to start pumping iron Lav,a rainy day sounds nice actually, I love just being a bum on those days, taking a walk in the rain,just so cozy tried magnesium ma late yesterday and I don't think my body liked it! Usually I take mag glycinate but I read about too much glycine so figured I'd switch it up,meh,stomach was a wreck from it! Hope everyone has a great AF Tuesday
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: AF April Angels

                              Good evening friends,

                              Yep, today was a washout just as predicted. I played in the kitchen this afternoon & came up with a pot of vegetable chicken soup & a batch of crusty French bread rolls (not too much salt). Both turned out good, yum.
                              Btw, if anyone is thinking about making that lentil shepherd's pie recipe I posted on FB - it makes enough for a crowd! I cut the recipe in half & I skip the breadcrumbs they use in the bottom of the pan. I used them the first time or two I made the recipe but really didn't like the taste.

                              Cyn, sorry about your car. I have done the same to my car, I know the pain. I think my peripheral vision is not what it used to be or some such thing.
                              I hope you can get away for a little much needed R&R Good luck with the organizing of household stuff, something I don't do very well, Lol

                              Star & Pauly, worrying about adult children is something I try hard not to do but.....
                              I keep telling myself that I did all I could to teach them what they needed to know to survive. They were both provided with tuition free college educations, thanks to the bank of Mom & Dad. At this point I hope & wish & pray a little that they will be fine. I have faith in both of them but the world is not always a kind or fair place. Most of all I try to stay positive & hope the positivity rubs off on them, ha ha!! Keep the faith that your kids will be OK.

                              Wow, tomorrow is Hump day already. I hope it's a bit drier outside. My chickens have their yard looking like a giant mud pit, yuck.
                              Have a nice night everyone!

                              Last edited by Lavande; April 25, 2017, 07:47 PM.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: AF April Angels

                                Good morning...

                                Hump day! I was very busy yesterday, planted and today feel sore. Plus went to a step class, but kept it low key, so not to injure myself. I am really liking the exercise classes, so will try to go every day. Keeping my spirits up. I am still having some anxiety at times about not working, but to my surprise have been super busy.

                                Cyn, I missed your post yesterday, right before I posted. So sorry about your car, I hate when something like that happens. I know what you mean about a trip, they are fun but alot of work, again. Hopefully this will be an opportunity to relax and read, rest and enjoy nice meals. We have no trips on our horizon. Today, yard work is on our agenda and putting together a new patio table. It would be hard to have two different types of foods to prepare. I have been cooking alot to save money and to eat healthy. It is fun to find new recipes. I make lasagna in the skillet, a recipe I found on FB, and changed up noodles with zuchini and it was good. Easy too.

                                Lav, cooler weather and rain are coming our way this evening and into the weekend. That's ok, I need to do indoor work too. I am wanting to get an office in my house, and paint at my son's. So, I have lots to do, as much as I want. That is good, I need to keep busy. Your soup and bread sound wonderful, I want to come over. Regarding adult kids, I try not to get involved, but sometimes have to, my son has problems with organization, mood, and I am grateful he has kept this last job. He likes the people and the work. A blessing.

                                Pauly, a part-time job would be perfect for me too. Exercise really helps keep my mood stable, walking outside is a wonderful way to keep fit. I really let myself go in the last few years, so extra hard work for me now. Having to sit at a computer for eight hours and stay in an office is tough. It messes with your body, and lunches were not encouraged, so really no breaks. Hope you feel better today.

                                Have a great AF Wednesday.

