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AF April Angels

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    Re: AF April Angels

    Morning all -

    Lav, my mental image of your chickens trying to get through the muck is pretty funny! Probably not so funny to watch, however. Your dinner sounded lovely, just right for a rainy spring day.

    Pauly, so sorry you are so sensitive to these supps, that's too bad to have a setback from that. I hope everything settles out.

    Star, no breaks, even for lunch? That's just nuts, no wonder workers there were out of sorts, sheesh. Blood sugar balance is the key to everything! I'm so glad that you are having fun in exercise class - it's good to feel strong, right? And now 'they' are saying that sitting for long periods has just as many health risks as smoking, etc. so I'm glad you are out of there! I hope you get some garden time in.

    I was able to get out in the land for an hour and 'interrupt' the garlic mustard and cut back a bunch of other invasives yesterday. If I can just do a few more hours of that basic work before I leave I won't come home to a disaster. Of course I overbought lettuces and a couple of other things last week, some things will have to go into containers on the screen porch. When will I ever learn? I was going to put kale, chard and peas in the ground in my ignored raised beds, but I'd have to re-do the netting, so I think I'll try to do them in big pots on the deck. If I put bamboo poles in a large round container the peas should be OK, right? Also have 2 heirloom tomatoes to pot, sheesh.

    Well I'm off to see my naturopath for the first time in a year... I feel like I could be doing better health-wise, and am still having trouble maintaining weight. Cortisol/adrenals. I'm taking my yoga mat with me on our little trip... gotta get back to yoga...

    Happy Hump Day all -(here's to you Sooty!).


      Re: AF April Angels

      Morning friends,Cyn,I too forgot to comment on your car yesterday! Sometimes I read then forget what I was gonna comment on, anyways sorry about the scrape too much lettuce pulled,that's too bad cuz lettuce goes bad sooo fast! Can you believe that there's a lettuce shortage here in the stores? Something to do with the weather somewhere throughout the winter,Star,is hubs on board with the healthier meals like zucchini noodles? Sometimes they're not so open to changes in their food,Michelle isn't even here yet and is already asking for money! I spent my whole afternoon yesterday in a cycle of anxiety and sadness,frustration plus I was in an argument with hubs about his job and something he posted on Facebook, grrrrrrr,I can feel my anxiety welling up this morning again, I'm so done with that feeling! I need to calm it down,Lav,thanks for the gluten article, breakfast and lunch are pretty easy,its the darn dinners I need to work on,Bradys not much of a veggie guy unless its a salad drenched in ranch haha,wishing us all a CALM AF Wednesday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: AF April Angels

        Good evening friends,

        Well, the sun finally showed up juts before sunset, ha ha! Beggars can't be choosers, right?
        Got some bad news today that Curves will be closing the end of May, boo hoo! The owner of the franchise is exactly my age & does not want to commit to another 3 year contract. I really can't blame her & apparently no one wants to buy in so......
        I am going to miss the human contact more than anything. I can always use YB's gym equipment that is cluttering up the family room downstairs (he still has never used it). Oh well, I will survive.

        Star, I hope your exercise classes & healthy eating continue to keep you happy & healthy
        I'm glad your son is liking his job, that's a big help. We spend so much of our lives at work, we should feel comfortable there.
        I bought several packages of flower seeds & handed them over to YB today. There's no reason why he can't get plants started for me in the greenhouse & save me some $$ buying plants elsewhere. now, if I could just teach him how to clean up after himself

        Cyn, I think you could gets the peas to climb just about anything - maybe even the deck railings? That would look cool.
        Try not to kill yourself getting things done before you go away. I hope the naturopath visit was helpful.

        Pauly, keep yourself focused on you & on today!!!
        Don't let anxiety creep in & take control of your brain. You are on a solid AF path now & that's where you need to stay. Michelle is just going to have to learn to accept NO for an answer! You're the boss, stick to your guns.
        Sometimes you just have to feed the meat eaters meat to shut them up! I often roast a big chicken or piece of pork or something so YB can add it to my plant based meals. I usually have something cooked like that in the fridge so he can use it when he wants. He is actually getting better about eating less meat, believe it or not! Cook what makes you happy & keeps you feeling good.

        Have a splendid night everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: AF April Angels

          Hey Lav why not invest in Curves? Might be kind of fun
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: AF April Angels

            Good morning all...

            Lav, sorry to hear about Curves, are there any other work out places in your area? The LA Fitness I belong to has resources for people of all ages. I was surprised to see all of us 50 and up people there: pool, classes, machines. Some people come even using walkers, which I think is amazing. The desire to keep fit is for everyone. Also though there are lots of young people too. Just a thought as I am really using the membership now and enjoying all the workouts. Plus, it keeps me from getting isolated as I talk to people sometimes in the process or they talk to me. Hope you find something if that is what you want. Hey, the weather is changing here big time, rain for the next few days and temps plummeting. We need the rain. Hope you get some warmer spring weather.

            Cyn, I have been planting, yesterday was spent outside with my husband, weeding, cutting, raking, planting, mulching, two yards so we were busy, It felt good but my fingers are so sore, it activated the arthritis, so I am taking it easy today. Sounds like you have alot to do too. It is wonderful being outside. I love not feeling rushed anymore. Good for you for getting back into your yoga, I want to go to a class today. I love it. Feeling/being flexible feels so good.

            Pauly, I get it about Michelle, again, my son is having a meeting with us on Sunday to try and help him get financially organized. Sometimes when you get behind, it is really hard to catch up. I dread it and have had some anxiety about the entire situation. I am sick of it too. Does that make sense? Regarding my husband eating zucchini noodles, he does not care, they taste good and are not as filling, which is OK with him. Does he like my eggplant dishes? No. I may make that today as he works till 9 and I am on my own for dinner. I get what Lav means when she says focus on right now, I need to do that too. Right now my son is OK, right now I am fine, right now....... I guess it is helpful and also true, I will work on thinking on that today. Hope you have a good day.

            Let's rock this AF Thursday.


              Re: AF April Angels

              Happy Thursday all -

              Lav, so sorry about Curves! I hope you can find a way to continue to hook up with some of your friends there - I'm sure that they feel bereft as well. Thx for the idea about the peas, I think I'll try that! I've never grown peas before, so no big loss if it doesn't work. I guess I'll just put the chard and kale and lettuces in pots for now also... the neglected raised bed garden is full of weeds again because I forgot to put cardboard down last fall.

              Star, it sounds nice to have worked in your lawn with hubs. I would never let HB go into the land to work with me - a tick bite for him could be super-serious - best to avoid that. And he grew up in an apartment flat in a city, so he doesn't really know what to do! Good luck with your son this weekend, how good of you to educate him. Not too many parents help their kids understand finances. Long before she was a famous Senator, Elizabeth Warren and her daughter co-authored a book on financial health which is fantastic - "All your worth" I highly recommend it, great straight ahead info on how to live within your means.

              Pauly dear, don't let the worry monster get you! I love Lav's suggestion, "No". No means no, and it's all for the best for the kid. If HB had taken a hard line long ago and had educated his daughter about paying her schools loans, we might not have to be paying them off for her now! Stay strong! Sending you lots of strength and lots of deep breaths! (And maybe break out the hypnosis tapes again?)

              Well, I'm going to do what I can today and learn to not worry about the rest. Really, truly. That would be some growth, right?

              Wishing all a good solid AF day ---


                Re: AF April Angels

                Morning friends,aah Star I wish my hubs was working til 9 like yours tonight haha,he's been very slow at work and sometimes beats me home...I dont like it! I hadn't realized how much I depend on that"me" time during those afternoon hours+all he does is mope,sit in his chair,mope some more,yesterday I told him go do something sheesh,besides there's plenty of other jobs he's just being picky about hours,weekends,etc.I haven't heard from Michelle but I'll tell her I can do $50 next week cuz she said she needs food while they're on the road but I'm certainly not sending her $120 this week for who knows what! Cyn,sounds like you have a lot of garden work to do still,I just barely planted seeds in pots and like you need to work on the weed filled bed,the soil here is just so hard and difficult to work with, even though the bed is filled with mostly miracle grow topsoil its hard to dig,Lav,it was interesting in the article yesterday that artificial sweeteners can cause a gluten like reaction and I have found that to be true! Just a sickly feeling thats hard to describe, I do occasionally have a diet coke and I can tell stuff is happening, ugh too tired this morning, wishing us all a happy AF Thursday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: AF April Angels

                  Greetings friends,

                  Finally sitting down at 10 pm, geez.
                  I never seem to have time to get bored, ha ha!!

                  Pauly, the person who is currently operating the Curves franchise is exactly my age. I already have one business to deal with, don't want another. We are turning 64 this year & am thinking about Social Security, not new business opportunities. My brain is tired at this point, no kidding, ha ha!

                  Star, I hear its going up to 87 here on Saturday then temps will be dropping again, crazy. We have been getting little bits done outside here & there.
                  Yep, we decided quite a long time ago that the kids are responsible for their own financial stuff. 'If you can't afford it then you don't buy it' messages were sent out ages ago, ha ha!
                  It's funny though they will still ask for opinions from time to time but won't ask for cash

                  Cyn, rest your brain & don't worry needlessly. I had to learn that trick myself but it is a good way to live. I swear I think some of that tendency is genetic. My grandmother was a chronic worrier & her son (my father) was a chronically miserable person. I don't want to be like either of them. My Mom was always able to keep her cool (unless we really did something to piss her off), Lol. I want to be like my Mom.
                  I hope your veggies survive in your absence but don't worry about them, OK?

                  Pauly, draw the line with your daughter & the boyfriend. Tell them right out that you have no intention of supporting them. They both need to look for jobs when they arrive I assume.
                  Don't let them drain you or I will get pissed off!!!
                  Having YB around here full time since he retired last June has been a challenge but he does spend a good deal of time in his garage & greenhouse. If he was sitting in the house I would be handing him the vacuum or dust cloth!! That's just a friendly hint for you, ha ha!

                  Have a nice night everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: AF April Angels

                    Hi there - goodness, it looks like things have been quiet since Friday. I have to ask admit it's been to crazy to post until now, so I just read the message about the shutdown. I hope none of you were among the harassed!

                    We are on our trip, jus had the first full day today. Travel for me to NYC on Friday, then traveled on Saturday. (If you want to know what Times Square in NYC looks like at 3:38 in the morning, I have a pic...

                    I hope all are well and thriving. I got some things into pots before I left, others I gave to my neighbor to put in her garden. It sounds like there will be lots of rain coming, so they'll do well in her garden.

                    Lots of stories about getting here to our little getaway, very nice apartment, very windy here but that's keeping vicious mosquitos away so that alright with me! Hopefully it will calm down enough for us to snorkel, which is sort of why we came, but there's lots to see anyway.

                    Tired from a lot of walking today
                    So will sign off . See you tomorrow in May! I hope everything is going well for you all ---


                      Re: AF April Angels

                      Good evening everyone!

                      I posted this morning Cyn but it looks like some posts have been lost during the upgrade today.
                      Glad you are enjoying your vacayion & I really hope you can snorkel as planned.

                      Peace to all tonight.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

