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sunday aprilis the twiceeth

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    sunday aprilis the twiceeth

    morn all how are yiz all today then?hope all good ...despite the various things going on in our really is hard to remember at times,especially when things are tough,thru illness ,bereavement finance ,work...but we get one shot at life, in this guise,you will never have another today,so if its crap then think of how to improve it,if its good ,enjoy it.

    sun is shining out there ,the peskies are playing in the greenhouse and Ive got a ginger and lemon brew...

    next holiday booked..29th June for a week...back to Tenerife...we were laffing about birthdays and what we had done

    Julies birthdays

    Egypt...then flew to Cairo



    pattern developing???? anyways on we go..brew time...

    hiya Nora C...firstly thank you for those words,that wasnt long after I had quit....and the jokes have been getting worse ever since!!how are you doing?havent seen you on here for a wee while are things with you and yours?hope today is a good one

    Hiya ...firstly big hugs to you...hope you get better soon...Secondly ..yes you may want to hand your notice in...and if its crap and she sounds like a real good one..Stop think about you want to go in throw your notice in and thats it?it will niggle you plan would be to see her eat a big plate of those words...therefore I would plan to exact my revenge?? in the following..
    1 get her appraisal and comments in writing
    2 she must have a boss somewhere either immediately above or at the top irrespective I would write/contact them giving all the details of what went on ..the fact you have never been pulled for bad performance before etc its affected your health etc really give it the big guns!I would pass it on to anyone in worth a shot you aing going to lose anything
    3 start looking at future plans of employment ..anywhere else you could work ,do you need to work ,do you want to work at what you are doing..

    honestly ...dont just go out on a limb like that ...plan it ...:hug:

    pauly watch some mental alcohol enema on him kinda and he got al poisoning and died! some asshole drinkin booze......:egad: anyways how are you this fine day?hope you are good..what was work like|?all ok or are they still stirring the cauldron... dont know what to do with the food?glad it all went well..just being nosey now..was it varsity comm centre?


    Det...aye ye dinna ken whit ye have done by playin yon ill plisky... yep keep working at it ma loon...!!now how did your weekend go ?hopefully all went well?di you get any more pics...lets see them...

    oh by the way you missed the letter "R" out a couple of times in your speech !! Mick is a gem among gems ..................have a good day mate .

    hiya Lav..I dont believe for one moment you are doing nowt!!!how are you?chicken bites?????whats that all about ? flockin hell!!think Mr Amish man would be gettin an early heres a salving're English grammar is as bad as dets..... in your usual upbeat way! should that not read beatup????have a good one..

    SF..hey great to see you.good for you helping out at the VA hospital..I truly applaud you for that...In the services ,you do things,sometimes see thing ,sometimes things happen ,and they dont necessarily have to be conflict related which leave you wantin sometimes physically sometimes mentally,when you are in its a brotherhood all look after each other,but the day comes and you go...ok at the time you may think yeehah thank fk...but believe me it is one seriously strong bond..even all these years later.
    One thing I did notice, each and every time I have been to Florida,at seaworld, before every single show they actually ask all the vets and serving forces to stand up and then they thank them..I felt very proud at that moment to have served,not because I wanted recognition or any of that bullsh.t but the mere fact that normal people were saying thank you for what I and others had done..(not a lot in my case!)..dont know if that happens a lot over certainly doesnt here...its kind of ..youve done youre bit..ta muchly theres the door see ya..not in every case but a lot..anyway Im wofflin now!!

    right peeps tis time to go ..gotta kleen da peskies out...

    have a good one...

    Cost me a fcking fortune this week, my Facebook went down so I had to phone everyone to see what they were having for tea.

    Q: What did the cross-eyed teacher say?
    A: I can't control my pupils! -

    If you ever fart in public, just yell, "Turbo power!" and walk faster. -

    Interviewer: "What's your greatest weakness?"
    Candidate: "Honesty."
    Interviewer: "I don't think honesty is a weakness."
    Candidate: "I don't give a f*ck what you think."

    How to be Insulting on Public Transportation: Pretend to be foreign when the conductor asks for your fare and try to give him the wrong denomination of money. -

    Fun fact: If you cut off all your body hair and laid it end to end you'd be a fcking weirdo.

    How to be Insulting in the Street: Find a bus stop with a waste bin attached to it. Hide a small bottle of champagne and a leg of chicken in the bottom. Wait for a queue to form at the bus stop, then go and rummage in the gutter, and finally look in the bin. Find the things you've hidden, and devour them in front of the people waiting for the bus. -

    Yo mom is so dumb that she thought Dunkin' Donuts was a basketball team. -

    Q: What is the Mexican version of One Direction?
    A: Juan Direction. -

    So a man dies, goes to Heaven, and sees St. Peter. There are many clocks surrounding him so the man asks, "What are these clocks for?" St. Peter replies, "These are famous people lie clocks, they tick once for every lie you tell. Here we have Mother Teresa's clock. She has never lied so the clock has not moved. Honest Abe has only lied twice in his life, so it has only ticked twice." The man then asks, "So where is Donald Trumps clock?" St. Peter replies, "Oh, that is in Jesus' office, he is using it as a ceiling fan!"

    Yo momma's so fat, the Hogwarts Sorting Hat put her in all 4 houses! -

    Yo momma is so ugly even Hello Kitty said, "Goodbye" to her -

    Q: How do you make a tissue dance?
    A: Put a little boogie in it. -

    Q: Why did the can crusher quit his job?
    A: Because it was soda pressing. -
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: sunday aprilis the twiceeth

    Good morning all...

    Mick, in response, I just don't want to spend all my time fighting at work. Life is too short and I will take a little time off, then begin my next big adventure. It was the shock of being treated like sh** for no reason. I don't do well in abusive relationships. A long time ago my Dad told me, "stay away from abusive angry people," and I have tried to do that as much as possible.

    Sunflower, what a lovely thing to do, volunteer at the VA. I was thinking of your comment about how much time was lost in the drink, recover, drink cycle, what a waste of precious life. I also like your idea to cut back on hours and spend more time with family, it goes by so quickly. I was home alot when my kids were growing up and I do not regret one day of it. Time is one of the most valuable things we have.

    Det so happy to hear you are continuing to move forward, doing the things you love and are good at. Your pic of the bird is amazing, I loved it. Thanks so much for sharing your gift.

    Hope everyone has a great AF Sunday!


      Re: sunday aprilis the twiceeth

      Mae everybody,well Mick I think its safe to assume you love Tenerife I posted on the other thread that Kellie is now working at my shop,forgot to tell you on here so at least I work with someone"normal" haha love the ceiling fan joke! SF,that's awesome to volunteer at the VA hospital, I too have a huge respect for our military and cops too,I could never do their jobs so I have even more respect than usual,Det,is there still snow on the ground up there? PQ,I love all the leftovers I get when the kids are in town for a catering job,the gross stuff I don't like I give to my neighbor and she's always excited, plus she has kids so if I get 47 oranges that'll go bad in my house I know she can use them much love to all and I hope we all have a super AF Sunday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: sunday aprilis the twiceeth

        Det, love your photography. Do you frame any and hang them? Too bad you can't get paid for your talent. You seem to be an acute observer of nature.

        Little better today on day 2 post- op.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Re: sunday aprilis the twiceeth

          MAE ALL...

          Mick...yup, that pic pretty much summons it up. Yes, Varsity Comm Centre.

          Snoop...I agree with Mick, don't let them get away with any sh*t. I also agree with your decision to quit, but raise some sh*t on the way out.

          Pauly...47 oranges. LOL It must be nice having Kell at work with you.

          SK...glad things are a little better for you today.

          Stressing over money but not letting it get to me. Had a call from the Lawyer from Hell's lackie Thursday night. So glad I'd talked to current boss as it didn't put me into a tail spin. Woke up to rain then big fat snowflakes. It was actually pretty and the temps are sitting around zero so actually nice out. Hope everyone has a Super Sunday....:smile:PPQP


            Re: sunday aprilis the twiceeth

            Oy! So grateful that being able to pronounce the thread title is not a prerequisite for posting in it! Severe storm warnings were up for today, but the rough stuff passed us to the north, so we're sitting pretty. Could have used more rain though for the newly planted shrubs and sod in front of my condo. Had an incident where a health provider all of a sudden denied services to Dad, claiming (wrongly) that he is ineligible. Said provider is now reportedly jumping through hoops to comply with the regulatory agency I filed a complaint with. Such an unnecessary upheaval for everyone, but we've moved on. Finally, I listed my first property yesterday. It's priced higher than I think the market will support, but the owner feels differently, so we'll see how it goes.

            Mick, I'm getting a kick out of the travel destinations you've selected, versus Julie's choices. Clearly, you know what you like!

            I'll do some reading back to catch up a bit.


              Re: sunday aprilis the twiceeth

              Hey Pi...sending more rain to you. Had a downpour that changed to snowflakes that cleared up this morning. About 1/2 hour ago the cycle started again. Glad the storms passed you by. Such an unnecessary sh*t glad it's sorted. :yay: Congrats and Good Luck on your 1st listing.


                Re: sunday aprilis the twiceeth

                Good evening Abbers,

                Reporting in after a nice sunny day where you could actually go outside without a jacket
                I found a few more plants popping up through dirt so apparently this delayed spring hasn't ruined everything.

                Mick, my grammar really is not that bad but my dyslexia is, ha ha! I can think one thing but type something else & never see the difference.
                Vacations are not a happening thing with us anymore. That's why I try to get away for a few nights with my girls, go to the beach or something. I will be taking them to the beach the week before Memorial Day. Your vacations are always awesome.

                Hi there SnoopStar & Pauly.
                SF, volunteering at the VA sounds good. Do they require a lot of training beforehand?

                SK, glad to hear you are coming along

                PQ, snow? Again?
                I hope the lawyer thing is not too bad.

                Pie, congrats on the listing, yay! Do you pull a 6% commission in your area like they do here? Good luck!
                Sorry about your Dad's healthcare debacle. Sounds like you handled it just right!

                Det, I have to go back & look at your awesome picture!
                Hope you are having a great day.

                Hello to Sam, if & when you check in.

                Have a peaceful night everyone.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: sunday aprilis the twiceeth

                  Late greetings ABerooonies!

                  oh my, didn't see the time creeping up as I've been so productive this weekend and having a great time
                  I'm pleased to report.

                  Sk, glad yer on the mend. Would like to sell some pics but gotta get organized first.

                  will catch up on the threads tomorrow, sorry to be brief.

                  I took my best pics yet this afternoon of wild mustangs (horses) by the lake. will post one tomorrow and maybe
                  a few more as I can.

                  Looking forward to a loverly AF week for one and all

                  gnight loves
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

