am I first on the job? dunno for sure but figured we needed a time stamp in the space/time continuum just in case.
Let's have a super kickass AF Monday to set the week right.
Sunflower, thanks for the online journal tool. Glad b'day was fun. I get mine in a month... going to be some strange feelings/vibes
and will just roll with the punches as it's also our anni month.
I'm just super grateful Dx and i are getting along and treating each other with love and respect during this very trying time
of separation. I've seen so many close to me go through dreadful knockdown/dragout divorces. yucko.
remember that every decade every cell in our bodies is renewed/regenerated so we are literally brand new. Let's just not copy the old
crappy thoughts and limitations along with.... that's the key me thinks.
be well loves