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    mornin are we today then?hopefully all quite a bit going on here today...who said retirement was just that?In fact as from next week got prettty much a full time job building and digging out..
    brews all round....
    Det if I am totally honest..what can I say? you had a strategy,that you used previously,and it had worked,even during the trouble that you are going through at the moment,cant understand why you didnt use it or the support that you have got,on here in your group etc..all I can say is if you really want to quit.. dont quit quitting...that is Scottish English for you

    few jokes for the table...have a good one peeps.

    What's brown and runs around a field?

    A fence.

    What do we want?

    A cure for Tourettes

    When do we want it?

    Fk off

    I was just looking at my ceiling...

    Not sure if it's the best ceiling in the world, but it's definitely up there.

    How does Moses make his tea?

    Hebrews it.

    I'm serious that Israeli how he does it.

    My wife asked if she could have a little peace and quiet while she cooked dinner...

    So I took the battery out of the smoke detector!

    Midwife for sale.

    Can deliver.

    My wife has said she's leaving me because I've put CCTV all round the house.

    I can see where she's coming from.

    Thank goodness I went to a psychic, she told me someone was going to swindle me out of some money.

    Best 100 quid I've ever spent.

    An ice cream van crashed on my street yesterday the whole area was coned off.

    I’ve started a support group for people who’ve been ripped off by locksmiths.
    If you need me my door is always open.

    I know a man that can chop down trees in his sleep.

    He's a slumberjack.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: monday

    Good Morning Mick--hope you are enjoying your bunnies. I love having our dog after not having one for so long. She has a stubborn streak in her, and I can't even get credit for giving it to her.

    Det...I know how hard it is. Never think that your af time was wasted. If I am correct didn't you have a long span of AF time? Like 3 years? Not sure if I am remembering correctly. One thing that keeps me on the straight and narrow these days is knowing the hangover will suck and it sets off my anxiety like nobody's business. It's not even next day anxiety--it's within hours. Then it will take a few days to get all that cortisol out of my system. I guess it wasn't always like that, there is no way I could have continued for as long as I did. Never quit quitting. And even though it doesn't feel like it, we make a choice to not drink everyday. After awhile it becomes the new normal--with a few hiccups in the road to tempt us. That bastard didn't just fool me once, he fooled me a thousand times.


      Re: monday

      Good morning...

      Hello Mick, good to know you are busy and enjoying your active retirement. Those bunnies are so cute. Know you are enjoying them, pets are the best.

      Det, you are going through a tough time right now, you made a bad decision, now is the time for self-care, compassion, and moving forward. I think sometimes when we are in a tough place we go back to drinking, and then of course regret it because it is not fun any more, just torture. We care about you and are here for you. Let us know how you are doing.

      Sunflower, you are so right, the hangovers and anxiety start soon after having a few drinks, our bodies just reject the alcohol pretty quickly, and the healing time takes longer and longer. Just not worth it.

      Porquoi, I have started to exercise daily and I feel so good physically, really helps with mood too. Definitely recommend it!

      TT, enjoy your trip and take care.

      Hello to all and have a great AF Monday.


        Re: monday

        oh man. so sick from this I missed work. not good. thank you all for the encouragement. Just shaking my head in disbelief here.
        I'm shaky and really want a couple beers but I know where that will end up so I'm just fighting. just fighting.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Re: monday

          Sun, yes I had 2+ years at one point. must get back there
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Re: monday

            Hey Det!

            You can do this! You had 2+ years af - you know what it takes and you know the rewards sobriety gives us.

            I'm hoping to put together a long string of af days. Currently I'm on Day 29 but have had over 200 in the past.

            I quit smoking over 34 years ago, cold turkey. Det, I still consider myself a smoker because I feel if I have a cigarette right now, I'll go and buy a carton. And I don't want to do that. It's that tenaciousness that I hope to bring to my quit with al.

            Don't hesitate to lean on your friends here Det!

            Hope to see you in Newbie's Nest!
            AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
            F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



              Re: monday

              Nora, thanks for the note on Pauly. I'm just now catching up on what I missed being blurry this past weekend. groan.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Re: monday

                QW, thanks much and kudos on day 29 going on a million. we can, should, and will do this.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Re: monday

                  MAE ALL...late check in. Was up early, left early and took myself out for breakfast. LOL

                  Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. How's Panda and Jeeves doing? Don't over due it at your SIL.

                  SF...good to see you. new normal--with a few hiccups in the road to tempt us and that's why you drink water for hiccups.

                  Snoop...there's a smoking cessation program around here called run to quit. I'm not a runner but it looks interesting. Gotta replace that smoking habit with something.

         just keep fighting. Too bad about missing work, didn't realize you were that bad. You just concentrate on looking after yourself for now and getting better. I hope you still go to your group meeting and talk this all out. Didn't someone there recently fall off the wagon? I am eliminating the word "should" from my vocabulary, perhaps you should too?

                  Nice to meet you Quit Wining...34 years! Wow! They say cold turkey is the way to go just haven't got there yet. Congrats on 29 days and hope to see more of you here.

                  Today just flew by, don't know why because I wasn't really that busy. Drama with the soccer program, so glad I wasn't involved. Hope we all have a restful evening....:smile:PPQP


                    Re: monday

                    Good evening Abbers,

                    Chilly here, not hot & nasty like it usually is this time of year so I am not complaining, ha ha!!

                    Mick, pace yourself this week buddy. We are no longer 'spring chickens'
                    I hope your week goes well!

                    Hi there SnoopStar, SF, QW & PQ!

                    Det, I sure hope you have yourself hydrated & have gotten some decent food in you. I am sorry you are still hurting. This is exactly what keeps me from entertaining any thought of drinking ever again. I had absolute killer anxiety & I don't ever want that to come back. Like QW, I quite smoking 8 years ago on the 19th of this month & I know that one smoke will put me right back there. I don't want to deal with either of these addictions again, not even sure if I can. Be kind to yourself first & foremost. Treat your body with kindness, not substances, OK? :hug:

                    Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a peaceful night!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

