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Re: Wed
Good morning...
Mick, hope the dentist visit goes quickly.
Sunflower, your post touched me regarding getting out of a corporate job, satisfaction with less money, more creative people, using your own creativity and it taking some time. Having more time, being there for relationships, a better quality of life. I get it, and realize that is what I want. I recently quit my job, now looking for a new path. It is not easy, lots of insecurity, but I know I do not want to go back to that career path with long hours and lots of stress all the time. Yuck. No way to live long term. Thanks.
Det, hopefully feeling a bit better today, thanks for checking in.
TT, airports are just the worst, sorry for that.
Hello to all on this AF hump day.
Re: Wed
Good Hump day evening Abbers!
Oh no Mick - the dentist again?? Hope it's not too bad
Hi there SnoopStar, I agree with you & SF! I have been out of my chosen field for a while now & can honestly say that I do not miss it one bit. Yep, you get used to living with less $$ but I do like what I am doing now. I can be as busy as I choose to be & at this point that's not a bad thingWe all deserve a less hectic & happier life.
TT, glad to got to California OK. Sorry about the airport hassle, typical. I have never eaten cactus, how is it prepared??
PQ, when do you actually get the community garden planted? It's Mother's day here this Sunday & generally we are safe to plant after that.
Det, hope you had a decent day.
Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a good night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: Wed
heya ABerooos,
Mick, you really love the dentist I'm guessing. Hope there was no pain involved.
TTops, cactus can be very good. How was it prepared?
A better day for sure but still feeling weak and now very tired. Going to sleep as soon as I can.
I certainly concur on the big corporate scene being no fun at all. It appears my section of work may be going
away so I'm finding myself looking for jobs online 'just in case'. Anyway nothing that fretting will help with.
gnight lovesnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Re: Wed used to be the May long weekend (May 24) but the last few years (last year not included) not until the start of June. It makes for a very short growing season. Some of the root vegetables can go in earlier. Most of us start our seeds indoors in April. I'm going to try for cauliflower this year. We eat alot of it and the price has gone through the roof.
Mick...enjoyed the pictures of Panda, she looks like she's been with you for years.
Det...been thinking of you, hope all is well. Pauly...I know you're taking a break but know that you are missed.
The Dr. decided not to do the Thyroid biopsy. The nodule is in a very difficult place, just barely meets the minimum size for concern and doesn't show any abnormalities. She recommended we wait a year and do another ultra sound. Fine by me. LOL
Re: Wed
Snoopy-I usually just write whatever is floating around in my head. You never know who it is going to connect with. It was my own thinking that was pretty illogical, but deep seeded. Kind of like we all have these little sayings that we all nod our heads to---then turn around and do the exact opposite. If I truly believed life was short---would I have slaved away at an invisible corporate ladder? Family First? Right after I have had the blood sucked out of me all day and barely have anything left. Some people thrive in those environments, although they do scare me for the most part. Most of your co-workers are going to throw you under the bus if it saves their ass. That is why I chuckle when people are conned into thinking "we are all like family here"---yep, right up until they are dust in the windI can speak fluent corporate bullshit and write the 'cover my ass" emails in my sleep.
Lav--I can't agree more on the flexibility (FREEDOM) of schedule. I recently read a job post that was bragging that with sick, vacation and personal days---they gave you a whole 19 of them a year! There was a time when that would have impressed me. I forget that you could not even take unpaid time off without someone near death. I'll trade you those 19 paid days---for the freedom to decide what days and shifts I work at the store. If I want to take 3 weeks off--nobody bats an eyelash. I like that I can work more one week and less the next with my photography gig. Some weeks I have more zest and I am more productive than other weeks. I think that is called being human. And my on-line thing is all up to me when I work on it. Although that is the area where I lose time---I get so sucked into the project and what I am learning that before I know it--the clock is near 2am! But the freedom and flexibility are priceless--and certainly not worth trading for 19 paid days of the year.
My writer friend has given me some interesting material to soak up. It has made me think---when is the last time I drew a picture for the hell of it? When was the last time I wrote a story--like the ones I loved to write in my English classes? Just for freaking fun? Like "WOW, people do that shit--for real?" For no reason? Let me wrap my head around that. Creatively I have been a great 'consumer' of books, TV, movies---all that stuff. But, when we were kids we loved to draw pictures and put them on the fridge. Think I'm going to do that tomorrow---and freak my family out
Hope Mick survived the dentist!Last edited by TheSunFlower97; May 11, 2017, 01:12 AM.