ok brew time enuff of me yakking ...dentist toosdi and will I be glad...
hiya sam the man how are you mate long time no see ...how are you ?still doing the toonz?and soil conservation?great to see you again my friend.
hiya Lav...hows you then?hope all is well ..rain stopped enuff to get into the garden?went up to my friends farm yesterday ..they have just got a baby pigmy goat..its about the size of jeeves..was born 3 days ago..we start ..well I start wednesday digging out the stable block..loooking forward to a bit of hard work..
those paint fumes banjoed me ..wow..but the result was worth it ..hows grandsons doing?
hiya det ..how are you doing?ok hopefully ...you out today?
hi ppqp tt sf ,sk Nora c pauly pie and everyone else who frequents these dodgy premises
hiya good morning ppqp,
have you see the great tt,
dont really know what to say,
havent seen sf or sk
Hey Nora C pauly and pie,
no ones here I wonder why,
It will come right Im sure thats true,
have a great day ...all of you
set myself a wee challenge ..to get all those names into a rhyme!!done it
My mate just asked me, "If you were stuck on a desert island, and you could have 3 records, what would they be?"
I said, "The long distance swimming one would be good!"
I saw a neighbour jogging yesterday and thought, "Wow, finally she's decided to do something about her fat arse." Then I realised she was running after the ice-cream van.
137% of people over exaggerate.
Went for a job as a potato packer..
Ended up getting the sack.
Knock knock.
"Who's there?"
"Dejav who?"
Knock knock.
I wanted to be a doctor but I didn't have the patients.
I wanted to work in a bank, but I lost interest.
Got the missus a new bag and a new belt for her birthday.
She'll be made up!
The hoovers as good as new now.