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Friday, June 15th

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    Friday, June 15th

    Hi Abbers!

    Can't believe I'm the first to post!! Today is Day 4 for me. Unbelievable!! I feel pretty much the same as drinking, except more clear of mind. I'm still pretty tired though! I worry that it's not more painful--I feel like I should be suffering a little more. Actually, maybe I will be suffering more, now that it is the weekend...:upset: first big test!

    I do miss it, because my first thought when I'm finished working is having a drink, and then I realize that I can't. I feel bummed out briefly, but then I get on with it. I feel like I need to keep what I am doing a little more front and center than I have been--start doing the CD's again, etc.

    Next week, I am going to a conference with two friends. Fortunately, they have a "take it or leave it" attitude about drinking. I am going to tell them both I am alcohol free, and I'm sure that they will be happy to not drink around me. I'll bring the CD's and if they do want to go off and have a drink, I'll stay in the room and listen to them. Good, thinking out loud here is helping me to lay a game plan. Thanks, everyone!

    Anyway, I'm off to feed the kitties and then get ready for work.

    Have a good day, everyone.


    AF as of August 5th, 2012

    Friday, June 15th

    Morning Kathy --and everyone to come. woohoo on day four. I didn't suffer that much this go around on quitting and kept expecting the worst. Some people experience a grieving process when they first quit (twisted, but natural I think) I'm just starting to relax my vigilance a little. You are so smart to have a plan rather than just going and hoping for the best.
    Well guys and gals I'm at 30 days AF and am grateful to have gotten this far. Another 30 is on the way. -- I'm off to feed the horses, and the cat and the O and the chickens!
    Have a fun day everyone.

    AF 21, March 2010

    "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


      Friday, June 15th

      Padme you are amazing!!! well done with your Af days and go for it with your next goal of 30.

      i,m running behind plodding on with weekdays AF(including Fridays!!)enjoying saying to myself.."i dont drink during the week"

      once this pattern is firmly established maybe i can look at the weekends in more detail!!)managing to plan and moderate so far.

      have a great wekend.



        Friday, June 15th

        Aloooha Friday AB-erooos!
        nice work all 'round, and yes the new plans are always weird feeling and take time to get into, but at least we are working positively.
        early morning... dropping Dx off at airport and getting early start at work.
        Looks like a busy weekend but getting in some relaxation time is important so I'll try not to forget.
        Be well everyone
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Friday, June 15th

          Yaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....Young at Heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Where have you been all my life you gorgeous twenty something?????????????????
          Good Morning darling...I've missed your little fizzog....good news on the 4 days sweetie, and I'm sure you will be a lovely little sober zone at your conference...good that you have some sensible chums with you, every little helps.....take a mental picture of this little gourd with you on your shoulder and enjoy your day.....
          Mornin' Cassy and Padme....well done on the sober weekdays and the 30 days sober respectively...Padme....are you by any chance Dr Dolittle?????????????????
          Mornin Deety boy....not going anywhere today??????????????/ I think recently, every time I've seen a post from you, you've been whizzing off to Vegas or outer Mongolia......I will miss my vicarious vacations today.......

          The melon has been doin' nuffink except for working (I don't seem to do much else really), but as always, I thank Buddah and all his little elves that I like my job so much or I might be REEEEEEEELLYYY depressed. I am actually going to coffee with my chum today, she is about 20 years older than me, and is an absolute fruitcake...I call her my mad aunt, and she is my honorary Kiwi Mummy as I live so far away from my real momma. We will trot around Takapuna, and may take in a charity shop or two before setting the world to rights over a trim late and a date scone .......also have plans to go and see the scrumptious mister depp in Pirates of the Jellybean, but then have had that plan for the last 3 weeks and chores always seem to take over....yukerooooooooo!!!
          Have a great day abbers....It's the melons Saturday so she is skipping a little samba, ripping out a rhumba, and generally view halooing the world.............
          Hark forrraaaaaddddd loons!!!!!
          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


            Friday, June 15th

            Afternoon All-

            Congrats on day 4 Kathy. Onward & upward!

            Wow Pad- 3o days already! Congrats!

            Good job cassy.

            Hi Deter-is the Mrs. going away without you? Boy you two are the travelers.

            Eeeelllo WEEEE! Missed you girl. Glad to see all is well. Enjoy your time with your Kiwi Mum. What a combo-a melon fruitcake.

            Am fixing my old laptop (the one I treasured till the hard drive decided to bite the big one & lost everything :upset: ). I need an extra one up & running since my daughter loves doing Webkinz on-line. Whoever thought of that is raking in that $. Buy a stuffed animal (Hallmark carries them) for $13.50 then you log them in & start a house for them, buy clothes, funrniture, food etc. You play games, do quizes & do a job to get on-line cash to buy things. It is cute & addictive. The animals only have a yr. membership so you'll need to buy more. Now they have playing cards. Lordy those people are rolling in the dough. What a smart idea.

            Have my daughter's softball play-offs tonight~yup~those Scrappers are in 4th place. Then I have concession stand duty tommorrow in the morning at the fields-ugh. Of course I'm dragging hubby with me-this relationship is a partnership . If I have to do it so does he.

            Have a great AF day everyone!
            Attached files [img]/converted_files/267402=1102-attachment.gif[/img]
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Friday, June 15th

              hello everyone - frantic day at work and looking forward to an evening of dvds and nice food and no booze.
              gym tomorrow for a run and some weights and then maybe a bit of roller skating (not done it for years and have got some second hand skates)
              Am really shattered, and yes the thought of a nice chilled glass of white wine has passed my mind, but I just know it won't be worth it and one glass will lead to 6.
              I'm still up and down mood wise, can't remember when that passed last time - anyone?
              But despite that I do feel happier, more active, more motivated and calmer.
              In between feeling really angry and sad!
              anyway good to be here and good weekend everyone x
              one day at a time


                Friday, June 15th

                hey bear....I remember being on such a high when I quit. Then after about a month the blues set in. The honeymoon phase was over. But as soon as the irrability set in {poof} it was gone. Now I'm living my life once again. Everyone is different with different things going on. Give it time is all I can encourage.

                I would love to skate to lose some extra weight but don't trust my feet on wheels!

                I just fixed my "baby". I love this laptop because it's got a huge screen that a blind bat could see. Yeah! My goal for the day is done.
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Friday, June 15th

                  hi everone it is a bit late i know but better late than never well not long in from work it was so quiet and boring it was unbelievable anyway that is another day over and done with just another 13 to go just grit my teeth and bear it anyway know i am busy with work so will try and get on again tomorrow night just to see how everyone is going
                  hope you all do well

                  love maryt


                    Friday, June 15th

                    hey little fruit-headed one!! nice to hear you typing here.

                    Breeze, this time Dx is escaping without me...alas. I am at home alone at which time I would usually end up anxious, depressed and swilling myself into a coma, but this time I have a much more healthy outlook as I sit here sipping an O'douls and munching on some yummy salame I absconded with from little Italin in Boston last year.

                    keep gritting maryt! that's why we have lots of teeth
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Friday, June 15th

                      :H Melon fruitcake!

                      Padme... 30 days! Congratulations! You muct be feeling fabulous... and by 60 days... wow!

                      Kathy, your plan for the next weekend sounds like a really good and solid one. Just stick with it. Any chance ypou could bring your laptop and dial in to MWO - in case they do decide to go off and have a drink? In any case, I'm sure they wouldn't do that to you, but better to plan for all possibilities. Nice job Kath!

                      Det, I'd be excited and happy having some al-free and solo time... sit back - turn on the fotty/baseball (or whatever floats your boat) and enjoy some time out doing whatever you feel like doing. Gee... now I'm wishing Mr Scoobs was going somewhere... or better still, me! :H

                      It's nice to read everyone's positive results.

                      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

