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    morinin all ..howz today for yall?it spent most of yesterday emptying the sky here so never got to sil...going today..yep weekend off,aching a bit ..but in a good way if that makes sense

    so lets crash on nhave a brew...

    hiya ppqp...glad you enjoyed the bbq...just looking at that recipe...I would have half that kit eaten before I even thought about cooking it or chopping it up....

    hiya are you then? the bunny wars are doing ok ..of a fashion ..they play together ,come into the house together,lie to together..but no grooming ..he put his head down for him to groom her,and she blanked him...and vice versa ..which means they haven worked out the boss yet...

    hiya Lav how are you then?need any rain?got some spare lets have a brew any visitors today?

    sshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..pauly ..everyone still illness free ?hope so..

    hiya sam how are you friend ?hope all is well....

    7am start tomorrow... hope everyone has a good day..

    20 seconds left on the microwave!

    Women: Set the table, pour the wine, tweet, check Facebook

    Men: Start a NASA rocket launch countdown

    Last night I bought an alcoholic ginger beer.

    He wasn't happy about it.



    Dogs can't operate MRI machines, but catscan.

    Man to woman: What's the difference between and blow job and a chicken leg?

    Woman: I don't know.

    Man: Do you want to go on a picnic?

    Jokes about sausages are bad...

    but jokes about German sausages are the würst!

    What's got no teeth and smells?

    The gearbox in the wife's car...

    This morning I used Red Bull instead of water to make my coffee.

    After 15 minutes of driving I realised that I'd left my car at home!

    Just seen 2 blind men fighting in the street.

    You should have seen them run when I said my moneys on the one with the knife...

    My mum always used to say "40 is the new 30".

    Lovely woman, banned from driving.

    Koreans have recently brought out their own vegetarian version of an instant noodle snack.

    It's called Not Poodle.

    I went into an electrical shop and I said, 'Can someone sell me a kettle?'

    The bloke said, 'Kenwood?'

    I said, 'Where is he then?'
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: sunday

    So happy that school is out in two days. I can't take much more 9th grade math.

    PPQ-hope the tests come back negative. Hopefully it was all the stress you were going through.

    TT--all you can do it keep moving forward. All you need is one to come through. It is waiting for that one that can be stressful. California I think I'd rather expensive in general. We have so many people moving here from there. They barely survive the whole 7 inches of snow we get

    Not much going on here. It has been interesting hiring some of my work out via online sites. I really didn't know what to expect from people in places like Pakistan and Sir Lanka. The work they produce is fantastic and working with them has been fun.

    I'm headed to bed. My sleep has been off kilter--I really need to get on a schedule and stop taking naps!


      Re: sunday

      Congrats-Lav on 8 years! I am glad to not have that habit right now. It hasn't been that long--but, it certainly would seem silly to start that up again. I know it's not good for anxiety, which seems to be the theme that seals the deal in the end on both addictions.

      Alcohol will drive my anxiety through the roof. Smoking was agitating me more than relaxing me. The only relaxation it gave was to stifle the craving. What a vicious cycle. Smoke one to kill the craving, which causes you to have the craving again!


        Re: sunday

        Mae everybody, SF,totally true statement about the smokes Mick,the bunnies will come around eventually, loved the pic yesterday PQ,I took a screenshot of the recipe,except I'm like Mick and might just eat it and not get around to chopping anything up haha! Glad you had a nice BBQ,finally getting warm enough for my standards here,90+ yay! It may be hot but at least its predictable, much love to all and wishing everyone a great AF Sunday
        Last edited by paulywogg; May 21, 2017, 07:47 AM.
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: sunday

          MAE ALL...

 always thanks for starting us off and yes a good ache makes perfect sense. I think I need more of that and putting in the garden should accomplish that. LOL If you can hold off eating the ingredients it's worth it. Interesting how the bunnies will determine who will be boss, trying to relate that to humans. LOL

          SF...2 days! Isn't that a little early or do they still have to go through exams? Still haven't got my cig quit figured out but now that THE major stress is over will start working on my plan again. I'm a little suspicious of the "possible" diagnosis as I didn't have a fever. Contracted Sickle Cell Anemia with a blood transfusion with my first born and have a feeling it might have flared up with the stress. Thinking positive thoughts and I should know next week.

          Pauly...the measurements are approximate as it's one of the few recipes I just throw together. I know people have added hard boiled eggs and celery but my family doesn't like those. Good luck.

          Det...I think my cooking might be a bit too bland for you. I think you tend towards spicy. It's funny how propane was all the rage when it came out and now most die hard BBQ'ers are going back to charcoal. I can really tell the difference. Besides hamburgers my nephew smoked deer sausage which apparently was very good but I wouldn't know. LOL

          Lav...I'm sure you can convert the recipe to your standards. LOL

          Today will see me preparing the garden bed for planting. Remove any weeds, turn over the soil, add some compost from our bins. I'm actually going to string out lines to identify what's in that row. Cauliflower is going into a small "rabbit safe" 2X4 plot covered by wire mesh (sorry P&J) and will see how it goes.

          Have a Super Sober Sunday all....:smile:PPQP
          Last edited by porqoui; May 21, 2017, 09:00 AM.


            Re: sunday

            PQ,I'm sure the recipe will be great the way it is,I'm off to the store so I can get the potatoes baked before it gets too hot for the oven..charcoal girl all the way here BTW
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: sunday

              Baked potato salad turned out fab defo feel guilty with each bite though haha
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: sunday

                Greetings Abbers,

                Still nice & cool here
                Tomorrow the rain returns (probably came from Mick's), ha ha!

                Mick, the chickens have to hold an election every now & then to determine who gets the best spot on the roost. They physically fight it out too & create all kinds of noise. I'm sure your bunnies will come to a decision soon
                I had the company of my two grandsons for half the day, first time in a while. Busy but fun!

                SF, I honestly couldn't figure out my grandson's second grade math homework - I kid you not. I can't imagine how bad the 9th grade math is, ha ha!
                I totally agree about the anxiety related to smoking & AL. Now I wonder what the hell took me so long to quit for good. As it turned out I was afraid of absolutely nothing.

                PQ, thanks for the recipe & I definitely will give it a dairy free spin so I can eat & enjoy.
                Glad your garden is about to begin - winter is over!!!! I hope you are feeling much better.

                Pauly, glad you are basking in your hot weather again

                Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a peaceful night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

