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    mornin all..well as you can imagine,its pretty chaotic over here around the whole of this area ,with the main arteries int manchesta closed off...the terrorist level has been upgraded ,with the ability to put armed troops on the streets.they arrested someone in connection with the bombing ..obviously not the bomber himself...this is the profile of the scum who carried out the attack
    The attacker had an identity document on him, sources said. The man named by police – Salman Abedi – was born to parents from Libya who came to Britain to flee the regime of Muammar Gaddafi.
    this country gave him refuge and he does this??
    Julie had to go to a meeting yesterday work...on the way a friend of ours,got a text message to say her best friends daughter had been killed in the bombing,so she is very distraught..

    I cant think of too much to say at the mo,this is not a political platform,life goes on ,its kind of hard to look out of the window at the view,see all of nature around me ,and think that less than 7 miles away ,such carnage was sad...

    both rabbits in the same hutch all yesterday,until 1 am this morning when they had a bit of a spat so I had to separate them..and this morning they are both out happy as Larry...

    big shout to everyone...apologies for the crap post.

    My Mum always used to say to me, "Always go for ugly women, that way you know they'll always be faithful." Clearly she's never fcking watched the Jeremy Kyle show.

    Studies have shown that people who are not afraid of the dark are statistically more likely to fall down the stairs.

    I hate breakups.

    Especially when they try to let you down gently

    "Its not you, its me"
    "I just need some space"
    "We can still be cousins"

    I just broke up with a psychic medium, I think she’s seeing other people.

    What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?

    Aye matey.

    Just managed to burn 1500 calories in 30 minutes!

    The pizza's ruined though.

    My mother used to beat me as a child with a camera.

    I keep having flashbacks.

    That strange moment when you walk through a big spider web and instantly turn into a karate master.

    My friend can only sleep on stacks of old magazines.

    He's got back issues.

    I was going to go to a fancy dress party as Harry Potters godfather.

    But my wife said "You can't be Sirius"

    The human body can survive three weeks without food, three days without water but only three hours without WiFi.

    I don't like how funerals are usually between 9-11am.

    I'm not really a mourning person.

    My nephew fell asleep at a house party

    I thought it was funny to shave his eyebrows off

    But my sister went mad when she looked in his pram

    I tell people my kid manages funds for a multibillion dollar corporation... it sounds a lot better than saying he's a cashier at McDonalds.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: wenzdi

    Good morning Mick and all...

    Mick, so horrible as the news on the bombing continues and the casualties mount. So sorry. I know that in my area they are stepping up security for a big event this weekend, this has ruined feelings of safety all over the world. I wish it would stop. Your bunnies relationship is moving along, they sound so cute.

    Porquoi, I gardened for hours yesterday, it is going to rain the next few days so feeling good about that. I love spring and planting. Hope you get a chance to plant later in the week.

    Det, sounds like the group is a positive experience for you, glad to hear it.

    TT, sorry you have not found your next job, it hurts to be turned down. I am so demoralized from my last experience I don't even want to apply at this point. I look at jobs and don't want them. Very confusing time. I have been thinking about who I am without my job. What I like to do, other interests, focusing on health and nutrition. Doing what I can to keep my mood up. Thinking of you.

    Let's get through this hump day AF.


      Re: wenzdi

      Mae everybody, just a hello from me,wishing us all a great AF Wednesday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: wenzdi

        MAE ALL...

        Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. Think it will be awhile before things get back to normal over your way. So sad. Too bad with the early wake up call from P&J but kids will be kids. Are they still trying to figure out who's boss? planting today as the rains move in. I'll be going to the garden meeting in a downpour tonight!

        Pauly...hello to you too and I hope you have a good day.

        Shout out to everyone else. Have a Wonderful Wednesday all.....:smile:PPQP


          Re: wenzdi

          Hello everyone. Our hearts are with the people of Manchester. It must be very tense there as well as profoundly sad.
          Turned out the sighted cat was not our cat. This was after we trapped the cat and brought it home. - wrong one. Of course we let it go back in it's neighbourhood.
          So today I will put out posters etc. Daughter is very sad as it was her cat really. She also has a lot on at university with assignments and is under pressure. Plus me off to the doctors today for more tests. I am trying to keep things light but it's hard. I am focusing now on her welfare as she is the future and I will support her.
          Those poor parents in Manchester and everywhere that loose their kids.
          Sorry I am not a bundle of joy but I really appreciate you guys.


            Re: wenzdi

            TT :hug:

            It snowed today. :sad:


              Re: wenzdi

              Heya ABerooos,

              Mick, there are things I could say about the terror attack but as you said this isn't a political place so just keep yer witts abooot u and
              perhaps that's the best we can do. Nobody is isolated from such potential evil.

              TTops, what a caper with your cat. That could be part of a comedy story what with rescuing the wrong cat and all.... hope things calm down.
              Any good news on the health front?

              A very physically tiring day at work since I was appropriated to drill and set concrete anchors at the new facility. My hands/wrists are so sore now and I'm going
              to ask to do something...anything else tomorrow. But hey, if that's the extent of my complaints then life is A OK.

              Mick, how about getting out and detecting again for fun? may be a good time for it. Just a thought.

              me birfdy today so I just decided to come home and have a nice quiet meal and chill out with some sci fi.

              be well loves
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Re: wenzdi

                :balloons::balloons:....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DET....:balloons::balloons:

