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Joyous June

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    Re: Joyous June

    Morning friends, just back from dropping LB off,jeez never again at that hour! Couldn't sleep cuz I was paranoid about it, almost blew past the airport luckily she said I think you can turn here,sheesh we would have ended up on the strip if she hadn't said something! Then that airport is a bowl of spagetti as it us,just too mucho,Star,I hear you,thats the only real reason I keep my crap job,I work morning and Sat,I know if I went somewhere else I'd hafta clock in and work evening, all weekend, ugh,that's cool you're working so hard on your health Lav,defo an Uber next time,hell I'd have paid $100 for a cab haha,Cyn,hope you can check in today,wishing us all a happy AF Tuesday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Joyous June

      X-post Cyn,I talk to Winslow too haha
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: Joyous June

        Good evening friends,

        I guess no one would be surprised to hear that not only do I talk to my dogs all day I also talk to lots of chickens, ha ha!!
        I'm sure I am losing my professional communication skills but what can you do??? I try to take a minute to chat to everyone I see during the course of the day. This morning it was the lady behind the counter where I had my car inspected. After that it was the kid at the market where I stopped for a few things. The days I don't leave the house & even see another human can be a bit rough. YB is not much on conversation, never really was.

        Star, I'm glad you are seeing the light today.
        I stopped for a minute this afternoon to clear my mind & thank the universe for all the good things & thought about you. Years ago I actually had to teach myself that 'moods' were not fatal, just something that comes & goes. Doing something positive for ourselves always helps

        Cyn, sounds like your peas are fine if they are blooming, nice!
        My strawberries are in a raised bed & they seem to enjoy whatever kind of compost you can get. You know what we use around here, right? Ha ha.
        I covered the bed with a thick layer of straw last winter, most of the plants survived but I did have to replace a few. The strawberries are done & now we are enjoying blueberries, yum.
        Your vacation sounds nice, I hope everything goes well. My daughter & her crew are leaving for Vermont in a few days, I am jealous.

        Pauly, good to hear you survived the airport run & be sure to call Uber next time, geez!
        I heard about the extreme heat out your way & even some flights were being canceled in Phoenix today due to the heat, ugh!
        I loved Winslow's pic with his horsey

        Well, have a peaceful night everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Joyous June

          Good morning...

          Cyn, I like some alone time but not too much. Great ideas for volunteer work, thanks for mentioning them. I will have to look into it. How great to have a vacation to look forward too. I hear ME is beautiful. Taking the dogs? That will be fun for them.

          Lav, thanks for sending me support, and you are right, moods do pass. I am in the hallway right now. You know, one door closed, another has not yet opened. Reading a book about it and it is giving me perspective. Today my daughter is bringing the boys over to swim, (just the older one) and to hang out. Very nice and I am grateful. It has heated up here again, rainy too, off and on. Next week is supposed to be in the 70s.

          Pauly, so sweet of you to take her to the airport. More time to spend with her. I agree that your work hours are great, and hard to find. Anyway, I am focusing on being where I am at. I am making new recipes daily and that takes time. One recipe was gross and I won't make it again, but the brushetta was great! Take care in that heat.

          Have a great AF Hump Day.


            Re: Joyous June

            Morning all -
            Lav, I love that you talk to your chickens! My friends that raise them have 'the girls' all named, and it's pretty funny - one was Tina, after Tina Turner since the chicken had 'great 'legs'! Yep, without my animals I would be pretty lonesome alone. However, HB is quite the talker, so occasionally I have to leave the house when I am home, just to find some quiet!

            Star, good for you for your resilience, that's what it's all about. Glad you are finding recipes - I have to admit, I've found about 4 that work for me, and I'm just recycling them... someday I'll get more adventuresome.

            Pauly, you were very brave to do the airport drive - I know that feeling of not sleeping the night before, and airports are so scary! Stars in your crown for being there for your kid, but yeah - next time Uber...

            Off to get a ton done - hopefully more later, since I finally found my AWOL iPad, and can write more easily --

            Cheers for a great day today ----


              Re: Joyous June

              Morning friends, Star,you enjoy those boys today wish it would rain here I love rainy summer days,hit 117 yesterday not sure about today but I know they say it'll be close to that,Cyn,I'm jealous of your getaway! I can't take Winslow anywhere, he hates being in the car,always has,luckily his groomer only lives a few blocks from here cuz thats the only car travel he'll do,Lav,nothing wrong with talking to chickens haha,probably too many years of dealing with people so the chickens are a nice break wishing us all a nice AF Wednesday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Joyous June

                Greetings friends,

                Ha ha, it's true that a big part of the reason we moved here is because we were both SO tired of dealing with people all day long, every day, good or bad. After a full career of that you just wear out. I am actually a social person though, I like to talk to people once in a while
                For now the chickens & the dogs & even the cat will have to do. Tomorrow I am watching my grandsons for a few hours so that will be a lot of talking I'm sure. I am also keeping them overnight Saturday while their mother is out of town & their dad is working.

                Star, keep trying recipes & you will find plenty that you like. I have NPR on my Facebook feed & they posted a video today about the impact of farming practices & meat consumption on carbon emissions. It was interesting & made me glad to be consuming much less meat - better for the environment & our health. Enjoy your day with your daughter & grandsons, sounds like fun!

                Cyn, I'm happy you found your ipad. I would be lost without mine, ha ha.
                We had a quick storm blow thru right after dinner so I guess it's on the way to you now. Happy Summer by the way

                Pauly, I had to take my younger dog to the vet this morning. The car ride is fine for her but her behavior on the exam table is something else. I popped her a Benadryl 2 hours before we went so I think it helped cool her tools a little. Between the dogs & myself I go thru a lot of Benadryl around here.

                Have a nice night everyone!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Joyous June

                  Good morning...

                  Had a great pool day yesterday and enjoyed my family. Busy day today too, so have to get organized.

                  Have a good one.


                    Re: Joyous June

                    Morning friends, guess I'll just do a quick hello too wishing us all a,happy AF Thursday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: Joyous June

                      Well, hello busy friends

                      Glad to see you check in Star & Pauly.
                      I watched my grandsons today & had fun. Everyone survived, yay!!

                      Hello Cyn, I imagine you are busy as usual. hope all is well with you.

                      We're getting another rain day tomorrow. The jungle is getting rater lush around here, ha ha!
                      Have a pleasant night everyone.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Joyous June

                        Quick gooodnight checkin... I was 'toast' this morning after a very short night last night. We drove 4 hours RT to have dinner with friends that we haven't seen for a year. I was seriously worn out when we got home, but kind of noticed that boy dog was acting funny. Well, he had gastric distress for hours after we arrived home, but I finally found the right stuff to give him, and it all ended OK. I was seriously thinking that it was going to be another emergency night time ride back in the direction we had just traveled, uuugh. But I told home that I just couldn't handle another sick dog, and bless him, he came around, whew. I had just started spending part of the night in my own bed - first time in 3 weeks, but that didn't happen last night, oh well!

                        So I have been dragging myself round all day, and have left too much to get done tomorrow before we take off. I guess it will all get done one way or the other, or not!

                        Wishing all a quiet and peaceful night and happy AF Friday. I'll try to check in early tomorrow ----


                          Re: Joyous June

                          Good morning...

                          Up early due to inability to sleep. My son is having problems managing his affairs, again. He has not been opening his mail and his gas was shut off, one of the bills in my name. I have to take charge of everything now, something I did not want to do. It is a sh**show. There is just something so wrong with him, it is very sad. Sorry to be a negative person, but I just don't understand how someone could be so incapable. I have to stay by the phone today for a call to go over there so they can turn the gas back on and check everything. Can you believe it? Then get on his checking account and make sure to pay the bills, myself. I don't want to do this and feel sick about it. Plus, the money it costs us and the hit on my credit. I am not a happy camper for sure. Life is so challenging, one day great the next day stressful.

                          Lav, glad you had fun with your grandsons, you seem to see them a little more often, good. The relationship you have built with them has withstood the BS of their mother. We are going to have a rainy day here too, we need it. It was in the 90s yesterday. My plants are doing well, even the roses, now that I have treated them. I need to Miracle Grow them next week. I used some basil I am growing for a brushetta I made and it was soooo good. I have another recipe with white beans pureed with rosemary, and I have some of that out back too. I made an eggplant salad with some of my fresh parsley, but it was not very good, so won't make that again. With the Senate soon to take away any reasonable healthcare it will be important for all of us to eat as healthy as we can as we will not have insurance that will cover any illnesses.

                          Cyn, you are the most devoted dog owner ever! Hope you sleep better tonight and have a good time on your trip.

                          Pauly, any break in the heat out your way? Today is your day off, hope you have something fun to do today.

                          I am grateful to be AF and to be able to make good decisions. Have a great AF Friday.


                            Re: Joyous June

                            Morning all - here's an early wish for a fine Friday for all ---

                            Star, so sorry about the ongoing drama with your son. I was just about to ask about him, as you hadn't said anything, and I was hoping he was coping well on his own. Dear me, what a trial for you --- good luck, and stay strong for yourself. He is a lucky guy.

                            Pauly , happy day off! I hope that this heat breaks for you soon - do you have monsoon season in July?

                            Lav, hoping that you get a break from the heat. It's still and muggy here today, and will be hot. Rain here tomorrow as we drive, but that's good as it will keep the car cooler for the dogs to travel.

                            Well, off to the races! Wishing all well ----


                              Re: Joyous June

                              Morning friends, Star I think your son and Michelle have the same thing! Just really act like children in an adults body,although her bf is an ass I think he's the only one steering her into doing stuff,getting her ass in gear ya know? Its sad and I wish I could get in her head and figure out what's up,,I'm sorry you have to deal with it too Cyn,hope you got some decent sleep last night and the dogs are feeling better, Lav glad you had fun with the boys,I haven't watched Lou in a few days,I've seen him but not babysat,yesterday tho they stopped by and he has one of those power wheels motorcycles and he and his cousin came zooming in the living room and hit my thigh,ooooh it hurt and now there's a bruise,these children are abusive haha,wishing us all a peaceful AF Friday
                              Last edited by paulywogg; June 23, 2017, 08:09 AM.
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: Joyous June

                                Good evening friends,

                                It was SO humid this morning that I couldn't see out of a single window in this house, ugh. This does not make a good hair day. I had the boys back here again today for a few hours & it was fine. They are coming back tomorrow evening to spend the night & all day tomorrow. I shall be tired after all that, ha ha.

                                Star, I'm sorry you have to deal with your son's reluctance to deal with life. I honestly don't know what I would have done if one of my kids did that.
                                It almost seems like he doesn't want to succeed out on his own, is that possible? Maybe he doesn't like living alone? He needs a crash course in survival skills. There must be someone offering a class or seminar on the topic somewhere. I hope you don't take on too much. You have already done a lot for him & deserve a break, really :hug:
                                I have so many recipes saved on Pinterest it gets confusing. Some I have tried & are good, some not so great. YB is growing eggplant right now & I don't even like it anymore (was forced to eat so much of it as a kid). I love using fresh herbs & lemon when cooking anything - brightens up the flavors of anything! Take care of yourself :hug:

                                Cyn, I sure hope you have a good vacation & both of the dogs stay well. Travelling with a sick dog or two would be rough. We had severe weather alerts posted until 10 pm here but nothing ever arrived.

                                Pauly, I loved the Louie haircut pic - cute
                                My brother in California has been posting hot temp pics all week. Stay safe out there, OK?

                                Have a nice night everyone!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

