You enjoy the greenhouse Mick. When I was in San Diego I was amazed at how much work my friends who were 'retired' had done on their garden. I just cant muster enthusiasm for gardening myself - probably also as I have a lot of other stuff going on. Including THE RETURN OF THE RATS. Mr GB did not block up all the holes and so we have another small invasion. I hope we can kill this off and then I will pay someone to close the gaps as best as can be done. The other mini-crisis is my daughter's student permit for Norway - but we will sort this out. I am being an emigration consultant this week.
Pauly - maybe keep the anniversary low-key but just do what you feel like. As you say we have to keep going because what are the alternatives? Small steps - and keep posting!
Det - I guess your silence on the thread was an indicator that you hit it big time. When do you think the urge to drink set in? Was it before the weekend or during it? Take care and hydrate - you know the drill. Get those face to face support structures going. There needs to be a way you build a Trump type wall between you and the booze.
Sam - good to see you and that was quite a long post.

PQ - hope you are not working too hard.
Hi there others - Snoop, Lav, Pie.
I am watching Season 5 of House of Cards on Netflix - just an episode a night - its OTT but lots of 'fun' - and chillingly close to current events.
Be good and remember that we start weekly on Sunday.