more attacks I see in London....just looking through comments made by people....the general consensus ...the time for vigils ,and candles is over and destroy wow..not saying that I dont agree,but it would be some heck of a task..the other thing is to round up all those on the watch list...then what?there are over 20000 of them...mostly British born where do you go from there? and this same scenario is being repeated world wide...
answers on a postcard to Teresa May....
ok brew time..really hot yesterday...manged to do some work in sil most of the border fencing in,but it was really sunny..came home and did a bit in that photo ..I have painted the log tops woodland green to match,and the 2 orange chimney pots now sit one on each end of the raised bed..
hiya tt...I just wazzed through it yesterday..without checking the spelling...unfortunately my hands dont work as fast as my brain ...and that isnt an express train for the DT comment..feel free to make any views at all the freedom of speech act etc gives you that..all I would say is just really consider the ground rules..looking at some other posts on other threads clearly isnt the case..hope all is well in down under land?hows the rat problem doing?
hiya SF ....good for you ...its great being different!you go for your comments about people complaining...a similar wife comes home and tells me what happened at work ...(she works in a prison too..) the same one I used to be in/ at 2-3i/c of..she tells me what has been going on issues problems etc...firstly nowt has changed since I left...and secondly...she talks and Im watching the grass grow ,the rabbitz running around,planning etc...not in the slightest bit interested ...its hard to see how such a massive part of my life has paled into insignificance..up at having a lie in??????

hi snoopster hows you today come the realisation of life hits as we get older ...wonde what difference it would make if it hit you say about 21?
hiya pauly,how are you today?are you feeling any fro getting over a death..I dont think anyone can put a time on it..its very individualistic..I think as time goes on you deal with it in a different way..Doesnt bother me to say...I shed a few tears yesterday,but it just part of the memories and life :hug:
hiya ppqp...a leaking tap in the garden ..bonus!!plants would be happy..sounds like you have a fair bit going on there!!you need to get some pics of it on the have a good weekend...
hiya Lav..hows you ...?thanks for the weather...its coming our way next week..the rain that is..I think with the garden Ive almost achieved my aim...its difficult in pics,but when you look at the garden,you look and then your eye gets drawn somewhere else and then somewhere else ...there are little nuances that are allover the place making you think ..whats that ..Im after an old wooden handled fork/spade to put in the ground where the new one give it that someone has been working here look and stopped..the hardest part of an unplanned the planning!!anyway brew time...
big hiya to everyone else..
I went to the shop today and I was only in there for 5 minutes, when I came out there was a parking attendant writing a ticket out, so I called him a fcking clown. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn tyres so I called him an a.sehole. He finished with the 2nd and then started writing a 3rd ticket! This went on for about 20 minutes, the more I abused him, the more tickets he wrote. I didn't care anyway, my car was parked around the corner.
Apparently double-barrelled names come about when both parents want to keep their surnames, according to my friend Paddy Murphy-Murphy.
What do you call a nervous javelin thrower?
I met a girl with 12 nipples. Sounds freaky, dozen tit?
If you're American in the living room, what are you in the bathroom?
I just got fired by my job at the Pepsi company. I tested positive for Coke.
Which US state has the smallest soft drinks?
What goes tick tick woof woof? A watchdog.
Who's there?
A pile-up.
A pile-up who?
Why did the mermaid wear sea shells? Cause she grew out of her B shells.