Greetings Abbers!
It was a nice day here, sunny, bright & still coolish. Had a great afternoon with the girls too

Mick, the cost of car repairs, ugh

I forgot to mention there's also green squash, yellow squash & plenty of eggs, ha ha!! I heard on the news that May may not be the shoe in everyone thought she was. I spent two hours in my car today listening to the fired FBI director testify at the senate hearings in DC - oh boy did that ever remind me of the Watergate hearings back in the day.
Hi there TT & SnoopStar.
Pauly, your poor plants! How does anyone grow anything in the desert??
PQ, that was so kind of Mick to bounce the weather back across the pond to you, LOL
I hope your baby plants are OK.
We haven't heard from Det all week have we? I hope you are OK buddy, please check in.
Hello to Sam. Pie, SF & anyone else popping by for a visit.
Tomorrow morning YB heads up north for his fishing expedition, son going along too. That means I get to manage the herd of animals, the gardens & everything growing in the greenhouse by myself until Sunday. I may need an assistant if anyone is interested, ha ha.
Have a peaceful night everyone!