MAE ALL... you were glad to see yesterday come to an end. What did you get up to today?
Nucj,,,that's Mick with the fingers one key off LOL...Got a phone call from the rescue last night....they are sending out the papres for panda today,she now belongs to the mad family..not even bothering to check up on us.....:yay: With those pics you sent why should they bother coming out, you're the best. Hope you didn't spend too much at the shops. You're right, I don't mind showing someone how to do something but when she can't even change the font on her word document, I give up.
Snoop...thanks, I did have a great AF Friday. Hope you did too.
Pauly...sitting around rolling joints, maybe in a different life. LOL I remember when I found this site, almost 5 years ago, and all I did was google "stop drinking" and it was the first to pop up. Haven't tried googling it since. I didn't know where to start so posted on Tell Us Your Story. Soon after a Newbie Nester picked me up and pointed me in the right direction. Then I found Mick on the daily thread and never looked back.
Det...that would be a definite weeding. Although we have a lot of weddings at the community centre. LOL You be careful today. Remember HALT, Hungry Angry Lonely Tired. I'll have to look back but did you tell us how the group meeting went?
Gman...good to see you. I'll have to go find your thread and see what you've been up to.
The boys went out to Duchess to help their Dad move some of the horses. I haven't been alone in the house forever. Think I'll have breakfast for dinner. LOL
Hope we all have a peaceful evening....:smile:PPQP