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July Jubilee

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    Re: July Jubilee

    Good morning...

    Had a great 4th as I actually planned something. We went downtown and saw a baseball game, then fireworks at the park, then in the city too as we were walking back to our car. It was fun, the weather cooperated, and nice to get out. I love to people watch, it is so much fun.

    Cyn, you and your hubby have a varied schedule, lots of traveling and change, that keeps you on your toes! Are you OK with being on our own for the next few months? I would find it hard as I am a big baby, I admit it.

    Lav, so sorry your family issues are still going on, what a hardship. I wish there was a solution. I will definitely check out that website. I made vegan potato salad from Brand new vegan website and it was so good. The dressing was made of white beans, spices, vinegar, a little of this and that and it was surprisingly good. I am learning so much re: different ways to create old recipes. One thing I realize on efforts to change eating is that I am not 100% all the time and that is OK. Last night I had a pretzel and for something to eat at the ball park, then popcorn, I know it has oil, but I thought it was the best choice. Lots of people were having hot dogs and I just knew it would be a bad idea. So, doing the best I can to stay away from animal products/oil most of the time. What is hard is to not have cream in my coffee, what an adjustment, but I am doing it.

    Pauly, hope your 4th was fun. I saw the pics on FB and you and yours looked festive!!!! Back to normal today. Did you get to spend time with your kids? Hope so.

    Have a good one.


      Re: July Jubilee

      Morning all -

      Star, congrats on all the new recipes and cooking - you are doing great! So glad that you had a good day and enjoyed the holiday - your planning sounds like it really paid off. How is hubs feeling?

      Pauly - I will have to get my rear in gear and get on over to FB to see your pics, they sound cute. I hope you are taking good care of yourself.

      Lav - shoot, I was so hoping that things were 'thawing out' since the boys had been over recently. I'm am just heartsick that one person can throw a wrench into a whole family. sending you hugs. By the way, your dinner sounded yummy - thx for that site too.

      Well, we went out for breakfast yesterday and that was about it for a holiday around here. We are in high-activity mode - packing up HB for 5 weeks away, all personal and business clothing and related work stuff. We got it all organized and I got it folded and ready to be packed in boxes to ship. That will happen today. We then spent the rest of the day working on this festival out west. A great thing, but it sure puts a damper on a summer. Thank goodness we grabbed that week in Maine as a family, because that's it now until the fall. Same thing each year, I'm sure you all remember. Star, I was alone from last September to May, basically, and will be again this upcoming year, I am used to it at this point. I will be going out west to do my work for the festival this year, but I don't go until late July, and then I am there for 3 weeks. Our lives are crazy that way... I dream of summers that are not a pressure-cooker of responsibility, but hey, life is interesting. Being alone so much is why I think the dogs and I have bonded so completely - for more than a decade, they have been my source of strength and my grounding. Yay pets!!!

      Wishing all a bright AF day today ---


        Re: July Jubilee

        Morning friends,yay pets Cyn..until fireworks are involved, ugh I had both Winslow and Dottie bugging me all night,I'm tired! I like being alone too but only sometimes, Star,glad you had a fun day out yesterday Lav,I'm with Cyn and thought things were on the mend but I guess not I'm sorry DIL is still being a turd,jeez life's too short for that attitude! Wishes for a peaceful AF Wednesday for us all
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: July Jubilee

          Good evening friends,

          The heat & humidity gave us a bit of a break today, yay. Rain tomorrow but that's fine.

          Star, nice that you were able to get out & about with real people, ha ha!!
          I don't worry about being 100% with my diet except for staying away from dairy - that is a must for me!
          Keep having fun with it & it becomes less of a chore

          Cyn, you do have an unusual schedule but it's something you have grown accustomed to & that's great.
          I hope your trip out west goes as smoothly as possible for all of you!

          Pauly, my dogs completely ignore the sound of firecrackers, ha ha. They are used to people shooting guns around here all year long. Why do people have to shoot poor defenseless little wild animals anyway?
          Your pics of Louie were cute.

          My DIL has not made any attempt to contact us. Our son brings the kids over, takes them home & never mentions her. The whole thing is just crazy & I am not going to get my knickers in a twist, you can bet your a$$. Not worth it, not even a little.
          Have a nice night everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: July Jubilee

            Good morning...

            Cyn, yay pets, I agree. I love my kitty. Your life does sound interesting it would be fun to work at a festival for several weeks, get away from your regular life. A nice change for sure. My husband is feeling pretty good with all the veggies and non-animal food. Yesterday he was off and we exercised, did yard work, ran errands and cooked together. Nothing exciting but lots of energy to be busy and content. My son stopped over and ate with us, I made a new lentil quinoa barbecue recipe, it was ok, but the guys loved it. Plant based just feels better. I saw some of the factory farming stuff and it made me sick, so cruel to animals. Today he works so I can just make something for myself which I think will be bruschetta with all the fresh basil I have.

            Lav, rainy day today and that is OK with me. It was a hot sunny day yesterday, really humid and I could use a few cloudy indoor days. It looks like I got poison ivy on one of my fingers, I am not happy about it, hope it goes away or I will have to go to the med check and get meds. Darn. I wore gardening gloves too, those will get tossed right away. It is hard to be 100% on any eating plan and it takes practice to choose WFPB but the great recipes on the internet really help as do your links. Thanks. Sorry the family situation is not improving.

            Pauly, hope your neighbors are done with their fireworks. I heard a few last night, where do people get all that money? Fireworks are so expensive, especially to shoot them off for hours.

            Have a great AF Thursday.


              Re: July Jubilee

              Morning friends,Star nope they were letting them off again last night Winslow slept under my bed again, weird cuz he only just started getting weirded out by them this year,Lav glad you're getting a break from the heat hi Cyn! Wishing us all a nice AF Thursday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: July Jubilee

                Greetings friends!

                Cooler but seriously rainy here today - many inches worth, geez!
                I think tomorrow is going to be a repeat.

                Star, I having been eyeing the PI around here & doing my best to stay away but it usually finds me sooner or later. I hope yours doesn't blossom into a big mess for you.
                I have the website 'Vegan Addict' on my FB page, Tonight they are posting a link to a site I haven't seen before called Very Vegan Recipes - Vegan recipes, Plant Based Diet, Vegan Diet Recipes, Vegan Lifestyle Information.
                I think I'll take a cruise thru there & see what they have
                I think there are enough plant based recipes on the internet to keep us going for a good long while.
                If you are interested in taco-like fillings I often use things like lentils, mushrooms & refried beans (homemade) - they all make good meat substitutes for taco fillings. Then you just add your toppings, whatever you like. In a pinch I like Daiya cheddar style cheese shreds - yum.
                It's nice that your husband has a day off & is willing to do things with you. That is something I have never had. YB has always lived his own separate existence - he's weird. The kids were the ones who kept me company until they grew up & left home.

                Pauly, your poor dog will welcome some quiet in the neighborhood tonight - I hope!!!!

                Cyn, I hope you don't get the drenching we had today - too much!
                I picked up the Gabapentin for Maxie today. She'll be getting a 400 mg capsule every 12 hrs. I sure hope it gives her some relief from the neuropathy & maybe improves her mobility a little.

                Wishing everyone a nice night!

                PS: 45 is making a total a$$ of himself in Europe. I have a feeling they do not much appreciate his presence either. Had to get that out!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: July Jubilee

                  Good morning...

                  Lav, I checked out that website and it looks interesting. Refried beans homemade is a recipe I want. I love a burrito bowl I make with brown rice, black beans, avocado, tomato and other veggies. A really good meal! Sorry your husband likes to do things on his own. My husband is my friend and always has been. The one hard thing is that he works, always and alot, it is just the way it is. So, I am on my own alot. I planned extra trip time next weekend, I am going to visit some friends before I visit my brother next weekend, so looking forward to that. July always goes quickly.

                  Pauly, we had really loud fireworks last night too. Geez, where do they get the money. Loud booms over and over again. It is getting old or am I getting old?

                  Hello Cyn, hope you are doing well.

                  Have a good AF Friday.


                    Re: July Jubilee

                    Good morning friends -

                    Just a quick not this morning to let you know that we said goodbye to our dear girl dog yesterday. She had a bad night Wednesday/Thursday AM and was in terrible pain, it was time. Our vet arranged for us to come in before they opened, and they were all so sweet and helpful. It was a real help to see out of pain and relaxed before she went. Of course I knew this was coming, but somehow it has not lessened the impact. I am a weepy wreck.

                    Taking boy dog (who is very confused and sad) with us in the car this AM as I take HB close to the airport... I just couldn't deal with La Guardia today, but am dropping HB off where a car service will take him the rest of the way in...

                    More later - wishing all a good day -
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by treegirl; July 7, 2017, 06:34 AM.


                      Re: July Jubilee

                      Morning friends,Cyn I'm so very sorry! I really wish they had the lifespan of humans as you said at least she's not in pain anymore but it still hurts us,take it easy today love.waves to Star and Lav,have a peaceful AF Friday
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: July Jubilee

                        Hello to all tonight,

                        Aww Cyn, I am so sorry. We really do love these fur kids of ours :hug:
                        You did the right thing for your girl. I know I will have to face all that fairly soon as well. Take care of yourself, will be thinking of you.

                        Hello to Star & Pauly. I hope you both had a good day.
                        We had a tremendous downpour after dinner tonight, hoping for a dry day tomorrow, geez.

                        Peace to everyone tonight!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: July Jubilee

                          Cyn, so sorry for your loss, it is so hard to lose a dear pet. Please take care and know we are thinking of you.

                          Lav, we had some rain later in the day but I was not surprised at it was 90 degrees outside, it was bound to break.

                          Pauly, hope your day off was good.

                          Have a great AF Saturday.


                            Re: July Jubilee

                            Morning friends, just wishing us all a nice AF Saturday
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: July Jubilee

                              Good evening friends,

                              I just realized it's almost 11 pm & I forgot to check in, ha ha!!
                              I seem to be operating in a dream state lately, geez.

                              Star, we got thru a whole day with no rain storms. It wasn't quite as hot & humid either & that's OK with me.

                              Pauly, I hope you had a good day.

                              Cyn, thinking about you & I hope you are adjusting to life without your girl dog. It's so hard, I know :hug:

                              Have a peaceful night one & all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: July Jubilee

                                Thank you everyone for your thoughts, I so appreciate them. I realize we have all been through this, and so have I before, but somehow this time is really wrenching. You can see that I finally posted on FB... I could hardly write for the tears, but getting it out of my head helped a lot. Also I had a big work project come up so that gave me some 'head space' tonight. This too shall pass...

                                How is everybody doing? Crazy weather it sounds like - today it was very humid here, then suddenly a storm blew though, very dramatic, and I guess it should be cooler and drier now. How's the food situation for everyone? I saw my naturopath and got new instructions... along with some powdered greens, thank good ness... easier to make a smoothie than to figure out how to make greens every single day!

                                Lav, I have been thinking of you and Maxie - sending you hugs right back. Good luck...

                                Wishing all a peaceful Sunday; I'll check in earlier tomorrow.

