mornin all are we today then ?all good tis an overcast day van curtains yesterday...really smart...trouble is I didnt buy enuff coitin rings being a man thought 5 per coitin...oops try trebling that ....julies coming out with words like ruffle gather tieback la la la...oh well..Ive got a large red tub I used previously for growing stuff in ..turned it upside down and cut doors in it...the rabbits hide in it and think you cant see them..!
brew time
hiya Sf...hows you ..another interesting post..there are lots of people out there bevvying that either deny there is a problem or dont realise it..I take my hat off to anyone who tries...whats with the tattoo? Ive got them..and sometimes I think ..why did I age and life it was kind of the thing...most army and navy folk..strangely not air force had the tats you see are mostly blue celtic designs ...very tribal like from thousands of years ago!nice raise ...66 you recalll ..or may not we had a bit of drama in 1982.. in the Falkland off we trot down south...Now for anyone away ...the most important thing is mail and home contact..In order to get the mail to its destination ,the y have to create a field post office ...kind of like a if you look up BFPO numbers ..British field/forces post office you can find the allocated numbers for the Falklands ..some bright spark ...gave it a number.that number BFPO 666 so everyone stared calling it Devils Island..we actually got banned from calling it that ...hmmm there were much more than that to worry about believe me..anyway have a good one
hiya Lav..15lbs smell good with that one!!!hows things today.. all good? as for the plant count ..yep every morning ! all correct this morning..easier to count than chickens!!here you go...a non garlic brew!appreciate you love both grandsons very much....but me thinks one gets the edge?

hiya ppqp...hows you today boss got off his finger yet? I love blueberries...I can eat them by the bucket load...Im growing them too...but they arent very fruit/crop efficient talking of bfpo numbers ...BATUS..Suffield is bfpo 14 ..interesting huh? no rabbits wont be going ..Ive got a rabbit sitter boxed off to come when we are away to let them out and feed them etc...that way I dont have to stress them out moving them.....have a good one..
hi det will get the lonelies ...thats when you need to as you say get out and do your choice of main and after food...what happened to ice cream and jelly for pudding?take care friend
hiya tt how are you then? hope all is well ...glad the test results showed a clear for that horrible disease..any luck on the job front?
hiya snoopster ok?
Hey did the boof go for the day was the weather as hot as you thought?hows the learning going?
hi pauly hows you? Julies dad is on tablets they are doing loadsa tests on him and referred him to the memory clinic...(cant remember where it is tho....

hiya pie..........................
right peeps have a good one....
Ironing done.
Hoovering done.
Washing done.
Dusting done.
Kids bathed.
Kids in bed.
Now I can leave the pub!
Research has shown that men think about sex every tits seconds!
Did you hear about the Frenchman that couldn't count to 9?
He had a huit allergy.
I thought that a loaf of bread was calling me names in the supermarket earlier, but on closer inspection it read "thick cut".
My mate is so tight....
He got himself tasered by the police so he could charge his iPhone.
A little girl asked her dad, "do all fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time?"
Her dad replied, 'No, some begin with - If I am elected
Today's top fact: 50% of Canada is A
Why did the Eskimo climb through his igloo window?
Because he lost his huskeys!!
think about it..
Ha – Mildly amusing
Haha – Funny
Hahaha – Sarcastic laugh
Hahahaha – Stayin alive