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Saturday, June 16th

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    Saturday, June 16th

    Bliss! I went to bed at 11pm last night and awoke at 11am today (and not due to a hangover!). My business is so bloody busy, I am struggling to keep up with it -- I can't actually imagine how I'd be coping if I was still drinking. I'm propped up in bed here with my lappy (raining outside) and strangely, after 12 hours sleep, I could just roll over and go back to sleep.

    Yesterday afternoon, being friday, I had that fleeting thought of a glass of wine, but just as quickly remembered I am a tee-totaler and it passed.

    Mr Scoobs and I have today and tomorrow sans the li'l tiger (he is staying with his dad tonight) so we might venture out for a romantic dinner for 2 which will be another first since becoming a TT.

    I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and those in the northern hemisphere - enjoy some rays of sunshine for me!

    Scoobs xo

    PS Today is day 13
    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Saturday, June 16th

    morning it's just after 9am here.I fell asleep in front of TV last night about 9pm and went to bed about midnight. Got up about 15 minutes ago so I have caught up on sleep - forgot how tired it makes you.
    Have decided not to give up smoking unitl smoking ban comes in on 1 July, only 2 weeks away,I am getting stressed and feeling like I'm failing.
    My legs occasionally hurt and I convince myself it's the start of thrombosis/varicose veins - I also convince myself I can see cat's arse wrinkles round my mouth (not sure i can really)Sigh...

    I am on 7 days af now, longest I've done for a long time.
    I'm also exercising regularly, and mostly eating healthily, so should focus on my achievements I think.

    I feel awake and calm and rested with some energy, and that's still with smoking, imagine how great I will feel without the cigarettes!
    Have a good day all, no moodiness yesterday so that's progress too, see you tomorrow x
    one day at a time


      Saturday, June 16th

      Morning All-

      Last night I had the worst drinking dream. Usually I have those where I hide my booze & try to get a sip but people either find my hiding spot & I can't get the drink or bother me so I can't. This time I dreamt that I had a few sips & then needed more-that feeling when your binging & you need more only to find out I had no more(checking all hiding spots) & the store was going to open for another hour and a half & I had that "more booze anxiety". That doom feeling that I couldn't have another drink. Gosh I don't miss those days!

      My daughter's softball team got clobbered yesterday so they are out of the championships. I still have concession stand duty this morning (with hubby of course). Ugh. No interest in it at all. We picked morning duty cause there isn't so much variety & most people eat by this point. Hopefully it won't be busy.

      Well I'm off to get ready.

      Have a great AF day everyone!
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Saturday, June 16th

        Hi All,

        Just call me Grumpy today, at least so far! The weekend looms large in front of me.

        I had my first drinking dream last night. It's kind of fuzzy. I remember drinking both red and white wine and feeling relieved and terrible about drinking at the same time. I've never had a drinking dream before. I was DEFINITELY RELIEVED when I woke up and realized it was just a dream! Week days are definitely not as hard as weekends.

        I can see, though, that I have already been a bit more productive this week, and I am down 2.5 pounds, without even trying much, so that is the good news!

        Bear, you should definitely focus on your achievements! Setting yourself a quit date on July 1 sounds like a great plan and will give you a little more time to get used to being AF. I have the "cat's arse" wrinkles when I purse my lips a bit, and eye wrinkles too! I WISH I had a few "crow's feet" the only kind of eye wrinkles that I like, but NOOOO, I don't have those!:H I prefer to think that I look MATURE, rather than OLDER!

        Scoobs, you're doing wonderfully too. I hope you and Mr. Scoobs have a wonderful weekend! Isn't it amazing how much you can sleep when you become sober??? I wonder how long this need for sleep will last?

        Anyway, I'm off to get started on my day.

        Thanks for the warm welcome back Ms. Melon!

        Love to all and to those that come later!:h

        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Saturday, June 16th

          Mornin Scoobs, bear, breez and kathy
          I remember being very tired at the beginning of going af. I think that is pretty normal. I remember it being that way for awhile - maybe a couple of weeks on and off.
          I had drinking dreams a few weeks ago - I think stress induced. It truly is a relief when you wake up and find it isn't real!
          I've gotten af beer a few times now. I had two yesterday and got that weird feeling of 'should I go to the store and get more because tomorrow is Sunday (no alc sales on sunday here) then I realized that for one thing it was Friday and the other thing is why did I care?
          There is no alcohol in it anyway. It just brought back that same feeling I had about buying wine...did I have enough? can I get more tomorrow? stuff like that.
          Well, 6/14 was my birthday. I got a cake on the 13th at work and they sang to me - which was nice. My mom sent me a gift cert for a pedicure - also very nice. My friend here that is getting married - forgot my birthday.
          Anyway...yesterday I decided to take the day off and do something fun for me. So I drove to Callaway Gardens and spent the whole day there. I had a fabulous time! And got lots of exercise too-walked for about 3-4 hours!
          Well....hope you all have better luck with the dreams tonight..


            Saturday, June 16th

            Good morning ladies Sorry about the dreams/nightmares. and yes, tired is the norm for the first couple weeks -- I did sleep a lot. Body is healing it is a good thing.
            Happy belated birthday Lisa Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do to celebrate my 30 af days. it's already 110 here so walking outside is out, maybe the Art Museum would be fun.
            When my boys were growing up I had about 5 other boys I took care of either because there mothers were on drugs, split families or dead. One is Joe and he came home from Iraq yesterday for two weeks leave. his humvee ran over a land mine and burned his feet but he is okay now. He's got two years left ( I wish the hell ...well let me put it this way, not all americans voted for Bush) anyway a bunch of the guys met over here and there was beer. The first time it has been in the house. Did look good for a second and then I remembered all the idiotic things that happen when i drink and I don't feel like looking like an idiot anymore. I'm a full grown woman with a list as long as my arm of things i want to do on this planet before I die. This is not a dress rehearsal. This is it. So some of the guys drank and smoked outside but after the first few minutes I didn't even think about it anymore. Now, that was pretty cool i thought.

            I have a great weekend coming up, some over nite visitors today, making my chicken enchiladas--trust me these puppies are good. I roast the chili's myself and tomorrow is the big welcome home BBQ for Joe. Catch you all next week.
            Be kind to yourselves.
            Love & Light

            AF 21, March 2010

            "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


              Saturday, June 16th

              Happy Belated Birthday Lisa! Sorry we did not know about it the day of.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Saturday, June 16th

                Padme you need to post that recipe, you can't talk about great food here and not share, it ain't right.
                If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                  Saturday, June 16th

                  :bday3:HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY:bday3:

                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    Saturday, June 16th

                    Happy Birthday Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    If I could do cool smilie things like Breezybabes then I would....but I am techno biff and so will just make the noises....wooooo hoooo.....toot toot........huzzah, huzzah.....glad you had a nice day sweetie!
           are a duck:h....sorry to hear about 'your' boys injuries...but how nice for him to have a delicious mamma to come home to and pawty with his chums......great noos that the mamma just pawtied sober too!!! What a good place you must have provided for those kids when they were growing up...bless you dear
                    Dear, dear 'Grumpy'atheart.....Those dreams bring out the sweat don't they??? Enjoy your weekend treasure....give yourself lots of nice treats to take your mind off the weekend cravings if you's so good to see you here again, Day 5 .....just keep addin' 'em up...wrinkles or no wrinkles
                    Sorry for the losing streak Breezydeezy.....not so much fun doing the sporting chores when the teams gone....liven it up a bit with a fancy outfit, go to the stand wearing a donald duck outfit or nothing but a couple of well placed lettuce leaves.........then post the pictures please
                    Enjoy the dinner Scoobs.....get an entree for me ......just make sure you don't fall asleep in the restaraunt.......inhaling pasta as you snore is against most culinary establishments health and safety rules!!
                    And Bearyboo....congrats on the day 7 missus...I sympathise with the smoking issue...I still have not kicked the weed, and seem to smoke more than ever now that I am a booze free step at a time eh??

                    I went into Takapuna with my surrogate mummy yesterday and had a lovely gossipy time...I then thought it would be a good idea to go and have my hair cut. I used to have waist length blonde hair, and then a couple of months or so ago, thought it would be a good idea to cut it all off and dye it red. Now this was all well and good, but I am fast discovering that if you want to have a short hairstyle, then you need to keep having it trimmed all the time. I am used (quite literally) to cutting about 6 inches off my hair every year, and then not bothering with it again for another 12 months. I decided therefore that I would get a REAL trim, so I would not have to go back to the scissor wielders for another couple of months.........big mistake.....I now look like someone from the slums about 100 years ago who has had a bad case of lice and has had their hair adjusted accordingly....wiry tufts of red sticking up skew wiff over a rather odd shaped skull is not flattering......I really haven't got the face to carry it hair has a life of it's is sticking up and swirling round all over the place like one of those quinea pigs with the hairy rosettes.......I am letting it grow again....... boodiful!!!!

                    Have a great weekend all
                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx


                      Saturday, June 16th

                      Just popped in to say Hello over here in AB's land.

                      Wow melon I tell you hair sylists are butchers with a license.



                        Saturday, June 16th

                        Breezy, I missed you! I guess we were posting at the same time, and both about bad dreams!! Unfortunately, I seemed to have had more than enough wine in my dream, and a boatload of internal conflict!

                        When I came home earlier, I just stomped around for a few minutes muttering "I want a drink, I want a drink!" I knew that I wasn't going to have one, but it felt good to stomp around for a few minutes. I've always acted so serene in the past, maybe just a little TOO serene!

                        HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA!! :rockband: :bday7:

                        You are awfully naughty not to have told us on your birthday!! At any rate, all of my best wishes, girlfriend! Smooch! I hope I can be like you and just keep chugging along with abs until it becomes a habit.

                        Padme, you sound like you did so well with Joe's get together! Good for you! Those chicken enchiladas do sound good, as well! It is good you could think through what the beer would really mean for YOU. You sound extraordinary in many ways.

                        WeeOne, you just crack me up!! You could make just about anything sound funny! I think you should be a stand up comic, or maybe write humor columns! I'm so glad that you had a good time with your surrogate mum. and the great thing about hair is that it grows! I'm thinking about getting a seriously shorter haircut and a perm myself. My current do is just too high-maintenance for me!!

                        Good to see you lushy, rottrod and sammys.

                        I've definitely got to come up with new things to do on the weekends other than drink. I'm SOOOO BORED! The great thing about wine is that I could be bored silly, but I didn't care. Of course, that was the bad thing about it too. Now, it's time to start building a REAL LIFE! I truly think that I will be happier with that in the long run. Okay, enough of all that. I think if I am bored, maybe it's time to go listen to the CD's, right? Right!

                        Okay, hugs to all!:l


                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Saturday, June 16th

                          Hey Kathy,
                          You can always come kayaking w/me! I'll have ya "mooning" the tourists by the "boat-load" in no time! Maybe even end up on a postcard! :H
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Saturday, June 16th

                            You're awfully cheeky, Miss Judie. I'll have to get my little crescents into buns of steel before I'll take you up on the mooning part of your offer, but the kayaking sounds great! ;-)
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              Saturday, June 16th

                              Oh no Weeee-

                              My hair dressers never get it right. I have curly hair & they ALWAYS want to give me that flat iron straight hair.

                              Don't fret-just flaunt your other assets and no one will notice your . I'm sure you look absolutely gorgeous! Attached files [img]/converted_files/267946=1114-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/267946=1115-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/267946=1116-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/267946=1117-attachment.gif[/img]
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

