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w/c 30 July

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    w/c 30 July

    MAE ALL...

    Just kicking off this weeks thread. Off to prop up some of my tomato plants while it's still coolish!
    Have a Super Sober Sunday all....:smile:PPQP
    Last edited by porqoui; July 30, 2017, 08:54 AM.

    Re: w/c 30 July

    I'll help you prop this up. Not a lot to say. Looks like we need Mick here for the chat but thanks anyway PQ. I had dinner last night with a woman from Edmonton. Very nice. So was the meal. Don't worry I don't go out and stalk Canadians - she was someone I knew! You all have a good week sober as per usual.


      Re: w/c 30 July

      Well good evening Abbers!

      Thanks for the startup PQ
      We've had a coolish day here too, nice. I am scared to death to do any gardening though after the dermatitis. Just finished up with the prednisone this morning & now I have to wait for the rest of these ugly outbreaks to fade away, ho hum.

      TT, nice to hear you got out & about with a pleasant companion, ha ha. Sometimes I feel so dragged down by YB's constant low know what I mean.
      We are going to visit daughter & her family tomorrow after YB sees the hand surgeon for his post op check. Looking forward to that

      Hello to absolutely everyone else & wishing a peaceful night for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: w/c 30 July

        I just walked out of my cold room into 10c higher and humidity. If you don't know Centigrade, its roughly 2.5 to 1 without our secret math tricks. I know a lot of you understand centigrade as you are euro or canadian. Humidity is something even crazier. For my american friends, you will figure it out eventually. 0 is frozen and there is a + and - 0, 100 is water boiling. The humidex is something a little more crazy to explain as the hotter the air the more moisture it holds. Walking out, so iinsanely hot, like 110F vs 75-80F in the controlled room.

        Quick table for those in america.
        Last edited by empyr3al; July 30, 2017, 08:05 PM.
        "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


          Re: w/c 30 July

          Top o the Monday ABerooos!

          PPQ, thanks for getting us rolling. What kind of tomatoes are you growing? I didn't get mine
          going this year but it's just as well as things have been pretty crazy. I also have Lav's contact
          allergy thing with the yard. It's out to kill me I'm pretty sure.
          Lav, yes by all means use the images for whatever you can think of. PM me for a link to hi-res
          versions. I'll send a bunch to choose from.

          empy3al thanks for the conversion and nice to have you.

          spent the weekend putting up stuff on ebay, did some recreational shooting/training yesterday,
          and have been experimenting with some new artistic techniques for photography....working on my
          own very unique style for portraiture. I don't have a model on hand so I have to be the model.
          Hows this for totally weird/unique?

          speaking of weird... lunch will be antelope and sweet potatoes

          wishing you all a glorious AF day

          be well loves
          Last edited by Determinator; July 31, 2017, 08:34 AM.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Re: w/c 30 July

            oops, picture not working. hmmm
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Re: w/c 30 July

              MAE ALL...

              TT...thanks for the additional prop up. Edmonton, what a small world.

              Lav...gotta be thinking I'd be changing my gardening hobby if I got dermatitis. I remember when I got Psoriasis from a drug reaction and once was enough for me. Hope the post op check up was good and you enjoyed your visit.

              Empry3al...welcome to the thread.

              Det...I have no idea what kind of tomatoes they are. A co-workers husband starts them at home and she brought in 3 plants for me. I actually wasn't going to plant tomatoes this year but what can you do. Was the tinypic of you? You've got to get it back so we can see. I did notice that some of my garden pics aren't showing anymore.

              My day started out with what could go wrong went wrong. Couldn't get my monitor to come on, couldn't see the server on the network so couldn't access our Company File for accounting. Man...take 1/2 day off and everything goes to sh*t. Time to unwind.

              Shout out to all the lurkers.....:smile:PPQP


                Re: w/c 30 July

                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Re: w/c 30 July

                  Det...that was worth waiting for. Thought you were facing the other way then I spotted your eyes! Your artistic techniques are worth pursuing.


                    Re: w/c 30 July

                    Good evening Abbers,

                    YB's surgeon was pleased with the results of her work so he's been set free, ha ha!
                    We turned that trip into a visit with our daughter & her family. We all went out to dinner together & I got to sit with my favorite (and only) granddaughter
                    We really needed a bit of a break after all the stress around here of late.

                    empyr, according to your chart it was somewhere between 32C & 37C here today - HOT!
                    Welcome to the thread & hope you are doing well

                    Det, thanks, I'll be in touch.
                    Selling on ebay is fun, sometimes, haha but it is a good way to turn 'treasure' into cash. YB is always selling something from his huge collection of STUFF.
                    How was the antelope??? Awesome pic btw!!!!

                    PQ, do you have an IT person you can call when stuff like that happens? How annoying!
                    I hope you are getting some well deserved rest tonight.
                    We purposely moved to this area so that we could have a large yard & garden our brains out - now I can no longer garden - crap Now I'm wondering if it's time to move again. I don't think I have the energy.

                    Hello to all the missing Abbers & wishing everyone a nice night.
                    Last edited by Lavande; July 31, 2017, 08:16 PM.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: w/c 30 July

                      Hi all - just wanted to say hello and have a wonderful week.

                      Det - amazing picture!!!!!!!

                      Lav - we used to sell on eBay but haven't in years. We're just trying to start up Etsy as a matter of fact. Have sold a couple of things on Craigslist.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Re: w/c 30 July

                        Hello folks - not much to report. Keeping warm as its cold here. Seem to be a few folks missing from the thread but great to see you Nora and congratulations on 2 years AF. Was it a tough journey for you or easier once you had the mind-set?


                          Re: w/c 30 July

                          I've been down for two days---I tried to bandage up the infection to go into work, but by the end of the night it was worse. After night two the whole infected area was a disaster and I was down for the count. I've been doing nothing but sleeping. Take shower, need a nap. Get a glass of water, need a nap. Since I have to be in bed might as well read, 3 pages in I need a nap. I had completely lost my appetite, head was throbbing and total muscle weakness. Knew I could not get myself to the Urgent Care so asked hubby to take me. He then proceeded to take on Doctor status and told me everything the doctor would tell me. This ended in a fight. AND I needed a nap. When I woke up though....I made him go out and get me this special soup that only one store carries. He was trying to get me to eat Campbell's Chicken Noodle, so he would not have to go anywhere. That was yesterday. Today he was upset that I did not return a text (ummm, I was sleeping)---it did not end well for him.

                          Hoping I feel better tomorrow.

                          Nice pics Det.

                          Gardening never was my thing. Love to purchase from others gardens. I think the two times I tried to grow something, the animals ended up getting into it. One time I had planted these glorious flowers, they bloomed all out----the very next day I went out and the bunnies had eaten every last one. I do notice that people don't seem to plant flowers as much down here. Not really sure why---I just don't see them like I did in OH.

                          Tea and a little Stephen King---lets see if I can get more than 3 pages in this time.


                            Re: w/c 30 July

                            SF...geeze I hope you're feeling better or at least made it to a Doctor.

                   feels like it's going to snow here. Temp is dropping to 50F, strong north wind and just starting to rain.

                            Nora...good to see you. Etsy is really big over here.

                            Lav...I'm with you. I may not be a tree but the thought of moving is too exhausting.

                            Wind down time so will check in with you all tomorrow....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: w/c 30 July

                              Ahoy there AB-mateys!

                              SF, take infections very seriously! you can get staff, sepsis and all kinds of nasty stuff and it can get critically bad very fast.

                              Lav, nice to hear you got in some quality granddaughter time.

                              Thanks for the positive feedback on the pic. I'm certainly onto my own unique and weird style. I think I'm combining sci fi with
                              photography anyhow we'll see how I did as i entered a similar pic to a large photo competition.

                              So broke currently that I couldn't make therapy tonight but I've got gas, food, and am feeling good and well in my AFness so I'm
                              not stressed.

                              Nora, mega kudos on 2 years AF!

                              yepper.. missing a few regulars. Hope they are good and well. The light is always on so y'all come on down ya hear?
                              (I never speak in such a manner. I just enjoy amusing myself).

                              better check the pork in the crockpot and see if it's as good as it smells. Will make a roasted red bell pepper and cilantro puree for it. yummo.

                              No drama at work which is great. I still need to press myself to socialize but will have to wait til I can afford more gas. Wish there was a bus nearby
                              but not here.

                              be well loves
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

