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Anchored August

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    Re: Anchored August

    Morning all -

    Lav, what a nice surprise you had, and a fun dinner! Isn't it nice to have some healthy food that someone else cooks?! Menus can be difficult in some restaurants. So glad the insanity twins were pretty well-behaved, they must finally be growing up. I meant to say how sorry I am that you woke up with welts - you don't know what it is? Honestly, the PI situation around here is out of control. It may be the thing that finally breaks my spirit and causes me to let the side areas of our property just go back to wild... it is so insidious - if you touch anything that has touched it, you're done... i find that absolutely demon-ish. I'd rather deal with ticks any day! At least you can see them when they're on you! Good luck, and try not to do too much (ha!). You are probably also still recovering from all the lost sleep with Maxie, and all the physical exertion of caring for her, moving her. Lack of sleep always leaves me achey... maybe it will just be awhile until you've recovered from all of that. Good luck!

    Pauly, how are you doing in your spirit? You've been through so much these past months... I hope that the cds or something is helping you. I completely lost my meditation practice since the first of this year... I'm getting it back again, but I am telling myself to not expect huge results right away, (which is aggravating!) It's hard to trust, but I'm just trying to do 3 consecutive breaths a few times a day - that's enough of a challenge for me at the moment. Practice, practice, I keep saying to myself. Sending you big hugs.

    Det, so glad that you had a good photo shoot.

    Star, I hope you are traveling well and safely, enjoy.

    Wishing all a centered, compassionate AF Monday...


      Re: Anchored August

      Good evening friends,

      Det, nice you had a good photoshoot. I hope you schedule many, many more like that

      Hi there Pauly, hope your day was good!

      Star, I have a feeling you are enjoying your trip. Am I right?

      Cyn, I honestly don't know what poisonous plant caused this round of dermatitis & really don't even care. I just want this itching to stop
      Last month when I had a big breakout I took Prednisone for a week to regain control of my life. I can't keep taking that stuff, it's so bad for your bones. I haven't done any gardening except to walk past overgrown areas & wish I could clean them up. It's absolutely ridiculous! YB did spot some poison ivy growing in new areas last week & sprayed them with Roundup (the only thing that kills it). I agree that my year of extra stress has probably messed with my immune system. I'll get things back in control - I will, ha ha!!!
      I hope you are treating yourself with all the loving kindness you need as well.

      It's almost 9:30 pm I need to get this girl to bed. She's quiet, I forget she's here.
      Have a nice night everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Anchored August

        Morning all -

        Lav, good luck with the 'itchies'- I know how uncomfortable that makes one, sorry you have to deal with that. I think you are right, you have been through a lot, and hopefully autumn will bring some cool and stability. I'm sure your health will,reflect that. So sorry you don't have Curves to give you some directed movement and social time, I'm sure that change has left it's mark. I am actually considering joining a regular workout class, but I am first going to get a new DX scan and also one that will take a close look at my spine. My upper back is becoming really problematical, and I want to make sure I know what's going on there before I start to do anything crazy exercise-wise. Good luck to you!

        Star, I hope you are enjoying your time away!

        Pauly, how's life?!

        Det - wishing you more happy moments behind your camera.

        Hoping to get a few things done in the yard today in addition to regular work. I think this bad virus is finally in the way out, it sure kicked my butt the last week; I'm hoping to get through today with a little more energy. I helped HB get going at o'dark for a long day in the city... I hope he can stay awake!

        Wishing all a grateful Tuesday, AF.


          Re: Anchored August

          Morning friends,hot here this week! You all know I love the heat but this summer and all that's happened has just soured my love for the summertime this year bring on the fall! Cyn glad you're feeling better other than your back,Lav,granddaughter looked cute with her fuzzy caterpillar haha,Louie caught a bald one,not sure what kind it was named it "Wormy" and kept it in a Tupperware for a bit til he got bored with it a day later,not quite sure what happened to poor Wormy Star,hope you're having a nice getaway, wishing us all a happy AF Tuesday,, hi Det!
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: Anchored August

            Morning all -

            Beautiful bright day here --

            Lav, we are so used to your posting each night --- I hope that you are OK?

            Pauly, so good to hear from you - that's a funny story about Louie, poor 'wormy'! I well remember how long the heat goes on in the desert... September always seemed way to hot! But hopefully you will get a little break now, going into fall. You definitely deserve a change of seasons, and to move on. Big hugs.

            Star, I hope you are having a great time --

            I did a little bit of yard work yesterday, mowed the dog yard and other parts, trimmed back the hydrangea that's practically on the ground with flowers... ugh much much more to do, but oh well, some day! Had a good work day indoors as well, so thank goodness.

            Happy hump day all -


              Re: Anchored August

              Morning friends,site is acting weird so posting a quick hello while I can! Wishing us all a happy,healthy AF Wednesday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Anchored August

                Greetings friends!

                I tried several times last evening but couldn't post anything last evening - weird.
                Beautiful weather today, spent most of the day outdoors trying to catch up on a few things.

                Star, still on vacation?

                Hi Pauly, hot it's not too in Vegas for you.
                The caterpillars are abundant here this year, for some reason. My chickens have been having a field day with them, ha ha!!

                Cyn, the aches & pains I was complaining about a few days ago seem to have gone - for now. I'm sure they will be back sooner or later.
                I do miss my regular exercise gig & miss chatting with the folks there too. I hope you can find something easy that doesn't cause any undue stress on your back or joints. I have been known to cause myself pain just by walking too fast on my treadmill downstairs

                Still nice & cool here after a rainy day yesterday. My granddaughter went home, it seems way too quiet now
                Wishing everyone a nice night!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Anchored August

                  Morning friends,I think I had an allergic reaction to the wax at work cuz I did my brows the other day,next day got a big red bump and this morning my whole eyelid is swollen, looks like I was in a boxing match haha,Lav glad your aches and pains have eased Cyn,are you back to 100% yet? I know you said your cold was on its way out,hope its gone completely, hi Star wishing us all a nice AF Thursday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: Anchored August

                    Good evening friends,

                    Grateful for another nice weather day today
                    It's hard for me to be outside on such a nice day having to restrain myself from pulling weeds & digging in the dirt though. I am still healing from my last outbreak of poison funk & don't want to add to the misery. I was thinking last night that my weird immune reactions started this summer right after that wasp sting, hmmm.

                    Pauly, I swear I develop new allergies yearly anymore. You very well could be allergic to the wax. I hope it clears up quickly for you!

                    Cyn, I was thinking of you tonight as I was eating my weird dinner
                    I made batches of homemade hummus & guacamole today that I spread on a tortilla, topped it with romaine & sliced cucumber & rolled up into a tasty wrap. YB ate leftover pork that I made for him a few days ago, ha ha. Eating different meals is becoming normal around here. I hope you are feeling 100% by now.

                    Star, you looked awfully happy on the beach I think, nice

                    Have a peaceful night everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Anchored August

                      Evening all -

                      I woke up at 4:30 AM and was wide awake, so I started working and just kept at it all day. We popped into a restaurant for dinner... at least it has chili that I can have. It has gorgeous grilled cornbread that I would love to eat, but after reading a few more articles recently on the dangers of gluten for those of who are sensitive, I am trying to be kind of strict about it, darn.

                      We've had some quiet rain overnight, that's my favorite kind. I was at an ultrasound center an hour away at 8 AM, checking another test off the list. All seems to be perfectly fine with me. I'm pushing healthy calories and actually gained a couple of pounds, so maybe there is a payoff.

                      Pauly, thanks I do seem to finally be over this nasty bug, sheesh. I'm so sorry about the allergy with the wax - how frustrating to experience that! I wonder if you are like me -- you methylation is poor -- meaning that you can't detoxify substances very well. That would be tough for you in your job -- working with sprays and fragrances and hair color, etc. Good luck with all of that!

                      Lav, I'm hoping that this weekend I'll have energy to do some outdoor work. There are some projects that really need attention, and it would make me happy to see some results. But I really get tired during the day, so I'm not sure how much I'll get done. So sorry the house was quiet after granddaughter left... that would be hard. Ha ha, your meals sound just like mine! And so do YB's meals - just like my HB. Whatever works!

                      Star, pics were great -- enjoy!

                      Hi Det, hope all is well -

                      Good night and sleep tight to all ---


                        Re: Anchored August

                        Good morning...

                        I'm back! We had a great time, cloudy weather, sunny weather, rainy weather, in five days we had it all. Loved being with my brother and sister-in-law and enjoying the ocean. However, I ate dairy, cream cheese and a creamy soup and had an allergic reaction: congestion, swelled lips, hot flashes. It was the last day and I was happy to get home and eat vegan again. I am already so much better, I have to really watch my food intake, it was scary. I have steroids and may take them for a couple of days, not sure yet.

                        Lav, it has really cooled off here, love it, sixties today and maybe some rain. Sorry about your allergies, this really stinks. I knew I was sensitive to dairy, but this was really intense. It kind of built up over a few days, and I did not respect the signals. Now I am. I agree about not working outside due to poison ivy, it seems to get worse over time. I liked the recipe you shared with hummus and guacamole, I am going to try that.

                        Cyn, good to be back home. You have been very busy, so sorry that virus took so long to leave. Are you reading anything good right now? I read the book club book and it was so bad I may quit. We have a lady who does not want to read any intense books, so we have ended up reading lousy books and I am done. It was a stupid romance book, I am so over those. What is there to discuss? I am going to suggest an autobiography for the next month and if another goofy book is chosen, I am out of there. Life is too short.

                        Pauly, sorry about the allergic reaction to the wax, ouch that sounds painful. I am ready for fall now, it is September 1st. Oops, I will start a new thread.

