Good evening Abbers,
It sure is cool here in Lav-land
Perfect weather for doing things outdoors if you're not scared to death of the poisonous plants, ugh. I am going to have to spend the winter looking for a gardening hazmat suit for myself for next summer, ha ha!
Mick, it really does take a while to recover from a serious muscle spasm, especially in the neck. And don't be too surprised if it just shows up again in the future for no real reason. Mine sure does. I think I have convinced YB that most of the veggies we grow here are crappy. The onions, garlic & red potatoes do OK but the rest, not so much. WE can get all the veggies we need from the Amish farmer/neighbor. Flowers will be the focus here next year as well!!
Det, so glad your photos were well received, that's great!
Don't overdue on the spicy sausage now, haha!!
Pauly, hope your day was good!
PQ, maybe you could teach the boss some time management skills? Is he teachable??
Hoping Pie is OK :hug:
Wishing everyone a nice night!