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w/c firdovsept

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    Re: w/c firdovsept

    Mae everybody, Mick I love the jokes up too early for a day off but o guess that's just how it is,that Irma looks do scary! How awful for Texas to be hit by Harvey now Florida and surroundings by this,ugh,yet Trump still talking about his wall and screwing with undoc workers,there's bigger fish to fry trying to get things cleaned up! Sam,money cake was awesome, wish it were real haha,hope Det can get on today Star,think I caught Lou's cold too,we'll both be sickies this weekend, oh well at least its not self inflicted, Lav,human food has Mick's imagination running wild haha,Pie,has the storm effected your business? PQ,I googled and came up Greek,am I right? I used to love those little Greek cookies with the powdered sugar as a kid,dunno what they're called,much love to all have a safe,AF Friday P.S.thanks for the birthday wishes
    Last edited by paulywogg; September 8, 2017, 07:46 AM.
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: w/c firdovsept

      MAE ALL...TGIF!!!!

      Pauly...your guess, Greek food, is correct. I caught Lou's cold too,we'll both be sickies this weekend, oh well at least its not self inflicted I'm sorry your not feeling great but am so glad it wasn't self inflicted. LOL

      Mick...give Vegas a bodyswerve...they scared? That made me laugh. Dying to know what your cunning ish plan is. As long as it doesn't involve ladders I'm ok with it. LOL

      Shout out to everyone else.

      Was thinking finally I can just concentrate on my own work until the Program coordinator showed up, she's not supposed to work Fridays. Normally if she's got a question she just stops working, turns in her chair and stares at me till I say can I help you with something. Think she got the message when I totally ignored her. I felt sorry for her in the beginning and showed her the ropes but come's been 1 year! Rant over. Rotisserie chicken, broccoli & cauliflower and shredded potato casserole for dinner so bet get on it.....:smile:PPQP


        Re: w/c firdovsept

        Finally! woooo hoooo ABeroooos!

        ok, got the password crapola finally dialed-in and happy to be home after a big day.
        Did an online test for new was really hard and my brain still hurts but i'm optimistic as they want to
        do a phone interview this coming Tue....

        Lav, thought I read you are stocked up on chicken feet! had to re read that bit. I'm the eternal prepper...seid bereit!
        I guess it's from an upbringing in the Ozzy outback where disaster and cyclones were a regular part of life and help
        was never close. Great skills.

        PPQ rant yerself silly, we can take it!

        Greek food? yes please.

        Pauly and Snoopy, rest and take good care of yourselves and no matter what ...don't give me your colds!

        Mick thanks for keeping us a spot in the universe as always. What are you up to for fun and fortune
        this weekend?

        well, it's officially kick back and space-out time

        be well loves
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Re: w/c firdovsept

          Good evening Abbers,

          More storm preparations today even though it was a cool & sunny day here.
          I really feel sorry for the millions of people already affected by Irma & it's going to be going on for days. Such a tragedy & we have no effective government to take charge & offer real help, very sad.

          Mick, when is take off day with your camper? I hope you have decent weather for your trip

          Hi there SnoopStar & Pauly!

          PQ, how is it that you seem to be the only person at your job who knows how to do anything? Is it possible for you to collect all their paychecks too? Ha ha!!!
          I hope you have a super relaxing weekend, you deserve one

          Hello to Det, hope you can check in tonight.
          Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a nice night!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: w/c firdovsept

            Here I am, late for dinner. Is the choice still chicken feed & cat food at Lav's, or join PQ at Oprah's house? Kickin' back, and spacin' out is my destiny as well this Friday evening, Det. I did not know you were raised in the Outback. Pauly, I can think of nothing that the storm has not affected. Life is turned upside down in varying degrees for all. Real estate wise, listings for properties now contain a checkbox for whether or not they flooded during Harvey. One good thing about Harvey is that it seems to be influencing Floridians to get out of the way of Irma. Your jokes made me smile, as always, Mick. Especially like the guitar one.

            Tomorrow I'm meeting a plane that's carrying donations for 4-legged storm victims. Should be mighty interesting.


              Re: w/c firdovsept

              Hiya Mick, thanks for the jokes.

              The weather has been crazy for sure. My good friend took a job in hospitality in Turks and Caicos, she had furniture, her car, etc. shipped there. I wonder how she is.

              I went to the carnival with Vivian tonight, it was a blast and made a good memory.

              I have to clean, cleaning lady comes tomorrow!!
              Enlightened by MWO


                Re: w/c firdovsept

                morning all....running about like a loony this hasnt stopped raining here ..the roads are flooded ...thankfullly we are on a hill!!so just a quick jump in and a few jokes opposed to me yakking as for putting the awning up outside ...couldnt yesterday ....but what I did do ...moved all the furniture out of the dining room ....ta da.....




                so got a basic idea of how it goes now ...out detecting tomorrow so early start ....heres a quick brew

                The inventor of the USB stick has died.
                Thanks for the memory.

                If you had a choice between buying FIFA18 and taking your girlfriend out to dinner.
                What club would you start your career with?

                How do you unlock a BBQ restaurant?

                With the smo-key.

                Where does headache medicine live?


                What do you call a sandwich shop that just opened in India? / New deli

                Where did the fish stay when it went to vacation in Alaska? / The salminn.

                What kind of hot sauce do shoes put on their feet? / Toe basco

                How do you arrest a sick person? / Put him in hand coughs

                How many tickles does it take for an octopus to laugh? Tenticles

                What did the Native American say when he forgot the lines to his chant? / Heya owa umma eya heya owa umma eya.

                What is a southern frogs favorite food? / Bbqed ribbits

                How does the butcher introduce his wife? Meet Patty.

                I got caught smuggling twelve cases of Portuguese fortified wine in to the country..

                Now I'm worried I might be de-ported.

                Q) How do you stop moles from digging up your garden?

                A) Hide their spades.

                A pessimist's blood type is always b-negative.
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: w/c firdovsept

                  Mae everybody, Mick at least you have an idea of how it goes with the awning,I bet Julie just shakes her head sometimes haha Det,glad you got your password straightened out, I hate changing passwords! Pie,I guess it will make business busier cuz people will be searching hi and lo for places un effected by the flooding, rained here most of the night but I still slept kinda restless, went to the Excalibur yesterday cuz Kell likes a Mexican fast food chain and they've all closed except for that location, took Lou downstairs to play a few arcade games and we took pics in one of those little booths,it was fun,much love to all and I hope we all have a wonderful AF Saturday (dont wanna go to work!)
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: w/c firdovsept

                    hope all your customers have haircuts like mine..then you will have nuffink to do
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: w/c firdovsept

                      Think its gonna be slow anyways Mick cuz it's raining again
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: w/c firdovsept

                        MAE ALL...

                        Off to take the MIL to get her blood work done. Will check back later.....:smile:PPQP

                        OMG got to MIL's and she couldn't find her Health Care Card. We searched her purse for 1/2 hour and then I cancelled the lab appointment. She then wanted to go out for lunch more for the break in the day than food. So I took her to Olive Garden. While we were there she opened a zipper part of her wallet and guess what she found!!!! So booked another lab appointment for next Saturday. Just what I want to do on my weekends.

                        Mick...our loony doesn't run, it doesn't even walk. LOL Good job on assembling the awning. Can you get it out of the dining room without unassembling it? Bet Julie is impressed. Good luck with detecting tomorrow. Guess this means your neck is better.

                        Pauly...don't get me started on passwords. Not only do I have to remember all mine I get the staff phoning asking me what theirs are! So did you end up having a slow day?

                        Shout out to everyone else....:smile:PPQP
                        Last edited by porqoui; September 9, 2017, 03:12 PM.


                          Re: w/c firdovsept

                          Good evening Abbers,

                          Yep, we had another pleasantly cool & sunny day in Lav-land
                          Feeling fortunate considering what's going on in Florida tonight. I keep checking the progress of Irma & worrying about my friends who are on the wets coast of Florida.

                          Mick, you can always go camping in your dining room, ha ha!!!
                          I hope your weather clears up before you take off on your camping trip.

                          Hi there SK & Pauly!

                          PQ, your MIL sounds like a piece of work, LOL! Don't forget you are earning goody points by accommodating her, the universe shall reward you

                          Det, sounds like the interview process is moving right along, nice

                          Hello to Pie, good luck with your doggies this weekend. Dry real estate is preferred I hear!!

                          Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

