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Optimistic October

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    Optimistic October

    Good morning friends,

    Lav, would you be able to invite the family over for YB's birthday and maybe they would all come, with a reconciliation? When my Dad turned 80 he called my brothers who were on the outs, and said all he wanted for his birthday was for them to call each other and make up. They did, and it was a good thing. It was the one thing he really wanted for a gift, their relationship repaired. Just a thought. I think once you get to a certain age you don't give a sh** about the niceities, you just want things right. It is painful to hear of your family issues, you love your kids and grandkids and want a get together, not much to ask. The weather here is lovely again today, I love fall.

    Pauly, I am so deeply affected by what I eat it is unbelievable. Smoothie for breakfast, salad or soup for lunch, and a light dinner are about all I can do anymore. I am discouraged as I have not lost weight and feel heavy around my middle body, very uncomfortable. If I eat fatty or greasy food I am instantly sick, so have to be careful with what I eat. If eggs bother you, what else could you have? Its weird that food effects us more as we age. I am in a period of transition, not always easy even though it is what I want. I want to make October a month of being good to myself and make good choices about what I put in my body and mind. Hope to get outside today.

    Cyn, I went to an art museum in my area surrounded by a beautiful park and took a garden tour. It was lovely and I am thinking of volunteering there. I am lucky to have so many wonderful places to choose from. I just need to make a decision. A life coach huh? I don't trust people easily but will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion. Take care of yourself as you travel from city to country.

    Have a great AF Sunday.

    Re: Optimistic October

    Morning friends and Happy October! Star,I think I'd starve on a smoothie,soup or salad for lunch and light dinner haha,I get bad blood sugar dips(tests show nothing!) So I have to eat several protein snacks throughout the day or I get shaky,sweaty,vision off,etc,I think I'm gonna really hafta sit down and look at what I'm eating,I have lost the 10 lbs I wanted using MFP so that's not so much my issue anymore just trying to get a "cleaner" feeling throughout my body if that makes sense,seems the only vegetables I truly like are broccoli and lettuce so I think I'm gonna buy a humongous bag of frozen broc and some chicken breast for the weeks lunch,I'll alternate eggs and oatmeal for breakfast and dinner,ugh,dinner is the tricky part,Lav,I'm sorry after all this time its still like this with the family,probably just try and do something special for YB that's different Cyn,are you feeling 100% yet? I hope so,wishing all of us a happy AF Sunday!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Optimistic October

      Good evening friends & happy October!

      I almost had a heart attack this afternoon when I found one of my son's dogs walking around with a chicken in his mouth, holy sh*t
      I yelled DROP IT & he did & the chicken took off running, ha ha! She looks a little shell shocked but otherwise OK, no visible injuries. Now why did he do that all of a sudden?
      Never a dull moment with kids, dogs & chickens around.

      Star, that sounds like a wonderful volunteer opportunity for you, I hope it works out!
      I have tried talking to my kids about getting together for one thing or another & they are both telling me 'no way'. I can't fix this nonsense, I guess we'll just have to continue on as we have this past year. What a bunch of BS, don't you think?

      Pauly, I have been through times in my life where I felt I was suffering from low blood glucose levels too. The only thing is I was working in a hospital where it was easy to check my blood sugar - it was always fine. Then I thought maybe it was a low B/P issue but that was fine too. Then I started to wonder if I was losing my mind, haha. Now I don't have any problem with it at all - weird. Making sure we get some protein with each meal is always a good idea

      Cyn, I hope your weekend worked out just as planned. The weather is quite nice here & I am enjoying it.
      My cold has almost gone already, I'm surprised but happy, yay!

      SK, I see you posted on last month's thread. Good to see you & hope all is well with you.

      Have a nice night everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Optimistic October

        Hi all - things are going fine here... it's hard to make this happen, but it makes HB so happy and that is so sweet that it makes me happy too. Client tomorrow and then home.

        Take care all, I'll catch up you with all tomorrow -- be well!


          Re: Optimistic October

          Lav,what is that feeling anyways? I did check my bp at Kmart on one of those machines and it was 110/61 but those aren't very accurate I don't think,glad the poor chicken survived after the dog picked it up! Went to the Harvest festival at the catholic church across the street,,had a cupcake and was laughing at Louie dancing to "Dancing queen" then "Sugar pie honey bunch"! It was too cute,Cyn,glad you made it happen,have a great night all
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: Optimistic October

            Good morning all...

            October already, going to work to make this a good month.

            Lav, glad your cold is going away quickly. It is warming up this week but hopefully not in the 90s.

            Pauly, sounds like you are feeling better and had a nice weekend.

            Cyn, take care and have a great trip home today.

            I spent alot of yesterday outside, walking and slept really well. Today exercise and housework. I have reading I want to get done too. Nothing exciting, but all good. Have a great AF Monday.


              Re: Optimistic October

              Morning friends,yes Star let's make this a good month,no natter what's happening around us just try and keep happy and at peace in our minds I guess waves to Lav ,Cyn SK hoping for a peaceful AF Monday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Optimistic October

                Hi all - home! Tired, gotta take a nap. The house is a nippy 62, sheesh. I have a space heater in the office heating up the room.

                Pauly, SO glad that you just went across the street to your Harvest festival, I was so worried when I heard the news this morning. Your community will be dealing with this for a long time... so sorry.

                Star, you sound good,- I hope that you are feeling good too. I LOVE the idea of the garden and park volunteering, cool! Check it out -

                Lav, my dog caught something (squirrel, chipmunk?) and went running around the yard with the dog sitter chasing him. He eventually dropped it or she pulled it, I'm not sure... he was pretty pleased with himself, and she thought it was kinda funny, but that the object in question didn't look so hot when she threw it into the woods, uuugh. What is it with these dogs? Hmmm, I guess just being dogs...

                Will try to catch up later when I have half a brain... just so grateful all are safe. Have a good evening...


                  Re: Optimistic October

                  Good evening friends,

                  What a morning, huh? Waking up to that nasty news on a Monday, geez. I was texting Pauly before I got thru my first cup of coffee :hug:
                  What the hell is wrong with people anyway? If the shooter was angry & fed up with his life, a simple suicide would have sufficed. Sorry to be so blunt

                  Hi Star, glad yo are enjoying this new & improved weather. I did hear it's supposed to warm up a bit as the week goes on but no 90 degree predictions.

                  Pauly, I hope things settle down & life is not too interrupted for you & your family.
                  Here's a little info about a shooting that happened in my old hometown back in 1985. My patient's wife was killed that day, young couple, so sad.
                  Springfield Mall (Pennsylvania) - Wikipedia
                  It took a few weeks but the town eventually calmed down & went back to normal. This is what happens when a paranoid schiz has access to a gun.

                  Cyn, glad you are home safe & sound.
                  Here we were just talking about a scenario such as this & it happens. Those poor people were trapped in area & the exits were not clear.

                  Please everyone, always, always be aware of your surroundings & check for the locations of the exits. I like to keep myself as close to an exit as possible, you just never know.

                  New furniture being delivered in the morning. This afternoon we dragged the old furniture down into the basement family area & dragged the furniture that was down there to the outside (good to have an outside door right from the basement), ha ha!
                  Peace to all tonight!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Optimistic October

                    That's terrible Lav! In 1985 these shootings were rare,now its a question of where now ya know thank you sooo much for reaching out to me this morning,much needed and appreciated
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: Optimistic October

                      Good morning...

                      Pauly, so terrible having the massacre in your town, grateful you are safe. I remember when I lived in a town where a shooter went into a grocery store we all used and shot and killed three people, for not reason. Evil sick people. Again, grateful you are safe.

                      Cyn, dogs are so funny, they want to live in the house but like to get stinky and into trouble. I am still considering all my options, will not be making committments till after the week of the 16th as we are having a bathroom renovation and I have to be here for that. I am trying to plan the last third of my life and also to not be so frantic, to take it easy and be OK with me. I read a book all afternoon and it was relaxing and wonderful to just read. The weather here is so lovely right now, the breeze coming in was soft and warm, so I stayed in the moment and enjoyed.

                      Lav, what fun, new furniture! Your home will be cozy and fresh for the winter months and you can really enjoy! I could not believe the shooting stats, so many killed, shot and hurt. It is a tragedy, one that will be repeated due to no reasonable gun laws. Terrifying. I was also saddened to here that Tom Petty died, but read he was an almost a pack a day cigarette smoker, so like my good friend, you just don't live long normally if you smoke alot. Very sad. Today I get to pick up my grandson and tomorrow my daughter is coming over to get him so a busy two days. Then we will not have him for at least two weeks, so I will be focused on other things. Enjoying a cup of coffee right now, then will get ready to go exercise.

                      Wishing you all a safe AF Tuesday.


                        Re: Optimistic October

                        Morning all - Pauly , sending lots of love your way --- so sorry that this has happened in your city. If it happened here, I would be very shook up. I am thinking of you.

                        Lav, what a sad story about the 1985 experience. Ditto all you said about the gun situation. Thanks for the reminder about Exits, I am still learning to remember that when I go from place to place...

                        Let's find our centers again in strength, compassion, and awareness, and don't forget to breathe -- I had to remind myself this morning --- sending all love -



                          Re: Optimistic October

                          X-post, Star! Sounds like you have good family time coming up, and good projects. Enjoy your coffee!


                            Re: Optimistic October

                            Morning friends,Cyn thanks for that,,finding our centers again finding some peace is important,this year has been such a whirlwind so far,just want it to calm down,Star sounds like a lot of fun with the grandbabies,I wish I'd figure out where my energy ran off to cuz it's hard to be a present Nan when I just want to nap! This has only been for about a week but man I'm tired! Lav I'm jealous of the new furniture! I really want a new bed but sheesh mattresses are expensive,I hafta have a California king cuz I hate being disturbed by hubs and those are pricey,been asking him for 4 days to get my Halloween stuff down and he keeps putting me off,I'd get them myself but he's got so much stuff crammed in that attic space I might get an avalanche! Praying for the victims and families of Sunday nights attack,what a creep I posted on daily that I'm very proud of this community though,the police,EMTs,hospitals,fire department and just the great people who stepped up to help the families stranded here,they've been great,wishing us all a HAPPY AF Tuesday
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: Optimistic October

                              Good evening friends,

                              Happy to be sitting on comfy new furniture, ha ha!
                              The dog is happy on her new dog couch & hasn't attempted to jump on mine

                              Star, funny you mentioned planning for the last third of your life. I have thought in those terms myself but haven't actually come up with anything. Why? My experience has taught me that plans can quickly go to hell when some parties lose interest & change their own direction - if you know what I mean. I had to get myself into the habit of living pretty much just day to day & not looking too far ahead. It's actually a lot less stressful that way, who knew?
                              I hope you have a great time with your grandson, you will be busy!
                              We are going to have some great music when we pass over to the other side. Think of all the great musicians already there! RIP Tom Petty.

                              Cyn, that shooting back in '85 was seriously shocking for our little hometown. The shooter went to the same high school we did although she was about 7-8 years younger.
                              You just never know the sh*t people have in their heads, sad ;(
                              Yeah, we have to stay alert & keep our eyes on the exits & most importantly say something if you think you see something! Better to be safe than sorry, huh?

                              Pauly, tomorrow 45 is making a visit to your town. I wonder if he is going to be as ridiculous as he was in Puerto Rico today? Unbelievable is all I can say.
                              I've seen a good bit of TV coverage in Las Vegas. The reporter from our Philly ABC6 station has been there for a few days interviewing folks. Everyone seems to be pretty fragile right now. It will take time to heal :hug:

                              Well, tomorrow is YB's 65th BD so I ended up making a plan with my daughter this afternoon. We are going to take him to dinner at the Israeli place where she lives (which is next to where we used to live), ha ha. He loves that place, not fancy & darn good food! That's the best I can do for him right now with the family situation being what it is.
                              Not going to sweat the small stuff!

                              Have a nice night everyone!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

