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Optimistic October

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    Re: Optimistic October

    Greetings friends,

    Warm & a bit muggy here today, very foggy this morning. I suppose the rain will move in at some point. I see Nate is going after New Orleans as a Cat 2!
    Geez, what a season this has been.

    Star, I hope you feel better soon.
    I am a firm believer in probiotics helping our immune systems. I think we lose some of our natural ability to fight off viral assaults as we age. I'm concerned that the quality of our food these days & the way we cook things could destroy some of the vitamin & minerals. We need to give ourselves plenty of help.
    I was kind of surprised with my grandkids, they didn't seem to have the teething issues that my own kids had, lucky kids. I hope your little one gets through it OK.

    Cyn, not wanting to cook for fussy eaters? What's wrong with you anyway??? HA HA!!!!!
    I'm tired of trying to please anyone any more, honestly. I am more & more cooking for myself & if anyone wants to join me - fine
    I hope your party went well!

    Pauly, I was kind of low energy myself this morning. My energy kicked in when it was time to cook something for dinner, go figure.
    I hope your day went well, work & all!

    Wishing everyone a nice night!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Optimistic October

      Good morning...

      Lav, my little grandson is sicker than just teething, some kind of bug, not able to keep anything down. If he is not better today he will have to go too the hospital for IVs. I am hoping that won't happen. My cold went away for most of the day, then came back last night, darn. No big plans today, so will take it easy. Lav, I don't think you would like to be Amish either, I know I wouldn't.

      Cyn, what a nice dinner you planned, hope it went well. You just do your best and hope the family is appreciative.

      Pauly, hope your day went better than you expected.

      Happy AF Sunday to all.


        Re: Optimistic October

        Morning friends,Star I really hope the baby doesn't have to go get IV fluids! That's so scary when the little ones can't keep stuff down glad you're mostly on the mend,Cyn how'd it go? Lav are you doing any winter planting? I see a rogue tomato plant again,I gave up on my garden this year but I don't think its given up on me,man I've just been sleeping like a rock and getting up later I don't like that cuz I get scared something's wrong,especially cuz I'm still dragging all day,maybe its stress or hormone related as always,wishes for a sweet,sober Sunday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Optimistic October

          Good evening all -

          Just a quick checkin, HB and SD are off to their respective places, so I am now going to get my stuff done! All went pretty well, I did have to step in just at the end and tell them both to 'reel it in', but that seemed to work and things ratcheted down. SD was in some pain because of a tailbone issue, so it was remarkable that she drove here to be with us. She liked all the kiddie BD things, glad I did that. After all the food I bought, she wanted to go out for pizza, go figure... ha!

          Off to try to get something done yet this evening. Hoping all are well. Pauly, take it slow and go ahead and rest - the change of seasons are kinda tough, I think. Star, sending best wishes for you grand baby, that sounds a little scary. Lav, we finally got some rain this morning, but it's still hot and humid, weird!

          Take care and happy AF night ---


            Re: Optimistic October

            Good evening friends,

            It is weirdly warm, humid & basically gross for this time of year, yuck.
            Cyn, why would a grown woman want to go get pizza after seeing all the effort & food you provided? I would not be happy with that scenario but that's just me. It reminds me of my DIL who used to sit here & pick onions & peppers out of her food & make a big show of breaking the stems off of fresh spinach, ha ha!! I hope the rest of your evening is easy.

            Pauly, change of seasons & fluctuating hormones make us all tired I think. Just give your body what it needs right now & things will level out on their own.
            YB has plans to grow lots of stuff in the greenhouse this winter now that the heater is hooked up in there. I know he has lettuces & spinach growing in there right now
            Also tons of spider plants - too bad you can't eat them, LOL

            Star, gosh I just remembered taking my son to the ER on a Sunday morning thinking he needed IV fluids. He had been sick for a few days, couldn't keep anything down, had that rank acetone breath & a dry diaper, etc. After getting a little fresh air on the ride to the hospital & sipping on a soda (of all things) while we were in the waiting room waiting.....he suddenly perked up & was just fine! Kids can scare you & surprise you in a matter of minutes. I hope your grandson rallies very soon :hug:
            I am too attached to my 'English' life to ever even consider going Amish, no worries.

            It was awfully quiet this weekend, I kind of expected to see the boys but that didn't happen. Not much I can do about that.
            Wishing everyone a nice night!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Optimistic October

              Morning friends,Star I hope the baby is better by now,Lav,breaking stems off of spinach? I can see picking out onions or whatever but the spinach I'm stumped by haha,Cyn,I know you put in a lot of effort on the get together but maybe she just had a pizza craving who knows,went to Boulder city to the Art in the park but none of the kids were into it,Kell's a crabby pregnant lady,Brady stayed up late so he was tired so we didn't stay long,the food was greasy(even tho I love fried food) and overpriced but I still had fun cuz I love BC,I had noticed from pics of last year when we went Lou was wearing the same shirt yesterday! That was funny,wishing us all a happy,healthy AF Monday!
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Optimistic October

                Not only did I get a cold, yesterday I got the stomach flu from my other grandson. I have been so sick, and my daughter has it too. What a week. I am finally feeling a little better, can' believe this.

                Cyn, you SD sounds difficult but you managed her beautifully and gave her a sweet birthday celebration.

                Pauly, the art fair sounded fun.

                Lav, I cannot believe how sick I have been, that's what happens when I help out I guess. Geez.

                Trying to feel better and move on. Have a good one.


                  Re: Optimistic October

                  Good evening friends!

                  Star, geez! When you get sick you really get sick.
                  Keep yourself hydrated as much as possible & just take it easy, OK? Sending you healing hugs :hug:
                  I hope your daughter & the kids are improving as well.

                  Pauly, I love art fairs & such but the food offerings are usually off limits for me
                  Sorry the kids were not interested, sounds typical though.
                  My DIL has some weird food habits & strange texture issues. Just another annoying thing that we silently put up with for many years without much appreciation.

                  Cyn, still raining here although I hear it's moving up your way. We lost power for a few minutes this afternoon too.
                  I just hope some cooler & drier weather gets here soon!

                  Have a nice night everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Optimistic October

                    Snoopy, get some charcoal capsules.... seriously! they are magic for bad stomach situations. That's what got me
                    back on track from food poisoning. I will always keep them handy now. just in case.... and if I have to eat out at a restaurant
                    or something I'd take them.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Re: Optimistic October

                      Good morning...

                      Det, Charcoal tablets? Interesting. Where can you buy them, at the drug store? I am ok now, it was a 24 hour bug, the typical stomach flu bug that comes on suddenly, takes you down, then is gone after the big headache sets in. Annoying and debilitating. But thanks Det, I will look for those.

                      Lav, I know can you believe it? My daughter and I tried to talk yesterday but both felt sick so not alot of chatting done. That's what I get for helping out. I don't mind if people have food issues, but I appreciate it when they are polite about it, bring their own food, or just make due. To make everyone else miserable or to make it a big deal is so rude. How hard for you to put up with that for so long, then for this current situation too. Very difficult. Looks like we are getting some rain today too, that is OK with me. Those wildfires in California look terrifying.

                      Pauly, do you get depressed when you don't feel well? I was super depressed when I was sick, my mood has lifted now thank goodness. I hate when that happens. When is Kell's baby due? Bet you are getting excited. It will be such a big change for little Louie. He'll need his grandma more then ever. That has been my experience at least and a source of joy. Very blessed to live by my grandchildren, you too!

                      Cyn, hope your day went well, I am sure you are experiencing fall by now, the leaf colors here are just beautiful.

                      Have a great AF Tuesday!


                        Re: Optimistic October

                        Morning all -

                        Well, I posted yesterday, where in the heck did it go? Uuugh, operator error...

                        Star, poor thing, I hope you are on the mend today -- take some time to bring yourself back to full health!

                        Pauly, Boulder City sounds fun! But I hear ya on the food -- those events are for young people's tastebuds and guts only, ha!

                        Lav, I have the same situation with my SD... certain foods can't touch on the plate, the right textures are crucial, etc. She has Crohn's, so I'm not sure what she eats for that, she has food issues generally with weight, etc. I just have given up trying to cook, it's too frustrating. I think Pauly's right, she just had a taste for pizza, which is fine with me, I just want her to be happy with her food, I don't care about anything else, because when she's not happy, no one is happy! She was already in a state because she has something going on with her tailbone - lots of pain. I know she worries that her weight might be a factor... I think the 'comfort eating' switch got flipped. Whatever, it's her life and her health.

                        We had some dramatic storms pass through yesterday, right in the area where we live. I went out for errands and came home to a downed tree in the road, and a dropped wire on my driveway. I had to park in my neighbors driveway, carry the groceries over to my house and walk the dog carefully over the wire (nothing broken, no sparking) I know we probably shouldn't have done that, but what was I supposed to do? They came at midnight and got it all cleared away -- my neighbor is wonderful, but I don't think she wanted house guests for 10 hours! I am just so grateful that no tree came down around our house, whew. With these humongous mature trees, you just never know. It reminded me to get all my crucial stuff together on a thumb drive, and a 'go' pack together. We all should have those - who knows what's around the corner these days - fire, flood , tornado, earthquake. Star, i haven't seen any news pics of the fires in CA, but the descriptions I have read are terrifying. Maybe we have to be like the Boy Scouts: prepared.

                        Well on that cheery note, I'm off to work. Doing several special projects today -

                        Wishing al a wonderful AF Tuesday --


                          Re: Optimistic October

                          Morning friends,Star Kell's due Jan 21 yes I get depressed when I'm sick ugh think it's inflammation from what I've read,glad you feel better anybody here ever use Stevia? Its supposed to be a natural sweetener alternative but I seem to be allergic or sensitive to it,stiffs me right up but it's in so many products,one day I bought Lou these cute little juices but then read it was in there so I didn't let him have them,I'm not gonna feed a small child stuff like that hmm.Cyn,you've been a bit quiet,how's things? Lav,I kind of have food texture issues sometimes too but I NEVER make a scene with it haha,I hate things that are too "gooshy" like say a,breakfast burrito all the eggs and peppers together make me want to throw up,dunno why,I really wish this worn down feeling would pass,super stuffed in the morning,a bit of dizziness throughout the day,just a sickly feel who knows hope we all have a happy AF Tuesday
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Optimistic October

                            X-post Cyn,sounds like an awful storm that caused so much ruckus! Glad you're ok
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: Optimistic October

                              Good evening friends,

                              I had an unexpected nice day with my daughter today
                              She was told not to come into work today (that happens when the hospital census drops). So we walked from her house down to the shopping area in her town, bought some stuff & had lunch, nice! YB had a meeting to attend in our old town near there so he just dropped me off & picked me up when he was done.

                              Star, glad you are feeling better. I am seriously afraid of catching anything these days. I swear the older we get the harder it hits us & the longer it takes to get over the virus & feel normal again, geez. I really count on my vitamins & probiotics for assistance.
                              Dealing with a picky eater (child) is one thing but dealing with a picky eater (adult) is something completely different in my book, ha ha! Time to grow up & get over it I think

                              Cyn, glad you are OK after that big storm! I don't like it when wires come down, scares me.
                              SD has Crohn's? She definitely would benefit from an anti-inflammatory diet. Everyone is different but the usual culprits like dairy, high fat foods, too much fiber, etc can cause a lot of grief. Has she talked to a dietician? That would be helpful for sure. Pizza is probably comforting to the mind but not so much for the gut.
                              I hope your day was good to you!

                              Pauly, my daughter was born January 19, maybe your new grandbaby will be born that day too
                              I am not a fan of any sweeteners really but I think stevia is OK, it's natural made from an herb. When they first came out with aspartame (NutraSweet) back in the 80's they immediately stated that there was no 'safe level' tested in children so I decided right there & then that I wouldn't have any in the house. Saccharin (Sweet'N low) always gave me raging headaches so I didn't use that. I buy unsweetened apple juice in juice boxes o pouches for the kids & they are happy with that. I just can't load a kid up with sugar or artificial chemicals. Now, we have to get to work on your food texture issues, ha ha!!!! Everyone is different, I get that

                              More rain predicted for tomorrow but I doubt it's going to do anything to relieve the heat & humidity. Crazy the AC is still on & it's approaching mid-October.
                              Have a nice night everyone!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Optimistic October

                                Hello to all, not feeling well but who needs another organ recital? Wishing us all positive days!

