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Optimistic October

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    Re: Optimistic October

    Morning friends,Star rest up love Cyn,I think a lot of us comfort eat,I know I do especially when AF there's just a need for something I guess,Lav if I met you in real life but didn't know your food sensitivity stuff I'd think you were the worst adult picky eater haha! I need to pay more attention to what that darn test told me,I think the wheat that showed up is doing me more harm than I previously thought,it's just really hard! Glad you had a great day with your daughter,thank goodness for daughters! I told Kell I kinda wish she was having a girl baby cuz I'm sad she won't get that mother daughter relationship like we have,love my son but we all know boys go and do their own thing,I'm not even close to any of my nieces and nephews cuz my brothers all split from the mothers so they aren't in our lives,if I had sisters instead I'd see the kids all the time,had a very close call with wanting to drink yesterday,,it scared me,don't want to rehash it again I think the further AL is outta my mind the better,wishing us all a great AF Wednesday,Star feel better!!!!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Optimistic October

      Evening all -

      Star, SO sorry that you aren't feeling well - go ahead, tell us, I don't ever think anything is an organ recital! Sending you healing vibes, for sure.

      Pauly, yep wheat can be a real culprit for not feeling good... it is hard, I know. But maybe just a couple of weeks off would give you some information about how your body feels without it? There are such good bean pastas out there now, so much better than the rice and corn ones, I think. Good luck!!

      Lav, so happy to hear that you had a surprise good day with your daughter, what a bonus - for her too! Yes, SD knows all the info, and was working with a dietician for awhile. She just won't do it. Despite the fact that she is in a low-level flare all the time... I could and would cook her what I eat, which I manage to make darn tasty, but I know she wouldn't be satisfied, and I don't need the stress. So, it's her body and her life, right?

      Worked hard all morning, then had a series of cancellations/things didn't work out this afternoon. Drove a ton, so that alone wore me out. Oh well!

      Wishing all a comfortable, comforting AF evening tonight.


        Re: Optimistic October

        Good evening friends,

        Gentle rain started here right around dinnertime. So we can expect a few cooler days then it heads right back into the 80's for the weekend. I guess the AC stays on!
        I'm already having problems sleeping so I will not do anything to make it more uncomfortable in here, Lol

        Star, so sorry you are still sick. Rest up, feel better soon :hug:

        Pauly, I suppose you could call me a picky eater but if you did I would have to punch you, ha ha. Trying to preserve what's left of my bones & gut is a full time job, no kidding.
        Just today I ate a handful of pretezels & immediately had a nasty gut reaction I know I shouldn't eat the stupid things..... but I just wanted them, duh.
        For me, plain old white flour products disagree with me, I should not eat any of that stuff. I just hope I can get my gut settled down in time to try to sleep tonight.
        I have to agree with you about the mother/daughter connection. It is a more permanent thing, more of a friendship too.
        One important thing to always remember - we do not drink, not ever!

        Cyn, sorry someone wasted your time today, that's always irritating.
        Your SD is a grown woman & her choices certainly are hers to make. Maybe one of these days she will change her mind & do something to help herself. I have to stop myself from telling one of my kids what I think they should do.......that's dangerous territory, right?

        Well, I have an early AM apt to get my B/P checked & get a flu shot - lovely.
        Have a nice night everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Optimistic October

          Good morning...

          I woke up yesterday with pink eye, ended up going to med check and was prescribed eye drops. I hope this is it. I of course also do not feel 100% and I am tired of being sick. Boring I know.

          Lav, it is cool here again today, I love it. You have worked hard to figure out your food issues and lots of good recipes to be healthy. I am trying to figure out what I can eat and what I can't. If I indulge, I get really sick, I need to find the strength to make good choices. It isn't easy.

          Pauly, so grateful you were able to get through your craving, they hit hard. For any of us, it is never a good idea/choice to drink. It leads to days of misery and I am sick of it. I know you are too. That to me is the insanity of it. Knowing it is a bad choice, yet doing it anyway.

          Cyn, some days are like that, hope you were able to rest later in the day.

          Have a good one.


            Re: Optimistic October

            Morning friends,Star sorry about the pink eye! You know that's been going around here too my friends kid had it and Brady's friend just got over it,,so weird how these illnesses seem to travel maybe its the wind,Cyn,driving around wears me out more than running around! Just being in the car having to be constantly aware I think,the other day I was driving somewhere and was bitching in my head about the traffic,I turned it around to"hey at least its not L.A like traffic" then I shut up fast haha,hope yesterday was better Lav does seem like a full time job,if we truly ate what we're supposed to and avoided all the bad things I think we'd be researching and in the kitchen constantly,not just us here but as a nation,hubs was mentioning all the crap in the food supply last night,GMO,hormones,etc and he laughed at how McDonald's always has a 7 mile line and how people can eat that junk,I told him cuz it tastes good but you pay the price later,wishing us all a happy,healthy AF Thursday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: Optimistic October

              Good evening friends,

              Rainy day, off & on but it's cooler. The weekend is going to heat up just like August, ha ha. WTH is wrong with this planet? GLOBAL WARMING!!
              Droughts, floods, wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanos erupting in Europe, etc, geez!
              I went & got my B/P checked, got my flu shot, went to the drugstore to pick up my med refill only to find out my NP was so busy yakking during our visit she forgot to send the Rx electronically to the drugstore, ha ha!! I'll have to get after her tomorrow I guess.

              Star, pink eye, ugh! Do the kids have it too? It's so contagious that when one of my kids got it the other got it almost right away. It finally stopped when I enforced the handwashing rules at home, oh boy. I hope you feel better soon, it's been a tough week for you.
              I have been aware of my food sensitivities for most of my life to be honest. It wasn't until right after my son was born that I realized I HAD NO CHOICE but to start making some changes & that was almost 37 years ago!!!! You can only wish away your problems & your aches & pains for so long, then you have to take action. I really started to feel sorry for myself after a while & that in itself (almost with a sh*tload of family, spouse & work stress) led me to my decade long wine binge
              All that wine, whiskey or whatever I was pouring down my gut certainly did not help & probably caused some damage. This is why I am so completely determined to remain AF, stay away from foods that I know cause me grief. I am also keeping a safety moat around myself & I am not letting anything or anyone disturb the peace that I finally found nearly 9 years ago

              Pauly, you used a good example of killing the ANTS! Shut down that negative thinking as soon as you become aware of it & go positive - great!
              I always have either my laptop or my iPad in the kitchen to look up recipes & order some of my unusual food stuffs from Amazon.
              I see the drive thru lines at McDonalds & Wendy's around here always packed with cars. I just smile & know that someday, they too will be feeling like crap because of their choices today. I am grateful that my kids stay out of those places so my grandkids don't go either.

              Did I mention a few weeks ago that YB decided one day that he will stop eating bread? OK I said, why? He said it was making him feel bloated. Do you know what's happened in the past 2-3 weeks? He's lost 12 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could fast for 2-3 weeks & not lose a single pound, ha ha! I hate women's metabolisms, ha ha!

              Hello to Cyn, hope you are OK & giving yourself enough rest!

              Have a nice night everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Optimistic October

                Good morning...

                Lav, it was really weird that I got pink eye, I went to bed sick with congestion, and woke up with an eye infection. The NP explained that inflammation can travel to different parts of your body, lucky me. It still looks horrible, but is slowly improving. I am continuing to fight all these illnesses, and have worked out every single day this week. I plan on two classes today, it is keeping me going. I have felt tired and low energy alot, these illnesses have been really tough on me, I am ready to feel better. I really admire you for learning to cook differently, push ANTS away, and create a good life for yourself. I am excited to start the Forks over Knives cooking class on Nov. 1. I will benefit from learning new recipes and ways to cook veggies and other stuff. It is sooo unfair that YB gives up bread and loses all that weight! But, good for him, what is he eating instead? My daughter is losing weight slowly but steadily with a low carb diet, it just works for her and she feels energetic and healthy. Except of course when her kids share their germs, lol.

                Pauly, big city traffic is the worst. I live in an area that has lots of traffic at certain times, so I try and avoid going out then as it takes forever to get anywhere. I have not been to fast food for a while, I am sure it would upset my stomach, but it does taste good. Kind of like booze, it is good going down, but then big regrets. Any plans today or this weekend? I am supposed to go visit my daughter tomorrow, I 'll have to see how I feel. I think the baby is getting a cold, I just don't want to get sick again.

                Cyn, hope your day goes well.

                Have a great Friday, AF.


                  Re: Optimistic October

                  Morning all -

                  Star, pink eye! Was it from one of the kids? You poor thing - wishing you well and fast healing.

                  Pauly, have you ever seen the film Fast Food Nation? A guy made a film about going from vegan to purposefully eating only fast food, and he gets addicted pretty fast - it's amazing, kind of funny, and really eye-opening. At first his docs don't think the diet change will be a big deal, but later on... I'll let you see the results if you watch the film!

                  Lav, we'll have that same heat this weekend, crazy! Last night was 41 degrees, then up high - how can our poor bodies cope? Yep, I have learned that it is best for me to keep my mouth shut. Food is a really complicated issue, and everyone has to figure it out for themselves. I'm comfortable and happy with what I eat. We are so lucky in this country to have such an abundance of food -- though we have to search sometimes to have it be healthy...

                  I did an at- home medical test yesterday morning, which involved fasting, then drinking some 'sucrolade' or something like that. Sheesh, the whole process, which took over 2 hours, wiped me out. By 10 AM I finally was having a cup of tea -- bliss! But I was spacey and had a hard time concentrating the whole day. Fortunately I did finally the get work done for my Wednesday client, but I felt like I was swimming through wet cement! I woke up this morning with a ton of gratitude - I have a house, heat, lights, running water, a phone, my family is intact and I know where they are, those things are all so amazing. So sorry for the many people that are suffering now, it is a scary time.

                  Wishing all safety and resilience. AF all the way.


                    Re: Optimistic October

                    Morning friends,Star maybe a break from heavy exercise for a bit so your body can focus on healing? Last year I had a cold/flu and I was determined to"sweat it out" all it did was keep me sick longer but everyone's different I guess and I hate giving unsolicited advice so ignore me haha Cyn,yes let's be grateful for the things we do have,I'm trying so hard to find the positives,Kell had to do her glucose test yesterday too,she had an appointment at the lab but it wasn't til 1:15 so she got up early and went and stood in line instead,smart girl cuz a pregnant girl fasting for that many hours is not a pretty picture! Lav,giving up bread is hard! It does make me feel bloated too though and I wish I would just say thats it and not eat it like YB did,Michelle's headed to California on Saturday to work a music fest,kind of worrying but she'll be fine,wishing us all a nice AF Friday!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: Optimistic October

                      Hey friends!

                      Cool & damp is the word for today & not a drop of sunshine. Maybe the weekend warmup will bring some sun back.

                      Star, glad to hear you are coping with everything as well as you are.
                      Did you know that pink eye (conjunctivitis) can be caused by a virus, bacteria or even allergy & environmental stuff like smoke? It can also be caused by herpes, ugh.
                      The mode of transmission is usually contact with another infected person, hand towel, etc. The last time I had it I knew exactly where it came from - a shared bathroom towel at a friend's house, gross. I have had a habit of changing bathroom hand towels on a daily basis all of my life, ha ha.
                      I think you will enjoy taking the cooking course & you can feed us new info too
                      If you watch the kids tomorrow just be sure you wash your hands real well after handling them & don't touch your face! Good luck.

                      Cyn, those movies made such an impression on me years ago, honestly. I was already well into my self-designed eating plan but I was able to gather lots of 'weapons' & convince some family to think about making changes in their own diets.
                      YB gave up bread to feel less bloated & he lost a good deal of weight in a short time. He's still eating way more calories/day than he probably should be but it doesn't seem to matter. With both of his parents & most of his grandparents being diabetic I have lectured him about watching his weight & he always ignored me.
                      I'm glad he's losing some pounds, I just wish I could lose my menopause 15, ha ha!!!

                      Pauly, I actually eat very little bread although I do love it, love to bake it too. I use my homemade almond butter for my breakfast protein & put it on a slice of multigrain toast. Most days that's all the bread I eat, geez. I don't eat sweets or drink sodas & cook every darn thing we eat from scratch so it isn't loaded with fat or sodium
                      A 1:30 apt for fasting bloodwork is not good for anyone, glad Kell got in earlier. I'm grateful we didn't have to do all that nonsense when my kids were born, haha.

                      Well, we'll see how much it warms up tomorrow. I guess the AC will turn itself back on, ho hum.
                      Have a nice night everyone!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Optimistic October

                        Good morning...

                        Lav, I am slowly feeling better, day by day, went out for a nice dinner with my husband last night, then the hot tub, then watched TV, so a normal night. Finally. I always wash my hands, constantly, so that is not how I got sick, it was being with sick people, holding them, breathing in their germs. It has happened to me before if I get too close. We are having another beautiful day before the big weather change, fall, that comes tomorrow. So, I am going to be outside and enjoy as much as I can.

                        Pauly, exercising was the only thing that helped me and kept me going. There are a group of women I am friendly with, and it is my main source of outside interaction, so I love going. As a matter of fact yesterday I bought some new exercise clothing, I needed it. I was so out of shape from my office job, it is important for me to work out. Good for Kell going early, what idiot made a 1:15 pm fasting appointment for a pregnant lady, you have to take care of yourself. I always worry when my kids go out of town too. I am sure Michelle will have a great time and make some money. Cool job.

                        Cyn, sounds like your organization/moving business is going well. Thanks for reminding us to be grateful for all we have. So many right now are suffering and it will only get worse with 45's ability to wipe out protections and benefits for so many. He is the face of evil for sure. Turn off the news when you can. Hope you have some pleasant plans for this weekend.

                        Have a great AF Saturday.


                          Re: Optimistic October

                          Morning all -

                          Well, we are moving back into summer for this weekend... so strange to see 80 degrees tomorrow! I am getting the house ready for me to be gone until Monday evening - off to see HB and see a NYC client on Monday, then will come home. It's hard to leave on a nice weekend when I could get so much done around here - the fall chores are piling up, but I hope next weekend will be good enough to get stuff done. I have a pile of mulched wood chips that really need to get dealt with - they're right where the plow will need to leave the winter snow!

                          Pauly - I hope Kell did OK at the docs - even being in line can be super aggravating when you are "hangry"! We'll all be sending Michelle good protective thoughts, ha! I'm sure she'll be fine, but I sure understand the worry.

                          Lav - you and I started on this quest early, that's for sure. A lifetime of depression and just not feeling 'right' got me started in the 80s, so I'm used to people thinking I am nuts... but you know, almost everything they talked about back then has been proven true, plus of course all the new research. I find it fascinating. Good job YB! That's a pretty amazing story...

                          Star- so glad you are developing a group of women to be with in exercise class. Fantastic! I hope your health continues to get stronger, sounds like your immune system is working overtime.

                          Re: news. I don't ever watch TV/cable news. I can't stand sitting there being fed whatever they think I should hear, and the yakking of the talking heads just makes me nuts... I actually can't stand the sound of it! I read daily digests of the Guardian, Washington Post, and a couple of amalgamations, right now Common Dreams is a favorite. The articles are long, but I read them when I feel ready to take on the news, and I get to pick which I read when. I have to be careful to feel ready to deal with the subject matter, does that make any sense? My HB on the other hand is a complete news junky; he spends his free time reading, listening, watching, and loves the shows where they argue a lot! Ha! We humans are such interesting creatures...

                          Oh well, better get my rear in gear and pack up. Hoping all have a sweet, beautiful, gratitude-filled day, AF of course. Because we deserve to live free from that burden.


                            Re: Optimistic October

                            Morning friends,Cyn you're a smart woman to avoid the news! Ours has been flooded with the shooting that happened,Harvey Weinstein's dirty deeds,California fires and of course DT! All depressingo stuff and yet I keep it on sometimes its just a "filler" cuz I feel weird when the TV is off but I should put it on something happier,Star,I'm glad you enjoy the women at your exercise classes,I'm sorry I mentioned it yesterday,I hate when I'm sick and everyone has their opinion on what I should do,customers are the worst with it always mentioning nyquil,benadryl,etc all meds I'm not gonna take anyways,nice you got some new workout clothes,they have such cute ones now,Lav,hope your weather is nice today,funny how it's all over the place this year,need to work on my ANTS sometimes they start as soon as I pop out of bed,I've been doing the self hypnosis but obviously I need more,wishing us all a happy,healthy AF Saturday (don't wanna work tho!)
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: Optimistic October

                              Thanks for the protective thoughts and words about Michelle,I just get nervous over that girl
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: Optimistic October

                                Greetings friends,

                                Such weird weather. Yesterday the AC didn't come on at all then the heat came on around 11 pm. Today the AC is back on, ha ha!!!! I was in the drugstore today picking up a Rx & everyone in there was coughing & sneezing, yuck Even the pharmacist looked disgusted, ha ha!

                                Star, glad you are mending
                                I really miss the 'ladies' at Curves, it was such a nice social thing. Now I have none & that makes me miserable. I am certainly keeping busy enough but I miss talking to other females in person, you know. Keep on enjoying your classes.

                                Cyn, we have lots of things that still need to be done outside too so I hope next weekend is sweatshirt weather. I don't mind working outside if I'm not sweating!!!
                                Today I made a vegetable coconut curry in the crockpot & served it over millet brown rice ramen - yum & completely agreeable with me
                                Of course YB added leftover turkey meatloaf to his, Lol
                                I hope your weekend trip goes well for you.

                                Pauly, the ANTS seem to come & go, just keep after them. You will never go wrong if you keep your thought positive!
                                When it comes to worrying about kids - I still have to fight that battle from time to time too. Mine are well grown, full fledged adults, out on their own for a long time but I can still default into worry mode at times. I think that's the nature of the beast in being a parent
                                I hope your day at work wasn't too bad!

                                Well, my daughter just told me she is not working on Monday so I think we might head up to the outlets for some clothes, yay!!!
                                Wishing everyone a nice night!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

