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w/c 15th

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    Re: w/c 15th

    MAE ALL... are a busy man. Can't wait to see the under sink cupboard, the plan sounds great. Don't wear yourself out.

    It was a quiet day yesterday and was actually able to play bridge with my seniors in the afternoon. Haven't been able to do that for awhile.

    Hope we all have a great Thursday....:smile:PPQP


      Re: w/c 15th

      Mae everybody,Mick funny jokes,,you know I love the Liverpool ones Det,I'm so sorry about the job,,I thought it was a for sure deal,much love to all and wishes for a great AF night
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: w/c 15th

        Greetings Abbers,

        Det, so sorry about the job. 5 interviews was quite a lot, makes me wonder if they truly did pick the 'right' candidate. How could they even know?
        I have somehow slept better the past two nights but as soon as some little thing changes my sleep will go to hell again - just the way it is. Don't even ask me about the week when the moon is full, ha ha! Can you get some time out with your camera maybe to get your mind reset a bit?

        Mick - the project man!!! I'll be interested in seeing your handiwork too
        YB was outside splitting more firewood when I left to go meet friends for lunch. It's cooler here but not really cool enough to be burning wood. I just read that we are probably having a mild winter this year. I guess all that firewood will just continue to sit.

        PQ, glad you had a good day at work. They were so infrequent at the hospital, no kidding!!!

        Pauly, what's going on with you?

        Hello to Sam, Pie & anyone else reading. Wishing a nice night for all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: w/c 15th

          morning are we on this lovely sunny morning?...ok its pouring down with rain back as the ace of spades,and windy.....Im out digging next week,and theres another storm coming in ...Maria or something ...oh boy..did a fair wack of work yesterday,and bought a new belt sander too..Off to Birmingham tomorrow to the motorhome show,so it will be an early doors start.
          brew time...

          Det sorry about the job mate, sometimes it is isnt the candidate...or indeed who is the best ..sometimes it goes back to the who you know syndrome!!keep your head up mate!

          hiya pauly hows you then? you feeling better?

          hiya did the bridge building go then?hope all is well ...yep done quite a bit of work in the bathroom...definitely a sea feel to it ..when Im done will put the pics up ...did you ever see the finshed toilet ..its mainly an African theme....Ive even got a book shelf in there!! kitchen got finished too...



          hiya Lav come you aint sleeping? heres a tonic brew!

          not so many of us today...have a good day tho everyone..

          just for you pauly..

          What do you call a scouser in a suit?
          The accused...

          Scouser walks into the job centre and says :-
          "I've just been offered a Blow Job, If I take it will it affect my benefit claim?"

          Q: Define confusion
          A: Fathers day in Liverpool

          Q. Why do pigeons fly upside down over Liverpool?
          A. Because there's nothing worth crapping on.

          Why wasn't Jesus born in Merseyside?
          Because God couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.

          Q: Why do Sumo wrestlers shave their legs?
          A: So they ain't mistaken fur a Liverpudlian women.

          What should you do if you see a scouse jogging?
          Trip him up and give the lady's purse back to her.

          How do you make a scouser run faster?
          stick a dvd player under his arm and shout police

          Q.What's the difference between Batman and a Scouser?
          A.Batman can go anywhere without Robin.

          Why does the River Mersey run through Liverpool?
          Because if it walked it would be mugged.

          Man walks into a shop in Liverpool:
          Man: Can I have a pair of tights for my wife?
          Shop assistant: Certainly Sir, what size head are you?

          What do you call a Scouser in a three-bed semi?
          A burglar.

          If you see a Scouser on a bike, why should you never swerve to hit him?
          It might be your bike.

          What do you say to a Scouser with a job?
          Big Mac please.

          What's long, scouse, and goes around corners?
          The benefits queue.

          What do you call a Scouse woman in a white shell-suit?
          The bride
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: w/c 15th

            orning all
            thanks for the brew, Mick. Rough day on the Liverpool front, eh?

            Det, hang in there friend. Music in any form is good for the soul. Glad you have it.

            Lav, my last batch of chicks came from McMurray. suppose to be all hens but nope, 3 roosters out of 25 chicks and very flighty. must have rolled off the ehg line on Friday afternoon.

            PQ, enjoy your bridge. Never learned to play but I know there are plenty who do!

            How do to you Pauly, hope all is well in Pauly land!

            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Re: w/c 15th

              MAE ALL...

     were probably due for a new sander but I do think you got your money's worth out of the old one. Finished toilet looks great, a lot going on in that room. Love the kitchen and what a view. Have fun at the motorhome show tomorrow.

              Sam...good morning to you. It must be frustrating to find roosters in your all hen order. Stick them in a box and send them back.

              Det...hope the blues have lifted and you can enjoy your weekend. Get out and get creative with your camera.

              Pauly...hope you're feeling better as well.

     you're one of those who are affected by the full moon eh?

              TT...shout out to you. Pop in and let us know how and what you're doing.

              Had our final Garden meeting for the season. Our next project is to install an underground irrigation system. Going to be a mega project but at least we have the winter to work out the details. If you're not too busy Mick could you pop over and give us a hand? Tis Friday and looking forward to the weekend. Then prep for surgery on Tuesday. Hope we all have a Fantastic Friday....:smile:PPQP


                Re: w/c 15th

                Mae everybody,nice pics Mick! Thanks for the jokes it's Michelle's birthday today can't believe she's 27 time flies,they're still in California working so we'll probably celebrate on Halloween when she gets back,little stressed cuz work's been slow,it's stressing Kell out too poor thing,much love to all and wishing us all a happy AF Friday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: w/c 15th

                  finished for the time being....



                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: w/c 15th

                    Nice washroom Mick...and I get, for the time being.... your projects seem to keep evolving. LOL


                      Re: w/c 15th

                      Evening greetings Abbers,

                      We are still in a lovely Fall weather pattern this week - nice

                      Mick, the finish is wearing off my kitchen cabinets after 14 years......... (just in case you run out of your own projects), ha ha!
                      You do great work, very nice.
                      I have had sleeping problems for the past 20 some years, off & on. I have learned to just wait it out, things tend to fix themselves. Anyway there's nothing I can do about the full moons - yikes!
                      You saw the beginnings of my big pot of mushroom soup, it was good & I have plenty leftover for the next few days. I love the fresh mushrooms here, there are advantages to living near the 'Mushroom Capital' of the world Kennett Square. I use their recipe but sub in dairy free ingredients & add a big clove of garlic & some dried thyme. I made a double batch today! Kennett Square Mushroom Soup Recipe - Genius Kitchen

                      Sam, it's kind of funny that my local feed store sold me 6 hatchlings that probably came from McMurray's & they all turned out to be females. I have always ended up with a few males in my larger orders but never wanted them. Men are too annoying to keep around, LOL
                      We just give the roosters to the Amish folks around here, they're happy to take them off our hands.

                      Pauly, happy birthday to Michelle. Sorry work is slow for you, makes for long days & smaller take home pay. If it makes you feel any better I'll be heading out for a haircut asap myself

                      PQ, I guess you'll be taking a few days off after your cataract extraction? Wish I was closer to help you with the inevitable eye drops.
                      Enjoy your weekend & rets up!

                      Det, thinking about you & hoping you can get that camera working this weekend. I love seeing your pics!

                      Have a nice night everyone!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: w/c 15th

                        Thought I would pop in for a minute and ended up reading about an hour of back posts . Glad everyone is well and carrying on.

                        Not much new here. I ended up with Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot, which made it unbearable to stand for 8-9 hours straight. I had to leave the job at the store, but picked up a side hustle that I am really liking way more than I thought I would. I started working for a grocery delivery company and just signed up for another. I LOVE the flexibilty. You schedule yourself and can change your schedule with 6 hours notice. Plus, I am kind of amazed at how much you can make doing this. I just signed up for a second company that basically does the same thing, but the structure is different. You simply pick up the jobs you want. It is all app based, I don't have to deal with people---except when I am actually delivering the order---and they are usually thrilled to see me

                        It has been a long time since I was doing something where people tip. People are just odd. I guess I've always tipped well, so what some people do is just comical. The shitty/no tippers are made up by the people who are generous. What I have noticed the most is that it has nothing to do with how much money you have or whether your order was perfect or not---I can tell the people who have some sort of happiness and peace about themselves and that seems to be reflected in the tip.

                        I am still knee deep in the coaching and doing the on-line gig. It is like a whole new world of people opened up to me. We created a local group that meets up. We are all invested in helping each other succeed. Which is the complete opposite of my corporate life----which seems like another lifetime now.

                        Drinking seems like, "that could not have been me? really?". It is just odd to feel like that was an entire different person, but the same.

                        Weather here has been gorgeous---but, dress in layers. Headed to Vegas for a conference next spring---I have never been to Sin City
                        Last edited by TheSunFlower97; October 21, 2017, 01:53 AM.


                          Re: w/c 15th

                          MAE ALL....

                          Man you have to be your own health care advocate!! Picked up the eye drops required prior to surgery and when I got home not one of them instructed me to take once a day. Called the pharmacy and he said oh I gave you the wrong one, you can exchange it on Monday. I said not good enough. I have to start my drops tomorrow or they won't do the surgery on Tuesday. He said hold on a minute and when he came back on the line he said I could come and get it today. WTF!!

                          Mick...hope you're enjoying Birmingham, can just imagine the ideas you'll come back with.

                          Pauly...sorry work is slow right now. I on the other hand dream of slow work days. LOL

                          Lav...wish you were here to pick up my eye drops! You would have spotted the error right off.

                          SF...good to see your post. Sorry about having to give up the grocery store job but it sounds like the side hustle is a great fit.

                          Off to pick up the missing eye drops. Have a Super Saturday all....:smile:PPQP


                            Re: w/c 15th

                            Mae everybody,SF,great to see you glad you're liking your "side hustle" yep can never judge just by looking at people how they'll tip,I've had some customers that looked kind of scroungy but end up tipping $10 or more,then I've had wealthier people who brag about how much money they make tip $1 or nothing on an $8 haircut,just dumb,PQ,sorry about the drops mix up,Lav,I want the mushroom soup recipe,wishing all a peaceful AF day
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: w/c 15th

                              Greetings Abbers!

                              Hey SF, nice to see you
                              Sorry about the plantar fasciitis - many of my nursing friends ended up with it too, ouch! Glad you found something else to do that makes you happy.

                              PQ, geez, you really do have to watch out for yourself!
                              I have gone up the a$$ of drug stores making mistakes like that & taken my business elsewhere
                              If I get on a bus now I could probably get to your place in time to keep an eye on you, Lol

                              Pauly, I hate it when people don't leave tips. WTF is wrong with people these days?
                              You want my mushroom soup recipe - here it is & I would highly advise making it dairy free too like I do & cram in as many extra mushrooms as you can get:
                              Kennett Square Mushroom Soup Recipe - Genius Kitchen
                              This soup is very agreeable when you leave out the dairy

                              Mick, hope yo had a good day!
                              Det, how about you? Everything OK?

                              Hello to the rest & wishing a nice night for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: w/c 15th

                                Hi all. Det, why is it that Switzerland has a very high (highest)? of gun ownership p.p. and hardly any gun related crimes. I've always wondered. I hope you've come out of your funk. I agree with Sam in that music lifts you. Sorry about the job, 5 interviews, WTH? Anyway, here's some:heartbeat::biglove: Maybe they are civil and we are the wild west, lol.

                                Mick, another interesting project and thanks for the jokes, always.

                                Lav, I'm a bit of an insomniac too. My dr. prescribed trazodone. On the nights nothing works I also take magnesium and take a deep breath, hold for a count of 4 and blow out to a count of 7. I've never had to do 4 in a row because 2 or 3 normally does it. You can see your focus change after 1. I have made a mushroom soup with a potato flour as a thickener and the must have ingredient of a wisp of nutmeg no dairy.

                                My eyes are drooping.

                                SF, nice to see you. For some reason the advertising peeps have been sending me pop ups of PF shoes. I wonder if they work. I believe Mick suffers from this also.

                                PQ, that pharmacy made a bad error and you should report him, especially since he tried to blow you off, it's your eyes for heaven's sake.

                                Hey Sam.

                                I did a bad thing - stopped at Krispy Kreme for 2 donuts and now feel like sugar is chasing sugar just like alcohol.
                                Last edited by SKendall; October 21, 2017, 10:58 PM.
                                Enlightened by MWO

