Mick...good to see your post and that FIL is out of hospital. Yup, MIL started meals on wheels when I got her home....I think his days of moaning and Im not doing that are pretty much finished. Good to hear. I think the dementia society will really help you and Julie with coping.
No announcement yet.
w/c 22nd
Re: w/c 22nd
Mick...good to see your post and that FIL is out of hospital. Yup, MIL started meals on wheels when I got her home....I think his days of moaning and Im not doing that are pretty much finished. Good to hear. I think the dementia society will really help you and Julie with coping.
Re: w/c 22nd
Good evening Abbers,
Mick, I'm surprised your FIL is being discharged so soon. Sounds like he sure would benefit from supervised care. Long term care facilities around here have dementia units where the residents can wander freely & safely but are constantly monitored, meals & meds provided, etc. You couldn't pay me enough money to work in one though - tough job. I hope you can find the care he needs quickly.
PQ, sounds like you did just fine with your procedure & glad you got the experienced doc too, haha!! Take the rest of the week off, tell them I said so!!!
Det, I was concerned about you, glad you checked in with us. Breaking the habit of turning to AL for comfort is difficult but something we have to do. Honestly, how long can we go on repeating that pattern before we do some permanent or possibly fatal damage? We all want you to be well :hug:
Pauly, you as well? Please stop if that's what's going on with you.
Hello SK & SnoopStar!
Taking the YB to the Philly doc tomorrow for more steroid injections in his sore wrist. This getting old stuff is harsh sometimes.
Be well everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: w/c 22nd
hanging in there and AF thankfully. this year has just beat the crap out of me, but I DO want to live.
My ex Dx came over tonight to get some of her things. she gave me a nice hug and we cried. I'm so very exhausted.
small meal and green tea and I'll be in bed by 8 tonight.
back tomorrow a bit stronger and will discuss lead-up to my stumble.
thank you all my dear ones and be wellnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Re: w/c 22nd
Thanks Lav...I'll tell them you said so. LOL
Det...BOY DO I HEAR YOU!!! I know what it's like to have the year beat the crap out of you. It was nice that DX came by and you were able to cry. I bet you both cried for so many different losses. When life got to me (and I wouldn't let it most times) and I cried...I mean really cried...it felt like a release. I think people need to cry more so they can wash away the past and bring the sun into the future. We just got to get through the present when it's a little cloudy sometimes. :heartbeat:
Re: w/c 22nd
Mick--I am sorry about your FIL. Reporting him as a missing person was genius.
Lav-oh, I can see nurses having issues with Plantar Fasciitis, that would be horrible.
SK-the doctor gave me these soles, which made it worse. I have seen the shoes, little pricey. I found something that helped at the drug store and then I got on Amazon and found these things that are helping more than anything. He said it can take up to 10 months to be pain free! What?
Det-after 5 interviews I'm not even sure I would want the job. Were you applying for the CIA? Honestly, what companies make people do these days seems a bit over the top. Glad your back on track with the NOT drinking.
Pauly--I can't believe people don't tip for a haircut! What an ass to sit in the chair and brag about how much money they have. Guess it is good I don't have sharp tools. A while back I re-thought the whole tipping thing, mainly because of my hairdresser. This whole tip on the price of the bill seems a bit outdated. She is by far the best hairdresser I have ever had. Whether my hair has been long or short, I've gotten more compliments on my hair since she started cutting it. I've been to fancy salons--paying a big price and haven't gotten as good of cut. The haircut is $17 and I tip $20. And honestly, I feel like I should be tipping more. It is the value of the service that should be tipped on vs. the price of the bill. That goes with all things. Say I get good service out to eat....sometimes a percentage of the bill just doesn't equate to the job done. Or if I get poor service 10% could be more than the 20% I leave when I get good service. Now I rarely look at the bill and do math to tip---I tip a flat amount based on the service delivered. With the haircut I get (4x a year)---$37 is ridicously cheap. I'll be tipping more next time.
This grocery shopping gig is really good for an addict, who likes dopamine hits. It is completely different if I shop for myself. It is like you are sent on a scavenger hunt and everytime you find an item and the app beeps...I can feel the dopamine. I feel good all day because I am constantly getting hits it. It is crazy.
I miss my job at the store. It was so much more than a store. It literally changed my life. I am a completely different person because of it.
Side note....I delivered to two houses today....I have seen there is rich and then there is RICH. OMG...and this is just the freaking foyer. And nope neither tipped. I have one ritzy place I deliver to and she never tips, but has me constantly running to change items or add things during the shop. Then has me leave them on the porch after carrying them up these stairs. Next time I am leaving the grocies at the bottom of the stairs.
Mick I do deliver to a lot older/disabled people. My grandmother used to get Meals on Wheels and it was a blessing. I always offer to put the groceries away for them. Many take me up on it and are grateful. I can't just drop off the groceries to a blind woman or older couple and just leave. It doesn't feel right. it also gives me a lot more personal satisfaction than my high paying corporate job.
Re: w/c 22nd
mornin all..its the stand in meals on wheel geezer till we get it sorted out.so Im orf making chicken ding for Julies dads dinner later on.The rain cover on the rabbit hutch blew all over the place during the night so at early doors o clock I went out and tied it back down..I got soaked in the rain ..Panda just sitting watching me as if to say whats this gonk doin..we are in the middle of another storm...the forecast is we will get another 8 by xmas!!Its pretty annoying garden needs doing grass needs cut ....but hey..so how are we today then?
brew time.....
hiya Pauly how are you?read your post elsewhere....dunno why you aint postin here.got to agree with you for me too def been one of my worst years,so much has happened ,so much has changed,so many thoughts,memories etc....but the real thing is life goes on,and thats what we hafta remember...so climb aboard..
have you seen this?
The Skyslide: a 3-metre-high slide
hiya ppqp...glad the surgery went good and long may it improve..you sure they didnt measure you last time with heels on?
hiya det how are you today mate?so what happened with the potato juice o/d ? how come?..did you have you green tea and small meal ha ha I thought it was funny....
hiya Lav ..hows you then ?safe trip to the docs ...heres a travel brew for you ...thanks for your thotz re Julies dad .
hiya snoopster you doing ok today then? hope so.
likewise eskay how are you ...
right big SHOUT to everyone else
Went to the cinema yesterday and was buying popcorn, a drink and some sweets. I said, "I'm ever so sorry, I've only got a £50 note." The lady said, "That's ok, you can put the sweets back!"
Q: What's 6 inches long, 2 inches wide and drives women wild? A: a $100 bill!
Q: How do you kill a circus clown? A: Go for the juggler!
Once upon a time, a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess happened upon a frog in a pond. The frog said to the princess, " I once was a handsome prince until an evil witch put a spell on me. One kiss from you and I will turn back into a prince and then we can marry, move into the castle with my mom and you can prepare my meals, clean my clothes, bear my children and forever feel happy doing so."
That night, while the princess dined on frog legs, she kept laughing and saying, "I don't THINK so."
What is the saddest wood? / bamboo hoo
How Do You Know The Toothbrush Was Invented By A Redneck?
Anyone else would have called it a “teethbrush.”
What Do Rednecks Call Duct Tape?
What Are The Only Two Seasons A Redneck Can Name?
Football, and construction.
Did You Hear About The New 3 Million Dollar Tennesse Lottery
The winner gets 3 dollars a year for a million years.
A man goes to a $10 hooker and contracts crabs.
When he goes back to complain, the hooker laughs and says, "What do you expect for $10 -- lobster?"af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12
Re: w/c 22nd
Mae everybody,sorry I've been off for a couple of days,don't feel like doing much wile withdrawing,its obvious that my body just cannot process alcohol anymore! I've got to find other solutions to life's problems,I thought I was doing it but obviously I need a different approach,much love to all and wishes for a nice AF WednesdayI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: w/c 22nd
Ahhh, Pauly I am sorry to hear you are feeling bad. To be honest, I am downright terrified of how it will make me feel. The alcohol induced anxiety was awful. Good news is that it only takes a few days to get out of your system.
PPQ—what an ordeal with the eye drops. Glad the surgery went well. I was thinking you couldn’t see for a few days, but I remembered it isn’t like that. Anyways hope your taking some time to recover—even if you don’t need it
Re: w/c 22nd
Mick...8 more storms before xmas! :egad: Hah...I can just picture Panda watching you. And while you're at it I could use some chicken ding.
Pauly...good to see your post. Yes our old bodies just can't handle the poison anymore. And it is poison. Maybe if you look at that way it will help you pause long enough not to head to the liquor store. Hang in there.
SF...it was like someone finally turned the lens and everything came into focus. Doc said my vision would be very blurry for awhile but it's not. :yay: Yup, taking today off even though I feel fine. I was exhausted after the surgery, had a great sleep and lots of energy this morning. Post op check up and then I'm not sure what I'll get up to. Decided I'm not doing any chores though, this is my day.
Shout out to everyone else....have a Wonderful Wednesday....:smile:PPQP
Re: w/c 22nd
Good evening Abbers,
Long day driving YB into the hand surgeon in Philly but it had to be done. Lucky him getting steroids injected into his wrist, eww. They actually don't take effect immediately but will help in about a week or so. Until then he can take arthritis strength Tylenol just like the rest of us, ha ha!
Mick, you have to storm proof your bunny quarters, geez!
I always worry about the chicken house being taken off in a big storm (think Wizard of Oz), Lol
Det, glad to see you are back on track & happy to hear you talked to Dx. I'm sorry all this happened but you've got to look forward, OK?
Pauly, glad to see you as well. No more beating yourself up over things that are not in your control!!! That was the damn hardest thing for me to learn but I did & you can too :hug:
PQ, good to hear you recovered so quickly
Cataract removals are so different these days, it's amazing. I remember having to keep patients flat on their backs with sand bags on either sides of their head so they didn't/couldn't move. God, that sounds prehistoric but it was the early 70's, ha ha.
I meant to mention to you - a few years ago I was told that I had shrunk 2 inches & I responded absolutely not!! Turned out they had written my height wrong in the beginning, duh. I have done no shrinking! Check on that for yourself.
SF, my feet are pretty much beat up after 28 years on the job but some of my friends became absolutely crippled. They will take a good bit of time to heal so try to be patient with yourself. I got my haircut yesterday & yes I did leave a nice tip
Hello to SK, Sam, pie & anyone else dropping by.
Tomorrow is grandparent visitation day at my granddaughter's school so we'll take a ride over & see what's going on. It was actually a lot of fun last year!
Have a nice night everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: w/c 22nd
PPQ--that is amazing. Glad the surgery went well.
Lav--I remembered how bad my grandmother's feet were and I knew I had to stop being on a concrete floor for 9 hours at a time. It is easy to re-injure the foot, making the healing time long. Since I got this new gel pad specifically wrapped around my arch, it prevents that from happening. It is frustrating when you go to the doctor, but have to find your own solutions. Makes me terrified when something BIG goes down.
Don't know if I mentioned. My son's allergist put him on a new medication---and it has been a miracle. No more torn up skin or constant itching. I can't be more thrilled for my son. He still will flare up with heat and such, but can get it under control quickly. Still prevents him from joining the military, which he would love to do. I secretly am thankful that is not an option for him. I really admire the men and women who do go into the military. As a mother, it scares me.
His school got pissed at me because I had not signed off on him taking the PSAT's. He is in 10th grade and the considerable amount of "college is the only option" pressure is crazy. Well, I go to pick him up today for the doctor's and they have him taking the PSAT and were refusing to get him out, because it would disturb the other students. I make my schedule around their doctors appointments, the doctor is only in certain days....and I held my ground. He was getting out of school, he should not be in taking the test....and it is freaking 10th grade. The one lady started treating me like the loser parent because I wasn't "pushing" college. My son thanked me later, saying...."Mom there is so much pressure at school with college and I like that I don't have that at home. I know you will support me either way. Some of my friends were on the verge of a nervous breakdown taking the test". I can't imagine what this next generation will be like being pressured constantly like that.
Lav--have fun at grandparents day. Going to the school events when they were small was always so much fun.
Re: w/c 22nd
morning all...how are we then?all good ..next project on the go...its not raining ,so out in the garden ..redoing the veg and fruit plot ...you wouldnt think it was only 24ft long the effort I put into it ..It changes more times than the weather ..Also down at Julies dads house ,few jobs Ive got to do there..and me shopping list! so a busy day..havin a brew now.
hiya ppqp..or should we say aye aye?glad everything is on the mend with them..One of my biggest fears is eyes ...I will not let anyone touch them..only once it has happened and they had to operate when I got a piece of vehicle exhaust in it..that was weird ..and scareeeee.That is one of my charities guide dog for the blind..I think we are on the 7th dog we have sponsored anyway glad things are ok
hiya sf ...long time no see lass..how are you then?That skool ishoo seems stupid..I nivir went 2 collej and it dint do me no harm..are you doing exercises for that pf ?and also using tape?hope it sorts out I put gel soles in my trainers they help.
hey Lav....hows toto? here you go a brew from the tin man.,..hows yb today then?ok good enough do the garden??????Im actually
looking at re roofing and refelting the rabbit hutch...Jeeves has found loads to pick and tear at..did I tell you ive got Jeeves running to me for shredded wheat? I did a vid of it but dont know how to put it on here!
got to go ...between being the gardener meals on wheels and the rabbit whisperer jeez!!have a good one folks.
just found this ...have a listen and read the words...
YouTubeLast edited by Mick; October 26, 2017, 04:27 AM.af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12
Re: w/c 22nd
Lav...funny, my steroid shots took effect immediately. LOL I didn't realize YB was still having pain after his surgery. Unfortunately I think they have the height measurements right. With my RA I can see myself stooping over in any pictures. I can't stand against the wall with my shoulders touching, too much of a curve in my back. Got to chatting with other patients and their drivers while at surgery. Some were nurses who used to perform the sand bags on either side of the head. So glad that's not the case anymore.
SF...great news on the new medication, I remember some of the descriptions of what he's had to deal with. I totally agree with your feelings on the military. I am a mother too. I can't believe the school made him take the test! Good for you holding your ground and it sounds like you two have a great relationship.
Mick...the never ending energizer bunny...maybe it's a good thing you have 8 more storms till Xmas. Hope you're settling into your new "meals on wheels" role and that the support gets settled soon. I have a few things to add to your grocery list while you're at it. I love the fact that you support guide dogs for the blind. What a wonderful charity to be involved with. Rabbit Whisperer :welldone: Love it!
Went into work this morning just to catch everything up and boss said I expect you to be gone by noon. So another afternoon off. :yay:
Thinking of you Det and shout out to the rest of the gang....:smile:PPQP
Re: w/c 22nd
evening all
looking like Jack Frost might pay us a visit tonight. Good bye to the gardens, out come the row covers. Tomatoes will be all gone soon soon. My favorite samich in the whole wide worlt. lots of work and muzac lately. hope everyone is doing well.Liberated 5/11/2013
Re: w/c 22nd
Good evening Abbers,
Tired Lav checking in here, haha!
We had a great visit to our granddaughter's first grade classroom today. What a thrill it is to see all those happy faces, so young & wonder who they will grow up to be
Definitely feeling a chill in the air but it is about time!
SF, I am so glad your son's medication is working for him, yay!
I don't like the schools pushing their agendas on our kids, making him sit for the PSAT was just stupid. I remember taking it myself in 10th grade & really wasn't ready & really didn't do all that well either, ha ha! With the costs of colleges rising they way they are & so many young adults saddled with student loans I wouldn't be pushing it either. A good technical school that fully prepares their students for immediate employment is sounding so much better these days. Job skills are needed, not a bunch of college credits that are essentially useless in the work world.
Keep taking care of your feet, you are gong to need them for a long, long time to come
Mick, sounds like you have every minute booked up for some time to come
Thanks for the Susan Boyle video even if it did almost make me cry!!
PQ, I thought I told you to take the rest of the week off!!!! Ha ha, glad the boss sent you home early.
YB's wrist pain is actually not related to his surgeries. The carpal tunnel releases were successful & he's all healed from them. This pain in his wrist is arthritis related - bone rubbing on bone, causing lots of swelling & inflammation. If he would just take the damn Tylenol as he was told to by me & the doc.....he's so stubborn.
Wow, so you have lost 4 whole inches? Oh boy! My Mom had RA too & ended up with a pretty severe dowager's hump. There were no good meds (Biologicals) out on the market back then, it was sad. Do you go for any Physical Therapy?
Sam, our Amish farmers still have tomatoes out in their fields. YB just transported a trailer full of them to their auction market this morning. I guess tomato season will be officially over after the next few nights!
Det & Pauly, I hope both of you are starting to feel better & getting back on plan :hug:
Hello to anyone else dropping by tonight!
Peace to all.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs: