Good morning...
Just got back from running errands, including a grocery store run and made it back alive. The stores are hopping, it is crazy.
Pauly, I made a recipe with brown rice, lemon juice and veggies. It was just OK. Not my favorite. So your mom is not coming, maybe that is for the better. Hope your business picks up. Neighborhoods do change.
Skendall, yay the fireplace is the right color. The fairy ornaments sound fun. I am going to a craft show today, by myself, just to look around. I really don't need anything, except maybe more lights.
Cyn, hope you have an easier day. I went shopping yesterday and it was fun! Tonight we are taking my son and his friend out for dinner, so no cooking either. I am going to go to the library and read this afternoon and work on the online class. I forgot how taking classes means it is always on your mind and always something else to do.
Lav, that soup sounded good and the pizza too. The weather is in the 60s now, then later today will be in the 30s. Not good for me or you. Maybe ibuprophen is in my future.

Have a good one.