Good evening friends,
I made a pot of coffee when I got up this morning & sat down with my laptop to check email & listen to some news - same thing I do every morning, right?
But this morning I could clearly hear a chicken clucking right outside of my living room window. That was weird because I hadn't been out yet to open the chicken house. I suddenly realized that it was my missing chicken, the one who disappeared two weeks ago. I ran outside & she followed me over to the chicken yard & waited for me to open the gate & put the feeder out She was grumpy & starving but unharmed. How crazy is that? I realized a few hours later that the other girls weren't real happy to see her, then was a bit of pecking & squawking going on. By the end of the day she had disappeared again. Crazy chicken!!!! I guess she went back to her hiding spot, hope she's OK. You just can't mess with their pecking's serious business!
Stra, I get kinda weepy near the holidays too. I guess that's just the human condition, huh?
Right now I would give just about anything to have my Mom back for the holidays. I know she would straighten out this shitstorm of a mess my DIL has created. I hope you don't get sick, take care!
Cyn, I hope you aren't getting sick either, geez. I broke down today & bought a saline nasal spray, nothing else seems to be helping me. I am chronically stuffed up with a runny nose & sick of the mouth breathing. TMI, ha ha! This product has an aerosol delivery instead of drops or a regular spray. I think it's helping

I hope you get that move finished up then take a good long break!
Pauly, try to keep your focus on yourself right now, OK?
There's really nothing much we can do about how others are feeling or behaving around the holidays. Show your kids that you are strong, they are looking to you for guidance & direction right now :hug:
SK, hello to you!
Have a nice night everyone!