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Nourishing November~2017

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    Re: Nourishing November~2017

    Good evening friends,

    I made a pot of coffee when I got up this morning & sat down with my laptop to check email & listen to some news - same thing I do every morning, right?
    But this morning I could clearly hear a chicken clucking right outside of my living room window. That was weird because I hadn't been out yet to open the chicken house. I suddenly realized that it was my missing chicken, the one who disappeared two weeks ago. I ran outside & she followed me over to the chicken yard & waited for me to open the gate & put the feeder out She was grumpy & starving but unharmed. How crazy is that? I realized a few hours later that the other girls weren't real happy to see her, then was a bit of pecking & squawking going on. By the end of the day she had disappeared again. Crazy chicken!!!! I guess she went back to her hiding spot, hope she's OK. You just can't mess with their pecking's serious business!

    Stra, I get kinda weepy near the holidays too. I guess that's just the human condition, huh?
    Right now I would give just about anything to have my Mom back for the holidays. I know she would straighten out this shitstorm of a mess my DIL has created. I hope you don't get sick, take care!

    Cyn, I hope you aren't getting sick either, geez. I broke down today & bought a saline nasal spray, nothing else seems to be helping me. I am chronically stuffed up with a runny nose & sick of the mouth breathing. TMI, ha ha! This product has an aerosol delivery instead of drops or a regular spray. I think it's helping
    I hope you get that move finished up then take a good long break!

    Pauly, try to keep your focus on yourself right now, OK?
    There's really nothing much we can do about how others are feeling or behaving around the holidays. Show your kids that you are strong, they are looking to you for guidance & direction right now :hug:

    SK, hello to you!

    Have a nice night everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Nourishing November~2017

      Good morning...

      Lav, what do you think your mother would have done with family strife? Did she confront it head on? I know my mother was strong in that way too. She had a big influence on my siblings and myself. We are lucky to have such great memories and heritage. My husband had a sore throat yesterday, so it was a long day, hopefully I can keep busy and useful today and it will be a better day. Any cyber shopping today?

      Pauly, any shopping done yet? I don't even have a list, haha. I agreeit is immportant to keep busy during this season. To much thinking is hard, but I am grateful for good memories.

      Cyn, hope your weekend went well.

      Have a good one.


        Re: Nourishing November~2017

        Morning friends,got my tree up with lights on but I'll wait for Lou to put the decs on Star,I like to buy things I think peeps will like throughout the year and stash them in my closet,even tho the kids are grown I still like to have a big Christmas but this one's gonna be smaller than usual,it's ok,Lav,poor little bullied chicken there must be something about her the other girls just don't like poor thing,these blues I'm having need to kick rocks! Just lingering on and it's pissing me off! I know I tend to dwell on the feeling too and analyze it wondering what the cause is,when it started,etc yuck,Cyn hope all is well,you too SK haven't seen you in awhile,wishing us all a wonderful AF Monday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Nourishing November~2017

          Hello everyone. I apologize for not checking in. Car issues - battery still draining! It's in the garage now and I hope they can fix the problem. T/Giving was sad, my daughter lost her mind and committed herself T/Giving and Xmas to in-laws. It sounded like such a great idea to move here, hasn't turned out that way. I do have plans for Christmas though.

          Temps still high 69-75 so there is that. Been trying to enroll in health plan since I was dropped after Ger's death, he was on an employee one. Geesh, they end up being such long conversations and Friday a Humana rep showed up at my door w/out an appt. I don't roll that way and an appt. is necessary. Peggy has been walking very painfully the last 2 days so when my car is back a vet visit will be necessary, poor thing.

          It sounds as if you all had happy Thanksgivings and I'm glad.

          I need my car for hair appt. overnight it just seems so shaggy. My neighbor has a pinched nerve also and got a part time job in a store. On Black Friday, someone had to bring her home and she was doubled over. I can't even stand for 15 minutes, lol. Since I haven't found a surgery to help I am doing everything to keep my muscles pliable. Epsom salt bathing, magnesium and Tylenol orally, heating pad, etc.

          I just set up a regular cleaning service so I have that to look forward to. Over the last few days I've had the feeling my days are numbered. I've never felt like this before and it is disconcerting.

          Lav, that's funny about your chicken. Do you think she left because she had fallen out of favor with the others?

          Pauly, if the job isn't profitable, try something else.

          Cyn, Star, thank you for asking about me.
          Enlightened by MWO


            Re: Nourishing November~2017

            Good evening friends,

            Sitting with my dmbroidery machines watching lace ornaments stitch up, so exciting, ha ha!

            SK, you poor thing. I wish I could come give you a hand :hug:
            You have so much going on right now & no real support. Please know that we are thinking of you & hope things get sorted out on all fronts very soon. Hop on FB & laugh at my reindeer pictures.

            Star, my Mom was small but mighty in my eyes!
            She could handle my 6’4” brothers & cook dinner at the same time without missing a beat. At the hospital I watched her work circles around the rest of the nurses. Somehow I just feel that she would say the right thing at the right time & get my kids to stop this nonsense. I’m hoping she gives me some cues when I sleep. I hope the rest of your day went well.

            Pauly, you have to shake yourself out of that constant worry mode. ‘The Power of Now’, read it, please :hug:

            Cyn, hope you are OK & giving yourselfa little break by now!

            My crazy chicken left me an egg in the herb garden by my back door today, so I know she’s around somewhere. I left a bowl of feed out for her to say thank you. I just hope it doesn’t attract other unwanted creatures.

            Have a nice night everyone!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Nourishing November~2017

              Evening all -

              Done with the big, scary part of this complicated move, whew. After working on it all weekend, I realized as I drove to the house this morning a 7 AM that I was really tired. That was 9 hours before we finished up! I survived just fine, though pretty hungry and frozen through. I came home, fed the dog, had a bowl of soup and immediately put my long underwear on, grabbed a heating pad and got in my favorite happy place - my sleeping bag! Finally getting thawed out after a couple,of hours sitting in my sleeping bag answering emails, sheesh. More to do there tomorrow, but not terrible. Some day I will get these donations out of MY house, but I can wait a day or two - or I could open a Bargain Barn right her in my driveway!

              Lav - I never thought about the true meaning of 'pecking order'! Wow, I guess it truly exists... too bad those girls aren't playing nice on the sandbox... I hope you are feeling OK - what kind of nasal aerosol are you using? Sounds like it might help me.

              Star, I SO get your emotions at these holidays... I feel that way too, a lot. So much loss. On the other hand so many happy memories. Good luck navigating all of that...

              Pauly, I hope you can start to ignore your state of mind. Sometimes that's the only thing that works for me! See it like a cloud drifting away.. nothing ,more, nothing less. Good luck!

              SK, so sorry to hear that you are having so much pain - you sure do keep a stiff upper lip! Sending you good vibes for a decent battery and a little less pain each day.

              Well, so far I have escaped a big cold - just sniffles. PS - I take Oil of Oregano in capsule form, and only with food in my tummy - I could never handle it directly on my tongue, bleh!

              OK, off to sleep a little and hopefully get the client house totally cleared out tomorrow. It's Time!!! Wishing all a good sleep tonight and a happy Tuesday tomorrow.


                Re: Nourishing November~2017

                Good morning...

                Skendall, glad to hear from you, sorry your daughter is not including you in the holidays, I don't get it. Why can't you go to the in-laws with her? Inclusion is what I thought the holidays were about. Hope you feel better and get that car fixed.

                Lav, your poor little chicken, being bullied by the others. When I had four cats in happened too. Have fun sewing! It is going to be 65 degrees today, isn't that crazy? Kind of nice though, I can be outside for bit today. I made garlic mushrooms for the cooking class and they were not that good. Win some, lose some right?

                Pauly, hope you are able to focus on the good things and get out of your funk. It is not easy I know. Speaking of Christmas presents, I am going to get my son a sewing kit, he came over last night and sewed buttons on his coat, so that will be a useful gift for him. Driving to get my grandson today so that will be fun and busy.

                Have a good day.


                  Re: Nourishing November~2017

                  Morning friends,Cyn sounds like an exhausting,frozen kind of day,glad you were able to get cozy and thaw out Star,that will make a useful present for your son,I like to give useful gifts as opposed to just stuff that's gonna lay there,have fun with the grandson,SK,sad cuz the fantasy of living close to family sometimes doesn't turn out like we thought it would Lav,more lace ornaments today? Still tired or something here so wishing us all a nice AF Tuesday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: Nourishing November~2017

                    Hi guys,

                    The beat goes on here... still clearing out that house, and now my downstairs room is full and starting to smell like goodwill! I'll get to it soon...

                    Pauly, what's going on? I am liking Lav's good reminder to read The Power of Now, I am going to do it! I need to be more present and less in worry-and-plan-brain.

                    Star, things OK, are you liking your decorations?

                    SK, I ditto Lav, you are so far away from much support... sending you healing and good vibes.

                    Well, the state troopers just knocked on my door. Earlier today I passed a bus when it had the stop sign out. - it was in the middle of a long sloping curve of a main street, the last place I ever would have thought about a bus being, and I never before have seen one there. I immediately realized what I had done, and I stopped to make sure that no one followed me. Well, my good intentions weren't enough, they just served me personally with a $$$ ticket. A great reminder to be PRESENT in every moment, and stop the brain chatter. I know the Universe has given me fair warning.

                    Take it from me folks -- the most important thing is to be calm and present NOW - safer for everyone! Wishing all a good night and a happy Hump Day tomorrow.


                      Re: Nourishing November~2017

                      Hi everyone. Got my car back, they replaced the battery for the 4th time! We'll see. Also got my hair cut and it's the shortest ever! It will grow back but it's different looking like a boy, lol.

                      It was 78 deg. today, so that was a gift. Sitting embroidering sounds very comforting Lav.

                      Cyn, yikes that is cold. Sometimes heating pads are heaven sent.

                      Star, yes about inclusion, just not happening.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Re: Nourishing November~2017

                        Good evening friends,

                        We took an unexpected but pleasant trip to Longwood Gardens today. Their Christmas decorations are fabulous & helps spark a little spirit of the holiday in any Grinch
                        We ran into a giant flock of wild turkeys crossing the road (right around the corner from our house). Pictures on FB, ha ha!
                        No sign of my chicken today but who knows? She may turn up yet.
                        It hit 60 degrees here today, nice!

                        Cyn, glad you are almost thru that big job. Obviously you are tired or you would have recognized the need to stop behind that bus.
                        We really do need to keep our focus on what we are doing every single minute. Safety first, always
                        I hear this warm spell is going to hang around all week so maybe you'll get some of it too.

                        Star, sorry your recipe wasn't fabulous. Maybe a redo with some different seasonings would make it better.
                        I found a recipe last night & made it tonight - Vegan potato cakes stuffed with mushrooms - very good! I did brown the onions & mushrooms in 1 tbsp. of avocado oil but only used a spray on my griddle for browning the cakes after they were put together. I had fresh thyme in my fridge so I used that in place of the dill. Even YB liked them - a vegan success
                        You searched for potato cakes -
                        I hope you had fun with your grandson!

                        Pauly, don't let your thoughts control you. You are in charge of what you think. If negative thoughts are taking up too much head space them push them out of your head. Remember Daniel Amen's Kill the ANTS!

                        SK, nice on getting your car back. I am a short hair girl too, the shorter it is the happier I am, no kidding. I hate dealing with hair, I have no talent in that department.
                        My embroidery is done on a big machine, stitching at 650 stitches/minute. It's fast & noisy & not exactly relaxing but it keep me out of trouble, ha ha!

                        If anyone wants an ornament this year please PM me your address
                        Have a nice night everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Nourishing November~2017

                          Morning friends,Lav,I'd love and ornament Star,I was surprised that recipe didn't turn out great I love mushrooms,Cyn sorry your house is starting to smell like Goodwill haha that made me laugh thrift shops always smell weird to me,SK,hope things get sorted with your health insurance what a pain,wishing us all a happy AF Wednesday
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Nourishing November~2017

                            Good evening friends,

                            Just us so far today Pauly?
                            We had another awesome sunny & warm day here but I just heard next Thursday the cold air & maybe some snow moves in.
                            Pauly, just let me know where to send your ornament, HO HO!!!

                            Hello to Star, Cyn & SK. Hope everyone is doing well!

                            Have a nice night everyone!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Nourishing November~2017

                              I love the sound of the potato cakes, I think thyme is much preferable w/mushrooms.

                              Bought lunch at Whole Foods and a delicious smelling wreath, went to dr's office, dog park, Petsmart and home. Good day. I don't know where everyone stands on artificial trees vs real ones. I will be having a smaller tree this year so it's about a 4' real one. Never had an artificial tree, not against them but coming from Canada and WA state, it seemed like the thing to do. We always bought fresh mistletoe in the North and when I moved south, it's actually a parasitic weed, ugh.

                              Feeling much better about life.

                              Have a pleasant evening everyone.
                              Enlightened by MWO


                                Re: Nourishing November~2017

                                Evening all -

                                Well, I made 3 trips today to that darn house. Tomorrow will be the last! I spent time last night sorting and bagging all the stuff, so it is ready to go OUT tomorrow or Friday, yay. Also brought downstairs an air cleaner and nabbed a fancy-sticks-in-oil-diffuser from my client's giveaways. It's smelling better down there already. When this is all done am definitely going to 'smudge' down there!

                                Lav, your little wandering chicken maybe got adopted by the turkeys? So glad that you went to Longwood... I will definitely need some kind of a kick for this year's sentiment. Maybe a walk in NYC looking at the shop windows. BTW- I failed to stop on the OPPOSING side of the traffic. The driver must have just put out the stop sign up as I was watching my side of the traffic, seeing the people in front of me just keep driving. I previously noticed that the bus was stopped and two teenagers got out; I just never even thought that they would continue across the big main drag! Live and learn. Kind of worries me about my mental process though...

                                Star, I hope that you had a good day with grandson!

                                Pauly, anything on the new job horizon? I personally have changed my work a half-dozen times... keeps things interesting! I hope you can find something with people, if you enjoy contact with customers.

                                SK - here's hoping that your car and the battery get along!

                                Wishing all a good night and a good Thursday. May we be well ---

