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w/c 5 nov

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    Re: w/c 5 nov

    hiya folks its me...had a few things to deal with last night and this morning,but fingers crossed they will be sorted in the near future.Just been down to Julies dads,sawing trees down...and yep as per usual I never came out of it scratch free ...nearly took my eye out with a tree branch!so now got a bit of a scratch spoiling my golden looks ha ha....just done a bit in my own garden too...oh and redid the little indoor thing in the conservatory..

    so lets have a brew

    hiya ppqp..and pauly ...thanks for thinking of me,Im ok just a bit weary but hey.hope everything goes ok with your eye pressures ppqp.

    hiya pauly,hope all is well with you today

    Changing my thinking cuz the
    same old thinking leads to the
    same old drinking ..and that same old drinking affects my thinking,and before I know it Im absolutely stinking.

    big hiya to all to come


    the frogs chorus


    children of the corn


    Can't wait for Donald Trump to peel off his face to reveal he's been Sacha Baron Cohen all along.
    Attached Files
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: w/c 5 nov my fingers crossed for you. Great pics! Love the frog chorus. We need you in our community garden. Pressure was great! He's taken me off those drops. The post op drops are done next week and here's hoping come Feb 23rd I'll be drop free! LOL


        Re: w/c 5 nov

        Good evening Abbers,

        Mick, nice pics! Love the garden frogs
        I hope your scratch isn't too bad & I hope you remember to wear safety glasses!!! Geez!!!
        Take it easy now, OK?

        Sam, you couldn't pay me enough to take a rooster off your hands, ha ha!!! They have no use around here. If you want I'll give you my Amish friend's address & you can ship the roosters to him - he knows what to do with them, LOL

        PQ, glad to hear you eye check went well & you are healing n schedule, yay! I hope it warms up a bit for you, winter has even started yet!

        Pauly, I think your son will be learning some Spanish real soon

        Det, hope you are feeling better, check in when you can.

        Hello to SK, Pie, SF & anyone else checking in tonight.

        Getting colder here, going down to 32 tonight, 20 tomorrow night, BRRR!!
        Have a cozy night everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: w/c 5 nov

          day one again. F*ck me.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Re: w/c 5 nov

            mornin all..its 11.30 internet has been down all morning,think its another left over crappy storm .com.Its poring doon with rain here so someone somewhere is getting sunshine...our share...sohow are swe all today then? hope all is its brew time

            hiya what happened this time mate?you seem to do ok then go off the boards...the effect this shit is having on you both physically and mentally must be unreal..Is there no strategies that you can make up or bring to bear when you want to bevvy? there is a gap between thinking you want a drink,getting it and chucking it down your neck..and thats the bit you need the strength insight call it what you want to change ...everyone on here wants you to succeed.and everyone will help you ...use this forum..I dont give a toss if you mail me in the middleof the night ..if it helps do it.

            hiya Lav..hows you then? all good I could lie and say yep I was wearing the whole h&s kit..but emmm I had a flesh coloured hard hat on ..thats it..32???? thats summer here!!

            hia ppqp....glad the drops worked...yep the frogs turned out pretty good..another mad idea!!thats what to do ..just think of anything crazy and it will work providing the surroundings are right and scaletoo.

            hi pauly how are you then? hope all is well

            Sam how are the feet after your x country tab?hope you are ok mate.

            hiya pie sk tt ,everyone else ..have a great weekend

            Little Johnny comes down to breakfast. Since they live on a farm, his mother asks if he had done his chores.
            "Not yet," said Little Johnny.
            His mother tells him no breakfast until he does his chores.
            Well, he's a little pissed off, so he goes to feed the chickens, and he kicks a chicken.
            He goes to feed the cows, and he kicks a cow. He goes to feed the pigs and he kicks a pig.
            He goes back in for breakfast and his mother gives him a bowl of dry cereal.
            "How come I don't get any eggs and bacon? Why don't I have any milk in my cereal?" he asks.
            "Well," his mother says, "I saw you kick a chicken, so you don't get any eggs for a week.
            I saw you kick the pig, so you don't get any bacon for a week either. I also saw you kick the cow, so for a week you aren't getting any milk."
            Just then, his father comes down for breakfast and kicks the cat halfway across the kitchen.
            Little Johnny looks up at his mother with a smile, and says: "Are you going to tell him, or should I?

            What does a cannibal do after he dumps his girlfriend?

            Wipes his butt

            What’s the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

            Anyone can roast beef but nobody can pee soup!

            People wonder why I call my toilet “the Jim” instead of “the John.”

            I do it so I can say “I go to the Jim first thing every morning.”

            How can you get four suits for a dollar?

            Buy a deck of cards.
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: w/c 5 nov

              Mae everybody,Mick jokes are ace Det,Cowboy posted a link in just starting out of a relapse prevention workbook take a look it really helps you focus on the goal here my face hurts from sneezing,not even sure I can make it to my beloved 99 cent store,,well I can just slowly haha,just saw some pics of a hairless guinea pig,,I want one of those genetically modified little guys they're so cute! Rest of the family thinks they're ugly but I like them,much love to all and wishes for a nice AF Friday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: w/c 5 nov

                yikes!!!!.. cannibal joke!!!
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Re: w/c 5 nov

                  MAE ALL...could have sworn I posted this morning.

                  Mick...sorry for hogging the sun but it was nice to see the temp get above freezing today! Had my employee review toady and it went really well. In a nutshell the 2 items the boss had down as "needs improvement" I disagreed with and pointed out the issue arose because of something HE said or didn't do. He agreed and changed his comments. I'm not really sure who sees these reviews but it's ammunition for my raise request. He did tell me that he received input from the board and that my raise will on my next pay cheque (retroactive to Sep). It won't be the full $50K but it's close. We shall see.

                  Det...sorry to hear of your decision and I hope you're ok. :hug: I remember a couple of times I decided F*K this and went and got a bottle, came home and promptly poured it down the drain. What a waste of money! The thing is I agree with Mick, there are gaps between thinking, getting and drinking. By the time I'd get to drinking it I'd asked myself why? The answer was I was pissed off with someone or something. So the action of going and getting my poison actually gave me the time to evaluate the reason why and then decide "Nope, not worth it!" Just don't quit quitting and remember we're here for you.

                  Pauly...thanks for sharing Cowboy's link to the relapse prevention workbook. Hope your face is feeling better. LOL Sorry, but I'm with the rest of your family on the "hairless guinea pig"

                  Sam...totally agree! :egad: LOL

                  Lav...will probably see your post after I submit this one. Thanks alot, picked up donuts on the way home from work! LOL

                  It's been a positive day including the temperature, looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP


                    Re: w/c 5 nov

                    PQ,they're cute to me the black ones look like mini hippos you bring up a great point about buying al,I've stopped on the way home before and bought beer and as soon as I got home wished I hadn't stopped off because the urge passed as soon as I walked through the door but then I'd figure I've bought it mat as well drink it regretting it immediately yet drinking past that regret,now I don't make any stops after work,I get my gas,grocery items I might need BEFORE work!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: w/c 5 nov

                      Good evening Abbers,

                      We are officially freezing our a$$es off here, it's now 28 degrees, that's Farenheight Mick!

                      Det, I am sorry you drank. You had said a few days ago that you had an allergic reaction to something. Did that influence your decision?
                      I'm just glad you're back with us now. Just keep trying.

                      Mick, good jokes today - borderline crazy but good, ha ha!
                      I think I'll ship you a box of safety gear to wear to keep you from doing any more damage to yourself. Take care of yourself, geez!

                      PQ, sounds like you are about to come into some serious $$$, nice
                      I had fun playing with my new donut baking pan & the vegan donuts were awesome. My main idea is to bake donuts without dairy so I can eat one or two without getting sick. The things you miss when you have to live dairy free, haha!

                      Pauly, I could probably scrounge up some rodents from under the chicken house if you want them, LOL
                      A hairless guinea pig sounds freaky to me (or lunch to some of the large dogs that roam around here).

                      Hi there Sam & everyone.
                      Have a nice night one & all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: w/c 5 nov

                        Mae everybody,just a quick fly by to say hi and wish everyone a happy AF Saturday!
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: w/c 5 nov

                          Just noticed my post never wnt up this morning,,,,here it is dunno what happened it is

                          mornin all..the weekend has started are we all doing? ok I hope.just looking at some of the subjects on here wouldnt think it was a reformed boozers club ...more like the white coat laffin academy...anywayze what does it matter?not a bad day injuries so far not rainin rabbitz fed madam a good un..It is also Armistice Day....a lot of people gave a lot for us to be here ...not saying they went out with that idea,but thats how it happens so spare a thought for them and those survivors scarred physically and /or mentally.
                          so there we go brew time it is..

                          Hiya pauly ..hows you then?I wish you well in your quest for a bald guinea pig...did you get to poundland?

                          yo Sam how are you then today? all good I hope?yep I found the cannibal joke poor taste too ..ha ha

                          hoya ppqp...well done you stand up for for improvement ..really ? lets do a 360 on that one ..yep we have got sunish weather today.....

                          hiya det > doing ok buddy?

                          hiya Lav..brew are you then this weekend?anything happening ..apart from the do nut factory in full pelt...and 28 degrees in old the box of safety gear I would cut myself opening it.!!

                          big hello to everyone..

                          My local pub is rough as fck.
                          I went to the quiz the other night and the first question asked was, "What the fck are you looking at?"
                          Last edited by Mick; November 11, 2017, 12:04 PM.
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: w/c 5 nov

                            MAE ALL...

                            Remembrance Day here in Canada. Outdoor ceremony last year was +20C today -2C, it could have been a lot worse.

                            Mick...glad to hear you're injury free so far today. I agree, Lav you better hold off on sending the safety gear.

                            Pauly...that was a quick fly by. You working today?

                            Det...thinking of you. Hang in there and check in with us ok?

                            Not sure what I'll get up to but definitely something outside. Have a Super Saturday all....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: w/c 5 nov

                              thank you all. I'm safe, home and AF. Today getting a prescription those punks tried to break in again.
                              they didn't get in but they buggered my door pretty good. good grief. nonetheless, doing everything in the world
                              to stay AF is my mission in life.
                              be well loves
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)


                                Re: w/c 5 nov

                                Good evening Abbers,

                                Det, OMG, again?? Why you? Do you know what they are looking for?
                                I'm so sorry you have to deal with that again. Glad to know you are feeling better though, hang in there.

                                Mick, the temp was a balmy 18 degrees this morning, now that's cold.
                                Glad you are not playing with any dangerous tools today, ha ha! We're enjoying the donuts & even had some left to offer unannounced visitors this afternoon

                                PQ, it is cold, for sure. I can only imagine how much worse you have it though. Stay warn up there!!!

                                Pauly, I'm sure you have warmer weather so what did you do today?

                                Keeping my fingers crossed that my missing chicken is just missing & has found somewhere safe to hide overnight. This is the first time one has wandered off alone like that. I looked everywhere for her & didn't find any signs of a struggle, who knows?
                                Have a nice night everyone!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

