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w/c 12th

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    Re: w/c 12th

    Lav...sorry to hear about g/daughter. Do they still cast with the stuff you can write on? Get your thinking cap on, I'm sure you can come up with something special. :hug:


      Re: w/c 12th

      Sorry about your granddaughter Lav,poor thing
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: w/c 12th

        mornin all...ows oui today then?hopefully ok ...not a great attendance here yustaday,was there a party or summat going on somewhere?Jeeves on his last day of meds ..just given him it via syringe he bit the syringe ,snatched it out of my hand and chucked it..

        Lav sorry to hear about your grand daughter...a least she is at an age where it will heal pretty you a nowty rabbit for a plastered up g/d for a couple of days.heres a travelling brew ..Im sure the I might gonna turn into I am..
        dentist yesterday..6 monthly check up ...all ace ...everything has knitted in perfectly thank good ness.

        hiya pauly ,hows you today...?are you on whats app? messenger?you can have my number too if it helps ..we are 8hrs in front here whatever you are thinking ..I have done...

        hi fog or mist this morning just a normal run o the mill day... car done and dusted now? your post...

        We're having our Christmas Craft Sale at work on Fri/Sat. Remember, deep breaths if things get rough. it cant be that bad ...Im sure its a very nice sale..........

        big hello to all our uvver readers...

        Wouldn't it be funny if Donald Trump gave a press interview and someone pulled a gun out just to hear his bodyguard shout, "Donald Duck."

        Winter is here. Animals will be looking for places to get warm. Before starting your engine, be sure to check around your car......


        I started my new job today.
        My boss handed me a fiver and said, "First things first, I need you to go down to the shops and buy me a glass hammer, a skirting board ladder and a bubble for a spirit level."
        I laughed and said, "Do you really think I'm that stupid?"
        "What do you mean Simon?" He sniggered.
        I said, "That lot is going to cost more than a fcking fiver."

        do you have the same issues?

        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: w/c 12th

          Mae everybody,Mick love the cow on the hood when I was a kid my mom was taking me to school and yep,cat was on the engine but we didn't know so it lost its tail,that was terrible! Work has been so incredibly slow I just don't get it,I've worked at that shop for 14 going on 15 years and I've never seen it like this,it's booth rent so I hafta pay even when it's slow so I'm basically paying to sit on my ass and read my phone..
          Much love to all and wishes for a happy AF Wednesday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: w/c 12th

            Greetings Abbers,

            Yep Mick, you guessed it - I went to check on the girls today. I actually met up with them at the Orthopedic office & didn't miss a thing. The surgeon decided no surgery was needed, yay! She got to pick out her own style of removable brace (polka dots), ha ha! The days of old fashioned hard casts are mostly gone. So she can go back to school tomorrow, everything is good & will be rechecked in 3 weeks. I am so grateful, believe me. She was a total trooper!!!!
            Glad Jeeves seems to be returning to his old self, LOL

            Pauly, is there a newer shop opening near by? Is it time to advertise a sale or something to draw people back in? Is there a possibility that one of the other girls there has been turning customers off? Just guessing here. I hope things pick up for you!

            Hello to PQ, Det & anyone else stopping by.

            It's chilly again so the fire is helping.
            Have a nice night one & all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: w/c 12th

              MAE ALL...

     are such the jester! Spent the day doing the program coordinator's work as she is pretty stressed out over the craft sale. Oh well it'll be over soon. Have to spend time on my own work tomorrow in preparation for our Annual General Meeting. It's going to be a long day/night. Will also be working the craft sale Fri night and all day Sat. My raise better be a good one!

              Pauly...just what you need right before Christmas! Geeze! Hope things pick up soon, there's got to be some Xmas parties coming up so maybe people will be in to spruce up.

     beat me. Glad to hear all is well with your grand daughter. She does sound like a trooper. We had a fairly decent day but colder temps and snow tomorrow morning. Then temps going up to positive double digits so we should have a great turn out at the sale.

              Det...hope your continuing in good spirits and all is well.

              Too pooped to cook so it's mac & cheese and hot dogs again. See you all on the flip side....:smile:PPQP


                Re: w/c 12th

                Good evenin' ABerooos!

                Mick, thanks for keeping us rolling as always.

                Lav, a polka dot brace? awesome. no such thing when I was a kiddo.

                PPQ, hoping for a big raise.....

                Pauly, hang in there hon. It's about all I can manage all too often

                Work was unusually fun today.... we had a work pot luck lunch and I got voted 'chef' so I got to prep and
                cook at work.. how nifty. I roasted up some ham, turkey, cold cuts for sammiches and everyone brought a side.
                Mine was garlic/rosemary mashed potatoes with a criminal amount of real butter. oh my.... oink-a-roo.

                No cravings in sight, guard up...ready for any beast or demon.

                Only pulled an hour of over time today so actually have time to wind down properly tonight. yay.

                gnight loves
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Re: w/c 12th

                  morn all howzweee today then? alles im ordnung? quick weather check ..yup its raining wont be getting a lot done outside today ..the wee man seems a lot perkier now, P anda is as daft as a brush ...she tried to jump over the little fence and failed miserably .its plastic wire mesh with sticks woven through it to keep it in the ground is pretty flexible ,so that when they hit it they bounce back or the stick breaks ..the flexion in the wire doent give them the impetus to get over...thank you prison service for teaching me physical security.
                  ok brew time

                  hiya det cravings good ...that food sounded good though !!lots of garlic.

                  pauly hiya ..why dont you come up with some gimmick like get your hairdone ,then next one at a reduced rate?is that possible? something like that ...folks still get ther hair done ...apart from its a case of see who goes where what gimmicks they use and beat them...the one over here is nails and tans ...any scope to expand to that?

                  Lav a polka dot brace ...what happened to plaster casts where your mates wrote all over them...I had one was blank for 20 odd years ..ha ha. so what are you up to today then?we are having a mad change round in the front room ...sorry ..I you go brew for you.

                  hia are you today then another bizzeee one? you getting a % of the co-ordinators wages too?

                  right norra lorra peeps here big hullo to the darkroom...yoo hoo...

                  RANDOM THOUGHTS.
                  * If you attempt to rob a bank you won't have any trouble with rent/food bills for the next 10 years, whether or not you are successful.
                  * Do twins ever realize that one of them is unplanned?
                  * What if my dog only brings back my ball because he thinks I like throwing it?
                  * If poison expires, is it more poisonous or is it no longer poisonous?
                  * Which letter is silent in the word "Scent," the S or the C?
                  * The letter W, in English, is called double U. Shouldn't it be called double V?
                  * Maybe oxygen is slowly killing you and It just takes 75-100 years to fully work.
                  * Every time you clean something, you just make something else dirty.
                  * Intentionally losing a game of rock, paper, scissors is just as hard as trying to win.
                  - 100 years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today everyone has cars and only the rich own horses.
                  - Your future self is watching you right now through memories.
                  - The doctors that told Stephen Hawking he had two years to live in 1953 are probably dead.
                  - If you replace "W" with "T" in "What, Where and When", you get the answer to each of them.
                  - Many animals probably need glasses, but nobody knows it.
                  - If you rip a hole in a net, there are actually fewer holes in it than there were before.
                  - If 2/2/22 falls on a Tuesday, we'll just call it "2's Day".
                  (Save this until 2022 – because it does fall on a Tuesday!!)
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: w/c 12th

                    Mae everybody,2/22/22 sounds far off but it'll be here before we know it,Mick the haircuts are $8 I really don't see how we could go lower,it's already too low IMO ,I did see that Great Clips is doing it's $6.99 sale,meh,it'll pickup it's been slow all over,I guess Mandalay bay where that shooting happened is laying people off left and right,I figure it's anticipation of lots of lawsuits they'll more than likely hafta pay out a lot of money to victims and the families,Det your work potluck sounds great PQ,Mac and cheese with hot dogs is right up my ally,sometimes you just need something quick and comforting much love to all and wishes for a happy AF Thursday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: w/c 12th

                      Good evening Abbers,

                      No one has broken any body parts so far today so it's been a good day, ha ha!!!

                      Mick, I need you to come over here & figure out how to keep my chickens from flying over their fence! I know I could clip their wings but I'd rather leave them with the ability to escape from a possible chicken-napping when they are out free ranging. In 13 years of raising these large Buff Orpingtons I have never had one able to fly over the fence at will. Orpington chicken - Wikipedia
                      I've had other smaller birds capable of flying, often found them on the roof of the chicken house.

                      Pauly, why are haircuts so cheap there? That's crazy!!! We pay double that, no kidding. Maybe offer free coffee & donuts with a haircut or something

                      Chilly here but it's going to be much colder & windier over the next few days. I'm staying inside, ha ha!
                      Hello to Det, PQ & the others.

                      Have a peaceful night everyone!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: w/c 12th

                        Pauly, before Martha Stewart became famous she baked killer pies. At one of the goings on (community), she was selling these luscious pies for $6.00. They weren't selling so she hiked up the price to $10.00 - sold them all.

                        So, advertise a Christmas/New Year's special for $10.00, with eggnog - such a nice round number.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Re: w/c 12th

                          MAE ALL...Just home from work now and I'm bushed. Soon heading to bed.

                          Mick...I should get a % of coworkers salary! Boss did thank me for helping out, he figured she was pretty stressed. Was a long day but a successful meeting with a good turn out. Glad Jeeves is feeling better. I didn't know brushes were daft.

                          Pauly...hope you were a little busier today.

                          Lav...we were supposed to get a skiff of snow this morning and turned into a whiteout! They say there's a chance of snow tomorrow, wonder what that means.

                          SK...good to see you.

                          Well that's about all I got left in me so will see you all in the morning....:smile:PPQP


                            Re: w/c 12th

                            Ahoyo ABerooos!

                            mucho tired from another 11 hour day but boy will that help come pay day.

                            Pauly, I like Lav's idea of accommodating treats that are cheap but folks will remember and tell their friends. Speaking of which...
                            do you promote your biz on social media?

                            Mick, er... Warden Mick! glad the bunny line is holding. Still daydream about pets but I'm better off just taking pic's of animals when I can.

                            Weather here turned dreadful starting last night. Huge rains and winds with rumors of snow perhaps tomorrow. Thankfully it will be Friday.

                            PPQ, sounds like you're well ahead of me on the difficult weather front. Ice driving just freaks me out.

                            Better get my sore buttocks into bed....

                            gnight loves
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Re: w/c 12th

                              mornin all a frostee day again today are we all thoday...poets day the weekend is here..any plans folks?think Im off mental defecting this weekend...

                              so lets have a brew to start the day we go.

                              hiya det hows the biblical donkey today..(the weary ass)? hope you are better ..yep the pesky line holds s k p s yet ...

                              ppqp ..oho clever eh? re the brushes ...the ball is returned..I didnt know snow came in little boats!!!!!ha ha thanks is nice a few bob more in the wage packet would have sweetened the deal....

                              hiya sk are things with you today? hope all is well.

                              hi Lav ..brew time it is ...interesting about the Orpingtons ones to hide the soot of London ..I reckon you could stop them flying out something attached to the fence that will blow in the wind that they cant work out ie helium balloons?

                              hi pauly hows you today? still minimal trade? a monthly /weekly ticket draw?dollar a ticket? you keep in touch over da weekend we are here!!!!

                              big hulloooo to everyone there..

                              They've had to cancel the panto 'Jack & the Beanstalk' this Christmas in Birmingham, Bristol, Oldham, Bradford, Burnley, Leicester, Luton and London.
                              Apparently the giant couldn't smell any Englishmen.

                              Can I just ask everyone a huge favour? Those of you who are planning to put Christmas lights in your gardens, please can you avoid anything red or blue and flashing? Every time I drive past, I think it's the cops and have a mild panic attack. I have to remove my foot from the accelerator, slam on the brakes, put my seat belt on, throw my phone on the floor, hide my bottle of whisky ,swallow my joint, and shove the gun under the seat. It's a major drama. I really appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                                Re: w/c 12th

                                Mae everybody,Mick hope you can make it to detecting this weekend,seems like you haven't been in a couple of weeks? Funny joke about the Christmas lights will just have to go to work and keep track of my spending more(which I hate doing!) Vegas being such a transient city makes it hard cuz people are always moving away,plus the neighborhood of the shop has gotten worse,seen a guy sipping a small bottle of vodka at 8 am yesterday just hanging out by the cell phone store next door,loiterers in the parking lot who I think security is scared of,what I think I'm gonna do is get on Vistaprint and print me out some different business cards,give them to my regulars with my phone number on them so if I DO hafta go to another shop they can find me,Kell and I both said we kinda want to be in a different neighborhood anyways,will see what happens,mom probably isn't coming down which I hate to say is a huge relief(hate saying that out loud) it's just too soon,,too close to the time last year she and Jon were here I don't want a fricken flashback ya know? Anyways much love to all and wishes for a nice AF Friday
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

