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w/c 12th

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    Re: w/c 12th

    MAE ALL...

    Det...I almost caused a major accident on my way to work yesterday. It was whiteout conditions and when I turned onto a street suddenly there was a car behind me. I suspect he changed lanes through the intersection because I can SEE now and there was nobody there. He managed to avoid me then got in front of me and then proceeded to slam on his brakes, speed up, stop. All on an overpass bridge. What an ass. So yesterday could have been a very different start to my day.

    Mick...looks like we're both learning new things. LOL Thought you were asking the gang for a favour until I kept reading. Nice.

    Pauly...gotta say I'm a little relieved your Mom isn't coming too. Getting your contact info to your regulars sounds like a great idea. Do you know if there's any chair space in other neighborhoods? Checking into that sounds like a plan.

    Better get my butt off the couch and begin my day. Frigid temps this morning but supposed to warm up. Another late one for me, craft sale till 8pm tonight.
    Have a Fab Friday all....:smile:PPQP


      Re: w/c 12th

      Morning Troops,

      Just had a read back to catch up a bit. Pauly, you deserve some kind of award for being at the wrapped Christmas present stage already! Lav, has your chicken turned up? Det, your criminally butterlicious potatoes made me giggle. I made a Roasted Beet & Leek soup recently that was surprisingly simple and wonderful. I'll probably make it regularly, once daytime temps here go below 80.

      Mick, your Christmas lights joke is so funny! A police car pulled up beside me at a light yesterday, and caused me to do a mental inventory of all the things I MIGHT be doing in my car that could get me into trouble. Hi PQ! Fun and games on the job never end, eh?
      Right now, I have 7 dogs here. A wee crisis developed when I misplaced the lint brush necessary to remove dog hair from my clothes before going out.


        Re: w/c 12th

        MAE. Pauly, I am a little relieved also even though I know you could have managed it.

        Pie, good to see you, 80 deg. is what is forecast for today. 7 dogs is a lot, is it too many?

        Nothing going wrong, it must be the 2 lucky pennies I found! I'll take it.

        I ordered some decs. from Marks & Spencer and they really are great. The ice skating ornament (Vivian is an ace skater) didn't arrive, so I'll check my order again.

        PPQ, that was scary. Dec./16 on my way to Seattle Airport, turned off hiway onto small road that went downhill and skidded on black ice and spun and spun until the guardrail stopped me. That's how I got my injuries, 4 broken discs, broken knee, torn kidney, etc. The air bag knocked me out and when I came to the first thing they asked is was I drinking? Noooo. Obviously I was so glad.

        Hey Mick, glad the bunnies are well.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Re: w/c 12th

          Det, I would have loved the mashed potatoes, the ultimate in comfort food.
          Enlightened by MWO


            Re: w/c 12th

            Good evening Abbers,

            Pie, nice to see you & IMHO 7 dogs definitely is too much, ha ha! I have done plenty of dog sitting with my son's Goldens, they fill up the house

            Mick, I already have any extra piece of chicken wire stapled up over the top of the 6 foot fence so it's probably 7 or 8 feet high now & a few of them get over it. Truthfully, the last one to fly over the fence is the one that disappeared last weekend, so.... maybe the remaining 8 are rethinking their strategy, ha ha!

            Det, working hard & coming home too exhausted to do anything else sounds about right I hope you don't get snowed in yet.

            PQ, sorry about the mishap on the road. It's the other drivers that worry me. I did get clobbered on the way home from work at midnight in a blizzard. I was only a few blocks away from home, thought I was safe until that guy pushed my car right thru the intersection at a red light. Be careful out there!!!

            SK, I was very fortunate that I didn't get hurt in that accident but my car was totaled. So sorry you received so many injuries :hug:

            Pauly, if your shop's neighborhood is starting to go downhill then you & your daughter really should move on. Those things don't tend to improve on their own. And be sure to take your good customers with you!!!!

            Not much going on today, just the usual.
            Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: w/c 12th

              MAE didn't warm up! Been cold all day. Decided coworker could deal with locking up the building so left 3 hrs early.

              Pi...good to see you. Yup, the fun and games continue but I'm feeling a lot better about everything. Haven't seen the raise yet so that may change. LOL 7 dogs! Is that a record? How long do you think you'll have to keep them safe? I think I'd be scared to leave the house!

              SK...Wow, well that certainly explains all the operations. I have experienced that 360 spin but luckily ended up on a highway turnoff road. No crash or injuries but I think it took me 3 days to quit shaking. I wouldn't have been able to answer no to that question.

              Lav...8 feet! I never knew chickens could fly. I guess it's true what they say about most accidents happen 2 blocks away from home. Boy, were you lucky, made me think of all the other outcomes there could have been. My niece just moved from White Rock BC to Red Deer AB, she is really nervous about winter driving. I'd be nervous too if she'd moved to Calgary. LOL

              Back to the craft sale in the morning then tear down and setup for the wedding. It's going to be a busy day so time to unwind. Must confess I watch the old Murder She Wrote show before bed. It's my equivalent of comfort food. LOL Have a restful night all....:smile:PPQP


                Re: w/c 12th

                mornin all ..cold clear mornin here , are we all then at our various stages of the weekend? good hopefully ...yes out detecting tomrrow see what we can get.but foist a brew.

                mornin ppqp a present for you ...I used to watch them too ..trouble is with telly here they are repeated so many times you know the lines before they do!!busy day for you yesterday?is that it all over now?

                sounds like that the driver was suffering from butt syndrome..using his ass to drive with as opposed to sitting on it..


                hiya pauly how are you ? in addition to your handing out the address..why not make a discount card out of it ...or a prize draw etc that can draw folk in in something for nothing ..we all like that theory!!hope all is well any way wityoo..

                hiya Lav...hows gd with her flash noo brace..?I take it this weekend there will be a visitation one way or the heres a travelling brew...a loss of one I suppose is acceptable ...unless it was a job..then its a no no ..but pro rata thats pretty good..
                Ive started tidying up the garden..its looking bare now..

                hiya pie..nice to see you...a wee crisis in small I take it..isnt it funny even legit when the cops are behind us we go into panic mode...I wonder if cops do the same?I know lots of cops and its like the old boy network ...they all kinda pee in the same pot...with the exception of 1 and thats of the requirements of a traffic cop is to get up in the morning ,look in the mirror and nick yourself!!So the k9 crew is doing well..was going to say pauly ..theres a chance to diversify,cutting pooches hair too...but from what you say I think even the dogs n catz your way run around in hoodies!

                hiya sk...Im with you mashed potato ...heaped with gavey and just soak it all up ...a meal on its own!!!

                big hiya to all other folks..

                Played in a cricket match yesterday in aid of people who suffer from diarrhoea.
                We lost by 3 runs.

                I went to a really trendy nightclub last night. The doorman said to me, "Sorry mate, you've had too many!" I said, "What, drinks?" He said, "No, birthdays!"

                Once again this year, I've had requests for my Vodka Christmas Cake recipe so here goes. Please keep in your files as I am beginning to get tired of typing this up every year! (Made mine this morning!!!!) 1 cup sugar, half pound butter, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 cup water, 1 tsp. salt , 1 cup brown sugar, Lemon juice, 4 large eggs, Nuts, 1......bottle Vodka, 2 cups dried fruit 4 cups self raising fl
                Sample a cup of Vodka to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Vodka again to be sure it is of the highest quality then Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point, it is best to make sure the Vodka is still OK. Try another cup just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 eegs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the fruit up off the floor, wash it and put it in the bowl a piece at a time trying to count it. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit getas stuck in the beaterers, just pry it loose with a drewscriver Sample the Vodka to test for tonsisticity. Next, sift 2 cups of salt, or something. Check the Vodka. Now shit shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Grease the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the fekin window. Finish of the Vodka and wipe the counter with the fekin cat!
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: w/c 12th

                  arg, tried to sleep in but 6am is best I could do it seems. Hands are so sore from work they are throbbing with my heart beat. owie.

                  Pie and SK, great to see both of you and my what nasty winter driving stories, especially yours Hil, my goodness.

                  well, no snow after all but we got a good hard freeze.

                  no coffee yet... must correct that. back later loves
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Re: w/c 12th

                    Mae everybody,running a bit behind do much love and wishes for a happy AF Saturday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: w/c 12th

                      MAE ALL...

                      Mick...busy day continued after my post last night. Coworker called because cleaning staff wanted to change their schedule, which was fine. Then she called back because she was worried about setting the alarm. Told her to get my catering staff to set it as they'd be the last to leave anyways. Turns out there was a dance class in the studio downstairs and the alarm wouldn't set anyways. Was going to go back after 9 to set and instead texted the boss. Decided he could deal with it. Heading back over in a minute and thanks to my early Xmas present I'll be watching Murder She Wrote at work today. LOL Butt syndrome, haha, good one.

                      Shout out to everyone else. Will check back later....:smile:PPQP


                        Re: w/c 12th

                        SK - hell yes, 7 dogs is too many! But it's what I do.

                        Mick, yes wee as in small. The other wee is fairly predictable, and rarely leads to crisis.

                        Anyone else notice the uptick in the number of spirits commercials on TV recently? "Enhance your holidays," um, no thanks.

                        Want to share that I fired my first real estate client yesterday. I've been working with this gal to locate a rental. Over time I learn that she's got a LOW credit score, then received a negative report from previous landlord, then boyfriend appears, who it turns out has a felony record. Are you kidding me?! I do not have the magic to make this happen for you, Lady.
                        Last edited by Pie; November 18, 2017, 11:29 AM.


                          Re: w/c 12th

                          MAE ALL...

                          What a day! Coworker got yelled at by most of the vendors. They were ticked that she wouldn't allow baking and that she's raising the price of a table next year. Record take down, took us 22 minutes to get 55 vendors packed up and out the door. Wedding setup to a little longer, 3 hours, but the hall looks great. I'm sure the bride will be really pleased.

                          Pi...good for you! They sound like a solid couple. LOL

                          Chef sent me home with garlic rosemary chicken for supper. Thought of you Det. This lady is putting her feet up and not moving till Monday....:smile:PPQP


                            Re: w/c 12th

                            Good evening Abbers,

                            I'm sitting here wondering why there's no fire burning in the fireplace. I guess the YB forgot, haha! I guess I'll just have to do it myself

                            Pie, your client doesn't need a real estate agent ~ maybe a lawyer/probation officer, ha ha!!! It's a good feeling to tell people No, go away, LOL

                            Mick, I wish you luck tomorrow & hope you find some neat stuff & don't freeze to death! My chicken count remains at 8 so I hope they have learned a lesson. It's safer to stay close to the chicken house!!!

                            PQ, sounds like they are running you ragged, geez! I hope you enjoyed your rosemary chicken dinner, sounds good.
                            I hope you have a relaxing weekend - you deserve one

                            Det, sorry your hands hurt after a long day at work. Do you take anything for that? I really like Arthritis strength Tylenol which is safe to take if we are not mixing it with AL. Hope your weekend is good!

                            Pauly, hope your day was good!

                            Hello to everyone else & wishing a nice night for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: w/c 12th

                              Mae everybody,Pie,sorry you had to get rid of your client but as you said it would be nearly impossible to find her a place with all of that,PQ,I never realized it before but I think Portland daughter works at an event place similar to yours,weddings,baby showers,etc,,thats weird no baking allowed at a craft thing,thats the only reason I go haha feel a bit melancholy cuz although I didn't want to drink during my mom's visit I did want to see her I just felt I couldn't handle the emotions right now but this guilt is a lot to handle too,oh well it'll pass,much love and wishes for a happy AF Sunday
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

