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    am I mad?? its poring with rain freezin dark and Im off metal detecting ....duh ...speak later x
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: w/c26th

    Mae everybody,yep Mick you may be mad hope you find something awesome to make it worth it,just thought of Sam cuz we haven't seen him in awhile and he just popped in my head,talked to the girls at work yesterday and the "manager" is definitely giving up that job she just graduated and wants to work for the government and only work at the shop a few days a week,think the owner will shit when he hears that,then two others want to leave so yep it's up in the air still,oh well as I always liked the saying"I was looking for a job when I found this one I'll find another" put up Christmas decs last night,tree is bought but still in the garage,gonna enjoy the season no matter what,who or when! Much love to all my friends here who keep me grounded I appreciate you all! Wishes for a nice AF Sunday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: w/c26th

      MAE ALL... are definitely mad! Stay warm out there and good luck with the hunting. about organized. Presents wrapped, dec's up, tree bought! I am impressed. I'm also impressed with your attitude, very positive. Whatever happens at work will happen but you can decide how to spend Christmas. Hope you have a great Sunday.

      Off to start some of my chores I've been ignoring. Have a good one all.....:smile:PPQP


        Re: w/c26th

        hi all, sorry to be a stranger. just tend to get melancholy at some holidays. happy to report I'm AF though and that's the biggie.
        Happy detecting Mick, shouts to Pauly, PPQ and all to come. be well loves
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Re: w/c26th

          Originally posted by Determinator View Post
          hi all, sorry to be a stranger. just tend to get melancholy at some holidays. happy to report I'm AF though and that's the biggie.
          Happy detecting Mick, shouts to Pauly, PPQ and all to come. be well loves
          :welldone: with the AF report. SOME holidays...I got melancholy at ALL of them. Time helped but deciding to make new holiday memories got me through. :hug: Thanks for checking in.


            Re: w/c26th

            Good evening Abbers,

            Yes Mick - yes you are!!!!!
            I hope you day turned out well

            Pauly, maybe someone should make the owner an offer on the shop then you could have a 'new' place to work in without ever making a move
            I just had a chat with Sam on FB a few days ago. He's good, busy but good.

            Det, so glad to see you & hear that you are OK :hug:

            PQ, I think Pauly has us all beta as far as holiday preparations, ha ha! I do have a few gifts purchased & tossed into a closet, that's about it so far, Lol!

            My chicken who went missing two weeks ago made an appearance this morning, believe it or not. I was shocked to see her in good shape! I put her back in with the other chickens & she escaped again before dark - I can't cope with her, ha ha!!! A chicken with her own plan

            Hello to everyone & wishing a peaceful night for all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: w/c26th

              in answer to yesterdays kwestyun...yes mad!!!was out yesterday ..-2 found zilcho nish how are we today then?hopefully all well..

              bit cold so lets have a hot brew.

              hiya Lav,how are you today then ?hows the missing chicken..get her on the e list i stripes!! (escape clothing)whats the weather like over there ..yours I believe is very similar to ours...

              hey det how are you buddy ...well done on the af...

              hi are you today then?did you get all their chores done ..its a back to work day for you?

              hiya pauly ,Im as mad as a box of frogs!!!has the boss found out about the future of her workforce yet?

              right peeps ...time to go ..short and sweet

              Birthdays are good for your health, fact.
              People who have more birthdays live longer than people who don't.

              The man who invented the iPhone battery has passed away. His funeral will take pla

              The guy who found a trumpet growing in his garden- he rooted it oot

              Who's the coolest guy in hospital? The Ultra sound bloke.

              Paddy n Mick walking down the road, Paddy falls down a hole

              "aaaahhh Mick call me an ambulance"

              "Paddy's and ambulance, Paddy's an ambulance"

              Guy walks into the pub with a giraffe on a lead. Leaves it sitting at a table and goes to order a pint.

              Barman says, you cant leave that lyin there.

              Guy says, its not a lion its a giraffe.

              Two pieces of vomit walking down the road, one says to the other " see that shop doorway?" Aye says the other, what aboot it? "That's where I was brought up!"

              Two monkeys in a bath

              One turns to the other and says 'OOO AAHHH AHH AHH!'

              The other says 'Put some cold in then'

              Why don't pirates have any painkillers?

              Because the parrots-eat-em-all

              What's the difference between a Buffalo and a Bison?

              You can't wash your face in a Buffalo
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: w/c26th

                Mae everybody,Mick funny jokes sorry you didn't find anything yesterday but I'm sure it was still fun to go,won't know about the work situation til after the first of the year,Lav can't believe the chicken showed up then took off again! Glad you talked to Sam and hes wellPQ,I'm defo not organized,while I've got some things wrapped there's a closet full of stiff that needs to be wrapped,stuff to buy still ugh,it's hard cuz I also need to buy baby things for Kell's new baby so I have necessities here when I watch him,I'm scared actually,,Louie had a crying fit yesterday over nothing (think he was tired) this kid never cries like that and it stressed me and Kell out,how am I gonna handle a new baby crying aaah! Det,I've been melancholy too,hate to call it depression cuz it's just more of a 'meh' feel gotta get past that shit real fast! I'm usually such a snap out of it kind of person but this one's lingering on,much love to all and wishes for a nice AF Monday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: w/c26th

                  Hi Guys. Finally managed to log in! You looking for Christmas gifts on your diggings Mick? I gather its very cold in the UK at the moment
                  But cold will be the norm for you PQ. Stay warm.
                  Det - yes holidays will be tough - try and think of something different to distract yourself. Or pretend you are a guest member of another faith or nationality for that day. Hey, we dont celebrate Thanksgiving here in NZ - and you are practically an Australian.Nothing religious about taking on that identity.
                  Pauly - you do sen organized. My daughter comes home from Norway just 3 days before Christmas - so just as long as I have the tree up by then. I really am looking forward to spoiling her. And having a hug.
                  Lav - I bet you will be busy with the countdown to Christmas as well.
                  Well I have work for 2018! Its a professional job but only for one year and its in another city (via flight not driving) - so I have to live elsewhere but will come home on some weekends and Mr G will come to stay with me when he can. Its a research/writing position and I am almost my own boss - will be very busy but it will be interesting. Pay is about 60% less than the job I lost but its still good. I am really thrilled although lots to do before I take this up in March next year.
                  So thats the news.
                  I have had some thoughts about drinking now and again - but they are only thoughts and they pass. In this case its the sense of wanting to go 'yipee' and the sunny weather that brings back delusional memories of gin and tonics. Haha, it doesn't take me long to have a reality check. Just being viligent. Well done, Det on not drinking through the Thanksgiving weekend.


                    Re: w/c26th

                    HA HA Congratulations America 1776 has gone to rats !!welcome back to the fold...Megan and Harry.....bringin the US back to us...hee hee
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: w/c26th

                      You're silly Mick congratulations on the work for 2018 TT!!
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: w/c26th

                        MAE ALL....

               some of the chores done, didn't want to overdue it. LOL Sorry about the zilcho nish nada yesterday but bonus points for exercise! Yup went into work this morning and decided to take the afternoon off. My twin had an operation over the weekend and couldn't get her off my mind. She's ok but had to have another toe amputated. Diabetes. Couldn't concentrate on anything and didn't want to have to redo it all tomorrow. Got to admit the boss is really into work/family balance and it's appreciated. So just a little excited about Harry and Megan. LOL Times they are a changing.

                        Pauly...and you have a closet full to be wrapped. :welldone: You just continue to impress! Sending you "SNAPS" to get the lingering gone.

                        TT...great news on the job, at least it's something. Too bad it's in another city but it sounds like that'll work out. I'm so glad that the drinking "thoughts" were only "thoughts". Shit happens and it's how we deal with it that makes all the difference.

                        Lav...I don't even have anything stashed. Working on a cross stitch twin baby announcement for my niece so will be happy to just get that done!

                        Have a peaceful evening all...:smile:PPQP


                          Re: w/c26th

                          Greeting Abbers,

                          ‘Tis the season so I’ll be spending my evenings in my shop stitching. Tonight it’s lace ornaments, oh boy

                          Mick, sorry yesterday was a fail. Maybe it’s time to give up detecting until Spring?
                          My chicken apparently made an appearance again today, I found an egg in my herb garden, ha ha! That poor thing is going to freeze her a$$ off, it’s really cold at night around here.

                          TT, Congrats to you! Your new job sounds like an awesome adventure
                          Drinking thoughts pop up when your’re not expecting them. I even had one today for absolutely no reason whatsoever!
                          I hope you enjoy your time with your daughter.

                          Pauly, you are fine, everything is fine......just keep telling hourself that. That’s how I have gotten through the last decade of my life with all the ips & downs, believe me!

                          PQ, sorry to hear about your sister. Diabetes can really be a b*tch I hope she heals up quickly.

                          Det, hope you are doing OK

                          Hello to everyone else, have a nice night.

                          Mick, we will gladly take Harry if you take Trump off our hands, ha ha!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: w/c26th

                            Good eve ABerooos,

                            a tad better here... hopefully my sense of humor returns soon as I miss it. Thanks one and all for the encouragement.
                            TTops, celebrating with you in NZ would be amazing, I just need to get a large list of bills paid somehow. ugh.
                            Lav, chickens are your workout program I see?
                            After making some 'adjustments' with payments to the IRS looks like I'll be able to afford resuming my therapy sessions. I'm sooo
                            relieved as they are a big tool for me. Tomorrow night... fingers crossed.
                            PPQ, so sorry to hear about your twin.

                            thank you one and all for your strength, insights and humor... you really help a lot.

                            be well loves
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Re: w/c26th

                              mornin is it going today?I seem to have developed a severe dose of man flu...sometimes scathingly called a cold by members of the opposite sex....fortunately my survival instincts kicked in and i managed to crawl to the kettle to make us a brew..
                              The top 19 stories this morning over here are about the royal engagement...ok jobs done he bought her a ring she said yes ..end of ..move on.. who said romance is dead..there are a heck of a lot more things we should be aware of than that....

                              anyways heres the brew Ive struggled to make...

                              hey det welcome back yoomer ..that makes 2 of us one laffs with me..more at!glad you managed to get the therapy sessions sorted buddy.

                              hiya Lav...ermmm re the deal...nope you can have your independence along with the blonde bombshell..whats with the free range chicken?so you had a thought about drinking?wow just shows tho never goes away..its strange ,Julie drinks vodka and coke ,I quite often make one for her ,and have never even thought about it..days gone by I would have drunk the lot filled it with water and dropped it on the floor!!!It bothers me not ..and yet cigs ...every now and then I get the whiff and think hmm..also when the vaping came out was a curious ..I wonder time ,,but never ever did

                              hiya pauly ,tis sillime here....howare you doing today?allpressies bought..time to start concentratin on getting easter eggs thought any more about job change?have a nice day..

                              hi ppqp...hope you are ok...sorry about you number 2..diabetes is a real crapster ..Julies nephew has got it least the boss is into work/life balance

                              hi tt ...congrats on the work ...and lovely to "see" you.ok another city,and not as much wages ,but from little acorns...........

                              big hello to everyone else..

                              wouldnt you just love to.........


                              I made a typing mistake when trying to upload a calendar app to my phone.

                              I ended up with a colander app.

                              All it does is drain the battery.

                              Red sky at night, shepherd's delight. Blue sky at night. Day.

                              What kind of dinosaur always had difficulty sitting down ?

                              The Tyranno sore ass

                              How do you know there is an elephant in your living room?

                              His bikes in the hall.

                              How do you know there are two elephants in your living room?

                              The back tyre is flat.

                              What do you call cheese that isn't yours?

                              Nacho cheese.

                              toothless woodworm crawls into a pub and asks..................."where's the bar tender".

                              A man walks into the butchers and asks 'have you got a sheep's head

                              No says the butcher' it's just the way I part my hair'.

                              What's green and invisible?

                              This cabbage. see below

                              well did you look?

                              How much does it cost a pirate to get his ears pierced?

                              A buccaneer.
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

