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    Re: w/c26th

    Mae everybody,Mick I was just gonna post yesterday that I hope you don't wind up with a cold after being out in the rain on Sunday! Wishing you swift healing my friend,PQ,so sorry about your sister's condition I have a customer who was once full of life and active and I hadn't seen her for awhile then she came in half balding and her leg was gone from the knee down,diabetes took her leg and all the meds in the hospital fried her hair off,she looks much better now though but it was a shock,Det glad you got things sorted,my tax situation is atrocious too its the bad part of being self employed much love to all and wishes for a happy AF Tuesday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: w/c26th

      Morning humans. Another deliciously sunny day here - not too hot.

      Sorry about your twin PQ. I have a few friends who have succumbed to Type 2 Diabetes - one who is a very esteemed academic and writer - loosing his eyesight. Diabetes is a serious issue in the Pacific Islands and in NZ.
      I will refrain from comment on the impending nuptials - its not my cup of tea. But maybe Mick will get an invite.
      I see your great white leader, Lav, is shouting off again and offending people.
      Pauly - you can organize Christmas for me but it has to be vegetarian! I think we have spent enough this year on travelling and my daughter's Norway time - so presents will be miserly. But fun I hope.
      Keep cool Det. As for taxes - yes, I have joined your club - as both self employed and a wage earner. Not as complicated as the US tax system though.
      Oh hells, more on the radio about that wedding. Give us a break!

      You all take care and see you soon


        Re: w/c26th

        MAE ALL...well that was a long day. Glad I'm home. Thanks for all the sympathy for my twin.

        Det...glad to see you back on the thread. Money issues suck so I'm happy to hear you can resume your therapy. Makes me grateful to live in Alberta every time I hear about people have to pay for healthcare. Mick says, you really have this raising free range chickens down packed. LOL Drinking thoughts, yup we always have to have our guard up.

        Mick...Sorry to hear you're under the weather. You take care of yourself. Perfect time of year for soup. All's good with me just a little sad for my sister. Staff bitching that the new building super isn't doing the work he's supposed to. My suggestion, write a list of what you want done and when you want it done. Are you off on Joliday's the Xmas or is that later?

        Pauly...amputation from the knee down. Wow, you'd think in this day and age more could be done.

        TT...didn't realize about losing your sight. Just saw the newlyweds on the news and thought of you. LOL I'm sure you can find some fun presents and hope you have a great time.

        Bacon and tomato sandwiches on the menu tonight. Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP


          Re: w/c26th

          Good evening Abbers!

          We made an enjoyable trip to Longwood Gardens to see all the Christmas decorations, very nice
          We also had to make a stop on the way home for the wild turkey parade Right around the corner from our house there was a huge flock of turkeys just crossing the road, one after the other - possibly 75 of them ha ha! Didn't see my chicken in that group, she would have been quite noticeable, Lol

          Mick, sorry you are down with a cold, hope it doesn't hang around too long. It was a balmy 60 degrees here today, perfect day for a walk around the fancy gardens.

          Det, we are all hoping you continue to improve, we are with you in spirit

          Pauly. Type 2 Diabetes is rampant in the US primarily fueled by our shitty diets & lack of exercise. Makes you really think when you see someone losing their limbs or eyesight.

          TT, our 'leader' is an a$$hole, an idiot, a bully & a total loser.
          Here's what I made for dinner tonight - vegan potato cakes with a mushroom filling, yum You searched for potato cakes -

          Hello to everyone & wishing a peaceful night for all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: w/c26th

            good eve ABerooos,

            Mick, rest up and extra hot brew and soup for you. resting seems hard for you

            Lav, that recipe looks awesome.

            Was so glad to make therapy tonight. I was tearful. been having strange emotional outbursts of crying out of the blue. all part of recovery
            process I've noticed from experience. I'ts just not handy at work when it happens. but this will pass and I'll get my mellow back. What I really
            need is some darn sleep. Early days of sobriety are notorious for dorking our sleep up super bad. fingers crossed here and having a potato for dinner
            so that should help.

            I really miss our old chat function on MWO. maybe we could poke them to reintroduce it? has a fairly active chat room and it's a great
            site too. I need all the help I can get or this ruthless disease will kill me, i can feel it. frightening. in fact it scares the holy crap out of me that I might ever
            relapse again. I'm done, done, doneski. not another sip for moi. I can do this.

            caught a Joe Rogan podcast last night (couldn't sleep) and he had on Chris Kresser who is an amazing health guru. Apparently the latests stats show a full 1/3 of Americans have diabetes or pre-diabetes.... it's insane and at this rate will utterly destroy our economy in only a couple decades. His latest book is an outline of how to fix our healthcare on a national, even global scale.

            well peeps, I'm pooped and hoping for any sleep at all

            gnight loves
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Re: w/c26th

              morning are we today....he croaks from his sick bed lying getting pampered to his every whim and request...NOT! wouldnt want it anyway..still feel as rough as a bears ass ,and coffing a know what? Ive just seen an ad on telly ..a competition you can win pumping real snow to your house on xmas morning....I just need to rush off and enter that one...

              really frosty this morning ..temp of -4 so its a real hot brew time...

              Det my friend ,,,kerching!!!!! did you hear that ?thats the penny dropping...Im so glad it will kill you will wreck your life will end up a mess ,you will end up penniless and friendless.You know that so you are getting the counselling ...whatever has happened in your life ,you have got the rest of your days to put it behind you and enjoy shot give it your best mate ..when its shit when its painful andyou need that drink think on it dont need it buddy..chuffed that you are on the road again...

              hiya Lav...glad you enjoyed the gardens,you never saw the chicken?kind of like this then?


              heres a nice beroo for you...

              hmm thats a bit of an interpretation of the american diet!..mind you its pretty much the same here too maccy ds kfcs the village wher Il ive next to ...there are 17 fast food shops!!

              hiya ppqp...hope your sis is ok?I know thats a word,but I really are bang on with the whingers dont moan do something about it!!yes off on my jollidays on the 19th till 26th one is 19th Feb to 9th March..and then Scotland in the van..then whatever....Bacon n tom sannies great ...with Lea and Perrins sauce...

              tt ...hiya how are you then?yes I believe my invite is in the post, was talking to Billy and he was saying his bro is a bit busy just now...yes its all over the wireless ..about arry..... have a great day ...

              hiya pauly how are you today? yep I feel like a bag of spanners.,.but hey that was bit drastic with the amputation ,but as you say she does look better ..didnt realise how much booze contributes to ..diabetes ..

              big hello to everyone else have a good one..

              12 of the finest (unintentional) double-entendres ever aired on
              British TV and radio:
              1 Ted Walsh - Horse Racing Commentator - 'This is really a lovely
              horse. I once rode her mother.'
              2. New Zealand Rugby Commentator - 'Andrew Mehrtens loves it when Daryl Gibson comes inside of him.'
              3. Pat Glenn, weightlifting commentator - 'And this is Gregoriava from
              Bulgaria . I saw her snatch this morning and it was amazing!'
              4. Harry Carpenter at the Oxford-Cambridge boat race 1977 - 'Ah, isn't
              that nice. The wife of the Cambridge President is kissing the Cox of
              the Oxford crew.'
              5. US PGA Commentator - 'One of the reasons Arnie (Arnold Palmer) is playing so well is that, before each tee shot, his wife takes out his
              balls and kisses them. Oh my god !! What have I just said??'
              6. Carenza Lewis about finding food in the Middle Ages on 'Time Team
              Live' said: 'You'd eat beaver if you could get it.'
              7. A female news anchor who, the day after it was supposed to have
              snowed and didn't, turned to the weatherman and asked, 'So Bob,
              where's that eight inches you promised me last night?' Not only did HE
              have to leave the set, but half the crew did too, because they were
              laughing so hard!
              8. Steve Ryder covering the US Masters: 'Ballesteros felt much better
              today after a 69 yesterday.'
              9. Clair Frisby talking about a jumbo hot dog on 'Look North' said:
              'There's nothing like a big hot sausage inside you on a cold night
              like this. '
              10 Mike Hallett discussing missed snooker shots on 'Sky Sports':
              'Stephen Hendry jumps on Steve Davis's misses every chance he gets.'
              11. Michael Buerk on watching Philippa Forrester cuddle up to a male
              astronomer for warmth during BBC1's UK eclipse coverage remarked:
              'They seem cold out there. They're rubbing each other and he's only
              come in his shorts.'
              12.. Ken Brown commentating on golfer Nick Faldo and his caddie Fanny Sunneson lining-up shots at the Scottish Open: 'Some weeks Nick likes to use Fanny; other weeks he prefers to do it by himself.

              Prince Harry says he doesn’t want the traditional fruit cake at his wedding.
              Prince Phillip says he doesn't give a fck, he's still going!

              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: w/c26th

                Mae everybody,Mick funny comments haha I'm with TT on those two getting married,,ok congrats,,love on but NOOOOO has to be on every news channel,entertainment shows in a nonstop loop! Harry has grown up to be quite good looking though,I always thought of him as the less handsome bro but he's aged well,they defo got their looks from mums size,Det,Kell listens to Joe Rogan all the time,he's pretty funny and interesting,we used to watch him host Fear Factor when the kids were growing up,glad the therapy helped,I should go but I don't,PQ,they only had to amputate my clients leg cuz it was infected and all the meds,hospital time,etc wouldn't clearly it up,that's why her hair was all broken off cuz of the aggressive medicine,I'm not surprised at all by alcohol causing diabetes,I feel all messed up with my sugars after alcohol,I talked to my mom and she's basically drank everyday since Jon and her doc said she's now prediabetic and her iron is too high so they need to pump some blood out of her,sad what chaos drinkin causes,much love to all and wishes for a happy booze free Wednesday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: w/c26th

                  Spellcheck went on a,rampage this morning but I think you all get what I'm saying haha
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: w/c26th

                    MAE ALL...

                    Det...I know how you feel about the crying. You just can't control it, but it'll pass. Glad you're back in therapy.

                    Mick...didn't someone say lots of garlic helps. I bet Det has a garlic soup recipe. LOL I think I'd pass on the competition too, mind you it always helped at Xmas time when trying to decide which presents to buy. Hope you're on the mend soon, gotta get healthy for your trip.

          's amazing how much alcohol can interfere with everything. It's always the first question they ask at emergency/Dr's appointments. Sorry your Mom is coping by drinking but there's nothing you can do to change that.

                    Shout out to the rest of the gang. Heading in soon to get a head start on the day. Have a Wonderful Wednesday all....:smile:PPQP


                      Re: w/c26th

                      Good evening Abbers,

                      This week is flying, geez!
                      My chicken made an appearance early this morning, left an egg in the garden again, filled up on the feed I left out for her & helped herself to some water from the dog bowl. I went out with a graham cracker, and fed her then she turned around & went right back into hiding. We are supposed to get into much colder & possibly snowy weather next week so I don't know what I am going to do for her

                      Mick, the second day of a head cold is worse than the first. Hope you feel better very soon. Take care of yourself

                      Det, good to hear the therapy made a difference already. I am absolutely scared to death to ever drink or smoke again. The quitting part is so hard, the staying quit part not so hard :hug:

                      Pauly, that high iron level in your Mom could be an inherited genetic trait or it could be caused by the damage she's doing to her liver by drinking. Hopefully her healthcare provider will be very upfront with her about this! I hope she listens to them!

                      PQ, I have lots of garlic stored away (we had a good crop this year). Just not sure how to send hot soup to Mick, ha ha!

                      Wishing everyone a nice night!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: w/c26th

                        Mick, feel better soon. I'm sure Det has a garlic soup recipe, I know I do and it involves about 20+ cloves, but since you leave them whole there is no harsh garlic taste or garlic breath. The French make the garlic soup all the time.

                        PQ, I'm sad about your twin, let's just support you through this.

                        Det, you are speaking words of music my friend. You have made an incredible realization and you are much stronger than you realize.

                        Pauly, I am sad about your mom, but happy you are on a different path.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Re: w/c26th

                          Heya ABerooos,

                          Mick, your quote: Det my friend ,,,kerching!!!!! did you hear that ?thats the penny dropping...Im so glad it will kill you will wreck your life will end up a mess ,you will end up penniless and friendless.You know that so you are getting the counselling ...whatever has happened in your life ,you have got the rest of your days to put it behind you and enjoy shot give it your best mate ..when its shit when its painful andyou need that drink think on it dont need it buddy..chuffed that you are on the road again...

                          All I gots to say is KERCHING! jeepers I'm a hard head. But that will come in handy when AL tries to make another play for me. Kick in the nuts for him.

                          hey, I actually got some bloody sleep last night and what a difference. whew!

                          Pauly, so sorry to hear that about yer Mum. sad. but it's never too late to mend.

                          SK, lovely to see you

                          you guys won't believe this but I ran out of garlic yesterday. hahahahaa. wow, get it together man. so yes, quick
                          trip to market after work and we're good again.

                          Lav, at least she left you an egg prezzie....

                          PPQ, yes less teary today but still having my moments. i'ts only been a couple weeks of sobriety so far and I can't believe how long it's taking to feel
                          'normal' again. good grief. The good thing is I never have to do this part again. yay! trying to eat a super-clean diet and avoiding salt and fat until the swelling
                          in my abdomen is fully gone. I'm on the Lav diet!

                          My new workmate is a bloke from the UK, en expat now living in NV and is very well-travelled so we're having fun chatting about everything from
                          UK punk bands to his experiences in Italy etc.

                          ok, time to wind down and hope for another good rest. y'all do the same.

                          gnight loves
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Re: w/c26th

                            Mae everybody,sheesh Mick you must still be in the sick bed if I beat you here,get some restLav,docs are sure its from the drinking,she had it before then it leveled out,now the iron is back up,she just went to the docs a couple of weeks ago and they tried to give her Zoloft and a beta blocker for sleep/anxiety but I know she won't take any of it anyways,Det,I was feeling teary during Thanksgiving and I just think this is a time of year that messes with emotions,we were so happy as kids when the holidays rolled around it was such a high now as adults I think we just think too much during this time,was reading some phsyc blog and it said the more we try not to think about stuff the more we think of it,,for me this is true with a lot of things including alcohol,anyways much love to all and have a smashing AF Thursday
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: w/c26th

                              MAE ALL...was having issues getting on the site last night so maybe the same for Mick.

                              Lav...maybe you'll get a go pro for Xmas. Attach it to the chicken and that way you can create a video called "The Wandering Chicken" for You Tube. Might be a great source for extra income.

                              SK...thanks for the thoughts. She lives in a different province so I forget about it till I stub my toe or get a foot cramp and it all comes back. Just hope she's not coping by drinking.

                     should print the word KERCHING! out and post in various spots, like on the fridge, on the dash of your car. When the thoughts come calling answer with KERCHING! Glad you got some sleep, to me that's the best medicine of all. I know where there's a stash of garlic, I'l get the word out to Lav. It's nice to have a coworker you enjoy spending time with, makes the work day that much easier. You're sounding so much better, keep it up.

                              Pauly...we are our own worst enemies aren't we. We know what we should be doing to stay healthy and happy but doing is another thing. I would often think back to the Christmas's I had as a kid but then I didn't have the worry of time and money. Whenever I get melancholy I snap out of it by saying that was then so what are you going to do about now. Reminds me of a saying someone said I think on here, if you don't like where you live, move. You're not a tree.

                              Shout out the rest of the gang. Have a great Thursday all.....:smile:PPQP


                                Re: w/c26th

                                hoiya folks ..its me ..felt as rough as a bag of spanners today,I tried early doors to get on here but it didnt happpen,so it was onwards and upwards..Ive actually had to force myself to do things today..-4 temperatures too. so apologies for being late...this weekend they are talking about temperatures of -10 eek
                                so heres a tea time brew

                                Det this is for you

                                Keep on trying
                                Every day
                                Refuse the booze
                                Clear the way
                                Help is here
                                Ideas brave and bold
                                No more drink...Det
                                Go for gold

                                hiya ppqp..hows you then?hope all is well with you? the little kerching verse above ..thats down to you!!

                                pauly hows you then?hope all is well with you...

                                hiya Lav you want a late brew?

                                hi sk nice to see you

                                So, the Movember Moustache will finally be shaven off at midnight thank god.
                                I'm so happy, my wife was starting to look like Tom Selleck.

                                My friend drowned in a bowl of muesli. He was pulled in by a strong currant.

                                I went to a seafood disco last week.... and pulled a mussel.

                                A man walks into doctor's office. "What seems to be the problem?" asks the doc. "It's... um... well... I have five penises." replies the man.

                                "Blimey!" says the doctor, "How do your trousers fit?" "Like a glove."

                                A brain and a jump lead go into a pub and order some drinks. The barman says "I'm not serving you two!"

                                "Why?" asked the brain. The barman replies, "Because you are out of your skull and he is bound to
                                start something."

                                Answer phone message "....If you want to buy marijuana, press the hash key...."

                                What do you give a cannibal who is late for dinner? The cold shoulder.

                                Did you hear about the dyslexic alcoholic? He choked on his own vimto.

                                A woman arrives at a bank with a fifty pound note stuck in each ear, and asks to see the manager. The cashier steps through to the managers office: "There's a woman to see you, she's £100 in arrears."

                                Our local chemist was robbed last week and a quantity of viagra was stolen.

                                Police say that they are looking for a gang of hardened criminals.

                                Our ice cream man was found lying on the floor of his van covered with hundreds and thousands. Police say that he topped himself.

                                Three tortoises, Mick, Andy and Roy, decide to go on a
                                picnic. So Mick packs the picnic basket with beer and
                                sandwiches. The trouble is the picnic site is ten
                                miles away so it takes them ten days to get there.

                                When they get there Mick unpacks the food and beer.
                                'Ok Roy give me the bottle opener.'

                                'I didn't bring it' says Roy.' I thought you packed it.
                                Mick gets worried, he turns to Andy, 'Did you bring
                                the bottle opener?'.

                                Naturally Andy didn't bring it. So they're stuck ten
                                miles from home without a bottle opener. Mick and Andy
                                beg Roy to go back for it.

                                But he refuses as he says they will eat all the
                                sandwiches. After two hours and after they have sworn
                                on their tortoise lives that they
                                will not eat the sandwiches, he finally agrees.

                                So Roy sets off down the road at a steady pace. 20
                                days pass and he still isn't back and Mick and Andy
                                are starving, but a promise is a

                                Another 5 days and he still isn't back, but a promise
                                is a promise.

                                Finally they can't take it any longer so they take out
                                a sandwich each, and just as they are about to take a
                                bite, Roy pops up from behind a
                                rock and shouts.

                                "I KNEW IT!......I'M NOT F***ING GOING."

                                Little David was in his 5th grade class when the teacher asked the children
                                what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up fireman, policeman, salesman, etc... David was being
                                quiet and so the teacher asked him about his father.

                                "My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his
                                in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer's really good, he'll go out
                                to the alley with some guy and make love with him for money."
                                The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other
                                children to work on some coloring, and took Little David aside to ask
                                "Is that really true about your father?"

                                "No," said David. "He works for the Trump administration, but I was too
                                >embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids."
                                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

