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Dazzling December

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    Dazzling December

    Good morning...

    I have some time this morning so can post. Just super busy this week, had an overnight guest with my cute grandson, and working on cooking class, exercising and keeping up with stuff in the house. Today babysitting again, tomorrow house guests and babysitting, then Monday overnight babysitting. Then it is done for a while and I can get ready for Christmas. I am feeling good and love being busy. The only negative is politics for me, I am afraid of what is happening with the tax bill and the lunatic POTUS.

    Cyn, good that job is over, what a bummer with the car and your back. A day or two of rest sounds good.

    Pauly, what is going on with you? How is work, busier? Hope you don't have a cold.

    Skendall, sounds like you are taking care of business, good for you. Nice to have your place organized and the way you want it.

    Lav, that poor chicken, good she is taken care of and safe. We have had the same Christmas tree for a dozen years and it is artificial, I think real trees are too much work for me. I love both kinds though. Did you see the pic of my grandsons on FB? My heart is so full, what a gift to be able to share their lives with them when they are this little. I know you did this too with your grandsons and enjoyed it so much. Lucky you to have a granddaughter too. It is starting to get colder here after a warm-up and next week the cold will descend. I am ready to wear my sweaters.

    Have a great AF Friday!

    Re: Dazzling December

    Good evening friends,

    Here we are in December already!!!
    I've been trying to do a little each day to get ready for the holidays so I don't feel overwhelmed by the 25th.

    Star, sounds like you have had a full week, nice.
    Your grandsons looked extremely cute together & I know what a handful they can be, ha ha!!
    I think I get the prize for the craziest chicken - honestly. I'm coming back as a chicken shrink in my next life.
    I am getting totally excited over today's news about Flynn flipping like a quarter. He's obviously going to take everyone down with him, oh well!
    This may be the 2017 Christmas miracle that we've all been praying for, right?

    Hello to Cyn, Pauly & SK!
    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Have a nice night one & all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Dazzling December

      Good morning...

      Lav, they are a handful and it is alot of fun. I am so sore today, between exercise and babysitting, I think I overdid it. Politically, I just don't know. Flynn is in trouble but is anyone else? The corrupt tax bill passed the Senate, trickle down never works, why don't they learn, just greed I guess. Nothing I can do, I vote of course, but feel disgusted with them and kind of scared. What will happen to this generation as we retire, no insurance, taking our money, just so the rich can have even more.

      Hello to Pauly, Cyn, and Skendall. Have a great AF Saturday.


        Re: Dazzling December

        Morning friends,just a quick hello cuz I'm headed out the door!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Dazzling December

          Evening all - I tried to write from the train, but connectivity was poor, so here I am in NYC saying hello. I had kind of a meltdown yesterday from all of the stress of the last few days, but bucked up, cleaned up the house and my dear neighbor came and took away much of the remaining donations to sell or part out. That was a huge relief - I can actually see some floor and wall space!

          Thanks for starting us up for December - Star, so glad that you have time to devote to family right now, what a fun Christmas this will be. Lav, the story about the chicken is too sweet! Paulie, what's up? SK, hope things are continuing on a good path for you.

          More tomorrow when I am not so strung out..,

          Wishing all well --


            Re: Dazzling December

            Good evening friends,

            Watching my grandsons this evening, first time in quite a while. I fed them their favorites & now they are watching a movie. It’s much easier to watch them when they are school age Star
            Glad you survived your kid time!

            Hi Pauly.

            Cyn, I sure hope you get some downtime this weekend, geez! You have really been burning the candle at both ends lately & that always catches up with us. Take care of YOU :hug:

            Hello to SK!

            Everything seems to be back to normal in the chicken house, thank goodness, ha ha! What a few weeks those girls put me through, Lol
            I am feeling a tiny bit hopeful that Washington will br clearing out soon as all these lying, criminal politicians begin to fall. The GOP party needs to be replaced in 2018, every single one of them. Just my 5 cents.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Dazzling December

              My 5 cents too. Seems Mueller is starting at the periphery and moving in.. Don Jr. and Kushner might be next. Even with the plea deal Flynn is getting 6 months.

              The new tax bill is horrific. We should be calling the congressmen and senators, especially the GOP. How can anyone vote to make life easier for the 1%?

              Of course DT was crowing at a press conference today and hoping that the bill will distract from the Flynn mess.

              Cyn, I agree it's time for you to have some me time and pamper yourself.

              I bought an x-box for Viv today, but wonder if that is a smart idea. The games are DANCE and the other one for FARMS, so that is tame enough, but I don't want her to be on it a lot. Parental controls will be necessary.

              Star and Lav, jealous of the babysitting.
              Enlightened by MWO


                Re: Dazzling December

                Good morning...

                I caught a cold from my baby grandson, woke up Saturday feeling a little sick, by evening full blown on chills, aches, congestion, and I am upset to be sick again. Darn kids breathe in my face and I have caught every one of their colds. Needless to say I am off babysitting duty for a while, I need to recover. I slept well last night, just sweated it out, so hopefully will get better really soon. I am going to make up my Christmas duty list today, and get working on it. Already December 3, three weeks to Christmas.

                Lav, so happy you were able to watch your grandsons, they sound so much easier at that age. I love when they are little though, it goes so quickly. Even with all the colds I have caught, it is worth it to me. Good the chickens are OK again.

                Pauly, glad you are busy and checking in. Hope your Saturday was good.

                Cyn, take care and enjoy yourself in NYC if you can. Helping clients move sounds like a really hard job, nice to have their stuff out of your house.

                Skendall I think the x-box sounds like a great gift, it is always up to the parents to supervise any type of screen time. I'm glad I missed all that.

                Have a great day all.


                  Re: Dazzling December

                  Good evening friends,

                  No kids today but we did get the tree in & decorated, wow! This has to be the earliest we ever got that job done, ha ha!
                  Made a pot of vegan noodle soup this afternoon & had that with some dairy free cheese 'quesadillas' for dinner. I have consumed way too much meat lately so this is exactly what I wanted/needed, yum

                  Star, sorry you picked up another cold, sucks.
                  I'm about to start on a new & even stronger probiotic. The one I've been taking has been pretty good helping me stay well but I just think it's time to up my game a bit. It's by Nature's Nutrition, called Probiotic-40 & has to be kept refrigerated. We'll see how that goes. I hope you feel better soon.

                  SK, all the kids seem to love the X box, I'm sure Viv will be pleased.
                  About the politicians - I have been calling them & emailing almost daily all year long!!!! I have the Countable app on my ipad & can see exactly what they are voting on & see who voted for what. I've been getting daily text messages from Daily Action all year & follow their lead. In PA we have one Democrat & one GOP senator. I spend my time thanking one for his efforts on our behalf & promising to do what I can to unseat the other in 2018!!!!

                  Hello to Pauly, hope yo are OK.

                  Hello to Cyn & I also hope you are OK after your rough week :hug:

                  Wising everyone a nice night!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Dazzling December

                    Evening all - late check in here. Had a wonderful day with hubby, will try to post some pics on FB. Star, I'm so sorry you at duck again, darn. It might eventually make you stronger, let's hope. Lav, so glad you had some quiet, normal-ish grandson time! Good job with the chicken! I'm so impressed with your activism - I have to get back at it, thanks for the impetus ! Paulie, you OK? Hope to hear from you soon. SK, we agree on the serious state of things.
                    HB and I saw 'Darkest Hour' this evening. Chilling to think how close the western world all came to be dominated by a tyrant... activism and bravery in the face of outrageous behavior is what it's all about. What an incredible reminder...
                    Wishing all well for a good Monday --


                      Re: Dazzling December

                      Good morning...

                      Still fighting this cold: congestion, sinus pain, aching, fatigue, lucky me. I am staying home today and resting, hoping to kick this today.

                      Lav, nice to set up the Christmas decorations, the lights are so festive.

                      Cyn, wonderful you had a great day with your husband. I will check FB.

                      Hello to Pauly and Skendall.

                      Have a good one.


                        Re: Dazzling December

                        Morning friends,Star,I'm sorry you're sick again hope you feel better quick,I've felt dragged out all weekend too,I swear one night of bad sleep effects me for days after!Cyn,how's your neck feeling? Have they fixed the car yet?waves to Lav and SK,wishes for a nice AF Monday
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: Dazzling December

                          Hi all -

                          Home again, so grateful. What a great day with HB, but it was a long for me with a lot of walking, and then jumping back on the train this morning... at least this trip there wer no business dinners, which I find very wearing. I was supposed to work with a client right after getting home, but she forgot, hallelujah! I went home and slept for 2 hours... needed that.

                          Star, take it slow and get better as your body says so... you really have been doinfnSO much for family... maybe like me, this is your signal to rejuvenate. Good luck.

                          Pauly, I completely understand that one night of lousy sleep can affect you for a long time! I think that we humans are far more sensitive to all things- light waves, toxins, other environmental stuff, lack of sleep, etc than we have any idea that we are... it can wear us down! Hope you feel better soon.

                          Lav, I hope the chicken is still doing OK in the brood. I meant to say thanks a few days ago for... a recipe? Something... I'll go back and find out! Anyway, thanks.

                          SK, how is it all going? Are the fairies getting ready for Xmas? Hope so. I will try to post here some pics of remarkable "greenery" gowns that were on display at an outside holiday market in NYC... they made me think the they were for the Queens of the Forest. I'm obviously a Celt through and through!

                          Did I say that Last night we saw the film "Darkest Hour."? I highly recommend it...

                          Let's stay strong and lift our voices now against oppression (taxes, health) while we have the right and are able to do it!!! Following your lead, Lav.

                          Wishing all a good night -


                            Re: Dazzling December

                            Star, hope you feel better. I should have my flu shot.

                            It's 82 deg and if feels as if you wring the air, cold front moving in tomorrow - 50 deg.

                            Went to Staples and faxed papers re hubby,
                            took Peggy for nails and glands
                            Went to Target and spent too much.

                            I've had to replace the battery again and did a bunch or research. It seems as if the computer in the car needs an upgrade. Will check that out tomorrow. They did a recall for the model 2 yrs older but not this one.

                            Vivian was here yesterday. She will be 10 in 3 wks and still believes in Santa Claus, I'm surprised. She wants elf on a shelf to see how good she'll is, so I told her I will get it for her. We decorated my small tree and after her telling me to have tv I turned it on. I just have Netflix at the moment but she didn't want to watch it!

                            I don't want to be left behind in the tech world and do my best to keep up, BUT hi tech is sometimes slower than the 70's manual. It took me 20 minutes to send 2 pages. First machine "needed attention" and then the dialing took far too long. I dunno.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Re: Dazzling December

                              Good evening friends,

                              Started my week out with a fresh hair cut, a stop in Walmart & the supermarket! Feel like I am ready for anything now, ha ha!!

                              Star, I picked up a bottle of Ester C today. I have taken it in the past when I felt like I needed an immune boost & it's easy on the stomach. Think about adding that to your daily regimen. I hope you feel better very soon.

                              Cyn, your FB pics were awesome. Nothing like the holidays in NYC
                              Glad you are home & actually caught a nap - cool!

                              Pauly, I haven't had decent sleep for nearly a week. My long weaning process from the HRT came to an end last week so I am trying to function on my natural hormones which are probably about zero at this point. I've been waking every 1-2 hours all night long & dealing with extra hot flashes as well - lovely
                              I am at least grateful that my B/P has stayed within normal limits, so far anyway.

                              SK, is there any chance of you turfing that car & replacing it with something not so high maintenance? Geez.
                              My grandson just turned 9 last week but I actually like kids at this age (before they get all weirded out with their own hormone problems). If Viv still wants to believe in Santa then good for her. We all have to grow up at our own pace. I hope your paperwork fiasco is done with soon for your peace of mind. The fax machines at Staples are no longer hi tech, believe me. Faxing right from your home computer is the way to go these days

                              My granddaughter was rechecked by the orthopedist today & her bone has healed - in 3 weeks!!! OMG, kids heal so quickly & I am happy for her & her parents!!
                              The chickens are all happy & all accounted for so I am happy. I hope we can get thru the winter without another one going broody - what a pain.

                              Have a nice night everyone!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

