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Dazzling December

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    Re: Dazzling December

    Hello everyone. I just wanted to drop by and say hi. It's been way too long. I hope that everyone is having a happy December. :heartbeat:

    Skimmed and saw talks of boxes and moving. Decluttering and collecting. Story of my life. :rotlf: I'm in the process of trying to find a moving company to bring me MORE stuff down from Oregon. LOL

    Have a very happy season one & all. :hug:
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Re: Dazzling December

      Good evening friends,

      We had a decent cool but sunny day, no snow, yay!
      My chickens are either getting braver or just tired of being cooped up. I opened the gate to their yard at lunchtime & told them to go take a walk & they did, right on the snow, ha ha!!
      I spent the afternoon mixing up cookie dough for 5 kinds of cookies, all dairy free & one of them vegan (no eggs). It's all stored in the fridge now & I'll bake during the week. I like to have the cookies around for certain visitors

      Star, there have been some years that I didn't feel like doing all the usual Christmas stuff too. Nothing wrong with that, we're just human.
      Even this year I feel like I'm pushing myself with some things but I'm not ready to completely give up yet. I keep thinking about things like my Mom's last Christmas was when she was just 64 years old - same age as I will be on Tuesday. Did she know that was going to be her last?
      On a brighter note I think maybe it's just time to change up traditions a bit. Maybe mailing cards can/should be eliminated, I don't know.
      I am looking forward to seeing the kids & hope they are happy with their gifts.

      Pauly, if you do decide to give Amoryn another go - I wouldn't try opening that capsule to take half. Just take it with breakfast or lunch & don't worry so much about feeling energized after each dose. It has B vitamins in it so you are going to feel energized. That's what they do!!!! At one capsule daily (taken in the morning or early afternoon) I'll bet you start feeling better mood-wise very soon. I swear it has helped me stay stable for years & it never affected my B/P. Stick with it for a few weeks, you'll see

      Cyn, I hope you are getting caught up with everything & being nice to yourself too.

      SK, now we are all wanting to de-clutter after the holidays. Thanks for the suggestion, ha ha! I hope your back is feeling better!

      Hi there Nora! Welcome to the de-cluttering group, LOL

      Have a nice night everyone, peace!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Dazzling December

        Good morning...

        I am starting to stress out about Christmas, woke up early and started making a list. Lists always make me feel better, all the things in black and white and I can make sure I don't forget anything. So much work and expense, this is why Christmas stresses me out.

        Pauly, actually I know where you are coming from, I have been feeling stressed/depressed too. Not sure why, but it started Friday. Actually everything is OK, so maybe I need an attitude adjustment. Hope the Amoryn works for you, that would be great to take the edge off.

        Hey Nora, thanks for stopping by. Take care.

        Lav, you sound good, organized and taking things as they come. I like that you are focusing on family and seeing the kids. I think we bought too much stuff for the grandkids, and it does not feel good. It was not my choice. I know my son overspent for Christmas, and we had a talk with him about sticking to a budget. He just does not seem to be able to do that, and I am done with it. So stupid. But that is what Christmas will do to you if you let it. I think I need to focus on gratitude and plan out each day so I am not overwhelmed. My husband will be off and he is always a big help, plus he loves the food prep and everything else. Today I am meeting some work friends for lunch, that should be nice. I miss some of them, but OK with not working anymore.

        Hello to Cyn and Skendall, hope your weekends went well.

        Have a good one all.


          Re: Dazzling December

          Morning all -- just a quick note to say hi to all. I worked all day here at the house yesterday putting things away and organizing HBs stuff, then had business to do up to 10 PM. Seems it never stops. But some progress on some fronts.

          I have to run to the body shop for them to take pics so I can have the repair done. I decided to go with insurance again this time, it may raise my rates, but oh well. After a big increase in health costs, I am just getting used to everything costing more. I will check in later today.

          Hang in there everyone - I decided years ago to de-stress the holidays by doing less and less, and it still feels like a lot. Star, try to simplify the meal so you don't burn out ! Pauly hope you feel better, I truly get what you're talking about - here's hoping you find relief. SK, I love IKeA too! though I live far far away from the nearest one. Hope the back brace helps. Nora, how good to see you, happy holidays! Lav, my heart just hurt for you when you mention your mom passing at such an early age, so sorry for you that you missed so much time with her. But she sounds like she is with you everyday...

          Good luck, take care of yourselves, and I'll check in when I can today ----


            Re: Dazzling December

            Morning friends,Cyn,I can't believe how busy you are,that's a good thing tho hope you have a nice day Star,I overbought too! But I figured its been a tough,emotional year and if I can at least make Christmas happy its worth it,I bought Louie so many toys he's gonna be overwhelmed,didn't mean to just a lot of the stuff I want to play with too haha,Lav,wow your mom did pass young I need to be grateful that my mom's still doing good health wise at 67,I do wish she'd take better care of herself but she's too set in her ways,SK,hope the brace helps,Kell's supposed to be wearing one for her degenerative disc in her back but doesn't,kind of irritating,wishing us all a positive start to the week,have a good one
            Last edited by paulywogg; December 18, 2017, 08:01 AM.
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: Dazzling December

              Good evening friends,

              I finished up the job I despise most today - wrapping
              The job is done, I don't even care how the packages look, ha ha. I don't know how I've gotten to hating wrapping gifts so much, who knows?
              Tomorrow I will spend my birthday baking up the cookie dough that's waiting in my fridge. I also need to get to a supermarket or two soon, my shopping list has grown quite large.

              Star, I have had a few moments of feeling the holiday stress trying to get to me too. I just stopped it right in it's tracks though. I absolutely refuse to allow anything or anyone derail me, that's my mantra! I will pull out a heaping dose of Lavanittude if I have to, LOL
              I purposely decreased the number of gifts/kid this year. They are all getting old enough (I think) to know that money doesn't grow on trees. I think they will be happy with their gifts.
              I hope lunch out with your friends was nice

              Cyn, you are working a double shift from the sound of things. Please take care of you too!

              Pauly, my Mom was healthy all of her life. Something went wrong with her immune system & she had a pretty rough last couple of years. Both of us being nurses we tried to cover all the bases to keep her comfortable as possible. I was only 32 at the time with one kid in Kindergarten & the other in 4th grade, plus work & a spouse working shift work & dealing with my all beat me up. I wasn't even drinking then, probably not for another 10 years or so. Looking back I see how pathetic the whole situation was. My 3 brothers never lifted a damn finger to help out of course, ugh. I hope your Mom sees the light before it's too late, things don't have to go that way.

              Hello to SK & anyone dropping in.
              Have a peaceful night!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Dazzling December

                Good morning...

                I have a better attitude today. I have my list of things to do, exercise first of course, and had time alone yesterday which is what I needed to refresh myself.

                Lav, have a very Happy Birthday today. Hope you are able to do what you want to do!!! So tough about your Mom, I am sorry. Plus, surrounded by a bunch of uncaring men. Your Mom sounds like a wonderful person and you have memories to last you and that are part of who you are. Me too. I miss my Mom so much. Having said that I have a friend whose Mother is a selfish child, and makes her life miserable. She just won't go away. My mother-in-law is like that too. Mean and hateful. Interesting if you think about it. Anyway, glad you got the wrapping done, I still have a little more to do. I made a cute Christmas card with pics at CVS, so very excited to send those out, never made one before. I also made a FOK sloppy joe with lentils and chickpeas that was so good. I was surprised it was so good. Inexpensive and easy, will make it again soon.

                Pauly, thanks for telling me you overbought too, it helps to know we are not the only over the top grandparents. We just love them so much and they are such a big part of our lives. This window of time will go by so fast, wise of us to make the most of it. My mood is better and I think it is because I ate healthy all day. Does this affect your mood too? I am going to try and do my best to eat right again today, I want to have a good day.

                Cyn, nice to get things settled at home, your business sounds super busy and productive. Good for you. Know you will enjoy having your husband home for the holidays. Too bad about the car, but you have to get it fixed. Do you have snowy weather right now? I wish we did, predictions are for snow on Christmas Eve. Hope so.

                Skendall, wishing you a peaceful week.

                Have a good AF one all.
                Last edited by Snoopy56; December 19, 2017, 07:17 AM.


                  Re: Dazzling December

                  Morning friends,I'm sick as a dog,,hope I can get through work Lav,Happy Birthday friend!! the ornaments came yesterday and they are absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much,hello Star,SK and Cyn wishing us all a nice AF Tuesday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: Dazzling December

                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAV!!!!!!!!!! Wishing you a wonderful,day and great year to come! You are a treasure here on this thread and on MWO as well... and you bring light to the world. Thanks for being here, and thanks for taking good care of yourself.

                    Good to hear you are feeling better, Star!

                    Pauly, so sorry you are sick! Shoot, I hope you feel better soon!

                    SK -how's it going? I hope you are doing OK.

                    Well, HB's work situation is still an ongoing drama, and a big puzzle to figure out. I'm trying to work on my stufff and fulfill obligations and just keep at whatever the next step is. That's all we can do, right? We pretty much give all our Christmas giving money to charities, and ask family members to do the same. The last thing we need is more stuff! But I do 'stockings' so there is a little fun on Xmas morning. This year no wrapping... just stuff in bags. We discussed that it will make us all too sad to have packages to unwrap - our beloved girl dog was a rabid package unwrapper... it was her favorite thing... just give her a corner to start on and she would efficiently undo all the wrapping! I think I have a video somewhere. Anyway, we are still sad at her absence, so no wrapping paper this year... it's ok by me.

                    Wishing all a great day - you especially, Lav!


                      Re: Dazzling December

                      Good evening friends,

                      Well, I have made it to another year & am still here, ha ha!
                      Thank you for the birthday wishes, I appreciate all of you

                      We had dinner out at a local place, YB gifted me with some new fangled solar powered weather station that I don't think I asked for, ha ha! I'm sure it will be interesting once it's up & working. If anyone needs to know what the wind speed is or anything, just ask, LOL
                      I baked up 4 kinds of cookies this afternoon, will do 2 kinds tomorrow then be done with that. Weather was near 60 degrees today - crazy but nice!!
                      I received beautiful roses from my daughter & her family today, haven't heard from my son at all, oh well.

                      Star, we have bad days but they are usually followed by good days. Thank goodness right? Glad you are feeling good today.
                      I love anything with lentils & chickpeas, sloppy joes sounds good.
                      Just so you know my mother-in-law was hell on wheels too

                      Pauly, sorry you are sick. Feel better soon :hug:

                      Cyn, I know how you feel about missing our dog friends. Before Maxie we had a Golden who also loved, loved, loved unwrapping his gifts. I still think about him every single day.
                      I absolutely plan to keep cutting back on gift buying & at some point will probably just make deposits directly into the kids bank accounts to help pay for college or whatever they decide to do. That would work for me!!
                      I hope you are giving yourself plenty of breathing space

                      Hello to SK, hope you are OK!

                      Have a nice night one & all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Dazzling December

                        Evening everyone.
                        Lav, I hope you had an excellent birthday and I will definitely call you regarding wind speed :happy2:

                        It has been raining steady since yesterday and even with her new raincoat, Peggy doesn't want to go out.
                        Last night I met DD and Vivian in this pretty shopping place. We had to wait about 45 minutes, but it was fun and the lights were really nice highlighting the creek. I had to have DD take me home because I couldn't navigate the dark and blurry lights because of my cataract. On the way back Viv was chattering on about us watching elf on the shelf movies and marshmallow murders. DD interrupted saying "oh you must have been so frightened" lol. Vivian's reply was perfect "it was about a marshmallow,mom. DD was inferring I subject her to scary movies. It did happen once and DD gave me Hell, I just hadn't noticed and she loves to scare herself. DD kept telling Viv she was rude. She's almost 9 and is in that toilet humor stage.Sheesh!

                        Geez, what a party pooper! Of course on the weekend Vivian and I were making noises like Peggy's exploding diarrhea, lol., but mom wasn't there.:welldone:

                        I called Uber this a.m. to get a ride back to where the car was and the man was a southern gentlemen and deaf. When I spoke he wanted to look at me and we were straddling 2 very busy lanes. He wasn't watching nis satnav and I had to guide him there. It was a bit scary, but he told me Friday was his last day with Uber phew.

                        The cleaning ladies arrived this a.m. so now my b/room/kitchen and floors smell so good.

                        Pauly, sorry you're sick. At least shopping and wrapping are done.

                        Cyn, I haven't had those loaves for ages, I loved slathering them with butter.

                        Star,I overbought too.

                        Still have a couple of gifts to wrap. I bought DD a robotic vacuum last year ($400.00) and golf certificates for SIL. This year she will receive a $100.00 gift card.

                        Cyn, you have a very generous and thoughtful gifting.

                        Star, what a good idea making a Christmas card at CVS.

                        It's been 5 months and still haven't heard about his company pension. It has been managed by Wells Fargo, therein lies the problem. I have sent documents twice and they still can't confirm delivery. The only # I have is to a call center. They told me yesterday they would send something in the mail. If not, I will go to a W-F bank and get a better number for management.

                        See you tomorrow.

                        Lave, 4 dozen cookies? Are you giving them away? I am not baking this year but I used to love making the thumbprint cookies.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Re: Dazzling December

                          Good morning...

                          Lav, so happy your birthday was a good day, you deserve. I agree with Cyn that you are a light on MWO. Thanks for all you do. You have helped me through thick and thin for the last several years and it means alot. It's just not right. My opinion. I think the weather toy you were given by YB sounds kind of cool, I may ask about the wind or something! Love love love the four dozen cookies. I bought some cookies from Germany that we like, no baking for me this year. I finished wrapping yesterday, and the final shopping too, so all done with that. It feels good. I want to downsize next year too, but don't know if my husband will go for that. He loves to have lots of presents for everyone and to give. He likes to wrap too, so that is what we have always done.

                          Pauly, oh no, call off if you can and rest, rest, rest. You poor thing. Just what you didn't need.

                          Cyn, your Christmas sounds peaceful, and that is really good. Hope your husband's work settles down to what you need it to be. Sounds like an interesting job. We had a dog in the past who found his present and would open it. We had to hide it, the situation was hysterical, we loved it. The kids were younger then so it was extra funny.

                          Skendall, your daughter sounds like she wants to make sure you know she is in charge. Your granddaughter on the other hand sounds like she can manage her mother and does. How cute. Re: the pension situation, I say keep calling and going in and do not go away. Last week I had a situation with a home warranty company and they did not call back, tried to rip me off (will not renew the policy next year) and I just kept on it. Bottom line, I am waiting for a check in the mail and something else was fixed/replaced. It took lots of effort on my part, numerous phone calls, but we are talking lots of money. So, go for it. The rotten rip offs. Sorry about the rainy weather, Peggy sounds cute.

                          Exercise today, making a food list for the holidays and today too. I want to eat at home because it is healthy!!!! Tomorrow daughter and her family are supposed to spend the night, I will babysit so they can go out to dinner. So I need to have everything ready to go. Have a good one.


                            Re: Dazzling December

                            Morning friends,Lav hope your birthday was nice Star,I wish I could rest but I just cannot sleep at night with this cold! Plus I've had to watch Lou the past few nights cuz Kell's bf had to pick up extra shifts for his boss,I feel like telling her that they might hafta take him to his other grammas today so I can nap,,I feel guilty for saying that and Louie is a good boy but I can't rest if I'm watching him and it almost makes me resent Kell for not listening to me when she can obviously see I don't feel good,ugh! Cyn and SK hope you both have a nice day,sorry I don't have more to post just sick,wishes for a nice AF Wednesday
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: Dazzling December

                              Good evening friends,

                              Thanks everyone, I did have a nice birthday although my son still hasn't managed to call or even text me yet. I have no idea what his problem is, geez.
                              Well, I now have 6 kinds of cookies - but I am stopping now, ha ha! I actually enjoy baking, always have. Today I made shortbread cookies with real butter so I know I won't be eating any of them. YB was out before sunrise running the Amish guys around, didn't get back until nearly dinnertime so my weather station is still sitting in the box, ha ha!

                              SK, I think maybe our grown kids (your daughter & my son) may be trying to punish us for something?? If they want to act like twits then they will be treated like twits as far as I'm concerned. You have a great relationship with your granddaughter, cherish it & keep secrets together, LOL I am looking forward to having my granddaughter spend Friday & Saturday nights here with us this week, fun times. My daughter's wedding anniversary is Dec 23 - right in the midst of the holidays so at least they can have a little time for themselves.
                              I am not a fan of night driving myself, haven't been for the past 20+ years. Sorry you had a scary Uber driver!

                              Star, believe it or not all of my life I have found baking & sewing to be relaxing. These days I like controlling what goes into a cookie, ha ha!
                              You don't know how lucky you are that your husband is willing to join in the holiday prep work. YB hands me a gift in a brown paper bag, no kidding!!!
                              I hit two supermarkets today, brought home tons of food then realized I will probably have to run out one more time, figures. The minute you get home you remember you forgot to pick up a red onion & a carton of cashew milk, oh well.

                              Pauly, I hope you are starting to feel better :hug:
                              Don't forget to get yourself some Ester C to boost your immune system, OK?

                              Cyn, hope you had a good day & are caught up with everything

                              Wishing it would get cooler again so these stupid hot flashes would give me a break.
                              Have a nice night everyone!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Dazzling December

                                Good morning...

                                Pauly, being sick I don't know how you can babysit, hope you feel better today.

                                Lav, lots of cookies, will you give them away then? Or will they be eaten up at home? I am not baking this year, maybe next year, we'll see. Had a busy day yesterday, went to the city and viewed a Christmas Tree exhibit, it was beautiful. Today, home prep for overnight, so will be so busy.

                                Hello to Cyn and Skendall!

                                Have a good AF Thursday all.

