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Dazzling December

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    Re: Dazzling December

    Brrr! I think the arctic front has hit TX also, 37 deg. However, not as cold as many of the states. It's the coldest in Toronto in 58 yrs.
    I love the sound of that soup, Lav, I need to do some batch cooking.

    Peggy is on my last nerve, wanted out twice last night. When she paws me to get up I tell her to lie down, but she doesn't stop. Some nights she just wants a wander, but I think she needed to go last night. I'm tired today.

    Hello Cyn. when will the book be finished, you seem so busy it must be hard.

    Star, I'm not one to attend parties on NYE either. PJ'S and Netflix a good idea.

    I miss Pauly. I think Det texted her and she said she was okay.

    Hope today brings something good for everyone.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Re: Dazzling December

      Good evening friends,

      Still ridiculously cold & snow due to start in the morning, oh well.

      Star, I hope you don't get too much snow. We're only supposed to get 2", we shall see.
      I really do not have a problem filling my day, never get bored really. I can busy myself with cooking, baking, gardening & sewing. Sewing has always been my fav thing to do & I have not had time to sew anything for myself or my house since I started up my embroidery biz just about 15 years ago. The last I sewed for myself was for my son's wedding 11 years ago! I didn't like the mother of the bride/groom dresses in the stores so I made myself a 3 piece outfit - long skirt with matching top & jacket, accented with some embroidery of course, ha ha. I had a hard time getting it all done in time because I was so busy with work stuff. I'm more than ready to not be so busy
      There's still no place to go exercise around here that would be nearly as comfortable as Curves was. I miss that social interaction but am grateful that I had it when I did. I started there right after YB made his disappearance in 2010. It helped me keep my sanity, for sure.

      SK, I can't believe it's so cold where you are, geez. I assume you have heat in your place?
      It's only now that I do not have a dog getting me up at night. I dealt with that quite a bit over the past several years. I feel for you.

      Hello to Cyn & Pauly - hope you two can check in soon.

      I have only ever been to one NYE party in my adult life, ha ha! That was in 1973, the year we were married. I had to work New Year's day at 7 am - that was awful
      Ever since then I have either worked NYE or stayed home!!! I never could be bothered with all that nonsense.
      Wishing everyone a peaceful & warm night!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Dazzling December

        Evening all -

        All OK here, just long days. Even with my help I'm not sure the folks I'm working with will be ready on the 3rd... we accomplish a lot while I'm there, but it's a 2hour RT commute, they can't start befor 11 or 12 and I have to leave by 5, so there's not much time. And whatever we do send to be undone by the time I return the next day. Oh well, it will be over next week one way or another!

        Just tying to finish up on contributions for the year. At least I signed up for monthly deductions for a lot of them this year, that should help. But so many worthy places that need the funds... time to go figure it out.

        Lav, so sorry about not sleeping. Good luck! Loved the sound of that soup -- after the new year, I have to get back to tracking alkalinity.

        Star, your food plans sound good too -- enjoy those black beans.

        SK, like Lav, I have lived with up-in the -night pups for years. My boy got me up around 2 AM this morning (he needed to poop! It must have been too cold out earlier!) it took me a long time to get back to sleep.

        Pauly, miss you girl, please come say hello!

        Well, better finish this up and figure out what to cook SD when she comes tomorrow - it will have to be in the crock-pot, as I am working again until late. Stay warm all for this chilly, snowy time!


          Re: Dazzling December

          Good morning...

          My black beans came out really good, more ready for today. It is still cold here so I am planning on working on my cooking course today after a almost two week break for the holidays.

          Lav, glad you are able to keep busy and hope you find an exercise place that is a good fit.

          Skendall, the cold weather seems to be reaching all over the country, not fun for the dogs or the humans who have to let them out.

          Cyn, you have so much patience, hope the clients are able to do what they need to do. What a tough time for them. I am sure whatever you make in the crockpot will be delicious and appreciated. I am loving having warm food right now with the cold. They are so satisfying.

          Hello Pauly, have a good one.


            Re: Dazzling December

            Morning friends,just a quick hello this morning,hope everyone has a wonderful AF Saturday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: Dazzling December

              Morning all -

              Just writing this note in a celebratory mood - I had to share... SD is not coming, due to the snow, and that means I don't have to drive the long windy roads in the snow today to my clients -- I can see them tomorrow and Monday without feeling guilty at leaving my guest alone here. Hallelujah! A day of not driving - I am thrilled, and will finish the book proposal and get it out today.

              Plus, I made an entire meal this morning before I was to leave for my job, so food is done too! Woo Hoo!

              Just saying, I hope you all have a good Saturday as well - cheers!


                Re: Dazzling December

                Re the up in the night doggies. I can't just open the back door, I have to get dressed and take her out, and yes, Cyn getting back to sleep is an issue.

                Well, it's going down to 17 deg. tonight. The buildings here are not well insulated so we have to trickle water and keep all cabinets open. When we lived here in the 90's we bought foam covers for all the outside pipes, but it never got this cold! Lav, I definitely have heating but invested in an electric fireplace to make it extra cozy.

                Hi Pauly, hope you are doing okay.

                Cyn, is your business a moving business? Or moving and decluttering for people?

                Star, I have spoiled this dog so much she has become very demanding, and I created all of it!
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Re: Dazzling December

                  P.S. I had Peggy's grooming done yesterday anals and manicure, but she is still scooting this morning, anybody know why?
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Re: Dazzling December

                    Greetings friends!

                    Snowed off & on all day but we really didn't get that much, thank goodness. It is still really cold though & it's supposed to get even colder, ugh.

                    SK, my dog (1/2 beagle & 1/2 ?) has anal gland problems too. This is the first time I ever had to deal with this mess. After a lot of research I found that if you increase the fiber in her diet the issue improves. I started giving her green beans, canned pumpkin with her dry food - stuff like that. But then I found that the dry dog food at Costco that actually has the increased fiber built in (sweet potato) & there has been NO problem since. No more trips to the vet's to have the glands expressed (yuck).
                    If you don't shop at Costco I'll bet has it as well.
                    I hope you stay warm!!!

                    Cyn, nice that the universe has given you a bit of a gift
                    I hope you manage to get everything done & still have some time to relax.

                    Pauly, good to see you, hope you are doing OK!

                    Star, I'm thinking it's time for some black bean burgers - yum!

                    Well, I didn't mention yesterday that I really did lose a chicken to a predator. I was doing a head count as they were going in to roost for the night & was missing one. I found a pile of feathers right in the vegetable garden area but no chicken. Then YB told me this morning that he saw a fox creeping around our neighbor's shed
                    I know it's just nature & all that but damn......

                    On a happier note I've been asked to tag along on my daughter's summer vacation this year. They are making plans to fly somewhere in Canada & then explore a few different cities & see Niagara Falls too. I've always wanted to see the falls but YB would never go there with me. So, I think this will be a nice trip with my granddaughter & her parents, ha ha.
                    We are now thinking about putting off the floor refinishing until the summer. YB can just stay here to supervise & sleep in his garage shop, ha ha! Woks for me

                    Have a nice night everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Dazzling December

                      Good morning...

                      It's New Year's Eve, one of my least favorite holidays! I plan on staying home tonight and watching TV, it is too cold for the hot tub, at least for me, the temp should be about 2 degrees close to midnight. Yuck.

                      Lav, how wonderful to have a vacation to look forward to this summer. Sounds wonderful. Sad about the chicken, sorry that happened. With the cold comes the dryness and it is so dry right now. Drinking lots of water and tea is helping. Any other suggestions? Doing anything tonight or just keeping warm? We may go to a sport's event as I may get free tickets from one of my friends. So, I hope so, it is in the daytime and that would be perfect.

                      Cyn, great that you don't have to entertain and can do what you want and need to do for a day!!!! It is snowy here again this morning, we have to watch out for the unsafe drivers!

                      Pauly, so great to hear from you, any plans for NYE and how is Kell?

                      Skendall, my animals are always spoiled too, I love having pets.

                      Any ideas for names for our January 2018 thread? I look forward to waking up feeling good and ready for a new year. AF is the only way to go!


                        Re: Dazzling December

                        Morning all -
                        Just a quick hello to wish you all a good New Year's Eve. I am off in a bit to work today with my clients... I feel so refreshed after having a day to myself.

                        SK, dang that's harsh, having to go out with Peggy in the night. You might have to train her for the puppy pads... sorry. Or get ski pants that you pull right on over your Jammies - I used to do that! Lav has given you the doggy food advice - bump up fiber - I add pumpkin to my pups meals. Good luck and stay warm - 17 in TX? That's nuts!

                        Pauly, how are you, how is Kell? This is going to be a new exciting year for you, I know you are up for it. I have a phrase in the guided meditation that I do everyday, and it reminds me of you - "I am not my past. I am creating my own future". You go girl!

                        Star - I hope that you find some joy today... have fun at the game, or with a new recipe! Wishing you peace.

                        Lav- what fantastic news about the trip!! One of the best memories I have from childhood is a car trip we took with my beloved Nana... you will be having such fun with granddaughter and making memories. So sorry about the chicken, that is hard... I hope that fox keeps it's distance from now on... it must be difficult to protect the flock. Good luck...

                        I really needed a day for my own agenda and catch-up. The holidays just really take the starch out of me, then to have work piling up puts me in a not so good place. So, much better today. I saw on FB last night that a work friend from years ago is dying... her husband brought her home from the hospital so she could be with her beloved pets, and invited everyone to post and he would read them to her. What bravery on his part, what a gift to her and to all of us to have the chance to say goodbye. Today is her birthday, she is younger than I am. This news hit me very hard, and really put everything into perspective... life is fragile, all the good moments matter, we can be creative and embrace life right up to the very end...

                        Wishing all a day filled with mindfulness...


                          Re: Dazzling December

                          Morning friends,Star,Kell's doing good,getting big and ready to pop! My plan for NYE is to be in bed after I watch the NY ball drop haha,I just can't do late nights anymore,Lav,sorry about the chicken poor thing Cyn,that's a great line and something I tell myself all the time but I keep making the same dumb mistakes and this last drink fest was by far the worst I've had in a long time! Over Christmas to boot I called an acupuncture clinic that says it can help with addictions,might be worth a shot,sorry about your work friend that's really sad hi SK,wishing us all a safe,sober,sane NYE!
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Dazzling December

                            Good evening friends,

                            Staying close to the fireplace today & tonight - currently 9 degrees, a bit cold!!!!

                            Star, I can't stand being outside for more than a few minutes. Even with layers on I feel this cold in the worst way.
                            For only the second time ever we decided to plug in a small portable heating unit for the chickens. I could tell they were feeling the cold this morning. They have refused to step outside the past two days which is unusual for them. The Mummers Parade, a Philly tradition is still on for tomorrow morning, crazy!
                            I'm downing loads of hot decaf tea to try to ward off the cold!

                            Pauly, you can break that cycle any time you choose. It's a choice, simple as that! I hope you choose to close the door on AL permanently because the results will never change. You know how hard it is on you & your family, choose wisely :hug:
                            Glad to hear Kell is doing well.

                            Cyn, you are in the cold zone too, hope you are staying warm. I wonder what 2018 is going to bring us weather-wise
                            Sorry to hear about your work friend, geez. Every day is a gift & we need to be appreciative, that's for sure.

                            Hello to SK. I hope you & Peggy are staying warm

                            Have a peaceful night everyone, see you in 2018!


                            PS: Let's be JOYFUL or JOYOUS for January
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Dazzling December

                              I vote JOYFUL!!
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

