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w.c 3/12

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    w.c 3/12

    morning all 4.40 am ..pitch black out there,ready to go ...well as ready as Im going to be ...could really have stayed at home but its my turn to drive,tired and weary ,this is sposed to be a hobby....its just this damn coff I cant get rid of..oh well ..hope everyone is doing ok ..

    speak later
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: w.c 3/12

    Morning All,

    Hope you're back at home by now, Mick, with lots of treasure!


      Re: w.c 3/12

      Happy Sunday morn ABerooos!

      Pie, great to see you...whats happnin?

      Mick, no coffin for you. hope the findings make it worthwhile.

      I'm trying to convince myself this is a good day for a hike even though we have a little snow on the ground
      and it's not quite 30F outside yet.... not very inviting. Will give it a couple hours.

      back later
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Re: w.c 3/12

        MAE ALL...

        Mick...thanks for kicking off the week before heading out. Hope you found some treasurers and that your cough is easing a bit.

        Pi...good to see you. did the hike win out?

        Feeling a little blah this morning so heading out for some Vitamin D. Have a Super Sunday all....:smile:PPQP


          Re: w.c 3/12

          Good evening Abbers,

          I cannot believe it but we actually got the tree inside & decorated today. I can remember doing this as late as the 24th (right before Santa arrived) some years, ha ha!!! Glad it's done.

          Mick, I hope your early morning adventure went well & that cough is easing up. Some hobbies require a lot of dedication it seems

          Pie, how are you?

          Det, how was the hike? It was below freezing here this morning too but no snow on the ground. I hear we may be getting a touch this coming week.

          PQ, I hope your mood improved with the sunlight - mine usually does

          Hello to the rest of the crowd & hoping everyone has a nice night.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: w.c 3/12

            Lav...good on you for getting the tree up and decorated. Mine's still in the box. LOL Yup, got some sunshine even if it was 26F and it did improve my mood. Hope you did the same Det.

            Left over meat sauce from the lasagna on noodles with cheese was dinner tonight. And of course garlic toast! Have a restful evening all....:smile:PPQP


              Re: w.c 3/12

              oooh PPQ, sounds like a tasty treat.

              Lav, yer ahead of schedule! now you can kick back a tad.

              well my buddy cancelled so I lost my excitement about the hike. boooo. oh well, did get out in the yard and went to the
              local store to get fresh farm eggs for the week, and cleaned up some of my mess around the place. Hope to be well rested
              for another week of excitement. off to hit a lifering meeting online in a few min.

              be well loves
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Re: w.c 3/12

                mornin are we today then? all good I hope ...yesterday was ok ,but didnt find too much to set the world alight the ground had just been ploughed so imagine walking on that for 6 hrs got this rubbish coff..

                ok brew it is

                hiya det you never got the hike in mate?oh well domestics have to be done too...

                hiya Lav are you then? lookee at you all organised ..chrimbo tree up etc ...actually its not sposed to go up until the 12th day before..ha ha ...mine is twinkling away beautifully in its box in the loft...heres one carefully planned out brew..

                hiya are you today then ? feeling any better? I hope so....

                hi pie ..not lots of treasure ,but home are you then today? good are the dogs doing ?

                hi pauly havent seen you...

                right peeps time to go..

                I think we'll get a real Christmas tree this year.
                Asking the kids to imagine one last year was a little unfair!

                A woman asks her husband if he'd like some breakfast.
                "Bacon and eggs, perhaps a slice of toast? Maybe a nice sectioned grapefruit, and a cup of fresh coffee?"
                He declines. "It's this Viagra," he says, "it's really taken the edge off my appetite."
                At lunch time, she asks if he would like something.
                "A bowl of home made soup, maybe, with a cheese sandwich? Or how about a plate of snacks and a glass of milk?"
                Again he declines. "No, thanks. It's this Viagra," he says, "It's really taken the edge off my appetite."
                At dinner time, she asks if he wants anything to eat, offering to go to the cafe and buy him a burger supper. "Or would you rather I make you a pizza from scratch? Or, how about a tasty stir fry? That'll only take a couple of minutes...?"
                Once more, he declines. "Again, thanks, but it's this Viagra. It's really taken the edge off my appetite."
                "Well, then", she says, "Would you mind getting off me? I'm fcking STARVING!"

                I'm selling my pet python on ebay. Some bloke just rang up and asked, "is it big?" I said, "Massive." He said, "How many feet?" I said, "None, it's a fcking snake you idiot!"

                I've got my wife an artificial leg for Christmas.
                It's not her main present just a stocking filler.

                I took my boy to see Father Christmas yesterday and he stank of booze and cigarettes.
                Fck knows what Father Christmas thought of him?

                advent calendar in liverpool,,

                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: w.c 3/12

                  Mae everybody,hope everyone had a nice weekend my tree has been up for a week but is already seeming kind of dry,that always happens,much love to all and wishes for a happy AF Monday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: w.c 3/12

                    MAE ALL...

                    Mick...feeling good this morning, must just have been a blip in the radar. Do believe the sunshine helped so picked up a bottle of Vitamin D yesterday.

                    Shout out to everyone to come....:smile:PPQP


                      Re: w.c 3/12

                      MAE. Mick, sorry about the coff.

                      Det, do you ever miss Hawaii on the cold days?

                      PPQ, the Vit D is a vital part of my vits. My dr told me half the population is deficient and if you google it's benefits it's well worth it.

                      Hi Pauly.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Re: w.c 3/12

                        Good evening Abbers,

                        Just so you know, I take a 5,000 iu capsule of vitamin D every day. My serum level was so low years ago I was told to get on a humongous dose & stay there. I get my level check every 6 months when I get my cholesterol level checked - so now you all know my secret of being so fabulous HA HA!!!
                        Vitamin D is the cheapest antidepressant out there & it makes your bones stronger

                        Mick, still coughing? Sorry dude, hope you feel better soon. So what's the latest on your trip? When are you leaving?

                        Det, it's a shame you don't live closer. I could keep your fridge stocked up with free range eggs. All of my chickens are backing to using the nest boxes, thank goodness!!! That one girl going rogue for over three weeks was just too much, ha ha!

                        Hi Pauly, what's up?

                        PQ, it was 27 degrees & quite frosty & foggy here this morning - thought I was in Canada

                        SK, I guess you are probably missing cooler weather, huh?

                        Well, I am meeting old friends for lunch tomorrow & that makes me happy.
                        Wishing everyone a nice night!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: w.c 3/12

                          Originally posted by Lavande View Post
                          PQ, it was 27 degrees & quite frosty & foggy here this morning - thought I was in Canada

                          Thanks for letting us know your secret. I was trying to remember the dose as the recommended one is way too low and that sounds about right. I did pick up the D3 as opposed to just D. With all the crap going on with eye drops, RA injections I just completely forgot about vitamin D. Then I had my bone density test done and he said and of course you're taking vitamin D. Ooops. Glad to hear the chicks have figured out where their beds are.

                          Mick...the cough associated with this bug tends to last around 3 weeks. Hope you're improving.

                          SK...yes it aids in so much more than bone health.

                          One of those into work at 9 and "blink" it's 5. Going to be that way till the holiday break. Going to enjoy those paid 2 weeks!

                          Sending the sleep fairy out to you all, she's done a good job and I don't need her anymore. Have a peaceful evening....:smile:PPQP


                            Re: w.c 3/12

                            Happy unhung Monday ABerooos!

                            Mick, sounds like a heck of a workout you got, must be sore?

                            thanks all for reminding me to take my vitamin D! fresh eggs are a fantastic source also.

                            Pauly, dry tree? yep that's NV for you. spray it with something maybe? I really dunno.

                            11 hr work day and I'm feeling it... sure hope that PPQ's fairy sleep gets to me.

                            going to be about 13F tomorrow morn. ack!

                            gnight loves
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Re: w.c 3/12

                              MAE ALL...

                              Det...hope the sleep fairy made an appearance to help you recover from your 11hr work day.

                              I definitely slept last night and for the first time in a long time had a wicked drinking dream. Don't know where that came from but it was intense. Can still remember a lot of it ending with trying to get to work while still drunk and having to slide down this endless ice hill. Don't need sleep analysis to figure that one out. LOL

                              Mick...hope you've got that cough under control.

                              Shout out to the rest. Have a Terrific Tuesday all...:smile:PPQP

