Ahoy Ho ABerooos!
mmmm smells amazing... got lamb/beef meatballs in the oven and eggplant/onion/potato dish on the stovetop.
Lav, that's cold but it was freaking 5F here at 7am on Wed morn. egad! and I'm the first one to show up and turn on
the heater.... was running in place to try to warm up. Thankfully supposed to be warmer tomorrow and in the low 50's for the
weekend. BRB...stove....
Plumbing is fixed so happy to say. It's the simple things that really matter... like a hot shower!
Pauly, hang in there dear. are you doing anything to mitigate the holiday stressors?
PPQ, that's the idea... evening off and relax a bit.
ABCowboy, nice to see you.
Mick, are you out playing in the snow?
well, day 30 and not a craving in sight. Keeping it that way
better tend the stove again.
gnight loves