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w/c 24th

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    Re: w/c 24th

    morning are wee today then? hopefully all well...had a pretty good kip last night ...probably best for thats me ..Julie still feeels pretty rubbish ...she had the flu jab and insisted I go too..Theres more chance of my collecting moon dust .So did we have a goood chrimbo? hope so ...Dont know what the next yone will bring us ,but Ive got a feeling things wont be the same..Got to go and pick the peskies up in a little while,and obviously fone da dentist..anyway lets have a brew....

    In London, they've queued outside Harrods since 10pm for the start of the boxing day sales. In Birmingham, Selfridges have reported that shoppers have been queuing up to 12 hours before opening time. In Liverpool, queues have reached up to a mile long for Poundland!

    "Can you get some bleach, washing powder and some shake and vac while you're out?" My wife asked.

    "Can you not wait until you’ve opened your presents tomorrow?" I replied
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: w/c 24th

      I have been MIA. Some family issues and I've been sick.

      Sounds like everyone has been COLD...and I feel ashamed saying I am freezing at 40 degrees

      I've been wanting to share this with you guys. I had to have a test done, where they half knock you out. All I know is I was "gone" at some point and when I was coming back....I was saying...."would it be ok if I had a drink later?". The doctor is looking at me all shocked and said, "you should not be drinking at all with the medication you are taking" . I said, "ok I havent had a drink in like 2 years" and he says, "well why would you start now?"

      So it lit up my drinking brain pathways. And all I have been craving are foods that I would eat when hungover. Things I have not eaten in a LONG time. Brocoli and cheese. But, I have also noticed that when I am around alcohol I seem to be taking a second look at the ice cold beer.

      Then my husband and kids were going to go out of town...and I actually thought it would be a good time to check and see if maybe I was cured!!!! Hey maybe I can enjoy a drink or two now and then.

      I'm still scared of hangovers and panic attacks. But it is crazy how this one test affected me!

      I need to get back in the habit of posting...and plan to do a better job. I need to read some of the newbie posts and remember how bad it really was . Good God....


        Re: w/c 24th

        MAE ALL...

        Mick...home safe and sound and the countdown begins again. You look after Julie and get her feeling better. I thought they wouldn't give you the flu shot if you were sick. I bet the peskies will be thrilled to see you. Good luck at the dentist.

        SF...good to see you. Wow, how interesting that test triggering the "stinking thinking!" And there's the insanity...maybe I'm cured! Your plan to read the newbie posts sounds like a good idea. That's exactly what I would do when thoughts of "I've got this. I know I can have just 1 or 2" would pop into my head. It's a good wake up call.

        Have been worried about my car sitting all day in this -4F weather while playing bridge. Grandma called and the boys are heading over for a visit so they can drop me off and pick me up. Problem solved. The ex has moved back in with her and as long as he's there nobody will be stopping in. Just hope he behaves and doesn't rile the kids up. Have a Wonderful Wednesday all....:smile:PPQP


          Re: w/c 24th


          Mick, will be interested to see what dentist had to say. I was watching a talk show a couple of years ago and one of the guests had an implant fall out, not even chocolate cake.

          PQ, sounds as if you enjoyed your Christmas. In the US there is no Boxing Day and I really miss it. It was a day to make brunch for a bunch or to stay home with turkey sandwiches and chill.

          Sunflower, I had the exact same experience. I woke up wanting more of the drug that was administered and then planned to go to lunch and drink alot. I've had 2 small surgeries and a major surgery since and didn't have those feelings at all. My guess is that the anaesthesia they use
          for "twilight" surgeries must be the trigger.

          Pauly, how are you?

          Det, hope you're pulling out of the sick bay?
          Enlightened by MWO


            Re: w/c 24th

            Greetings All,

            Mick, hope your wabbits are busy settling back in at home, and that you've been able to connect with your dentist.

            SF, same here - freezing in relatively mild temps. Seems there needs to be more to a winter wardrobe than long sleeve t-shirts!

            PQ, where will you play bridge?

            Hi there to Lav, TT, Sam, Det, Pauly, etal.

            These chairs I'm working on are more of an upholstery project than woodworking. I approached it thinking that some new fabric and a staple gun would be all I'd need, but the joke's on me. Turns out the seats have original, hand-tied coil construction, with padding that includes hay and horsehair! Don't tell anyone, but instead of re-tying the coils together with jute twine, I'm using zip ties.
            Last edited by Pie; December 27, 2017, 12:13 PM.


              Re: w/c 24th

              Pi...will be playing with some senior friends at one of their houses. Not too far from here so that's a plus. P.S. I won't tell anyone about the zip ties.


                Re: w/c 24th

                Good evening Abbers,

                Heading down to a frosty 13 degrees tonight - oh my
                At least we didn't get any of the 54" of snow that fell on the western side of the state yesterday, geez.

                Mick, it will take a few days to get back in the groove after being away I imagine. Hope Julie is feeling better.
                So what happened with the implant? Did it actually break off, come loose or what?

                SF, glad to see you!
                Sorry that you had such a reaction to the twilight anesthesia. Everyone reacts differently to that stuff. Some folks come out of it laughing, some come out crying.....
                I think I've seen it all. I really miss my original MWO CDs. I loaned them to a member years ago then she disappeared so I never got them back. I would use them at night, to give my subconscious a boost when I need one. Maybe you can find some guided mediations to help you over this.
                I hope everything is OK with you.

                PQ, are you saying that your ex has moved in with his mother? Really?? Why??? Isn't he a little old for that? Sorry, just sounds strange but I guess he is strange, ha ha!
                Car batteries suffer in this weather, sometimes even when they are parked in a garage.

                Pie, I have done many chairs with fabric & a staple gun, LOL
                I would use zip ties in a flash - no worries!!!

                Hello to Det, hope you are feeling better friend.

                Pauly, how about you?

                Have a peaceful night everyone!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: w/c 24th

                  Lav...yeah at 67...I'd say he's a little old for moving in with his ma. I think he thinks he's going to live in the house after she passes. He does not know that she has rewritten her will and he has no authority over anything. I just hope he doesn't drain her of all her savings in the meantime. The grand daughter who is co-poa with my son has been in touch with her healthcare provider so they're aware of what's going on. Car battery makes me think of the electric car/truck. Don't think they would survive here with out weather. LOL

                  Had a very enjoyable afternoon playing cards and am glad to be home and back in my pj's. Shout out to everyone else and have a peaceful evening....:smile:PPQP


                    Re: w/c 24th

                    morning all...andcwelcome to a freezing cold one today...bit different from a couple of days ago..Well thats the India holiday paid living on beans and toast for the next 3 months..We fly out on the 19th Feb .,.Got the rabbits back home lasat night ..they were playing like mad when I got them home ...yep I missed them.Amy came down last we hada bit of a natter she is at the gym every day and eating all sorts of healthy food ..looks good on it tho. brew time..

                    Isnt it strange how around this time all the drinking thotz seem to appear ...

                    hiya SF are you? long time..glad you are doing well...As for the drinking and wanting one ,its kind of like human nature ...and trying to reassure yourself...firstly that you have cracked it and are now in control as opposed to booze which ones was one likes to admit they have no control over certain active control...basically I will have one drink end of and that proves I am in control..that usually fails..
                    Look at it this way have passive control...simply by not drinking...anyone as a kid read Aesops fables? The fox and the grapes? It is a good one...

                    hiya did the bridge building go then?ha batteries are prone to fade away in this weather...they need a lot of extra power to do the job they are supposed to ...

                    hiya pie..these chairs you aredoing? are they the wooden framed type with either 3 or 4 coil springs in them? If so I re-upholstered similar years ago...The horsehair material was pretty hard to get hold of as I recall.and I think I got a load of twine at the time,as that was made of the same as opposed to polypropylene now..I also used jute string to hold the springs down get it from a garden centre ......but I used zip ties first.. I remember upholstering the cushions ...a deep red crushed velour!

                    hiya sk long time ...I already know what the dentist will say ..its my bite and the way I eat...but chocolate cake I question that...he is shut till 2nd of January ...oh no..

                    hiya Lav ...brew time are you are the grandsons into harry potter now?asfor the tooth it just snapped completely away from the peg.I think it was more the rotation of the jaw as opposed to the bite that did it ...all I know is it will be another pain I could have done without...

                    hi pauly where are you ..

                    New Virus Alert
                    I thought you would want to know about this e-mail virus. Even the most advanced programs from Norton or McAfee cannot take care of this one.


                    1. Causes you to send the same e-mail twice … done that!

                    2. Causes you to send a blank e-mail! … that too!

                    3. Causes you to send e-mail to the wrong person … yep!

                    4. Causes you to send it back to the person who sent it to you … who me?

                    5. Causes you to forget to attach the attachment … well phooey!

                    6. Causes you to hit ‘SEND’ before you’ve finished … OH NO, not again!

                    7. Causes you to hit ‘DELETE’ instead of ‘SEND’ … and I just hate that!

                    8. Causes you to hit ‘SEND’ when you should ‘DELETE’ … Oh NO!!!

                    IT IS CALLED THE ‘C-NILE VIRUS’

                    A duded-up city biker walks into a seedy tavern in Sturgis, SD.

                    He sits at the bar and notices a grizzled old biker with his arms folded, staring blankly at a full bowl of chili.

                    After fifteen minutes of just sitting there staring at it, the newby rider bravely asks the old biker, 'If you ain't gonna eat that, mind if I do"?

                    The old veteran of a thousand rides slowly turns his head toward the young pup and says, 'Nah, you go ahead'.

                    Eagerly, the guy wearing the shiny new leather fashions reaches over and slides the bowl into his place and starts spooning it in with delight. He gets nearly down to the bottom of the bowl and notices a dead mouse in the chili. The sight was very shocking and he immediately barfed up the chili back into the bowl.

                    The old biker quietly says, 'Yep, that's as far as I got, too'.

                    An 80-year-old man goes for a physical. All of his tests come back with normal results.

                    The doctor says, 'George, everything looks great. How are you doing mentally and emotionally. Are you at peace with God'?

                    George replies, 'God and I are tight. He knows I have poor eyesight, so he's fixed it so when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, *poof *!, the light goes on. When I'm done, *poof *!, the light goes off'.

                    'Wow, that's incredible', the doctor says.

                    A little later in the day, the doctor calls George's wife.

                    'Ethel,' he says, 'George is fine but I had to call you because I'm in awe of his relationship with God. Is it true that he gets up during the night and *poof *!, the light goes on in The bathroom, and when he's done, *poof *! The light goes off'?

                    'OH MY GOD' Ethel exclaims!

                    'He's pissing in the fridge again'!!!!

                    A very flat-chested woman finally decided she needed a bra and set out to the mall in search of one in her size.

                    She entered an upscale department store and approached the saleslady in lingerie, "Do you have a size 28AAAA bra"?

                    The clerk haughtily replied in the negative, so she left the store and proceeded to another department store where she is rebuffed in much the same manner.

                    After a third try at another department store in the mall, she had become disgusted. Leaving the mall, she drove to K-Mart.

                    At K-Mart she marched up to the sales clerk, unbuttoned and threw open her blouse, yelling, "Do you have anything for these"?

                    The lady looked closely at her and replied, "Have you tried Clearasil"?

                    The bartender asks the guy sitting at the bar, "What'll you have"?

                    The guy answers, "A scotch, please." The bartender hands him the drink, and says "That'll be five dollars".

                    The guy replies, "What are you talking about? I don't owe you anything for this".

                    A lawyer, sitting nearby and overhearing the conversation, then says to the bartender, "You know, he's got you there. In the original offer, which constitutes a binding contract upon acceptance, there was no stipulation of remuneration".

                    The bartender was not impressed, but says to the guy, "Okay, you beat me for a drink. But don't ever let me catch you in here again".

                    The next day, same guy walks into the bar. Bartender says, "What the heck are you doing in here? I can't believe you've got the audacity to come back"!

                    The guy says, "What are you talking about? I've never been in this place in my life"! The bartender replies, "I'm very sorry, but this is uncanny. You must have a double".

                    To which the guy replies, "Thank you. Make it a scotch".
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: w/c 24th

                      MAE ALL...from the land of the frozen.

                      Mick...looks like we're going to get a reprieve come the new year. We'll actually get above 0 if we can hang in until then. Glad the peskies are happy and healthy. Getting another brew and then going to read the jokes.

                      Shout out to all to come....:smile:PPQP


                        Re: w/c 24th

                        Hi All,

                        So, in about three hours, dear old Dad will be walking down the aisle. Well, except that there won't really be an aisle, and Dad doesn't actually walk.

                        Yes Mick, my chairs are as you describe, and if it occurred to you to use zip ties, then my idea must have some merit. Plush fabric is deep magenta and, ... wait for it..., lime green! I'll get a pic up when done.


                          Re: w/c 24th

                          hello everyone. Where are you off to in India Mick? I still sometimes have a drinking dream or even feel like a drink but it's just something I try to accept and let go. A bit like all that other wild activity of years ago. Haha. I don't miss the tears, regret and feeling a mess because if my own making. At least these days I can usually attribute not so good things to being out of my control. She says whilst in a postitive frame of mind.
                          Daughter has sun burnt feet with blisters. Just thought I would throw that out.
                          Anyone have any plans for New Years. I have a date with my pyjamas I think.
                          Catch you later


                            Re: w/c 24th

                  're too funny. At least it will be done and dusted. I wish them health and happiness. Can't wait to see the Lime Green chair!

                            TT...I have the same plans for NYE. LOL You do sound positive and it looks good on you. I don't wish sunburned feet on anyone, well...maybe one. LOL

                            Plans are to hide out in the house for the rest of the year!....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: w/c 24th

                              Good evening Abbers,

                              C-NILE Virus, HA HA Mick, good one!!!
                              Glad your bunnies were happy to see you. Sorry about the tooth, sounds like something I would do
                              Amy sounds like she's happy, that's great!

                              PQ, it was 9 degrees here this morning, OMG. I thought I was in Canada, ha ha!
                              Is your ex retired or still working? Maybe he's thinking he needs his mother to take care of him - oh boy!

                              Pie, Congrats to your Dad, I hope they are happy
                              Good luck with your chair, sounds like a funky retro look going on.

                              TT, my plans are the same as yours & PQ's. NYE parties are for amateurs. I refuse to be out on the roads unless absolutely necessary, no kidding!

                              Det, are you OK?

                              Made a hearty bean, pasta & kale soup today, vegan style. Good for such a cold day!!!!
                              Have a peaceful night everyone!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: w/c 24th

                                Originally posted by Lavande View Post
                                PQ, it was 9 degrees here this morning, OMG. I thought I was in Canada, ha ha!
                                You'd have to double that to qualify for living in Canada. Cold temps aren't unusual but the number of days it's hanging around is. :stompy2:

                                Ex declared himself retired 8 years ago, sure nobody in the oil patch wanted to see his face. He's been buying and selling cattle ever since.

                                Det...where are you?

                                Pauly...thinking of you too. Please check in so we know you're ok.

                                Goulash and salad for supper tonight. Time to snuggle up and read. Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP
                                Last edited by porqoui; December 28, 2017, 09:12 PM.

