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Joyous January

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    Re: Joyous January

    Good morning...

    Had a great visit with family over the weekend. So grateful this is the last week in January.

    Lav, sounds like a peaceful day, cooking and reading. Still fighting the eye infection, but it is very slowly improving. I wonder if it is a virus. Anyway, I hope this is the week it goes away completely. The weather provided warmth and sun, but today it is colder again with snow. I am ready for spring.

    Pauly, little Romeo is so cute, so grateful he is here and you can enjoy!

    Hello to Cyn and Skendall. Happy Monday.


      Re: Joyous January

      Morning friends,Star,glad you had a nice weekend with your family me and Kell had hubs watching Romeo so we could sneak off for tacos yesterday! It is good for Kell to get out of the house,she's already feeling like she wants to go back to work,just stir crazy at home but then she feels guilty,I told her I know how she feels cuz I get weird stuck at home,even with a little one to watch her sleeps most of the day,feed him,change him,hang out for a bit then back to sleep,I think she's heading back to work Feb 12,goodness I miss the days of sleeping so heavily/long I thought there was something wrong with me haha! Just gonna accept it for now like Lav,waves to Cyn and SK wishes for a super nice sober Monday!(want a better word for sober,,it doesn't sound happy enough haha)
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: Joyous January

        Just googled and nothing cool came up "hard boiled"? Not a great one it sounds like a word for drunk not sober haha
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Joyous January

          Hi all from my kindle. The space bar seems to be stuck down, on the computer so i'll have to have it cleaned.
          Miss you all and will catch up later. Not naming anyone but an empty bottle of cream soda was found. I had given it to her but then.........
          Enlightened by MWO


            Re: Joyous January

            Good evening friends,

            Ha ha SK - I can't tell you how many keyboards I've messed up with spilled coffee or whatever.
            Glad you are OK

            Star, great that you had a good family weekend!
            We didn't see anyone but I didn't expect to either. My daughter is tied up with the GS cookie sale right now & I know what kind of time it takes to manage that. Plus I hear my son in law came down with flu-like symptoms this weekend even though they all had a flu shot. He's probably got that severe adenovirus going around that's kicking everyone's butts.
            Dry & partly cloudy today, snow moving in tomorrow, yay (not)!

            Pauly, I never liked being housebound with an infant either. The problem with winter babies is being cooped up because of the weather & I never wanted to take them to the mall & expose them to all the germs there. Now would be a good time for Kell to start a new hobby or something.

            Cyn, hope you are getting closer to home at this point!

            We can use the word 'Mindful' in place of sober I think. When we're not sober we certainly are not mindful

            I made the Tuscan bean soup for dinner & it was delicious. If you make it add a couple cloves of finely minced garlic - adds a lot of flavor
            Have a nice night everyone!


            Btw: here's the new supplement I just started today. Keeping my fingers crossed for some serious hot flash relief.
            Hot Flash Relief | Menopause Supplement | Menopausal Relief
            Last edited by Lavande; January 29, 2018, 06:57 PM.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Joyous January

              Good morning all...

              Skendall, good to hear from you. Hope you can get your computer fixed soon.

              Pauly, this is just a tough time of year. We had snow and grey and cold yesterday, I just exercised and stayed in mostly.

              Lav, hope the new meds help with your hot flashes. Mine are infrequent but still annoying, not bad enough to take anything. My eye is still red, I am making an appointment with an eye doctor later in the week. It should be gone by now, my sight is not affected, but I am concerned. Darn. Getting my grandson today for an overnight, it really helps my daughter and breaks up their week. She is planning on coming tomorrow to pick him up and get out of the house. We do what we have to to get through January.

              Hello to Cyn, hope your trip is going well. Have a good Tuesday!


                Re: Joyous January

                Morning friends,Star,enjoy your grandson took unisom at 12 last night,,woke up at 2 grrr,I just don't get it,hope work is easy on me,I don't like being overly tired cuz it reminds me of a hangover! Just ugly I'm hanging in tho,Lav,hope that stuff helps,i wonder if it would help premenopausal women? Cyn,hope all is well,SK,nice to see you,wish I could sleep like Winslow he looks so cozy right now,wishes for a great AF Tuesday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: Joyous January

                  Morning all -

                  Home yesterday afternoon, after a 2-leg red eye. Arrived back to a dead battery, but thankfully we had parked in a professional lot, and they jumped us. Got home OK, but when HB went to get groceries, he couldn't start up again -- a nice person jumped the car in the parking lot. So, first call today will be AAA.

                  Lav, SO sorry about your lost chickens; that would just undo me! So strange that the foxes are around for the first time, even strolling down the drive with YB. Is there a nature center around that could help or advise? I see your package here!!! I didn't have the energy to open any mail last night --- but I look forward to seeing your beautiful work. My friend who is struggling now will get one right away - I am concerned that I have not heard from her after I've called and texted... her birthday is next week.

                  SK - I am still dealing with loss of my computer; texted a computer guy last night... I am struggling without it - so much business and communication that I can't do with a pad. Good luck. How's your noggin doing?

                  Star, I hope your eye is better. I was astonished at how long it took my eye to return to normal when I to that infection... I think it stretched to a month at least - yours will probably be quicker, but just know that it takes longer than we think! Glad that you are having grandson time.

                  Pauly, so glad that you are there for Louie -- you two have a special relationship that will last his whole life, and he is lucky to have you there for him. So glad that you and Kell got some time together.

                  Good luck with the sleep issues all! Exhaustion provided me last night with the best sleep I've had in a while. (Lav, I got the hormone essential oils stick -- looking forward to it. ) I am worn out today, but must get back to my poor clients that I have ignored now for over a week. And get the computer situation figured out And the battery replaced. OK, off to call AAA and have another cup of tea before the spinning begons. Sending love to all.

                  (Pauly - maybe we can jam on something like "Mindful to stay in the Light". That's my version of "sober"... because the other way is certainly dark and separated from our true selves... love that you brought that language issue up...)


                    Re: Joyous January

                    Morning friends,Star,enjoy your grandson took unisom at 12 last night,,woke up at 2 grrr,I just don't get it,hope work is easy on me,I don't like being overly tired cuz it reminds me of a hangover! Just ugly I'm hanging in tho,Lav,hope that stuff helps,i wonder if it would help premenopausal women? Cyn,hope all is well,SK,nice to see you,wish I could sleep like Winslow he looks so cozy right now,wishes for a great AF Tuesday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: Joyous January

                      Double post haha,I went back to look at Lavs link and it looked like my posted hadn't posted so I clicked it,,just ignore Cyn,wonderful to see you sorry about your car,jealous of your sleep tho!! I try to wear my body out with exercising but it don't work! I love mindful to stay in the light thanks
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: Joyous January

                        Good evening friends,

                        I think I had the worst night last night that I've had in years!!!!! The last time I remember sweating, tossing & clock watching like that was pre-AF
                        I don't know what I did to deserve that but geez!
                        I am going to try to wait at least three months on this new supplement before I change my mind & just go back on the hormones. I hope I can wait it out but my B/P was really high today after all that fuss last night & I've had a headache all day, not good. I am almost sure this super blue blood moon is responsible.

                        Star, I hope you are enjoying your grandson, nice!
                        You should get some effective relief from the eye doc. I just hate how long it takes to heal from things at this age, not fair.

                        Cyn, welcome back & I wondered/figured you might have a story or two for us - never fails, huh?
                        Don't try to get everything done at once, pace yourself. Reminds me of the panic I used to feel taking vacation from work because I knew I would come back & do all the stuff that was left undone while I was gone. Again, not fair!
                        I hope your friend is OK, it worries me when people don't respond within a reasonable amount of time.
                        I think I will likely get some new chicks in early March IF it looks like the foxes are gone. I honestly think they stayed away while Maxie was here & now I miss her more than ever.

                        Pauly, I seriously thought about making a big bowl of popcorn last night & just spending the night in front of the TV. I slept for 1 1/2 hours then was awake for the rest of the night. How stupid is that?? We really need to be careful during these times, desperate times call for desperate measures In other words - don't do anything stupid, ha ha. We will get thru this unscathed!

                        SK, hello to you & hope you are doing OK.

                        I am in the process of watching a DVD I invetsed n called 'Ayurveda & Autoimmune Disease by Dr. Akil Palalisamy.
                        I have tried to understand & include some Ayurveda principles in my self-care routine & I think they are helpful. He talked quite a bit about leaky gut syndrome & all the problems it causes - yeah, that's me. I am going to take my time going thru this DVD & really see about making more changes to reduce inflammation.

                        PS: I am boycotting the Sate of the Union tonight - I will be watching NCIS reruns instead. I think it's important that 45 gets the lowest ratings ever!!!!!
                        Have a nice night everyone!

                        Last edited by Lavande; January 30, 2018, 08:38 PM.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Joyous January

                          Good morning...

                          Cyn, glad you are back. What a pain having your battery dead! Nice to be home though. Thanks for telling me about the eye healing time, my daughter said the same thing, it took about a month. So a friend at exercise class who is from somewhere in Europe told me to put a garlic clove around my eye. I did last night and it burned like crazy, but seemed to help a bit. The antibiotic is not working, so will use garlic again today. Then wait. Have a good day back at home.

                          Pauly, so sorry you are not sleeping. It is hard to funciton with little sleep. My grandson woke up at 12:30 and I pulled him in bed with me. He is still sleeping. So cute.

                          Lav, sounds like you were better on the hormones, I don't know what to say. I hate being without sleep, I feel achy and irritable, hope you have an OK day.

                          Off to drink more coffee. Have a good one.


                            Re: Joyous January

                            Morning friends,interesting about the garlic Star,I tend to think natural stuff works better sometimes anyways,just like when I had my burns from that hair dye,hubs wanted to put neosporin on my scalp I sad no and used coconut oil and it cleared in 2 days,hope the garlic clears your eye that fast Lav,I was up at 1,2,3 finally 4 on the dots! Crazy,fitbit still says I got enough rem and deep sleep tho,this one with the heart monitor supposed to be pretty good at measuring sleep stages,all I know is I'm staying away from any medicine sleep aids,I felt atrocious yesterday but made it,,,no I won't do anything stupid,,can't say it hasn't crossed my mind BUT my sleep is horrible with booze too and I'll just start the shit sleep cycle over again anyways,2 different customers mentioned alcohol as a sleep aid yesterday,non addicts just don't get it,I didn't even know DT was talking yesterday haha,I just seen the highlights on tv right now when I went to full up my mug I'd never sit thru that anyways,Cyn,have you heard from your friend? SK,hope all is well,wishes for a great AF Wednesday!
                            Last edited by paulywogg; January 31, 2018, 07:51 AM.
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: Joyous January

                              Morning friends -

                              Well, I think this incredible blue moon is to blame for a lot of our sleep anguish! I joined the ranks again last night. Couldn't fall asleep, then did for awhile until the dog had to go pee. OK. Then the dog had to go throw up, which he practically never does. Sheesh! So up a lot all night, but the benefit was seeing AMAZING blue moonlight like I have never seen - not just moonlight, but incredibly bright and with a mystical blue cast to it - I didn't see the red halo at all... and the clouds were scudding across the trees so fast, and the sky was a strangely light blue! The first time I got up I just saw the long shadows on the sparkly snow - the second time I actually saw the moon. So thanks to my pup for getting me outside to experience it all!

                              Pauly, so sorry about the sleep. I ordered and have just started the essential oil roll-on the Lav recommended, we'll see how it goes for me. Good luck today; it is so hard to work without sleep. Hopefully the moon was the culprit.

                              Star, good luck with your eye - garlic is a great antibiotic, but I wonder about it close to eyes. But whatever works, right? Hope it is continuing to help. What a sweet vision of you with grandson still sleeping, love it.

                              SK, how's things? How are you feeling? Not sure that I shared my computer story - but the upshot is that my main laptop was unusable once I arrived for the conference, my backup little Lenovo won't connect to the internet, and last night when I used my husband's mac, all his documents disappeared; not sure if it was the update or my mistake. Seriously. I am left doing excel and google docs on an ancient iPad... aaargh!

                              Lav, I love the sound of that Ayurvedic DVD - I look forward to hearing more about it. Yep, leaky gut is me too, what a hard nut to crack that is. Any new info is appreciated. Like you, I have a lot of respect for that line of thinking, but I just can't quite grasp it, and have never figured out which of the categories I fit into. Looking forward to hearing more.

                              So, at least I got the battery replaced - at $149.95!! But I let the AAA guy do it - how else was I going to get it all taken care of? sheesh. Hoping to have a better day technologically....

                              To. The. Light.


                                Re: Joyous January

                                Happy Hump day evening friends

                                Cold day here, don't think it went much above 24 degrees. Actually I find it's perfect weather for quickly cooling off hot flashes, ha ha. I just step out on the deck for a few minutes & I'm good to go.
                                YB hired the sons of his Amish friend today to take down some dead or otherwise scraggly looking trees out back. I think they took down 8 trees & left the firewood stacked up nicely. How wonderful to be that young & energetic

                                Star, garlic is a good antibiotic, for sure & if it helps, why not? I really should sit with some Amish women some day & learn some of their herbal skills. I know they do quite a bit on their own before the seek a Rx medicine.
                                I definitely was better off on the hormones but I had to get off. The recommendation is to take them for a few years then get off to decrease your chance of developing hormone related cancers. I have been on them 20 years - way, way over the recommended time. Not only are the hot flashes & sleeplessness back but my B/P has been bouncing all over the place so I have to battle that with a diurectic PRN in addition to my daily B/P med
                                I took 10 mg. of slow release melatonin & 50 mg of Benadryl last night, diffused the EO Sweet Dreams & listened to a meditation CD when I went to bed - I slept much better. Hopefully I can replicate that & sleep again tonight.

                                Pauly, I absolutely can't do without any sleep aids at this point in my life. I have accepted it & am trying to manage with the OTCs. I hope I never have to turn to Rx sleeping pills - don't like them. I'm glad you didn't watch the state of the union speech last night - it was all Lies & BS anyway.

                                Cyn, well, at least you got the battery, ha ha!
                                Honestly, the moon is rare & beautiful & all that but it just messes with so much!! I hope you get your computer situation straightened out soon, that's rough.
                                YB used to handle all the computers for the PD but that was a long time ago & a lot has changed. Fortunately our SIL is current with all that stuff & helps us out when needed.
                                I'm going to watch another portion of that DVD when I'm finished here. I was thinking maybe, if you are interested that we could pass this thing around between us so we all have a chance to view it. What do you think? Would you be interested in watching it? There is a lot to learn & I'm already thinking about following up by buying a good book on the topic too.

                                SK, you do know that we are all thinking about you & wishing the very best for you :hug:

                                Have a pleasant night everyone!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

