Good evening friends,
Geez SK, I hope you found some help for your pain issue :hug:
One ever so slight movement in the wrong direction can really set things off.
Star, glad you have your grandson tonight, that's nice. I always liked having the oldest over, he was the best company for me during the YB gone missing years.
I guess all the sunshine was here today because it warmed up & melted the ice on the deck & driveway. I was able to let the girls out for a romp for a few hours & boy were they ever happy running around & flapping their wings. I just picked up a bag of black beans a few days ago so I'll cook them up in the instant pot tomorrow & make some burgers too, sounds good

Cyn, the ATF is now at the scene of that house fire, investigating not only the cause of the fire but the cause of the collapse. Ironically we know one of the ATF special agents as he was also a kid in the volunteer fire company back with my son. Small world. It's just a rough week, that's all I can say.
Pauly, I am fascinated by what my fitbit says about my sleep. This morning it said I spent 20 some minutes awake during the night. So I was tossing around as usual, had a few hot flashes that I remember, some I don't I guess - who knows? I really, really thought that going off the hormones after all these years would be OK but apparently I thought wrong. I have never heard of anyone dealing with hot flashes for 23 years, I am a freak!!!!
I still think you should have a serious discussion with a health professional just to be sure.
I think I'm in need of a hair cut so I guess that's what I'll be doing tomorrow.
Have a nice night everyone!