Greetings friends,
Great to see a few of you

Nothing much happening around here & that's perfectly OK with me. We are taking our former 80+ year old neighbors out for lunch tomorrow. We've been meaning to catch up with them & I don't want to keep putting them off.
I'm doing as much stitching as I can focusing on the lace things right now - makes me happy!
Star, I am really glad you haven't had to go sit for jury duty this week. That would have been an extra insult I think. I see my FB friend mentioned she was back today for day #3 & I know she's not especially pleased.
I have to think January is messing with most of us, one way or another. My Fitbit tells me that I spent 31 minutes tossing around last night despite my best efforts.
I ordered up an OTC today called Relizen. I saw the TV doc on GMA talking about it this morning (she's an OB/GYN). It's plant based & hormone, soy, dairy & gluten free & is supposed to help relieve these chronic hot flashes & night sweats. I have tried just about everything on the market so this may be my last hope. I know that if I could get some decent, normal sleep a lot of things would be better!! I have not allowed myself to nap & sometimes that's a struggle too, ha ha.
Pauly, I completely forgot that I have the Calm app om my ipad so I think I'll tune that up tonight & see if that helps any. All of us together are just one big sleepless mess, LOL
I'm dropping a little package in the mail for you in the morning

Hello to Cyn & SK! I hope you are both doing well & sleeping better than the rest of us!!!!
Have a nice night everyone!