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Joyous January

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    Re: Joyous January

    I am wishing I was Pauly today. A beautiful new presence in your life smelling the world's most expensive perfume, milk and powder. Even without that, I could inhale on a baby's neck for an hour or so on just their scent. Lav, didn't realize there was a vegan cookie option. Good to know.

    Yesterday was the most depressing day of the year, don't know why, let's pretend we are all in a cozy space and discussing AF.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Re: Joyous January

      Good morning...

      Pauly, just not feeling real well, woke up this morning with more swelling, going to an urgent care. How fun to have little Romeo in your life and wonderful that Kell is doing well.

      Lav, not sure what is wrong with me but it is getting worse. A food diary is a good idea. I am starting today. This is ugly, painful and has to stop.

      Cyn, hope you are doing well.

      Skendall, this time of year is depressing. I need to go to the library, get a few new books. Still really cold here, in the teens. Getting a little warmer, in the 30s later today.

      Have a good one.


        Re: Joyous January

        Morning all -

        So sorry to be absent yesterday -- I had started to read the thread, then got a call from a friend who was in need, and then the snow came and the day just went. Fell into bed at 9:30.

        Pauly, what great news, another sweet boy in your world. SO happy that all went well for Kell and all is well! Good for you for staying strong and AF through it all - a real victory, congrats.

        Star, I am so sorry that you are having this problem! I hope someone is able to help you feel better. A food diary is a pain I the neck, but so useful. Cheese is highly inflammatory in different ways, so maybe it has to do with that as an allergy. I get immediately stuffed up and a runny nose if I have any dairy, and often end up with a cold, so maybe that could swell up a person's face too. So sorry! (Just remember if they put you on prednisone that it can lower your immunity - just be careful and wash hands often!) Good luck.

        SK, are you OK? Sorry to hear that you had a blue day... sometimes on this thread we call that 'going around the dark side of the moon' - all part of the cycle of seasons, and you will come around into the light soon, but not fun to be in it. sending you good vibes. So glad that you got that office sorted!

        Lav, we got plenty of snow here yesterday! I was able to get out and shovel while HB was napping, so at least I got some outside time. I actually still like the snow - the countryside is much prettier with this blanket ... it makes everything less complicated-looking! I was lucky that I didn't have to go anywhere. I want to order 6 hearts from you- and I insist on purchasing them - I have clients and family that could use a little pick-me-up, everyone seems to be having a tough time right now. One client was in a car accident and has been in the hospital for a few days, and the other is in chronic pain, with a difficult husband and a kitchen reno and a trip to plan and pack for. So I am a busy helper. A fun ornament would cheer them up.

        My friend who called yesterday has been very affected by the MeToo movement, and it has caused her huge flashbacks recalling a situation in her life that she has never dealt with, and not only the situation, but the family reaction to it. She is struggling, but has a team in place and she is working her plan... but she said to me yesterday that she's "not sure she will make it". I believe that she will, but I am heartsick for all the pain that this culture has/continues to cause women and children. But we are in a new place, a place of acknowledgement, so this is better than just accepting it, and it is a potentially healing moment. Let's hope so.

        To the light! Wishing all a day with some dedicated self-care --


          Re: Joyous January

          Morning friends,Star have you taken the food sensitivity test? It might help you pinpoint more,let us know what the doc says if you go,SK,some days are just like that and I hate it just a,sadness you can feel all around but the consolation is that it does indeed pass,I wish my damn insomnia would pass though!! I still think its the short days cuz I read a journal from last year and I always sleep cruddy in winter,Lav,I'd be happy to purchase some hearts if you have any spares too,Cyn,I love reading your posts about turning corners,the light,etc,wishes for a nice AF Thursday for us all
          Last edited by paulywogg; January 18, 2018, 09:10 AM.
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: Joyous January

            Good evening friends,

            We were blessed with sunshine today & it helped lift my mood
            We just have to find a way to get thru January & February, they always seem to be the worst times of the year! The remainder of the year always seems to be brighter & more hopeful.
            YB is attending a wood carving class tonight & tomorrow night so I have some peace & quiet, ha ha!

            Star, I am sorry you are still dealing with the swelling. Hopefully you got some help today.
            I think I would look into some allergy testing to see what could be behind these episodes. The facial swelling is bad enough but if your tongue or throat begin swelling then you're really going to have troubles. There could be an Epi-pen in your future. I hope you are on the mend :hug:

            Cyn, your friend is lucky to have you in her life to offer support during hard times.
            I know a bit about flashbacks to traumatic events, they are harsh.
            We really didn't have that much snow but we did end up with a good bit of ice & I am fearful of slipping & breaking something. Looking forward to the warmer temps on the way. PM me your address & I'll send you some hearts, my pleasure

            Pauly, how's the baby & his mom doing? Do they come home tomorrow?

            SK, how was your day? Still cold in your neck of the woods?

            Jump on FB everyone & take a look at the fox hanging around the chicken house. I know we have at least 3 because I've seen them hanging out together. one of them is responsible for eating one of my chickens 2 weeks ago.

            Have a nice night everyone!
            I'll get back to work tomorrow & get some hearts mailed out to you.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Joyous January

              Lav,Kell and Romeo went home yesterday,Lou's being a bit jealous poor little guy
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Joyous January

                Good morning...

                Pauly, wonderful Kell and Romeo are home! Louie is going to need time to get used to having a baby brother, maybe more time at your house? We did that with our older grandson this summer, gave him so much special attention, and he really loved it! Tell me what food sensitivity test you took, I would be interested definitely. Thanks.

                Lav, the fox picture was beautiful, but bad they kill your chickens. I went to the doc in the box and have an eye infection and a sty, so have to put cold and hot cloths on my eye and face and antibiotic drops, no contacts of makeup so I look horrible. I just stayed in yesterday and took care of myself, I want to go to exercise today but woke up in pain, although the swelling is down compared to yesterday. Bummer. Nice that YB is taking a wood working class, great to keep learning and getting new hobbies or adding to them. I joined a mystery book club at a local library, so book club number 2 for me.

                Cyn, I am disgusted that i am infected with something again, dairy may be the culprit, thanks for sharing your reactions. The #metoo movement brought up past events for me also, and it was bad, I had just not thought of it for years. I read an article by Barabara Kingsolver who has actually practiced with her daughters saying NO to men/boys who are inappropriate. I wish someone had done that for me. So wonderful she could call you and get support and affirmation, you are a wonderful friend. There is so much pain and suffering in the world, along with all the good. Life is complicated.

                Skendall, hello to you and hope you are doing well.

                Not sure if I am going to exercise or not today, but I do need to get out of the house. It is warmer and sunny today so moving forward to the light!


                  Re: Joyous January

                  Morning all -

                  Hope all are doing OK...

                  Lav, I will hop on FB to see your pics; I guess the old phrase "fox in the henhouse" is accurate? I hope they don't take any of your girls. We used to have a fox family here - they looked so beautiful against the snow! But I inadvertently ruined their habit by exposing a big rock outcropping... I haven't seen them for a few years now. Thx for the invite to PM you for the hearts - I will do it.

                  SK, concerned about you - how are you doing? I hope the darkness is lifting a little... sending you good vibes.

                  Pauly, yes, Romeo's birth is a real transition for everyone in the family - yourself included, but especially Louie... I'm sure you will get it all figured out. Hope you get some rest one of these days!

                  Star, oh dear, I have had bad styes... so sorry for you. My eye doctor finally told me to up my intake of Omegas to keep them at bay. The first one I had I eventually had to have it lanced, and I got some antibiotic drops that speeded the healing. Now if I feel it coming on I do the drops and bump up the omegas... good luck! So glad you are in Book clubs, you are a great reader!

                  Worked for six hours straight on a paper project yesterday for a client... eeek! My back is suffering. Back there today, but hopefully not too much paper, sheesh. Off to the races....

                  To the light... concentrating on feeling fulfilled and grateful....


                    Re: Joyous January

                    Morning friends,Star sorry about the stye here's a funny story,I worked with a girl in Utah and she had a stye but still put makeup on her "good" eye! She looked so ridiculous with black eyeliner,mascara and shadow on one eye while the other was bumpy and bloodshot all I could do was laugh to myself haha,I'd have just skipped the makeup or stayed home the test was from Everylwell,just a simple pinprick you send it off postage paid and they let you know your results online,,Lav should have the link,,SK,all I did was smell Baby Romeos head when I was over yesterday,,that smell is amazing hard to describe but I love it,Kells doing good but feeling guilty about the nursing aspect,,I told her try for at least two weeks so he can get those antibodies,I tried sooo hard with the kids but it is rough,it hurts,you feel tethered to the baby,etc,I tried hardest with Brady but when he got thrush I said no more,Cyn,6 hours straight? You poor thing,hope today is easier,what kind of omegas do you take? If I may ask? Lav,although the fox is a threat I hafta say what a beautiful animal,I've never seen a fox in real life before so in a weird way you're lucky haha,ok girls let's have ourselves a Fabulous AF Friday!!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: Joyous January

                      Dvdning friends,

                      No fox sightings today, so that’s good.
                      I actually had to break down & buy eggs yesterday, first time in many years
                      Maybe the girls will get back to work with this warmer weather coming this way.

                      Star, sorry about the infection, yuck. At least you know what’s going on now. Our hands touch everything & we touch our eyes without even realizing. I change hand towels in my bathrooms everyday because of stuff like that. Hope you feel better very soon!
                      If you’re interested in doing a home test for food sensitivities look at Everly Well, Inc. That’s the one I did, Pauly too.
                      Hope you got out for some fresh air today

                      Cyn, I am not interested in trapping this fox or his relatives. I just want to scare them all off! These are the times I really miss Maxie. When she was young & healthy she took care of this stuff for us.
                      I hope you can schedule some time off for yourself this weekend. We all need some fresh, milder air.

                      Pauly, it’s true that sometimes you have to spoil/distract the firstborn when a new baby arrives. Boy, I remember my daughter clearly remarking that she did NOT WANT a little brother or sister. She was almost four years old & she was the boss, ha ha. I know Louie will be happy about the baby soon enough.

                      Sk, how are you doing?

                      Today is my daughter’s birthday but I won’t mention her age, LOL
                      My SIL’s birthday is Monday, how about that?

                      Wishing eveyone a nice night!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Joyous January

                        Good morning...

                        Not feeling so well, the stye is painful and I look hideous. I may go back today and see if there is anything else I can do. Yuck.

                        Have a good one.


                          Re: Joyous January

                          Feel better Star waves to everyone and wishes for a nice AF Saturday
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Joyous January

                            Morning all -

                            SK, sending a shout out to you --- I hope you are doing OK, sending you light and support. It will be good to hear how you are doing.

                            Star, so sorry about the stye... I know how terrible it can be. The first time it happened to me, mine got huge too. The eye doc said I could leave it and it would eventually start to 'weep' and go down, or they could lance it. I waited for awhile, but it didn't change. Since I was going on a trip (remember when I went hiking in Cornwall?) I went back and had them lance it, but it still took a long time to go down... so compresses are really the best thing. I also managed to score some antibiotic eye drops, and that seemed to help. I still use compresses and a couple of drops if I feel one coming in. But omegas really help,too. Good luck, I'm so sorry.

                            Lav, I'm glad you're not getting into trying to move the foxes... I can't imagine doing that, scary! I hope they stay away... good that they haven't caught one. I sure that you miss Maxie in many ways, that being one. I hope your sunny days continue. I am enjoying all the different kinds of light, especially when colors are reflected in the snow... it seems magical.

                            Pauly, I'm sure you are the best support for Kell, Louie and baby Romeo! (PS, working 6 hours wasn't a big deal, just having to deal with paper and bending over for all that time... I was dumb not to take a break; my eyesight and back suffered from it. Oh well!)

                            Please be careful as you drive, everyone. One of my clients was in a car accident - a rollover, she was alone in the car. She was saved because she went into a ditch, but the airbag and the rollover really messed her up. I ran in between jobs and got her groceries and made a casserole for her and took it over - she described herself as 'the bride of Frankenstein, and boy she was not kidding... her face is a mess, broken nose, entirely bruised, poor thing. She showed me a huge bruise on her side that went from her waist to her knee . Lav, I'm sure you have seen this and much, much worse, but it was shocking to me - again, such a reminder of how fragile we are - and that we take for granted that it's no big deal to be driving a car around an icy curve at 45 miles an hour. Uuuuuugh!

                            Sending everyone safety, and don't be in a hurry. Whatever it is can wait! I am working in centered mindfulness today...


                              Re: Joyous January

                              X-post Pauly - take care, and hope you work day goes well --


                                Re: Joyous January

                                Good evening friends,

                                Nice day here, mostly sunny & warmish
                                No fox sightings again but I'm still paranoid. I let the chickens out for a romp this afternoon & pretty much stayed outside to keep an eye out. I got to thinking my small dog & the fox are about equal in size but if push comes to shove - the fox would win. I don't want to see my dog hurt either. While I was outside hanging around I noticed a bald eage soaring overhead. Wow!

                                Star, sorry you are so uncomfortable.
                                Try to be really diligent with the warm soaks. Keep a warm wet washcloth on your eye for 10-15 minutes 4 X/day. Make the last soak right before bedtime & try to sleep on the affected side to help promote drainage. You might want to use a dry towel or something to protect your pillowcase.
                                Any issue on the head or face is especially uncomfortable I think. Back in November 2000 when I fractured my skull & had emergency surgery I just wanted to hide in a closet. I hated having people come see me looking like the bride of Frankenstein with a shave head, giant incision closed up with staples & black eyes like you wouldn't believe
                                You'll heal quickly once that thing drains, hang in there :hug:

                                Hi Pauly, how was work today?

                                Cyn, sorry to hear about your friend, geez. Sounds like she was lucky to survive the accident. I hate driving on icy roads even though I learned to drive in ice & snow being a winter kid. You just can't trust what others are doing. I hope she heals quickly.
                                I really am enjoying the warmup here & truly hope it lasts for a while. I know winter is far from being over but it is nice to have a bit of a break now & then.

                                SK, how about you? How are you doing?

                                Girl Scout cookies are everywhere, ha ha! My granddaughter is selling them & all the girls around here too of course. I'll never lose any weight now that they have dairy free cookies, ha ha!
                                Wishing everyone a nice night!

                                Last edited by Lavande; January 20, 2018, 07:41 PM.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

