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Joyous January

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    Re: Joyous January

    Greetings friends,

    Great to see a few of you

    Nothing much happening around here & that's perfectly OK with me. We are taking our former 80+ year old neighbors out for lunch tomorrow. We've been meaning to catch up with them & I don't want to keep putting them off.
    I'm doing as much stitching as I can focusing on the lace things right now - makes me happy!

    Star, I am really glad you haven't had to go sit for jury duty this week. That would have been an extra insult I think. I see my FB friend mentioned she was back today for day #3 & I know she's not especially pleased.
    I have to think January is messing with most of us, one way or another. My Fitbit tells me that I spent 31 minutes tossing around last night despite my best efforts.
    I ordered up an OTC today called Relizen. I saw the TV doc on GMA talking about it this morning (she's an OB/GYN). It's plant based & hormone, soy, dairy & gluten free & is supposed to help relieve these chronic hot flashes & night sweats. I have tried just about everything on the market so this may be my last hope. I know that if I could get some decent, normal sleep a lot of things would be better!! I have not allowed myself to nap & sometimes that's a struggle too, ha ha.

    Pauly, I completely forgot that I have the Calm app om my ipad so I think I'll tune that up tonight & see if that helps any. All of us together are just one big sleepless mess, LOL
    I'm dropping a little package in the mail for you in the morning

    Hello to Cyn & SK! I hope you are both doing well & sleeping better than the rest of us!!!!

    Have a nice night everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Joyous January

      Good morning!

      Lav, I woke up with swelling under my eyes again, I may go back to urgent care, not sure what is wrong. Darn it. Planning for my brother and SIL to be here overnight Saturday, so that will be fun and something I have been positively anticipating. Have fun at your lunch, it is just good to get out. You are lucky to have a gift with your crafts, you really create unique beautiful gifts. I stayed up later than usual last night, and was able to just wake up once, then fall back to sleep. Unfortunately woke up with swollen face when my alarm went off, but at least I am rested. I was thinking it is always something right?

      Pauly, we just have to get through January, then we are closer to February, can celebrate Valentine's Day and get out of this rut. How is work with the new management? Better I hope.

      Hello to Cyn and Skendall, have a good one.


        Re: Joyous January

        Morning friends,Lav,hope the new product helps,are the oils you bought not working? Slept better but still,,,waking up at 1:30 then not falling asleep for a few hours is weird,I'm usually such a deep,long sleeper doggonit! Ill never take it for granted again when it sorts itself out finally,Star,glad you slept but that eye go to quick care and see what they say,nice you'll have some company this weekend yay,works been better so that's good,everything is good that's why I'm shocked over the sleep situation,baffling,waves to SK and Cyn and wishes for a grand AF Thursday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Joyous January

          ooh,forgot to tell you guys that I dyed my hair yesterday and this morning I have scab on my scalp and behind one ear! I've developed an allergy as can happen so now I'm gonna hafta search for a natural alternative like henna or something,terrible!
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: Joyous January

            Greetings friends,

            Busy day here!
            We had lunch with the 80+ year olds & it was nice. But, one of them is now stone deaf & the other is legally blind & has great difficulty walking due to extreme swelling (chronic) in her legs. Sad to see these people in this condition but what can you do?
            Then I had a request to get the grandsons from their bus stop & bring them here & I did. I fixed dinner & supervised homework & still had a little time for some fun. They were picked up a little after 8 pm. My son looks tired, I know he's working a lot of OT. Nice to have their company though

            Star, you have to be reacting to something......
            Think about what you ate yesterday, could it be something there? Are you using a new laundry detergent? Are you possibly allergic to your cat or the antibiotic you're taking?
            Sorry you are dealing with this, I know it stinks. Good that you have something nice planned for the weekend.
            I think I am going to my a separate FB page for my crafty stuff & see if anyone interested in buying I love doing craft shows but they are costly & it's such a pain to drag stuff out & set it up & all that. We shall see. I just want to do fun stuff!

            Pauly, you are dealing with allergies too, sorry!
            Our immune systems change as we age & we can no longer fend off attacks the way we did when we were younger - that's the sad truth.
            My Fitbit tells me I spent another 30 some minutes tossing around last night despite all the things I am doing. I really only remember one or two hot flashes so I don't know whatthe rest was all about. Pretty ridiculous!

            Hello to Cyn & SK, hope you are both well!

            Have a nice night everyone!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Joyous January

              Good morning...

              Lav, sounds like you are sleeping better? You described a pleasant lunch and I know that once the 80+ years are reached, lots of things start to happen. I would say definitely start a FB page for your crafts, it is the way to go. I met a lady who makes these great soaps and she is going to start to sell them on FB/Etsy too. When she figures out how to. Great you had your grandsons and spent some quality time with them! Love to hear it. The allergy problem is scary, I rec'd your Everly discount, I need to order it, thanks.

              Pauly, so happy to hear work is going well, makes a big difference. This sleep thing is challenging, I only slept well last night because I too Benedryl for the allergies. Yes, went back to urgent care, was prescribed another med, and this one is making a bit of an improvement already. So let's hope this goes away.

              Hellos to Cyn and Skendall, hope things are going well. Have a great AF Friday.


                Re: Joyous January

                Morning friends,Star,glad the new med is already making a difference! Hope it heals up quick,Lav,I cut a 91 year olds hair yesterday and I was amazed when he told me his age,he rode a 3 wheeled bike to the shop,had all his wits,eyesight and hearing we just never know,I cannot believe my scalp and I hope I don't go bald on those spots,,I remember this happening months ago but I thought it was just that brand,grrr,put coconut oil on it throughout the night sob hopefully it clears quicker,waves to Cyn and SK and wishes for a fab AF Friday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: Joyous January

                  Hi all -

                  Sorry to be away... this business trip has had some nightmarish aspects. 14 hours of travel on Tuesday, arrived to a cold dark host house and found that HB's luggage had been taken by someone else and he had their luggage, the next morning my laptop stopped working, and the heat has never gotten fixed where we are staying (which has no internet!)

                  We managed to do a special event last night, though 3 of us staff had to make up the hors d'ouvres. (I almost did a tomato rose garnish, SK!)

                  So, not the easiest trip but I guess worth it for the festival. Waking up in a 58 degree apartment is making me kind of cranky, and I would love to just get on a plane home, but there is one more event on Sunday, and we will get on a red eye after that...

                  Sorry to hear about all the sleep issues.. same w/me here, mostly last night... good luck all. Star, I hope your swelling is better now. Lav, yes on the FB page; your work should be seen! Paula , glad to hear work is OK, give that little guy a few extra hugs; SK, I hope that you are doing OK with your head recovery after your spill.

                  Thinking of you all with great fondness and looking forward to some normalcy at some point... I'm in a hotel lobby right now sending this!
                  To the light --


                    Re: Joyous January

                    Good evening friends,

                    I !@#$%^& lost another chicken today - gone without a trace
                    I'm thinking it may be time to give up my chicken project - too many damn predators around here. They creep around in broad daylight while my girls are free ranging. Then when I have them in their fenced yard aerial predators drop in & kill them too. It's a jungle out there!

                    Star, glad you are getting some relief! I heard something on TV yesterday about an increase in MSG allergies......not a bit surprised. Processed foods are full of MSG, we humans can't handle it well.
                    I actually have an Etsy shop & an eBay store but there's so many crafty people out in the world so there's lots of competition. I need to figure out a business Facebook page & just invite friends to take a look.
                    I am actually not sleeping any better. I'm just accepting the fact that I can't sleep - if that makes any sense.
                    Last night was particularly bad because my younger brother in CA contacted me late in the evening to share his concerns about his daughter & 19 month old grandson. Apparently they left without word, have gone missing for a week. I was extremely worried about that last night. My niece contacted me tonight to assure me they are OK but I don't know. Something's not right.
                    I think the EverlyWell test is pretty thorough & you can decide what you need to eliminate all on your own.

                    Pauly, if you have open lesions on your scalp you may want to treat them with an antibiotic ointment - I definitely would!
                    Isn't it bizarre to suddenly develop allergies/intolerances like that? Seems to be pretty common these days.

                    Cyn, oh geez, sorry about all your troubles! I think I would just turn around & go home, LOL
                    You have a strong spirit so I know you'll work your way thru all this
                    Please take care of yourself& wear lots of layers to stay warm.

                    SK, how are you doing?

                    Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Joyous January

                      Morning friends,Lav,I'm glad you heard from your niece,when I started reading that my heart sank I think you're right though something is up,I too have just accepted my sleep situation for now,if I think about it too much I get too damn worried and it makes it worse! Im positive that when spring comes I'll be sleeping like a log again,,sorry about the chicken,Star,I'm so anxious to see what Everylywell (sp) says keep us posted Cyn,wow you amaze me,just reading about your busy life exhausts me as I've said before,I'll bet you'll be be to get back home and out of that freezing apartment! Yesterday I was watching the boys while Kell ran to the store,Lou said the baby stole his life and nobody says they love him anymore that's b.s cuz I've been trying to overcompensate telling him I love him,I think its cuz they hafta tell him to be careful around the baby,or be quiet around him that he feels he's in trouble or something,poor guy wishes for a happy AF Saturday!
                      Last edited by paulywogg; January 27, 2018, 09:19 AM.
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: Joyous January

                        And another chicken was taken today - damn fox
                        I am at my wits end! This is not something we've had to deal with until now & not sure what to do.

                        Good evening friends,

                        Sorry to be so miserable but those foxes are walking off with one chicken/day & I will soon have none.
                        I may have a hit put on the fox population around here.

                        Before I forget SK contacted me via Messenger today & said her computer crashed & that she misses us. I hope she is OK

                        Pauly, Louie is a character & he will learn to share the spotlight, ha ha! That's something the firstborn always has to deal with, right? The video of the baby today was cute!

                        Cyn & Star, hope you are both OK as well!

                        Waiting for more fallout re my niece. I just can't imagine what's really going on. The girl has always been a bit insecure, worries me. I'm trying to stay positive anyway.
                        Have a nice night everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Joyous January

                          Lav,thank you so much for the hearts and little blankie Kell was touched to see his name on it and said to tell you thank you,thank you sorry about the chicken,wondering why the foxes are showing up all of a sudden? Glad you heard from SK,wishes for a peaceful,SLEEPFULL,night
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Joyous January

                            Morning friends,well wishes for a sleep full night didn't work,slept terrible last night,grrrrr,usually if I wake up I take a magnesium and a piece of melatonin and doze off,not sure if I dozed or not,oh well wishes for a nice AF Sunday
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: Joyous January

                              Morning friends,well wishes for a sleep full night didn't work,slept terrible last night,grrrrr,usually if I wake up I take a magnesium and a piece of melatonin and doze off,not sure if I dozed or not,oh well wishes for a nice AF Sunday
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: Joyous January

                                Greetings friends,

                                Pauly, I'm glad Kell liked the blankie, happy baby
                                My Fitbit tells me I was restless 49 minutes last night - seems like it was a lot longer than that, ha ha!! But I did at some point get deep enough in sleep to actually do a little dreaming, something I have not done for a long while. It was more like a mini nightmare actually, oh well. I think we just need to accept this sleepless stage for whatever it is & hope it changes soon.....
                                Rained all day here so I just cooked & read. I made a pretty good Coconut Turmeric Rice. Turmeric Coconut Rice - Bing

                                Star, hello to you, hope you are well!
                                Same to Cyn & SK!

                                Wishing everyone a peaceful night
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

